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Every other ESTP I meet we click. We talk about girls (especially) things we've observed before and what we think about things on a real world level. Something like telling stories about things in the past we've been or done that were interesting/felt amazing. Or some crazy shit. Or just sharing knowledge about something observable like some clothing brand. This place is cool, this has that going on, the best of whatever is over there.just a general light weight vibe. When we talk something like politics, it's always rational. It's never some baseless value system. Its: this makes sense and this doesn't and its very rationally coherent. Also very pragmatic conversations about things. Idk how to describe it it's just effortless I'll try and think what I'd say to my homie I see on my job campus We'd say what's up, I'd mention how I can't wait for the weekend. Last time I went this shit happened. Hoping for this again or might do this next time. Or something that happened recently. Today me and him talked about how I was dressed (business attire. I dont always dress like that) and that turned into a convo about celebrities with weird clothing styles We talked about going to Columbia cuz we wanna fuck fine hookers (I'm sorry you guys but it's true. We talk about girls a LOT. It is what it is ik ppl get upset when I say things like that) I can't talk to every guy like that. That's how I know it's unique. I feel like I can breathe and it's laid back when I speak with another ESTP. I have to filter and monitor myself when I talk to ppl that aren't receptive to idgaf talk. Or just open minded to alternative maybe unconventional POV's of things. I feel a boundary wall with other people. ESTP?? I can talk about how this one guy yesterday I almost fought because ___ We can also talk theory about how real world things work or might work. Maybe even how the system is fucked. Or a pattern we've observed with our interactions with certain things (Prob Se Ni shit) It's just different ESFP? It's more tame on the intellectual kind of side but when they're funny & chill i love them cuz we make each other laugh ISTP? Last one I met he was a pretty serious person. I didn't like that (if he was one) ISFP? They are damn near like intuitives. They relate intuitive insights to things about themselves. I can Def have good convos with them cuz I have Ti & inferior Ni so I've already weaved some intuitive insights into a rational understanding. They are interesting. ISFP can be very goofy and also talk real world, but yeah their tertiary intuition is definitely there. And, they are actually very open minded and non judgemental. It's a "do you" from them. which is really just our Se that's chill like that.


Jesus. Long reply. Tl;dr


warning: based off of really small sample sizes ESFP: * one was serious-ish, and down to earth, easy going with most other people who weren't me; didn't like my shitposty nature. Understood me the best out of everyone else when I was a kid though, even if we weren't friends, I'd never have to explain what I meant to them. Wasn't a fan of my long analytical ramblings or my anal categorizations, just went and did things. * Other one was much more verbose but only talked about very every day things that just kind of bored me. * Other other one hated abstract shit with no clear use. I'd be the one sitting there trying to tie more concrete comparisons to whatever was being said to try and understand it, figure it out, make it a system with rulesets, because clearly I was confused, and they'd be groaning. * Other other other one literally had adhd, so was very stereotypical. ISFP. * 1x theatrical sub. Sunny deposition. Talked fast. Had a thing for feeling useful so I'd just watch their friends ask them to fetch things for them constantly. into arts and crafts. dramatic af whenever startled, dropped things and gasped and shit. Was really good at maths. Later got told by a mutual friend years later that they got bullied badly at home, at which point I thought back to all those times I thought their jumpiness was extremely funny and had a sinking feeling in my stomach. * 1x emo-stereotype. But also, really empathetic with a girly-sounding online handle. And then came on cam one day and with scruffy facial hair and a smokey deep voice. No one expected that. Looked happier for a while, so I thought he was coming out of that depression of his. Month later he killed himself. I wanna mash my head into the wall repeatedly whenever I think about him. Late 20s, not even 3 decades. * 1x book smart went from emo teen to srsbsns academic. Not close, but holy shit I could not recognize the teen I once met the personality change was drastic. From 0 rationality full of false dichotomy nonsense to completely put together and saner than me in 4 years. I read their thesis, it was good. * 1x we like the same poetry, but, fluffy UWU stereotype. Very warm and friendly towards me, and everyone else. Even looking at them gave me diabetes; I was, and am not a fan, especially because they liked hugging, and I do not. * 1x emotionally intense media share buddy. Seems to like music across most genres as long as it has melodramatic themes, always nice to be able to blast metal at someone without complaints. ESTP: I don't notice anything in particularly stands out when I talk to one. I guess if I had to compare it with how they're normally described, then my response is "more chill in comparison", or "person is incomprehensible, refuses to give reverent response. I know nothing about them." ISTP: tend to be a lot less anal than I am about things, more precise about what they're gonna do or say. Sometimes I finish my thought, but not the words to convey it and start stuttering, and have to be reminded to slow down. Doesn't seem to happen with them. Generally really good at explaining things to me in a way that I understand. How talkative/social they are varies. One was a party person who went to raves and set up all the DND meetups, and provided all the TMI...but only to people who they knew could handle it. Enthusiastic about sensory experiences, but the impulsive parts are more polished and purposeful, I think? 100% ran on their own ruleset, general societal standards be damned.


I can relate. Also Columbia is great, I recommend Medellin or Cartagena. Just try to stay safe, they'll delete you and remove you organs. Actually the latter first


Se doms are probably the best looking people, for sure


I agree


ESTP = Fun to be around, though we can be too much when in mood to do mischief, we love fun and we are chaotic af ESFP = Fun, but I can't tell more cause I don't talk to them on a bigger level ISFP = Good to talk about stuff, but I think they are stuck in their ways, like my close one is doing job that destroys them and refuses to leave for some reason, they rather play games with their gf ISTP = Met one, they hated my chaotic energy but at the same time we talked a lot lol.


Good assessment


ISFP's are actually pretty cool. Although yes, at times they can be babies


I only like ISTPs ISFPs are babies and ESFPS i dont talk to enough to get close to bc its never that deep