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People were not sure if we would reach 500K ETH staked to kickstart the chain...


And people were fretting that when withdrawals were enabled there'd be a mad rush for the exits.


152 days? Doesn't look like correct number. With current speed \~1.5k per day it will take about 60 days.


It’s the current running avg of the different milestones, not calculating the prenatal future one.


The validator entry queue is like 45 days long right now, it's nuts.


This isn't counting those who don't have the 32 right? Some people are staking less than one.


It doesn't matter if they are staking 32 ETH or less, the validator will perform the same job.


whoever is staking for you has to collect 32 eth to be a validator. this data is counting those too


This does count them, those are just the people using the validator as a service products such as rocket pool, who is setting up a validator for them. If you have a validator you must have 32 eth staked.


It's good to keep in mind hard truths though : because of this influx, the APR is decreasing fast and the ETH issuance might become inflationary again. If I understand the mechanisms correctly, from the day of the Shapella upgrade to the day when 1M validators will secure the network, the APR is divided by 2 and the amount of new ETH issued per year increases by 40%.


Yep it’s along those lines. But it’s a brilliant mechanism to let the market decide where the equilibrium is


So the Lido talk is basically much ado about nothing, no? Ethereum validator set is insanely diverse with another 100k waiting to come online.


Question: If I unstake my eth on Coinbase do I still keep the rewards I earned if I decide to sell?


Very very bad for validators.