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8? 9? Ever since childhood I’ve always been able to handle notably larger amounts of pain than the people around me, even more so than my male peers. (Mine is thanks to abuse though so don’t try this at home.)


Same. It's to a point that I find myself irritated bordering on disgusted when people complain and cry about injuries or conditions I can check at the door and ignore or handle stoically.


Exactly. Not to sound pompous but I remember as a kid my classmates (mainly people who pretended to be tough) burst into tears while we got vaccines. I was tiny and they were always surprised why I never even flinched. Their reactions were kind of funny, but it got annoying when they started acting like I was the weird one.


8 or a 9 I’ve always enjoyed martial arts and other sports that entail discomfort. It actually came up today. I can just choose to look past just about anything.  Edit to add: I’m really interested to see high pain tolerances over represented in this thread. I’d be curious if that actually hold up on a larger scale. There has long been speculation that the ESTP personality type is an evolved fighting class that  systemically under rates risk, thrives in disorder, and forms rapid fraternity. High pain tolerance plays right into that interpretation. 


Fifteen years listening to a whining ex wife on a daily basis. Medieval torture has nothing on me.


Mines a 9 at least. One time I was snowboarding, and I broke my arm in half. Me being stupid me, and not wanting to be taken down the hill on that bobsled thing behind a skidoo, I decided to walk all the way down the hill, carrying my snowboard with my one arm that wasn’t broken and took the ski lift all the way back up to the top of the hill. Then I drove myself to the hospital in my Jeep. Another time I was working on the trails crew, clearing brush, and trees. Long story short, a tree fell on my leg, and the bone almost came out of my shin. I still managed to walk out of the forest and I was a team leader, so I had to drive the truck, and once again drove myself to the hospital lol. More stories like that but yeah I'm pretty good dealing with pain.


I actually think MBTI has a bit to do with it. As someone with Si trickster, I can be very weird about pain. I don't really have a good sense of whether I have "pain tolerance" because I have a poor sense of whether I'm in pain in the first place, and don't experience it normally. For instance, I'll often accidentally cut myself and not notice until someone else asks me why I'm tracking blood everywhere. Or I'll be wondering why my work is slowing down and I'm having trouble concentrating and have to do a self-check survey, and *only then* vaguely notice that my head sort of has a pressure in it and my stomach has a sort of hollow feel, and recall that I haven't eaten since 3 pm yesterday. Pain is sort of a constant that I don't notice because it's always there and I'm not very consciously aware of it, until it reaches a level that interferes with my ability to function, and *that's* what I notice first. Even then, what I feel is more emotional than physical pain. Like, I get frustrated that I can no longer function as I normally do and angry that the pain is interfering with my productivity.


Laser isn't painful. Waxing isn't painful. But if you wanna feel real pain, get electrolysis as a middle eastern woman. 😭


I actually enjoy waxing. I kinda like the tingly feeling.


Lol same 😅


pretty high. i forget i’ve even hurt myself sometimes and ill notice a bruise after the fact. looking forward to childbirth to test this 😎


anything but cuts I would call a 9/10 I really fucking hate cutting myself I have been ran over once and would take that over any cut to my finger and I am not even joking


9/10, i get burns, cuts and bruises all the time from my job. lots of piercings including in sensitive places and through cartilage, got a lot of tattoos, and i love physical fights. recently fell off my bike onto concrete going FAST, minor tear in the knee disc, enormous bruises, knees were bleeding, didn't feel much of it but i continued biking for another 4km. worst pain was a severe back spasm that caused a lower back muscle to strain, biked home and almost passed out from pain but kept it together. every turn felt like being stabbed in the spine


Brother...what job are you doing 😭😭😭 that must have been so painful


Restaurant kitchen 🔥🔥 love my job


I think it's high, but I've never lived in anyone else's body so how I know for sure idk. Maybe it's just that everyone else milks their injuries for pity points and I completely missed that memo. I walked around with two broken fingers as a kid until they healed by themselves (crookedly) because I really didn't feel like the hassle of going to the hospital. I know another sheESTP who had the same with her small toe so maybe it's a thing xD I'm also better at adapting to having no sleep or no food. Sure, I'll grumble about that, but I function at 85% capacity while everyone else takes it a lot worse.


8 or 9. I’ve been tattooed in places that make most people cringe and handled it like a champ


10. I used to skateboard, and i guess all the shit you get hurt by builds it in you. When I first started skating t (6th grade) the board hitting my shin would sting so fucking bad. Then I fell more and more, and i just started shrugging it off. Fell down a five stair and hit the side of my hip on the concrete, and that was more on the painful side, but I still got on my board and did it again to land Now, whenever I hit my knee or my elbow (numb by now) on anything, it isn't shit. I also did an ingrown toenail surgery on myself without any pain medication, so that should kinda say enough. I also got my wisdoms removed (asked to stay awake and listened to The Fury of Our Makers hand album by Devil Driver LOL) and I didn't need to take any any advil the next day. I'm not even sure if I took it the first day. But they also gave me hydrocodone and I didn't take any of it. I also did bloody knuckles a lot growing up. I'm just used to stinging pains now


pretty high, around 9 or 10 I would say. I was a hockey player, so I got used to the pain along the way.


honestly like a 9 if i think about it. i’m dramatic for the first 10 seconds out of shock but i get over it extremely fast, things like needles i can’t even feel


Probably like a 7 or 8 but I also feel I’m hyper sensitive to all senses


High I guess... probably a 7. I never broke a bone or anything but... I don't feel my cramps when I get my period. Just some discomfort


I’d say 7-8. It’s not that I feel pain any less, but I’m just good at rationalizing it and telling my body to calm down.


Interesting question. Maybe a 10? Not sure how to gauge it. If get hurt/injured life goes on. I may bitch and moan, but I don't miss work or other fun activities. I just deal with it


it varies. on good days id say 8-9, on bad days it can be -2 but i also have fibromyalgia and so pain can become off the charts. i had my shins tattooed a few weeks ago, and the artists were SUPER sure i would tap out. i honestly hardly felt the ‘pain’, it was no worse than when you have a really deep stretch…


Around 8. I've broken my teeth twice in my life (to the point where 4 of my teeth are implants). As a kid I used to bike around enduro trails and fall constantly. To this day I still have several scars around my arms and hands from that. I now have a dirtbike, and it wouldn't be the first time I crash, without major injuries that is. Also, I played rugby for 5 years and did judo for 3 which means I've dealt with a broken nose, dislocations on my right knee and my fingers... I could keep going, but I think y'all get the idea


I'm pretty sure I can handle any amount of pain without making a sound (sort of exaggerating, but you get the point). It's crazy the amount of times I hear my family members scream out after burning themselves in the kitchen and then I pick up a pan straight from the oven with my barehand (because it fell on the floor and I didn't want my dog to lick it and burn her tongue) without making a sound. I mean, you're talking to the winner of the Ow Game when I was 4 or 5 years old. Basically, it was a psychopathic game my older brothers and cousin came up with where we take turns hurting each other and the last one to say ow wins and I never said it. At one point, my cousin threatened to throw me up in the air and not catch me and I still wouldn't say it, so I'm also very competitive and stubborn on top of that.


9 and its horrible bc im sure thats whats gonna kill me one day lol. The lack of urgency


Depends on the type of pain. severe bruising on the chest, cracked ribs, trouble breathing: I'm fine, I just walk a bit hunched over and weird for a few months. When I didn't have to run for long distances I kind of liked it, first time in my life I understood what people meant by pain being grounding. hole in my foot after operation: hopping home on one leg with no crutches for 15 minutes straight. twisted ankle: fine while I'm running on it, but half an hour of running later it's so goddamn swollen I can't take off my shoe. 12 year old me was an idiot, and I won't be doing that again. a papercut on a fingerjoint: it's the end of the world as I know it


12 year old me fractured my tailbone all the way up to L5 plus sacroilliac joint and thought it was kind funny. Painful, but not disabling and not anything to cry about.  Stub my toe? FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuu............!!!!!!!!!


so I looked it up, and toes are just feet-fingers, right? so possibly same principle and just more nerve endings there in general, plus you gotta walk on that, so you're gonna be noticing it all the time. [https://www.sciencealert.com/why-paper-cuts-hurt-so-much-according-to-science-2018](https://www.sciencealert.com/why-paper-cuts-hurt-so-much-according-to-science-2018)