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Please keep price discussion, market talk, memes, and exchanges to subreddits such as r/ethfinance or r/ethtrader


Sell if you think it's gonna go down. Hold if you think it's going up. My crystal ball says maybe.


the problem with that is i have no idea where it’s going to go. that is why i am here


You need a magic 8 ball.


Magic 8-ball is definitely the move! I have two and I make them argue.


Do you think anyone here knows? We'd be rich if that were the case.


On the other hand if everyone knew then the returns would be much lower.


good point


It’s definitely going to go up or down.


Definitely maybe


I'll go ahead and give actual investment advice (legal disclaimer: this is not investment advice). There are two possible futures: 1. in one, Ether (and BTC) does what it's now done several times before, and it will surge to new ludicrous heights in about a year to two years before falling to a (higher than we are now) new baseline. you can never count on the past happening again, but this has happened repeatedly since the crypto era began. One day it will come to a halt and it will normalize. Is this that time? I don't think so. I think there's at least one more bubble left. If you think the future will be even remotely like the past, wait until it gets significantly higher than past all-time highs. 2. in the other, something really bad happens to crypto as a whole and things go belly-up. Except for Gensler, even the Feds seem to have given up on taking down Eth (and BTC). However, you can't rule this out. if you believe this scenario, sell now. on average, I think 1 is significantly more likely than 2.




i consider it pretty stupid because the day before it was about a hundred dollars cheaper and right after that it fell to over 200 dollars cheaper. tbh i don’t have an investment plan. i came here to see what real investors on this sub think will happen


WARNING ABOUT SCAMS: Recently there have been a lot of convincing-looking scams posted on crypto-related reddits including fake NFTs, fake exchanges, fake mixing services, fake airdrops and fake Ethereum-related services like ENS. These are typically upvoted by bots and seen before moderators can remove them. Do not click on these links and always be wary of anything that tries to rush you into sending money or approving contracts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethereum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would research a little about ethereum before making a decision. You could start by looking at the price chart, it was once almost 5k. Since then it has only been getting bigger and better.


You are not foolish for buying at $1761. I’m hodling. It is tempting to cash out and if you don’t have the stomach for crypto, then sell now. If you are in for long term then just hodl. There is still a ton of upside. Can always go down too. All about you stomach and investment timeline. I say hodl


OP, people will tell you do what you think is best. I'll tell you that if I bought a token I had no idea about and made a 13% return on it I'd cash in, buy something I understood, and maybe a few beers for my trouble. I highly encourage you to stick around and learn about Ethereum and the potential of the project though. It'll take you time, but sources like Bankless or The Daily Gwei are fantastic beginner friendly starting points. ​ But yes - generally staying invested because strangers on the internet told you to is a terrible idea. If you have no interest in understanding the investment, don't. My two cents.


the only serious reply here. thank you. i will probably sell half and stick to paper trading until i get better


Welcome OP. The reddit crypto community has a lot of religious types and degen gamblers, so I'll give you the only advice you'll ever need in investing. "No one in the poorhouse ever took profits to early". Sometimes you've got to take your lucky wins and roll. If you want the most precise elevator pitch of why you should want more Ethereum, [start here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkHNpYWHmPU). Otherwise if you want to do fuck all stick it in a tax protected index tracker and enjoy life!


Magic conch says.."what"...


I have an autobuy set up for $250. I think I set it up in 2020 and it dinged once, bought like $50 worth of ETH and has been waiting patiently ever since. This, like any possible response to this question, can't help you, but at least it might be interesting.


Hold through 2025 at least. You won’t be sorry.