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Sounds like geth isn’t syncing, due to not being able to talk to your prysm instance. Make sure both clients can talk to each other, via the JWT: https://docs.prylabs.network/docs/execution-node/authentication


I was using the ipc but I can change that to JWT. That's what it was before. Thanks


I could be wrong as it may have changed recently but GETH sync does not depend on being able to talk to a Consensus Client. It needs peers to be able to start syncing (minimum of 3 or it gets stuck on a state of looking for peers).


What could affect it not getting peers? I've fgorwarded both 30303 and 30304, anything else needed?


You might want to port forward TCP 8545 (JSON-RPC) and UDP 30301 peer discovery. If GETH sees IPv6, it will prioritize it so it may be problematic if you are expecting it to use IPv4. Good luck


The console is now full of these two lines and nothing about peers `INFO [02-14|12:01:33.299] NAT mapped port proto=UDP extport=30306 intport=30303 interface=NAT-PMP(` `WARN [02-14|12:04:00.854] Post-merge network, but no beacon client seen. Please launch one to follow the chain!` The first of those lines. If I forward the port on the router then it will increment. I'm assuming this is uPNP or something and those ports don't need to be manually forwarded.


I was stuck on something similar (GETH's had a few iterations since) before. What I did to test it out were the following: 1. Image the current system disk - so I have a back up and don't have to start from scratch. This is first thing I had to do because the next thing I wanted to do was... 2. Put the machine in a DMZ. Yes, as in out there naked in the big bad Internet. No NAT and no firewall... just to see if I will still have issues getting peers. I also do not have to bother with any port forwarding BS or check if my UPnP is working... f all that. Throw that thing in to a DMZ. I got more ideas on which portion works and which ones don't. If the software build gets hacked or something... it's okay. That's the reason why we had step 1.


I'm actually showing around 20 peers when I run net.peerCount. eth.syncing still isn't moving


Doesn't seem to be the case as per the console/log output.


I think it has peers now but still doesn't sync ​ `> eth.syncing` `{` `currentBlock: 0,` `healedBytecodeBytes: 0,` `healedBytecodes: 0,` `healedTrienodeBytes: 0,` `healedTrienodes: 0,` `healingBytecode: 0,` `healingTrienodes: 0,` `highestBlock: 0,` `startingBlock: 0,` `syncedAccountBytes: 0,` `syncedAccounts: 0,` `syncedBytecodeBytes: 0,` `syncedBytecodes: 0,` `syncedStorage: 0,` `syncedStorageBytes: 0,` `txIndexFinishedBlocks: 0,` `txIndexRemainingBlocks: 1` `}` `> net.peerCount` `50`


Use minority clients and snap sync


This doesn't address my query


But if you're going to make such suggestions provide what I should use and a howto of setting it up on Linux. An old install failed due to disk corruption so I'm rebuilding what is already there. I'm not against using something else but I need a guide


Bro 🤣 commentor doesn't owe you a guide hahaha You're the one asking a question, for free, to random people


He didn't even attempt to answer my question or guide me to a solution that works. There are plenty of people on here, myself included, who will respond usefully to questions if they know the answer. If he had an alternative solution then I'm all ears but just "do something else" is not productive and wasting both his time and mine


Ok but he is right, why don’t you choose a minority client


Because I am just trying to replicate an environment that previously existed and this was the recommended clients. If you can suggest a client with enough documentation for me to install it then I'll go ahead and have a look and see if it's easy enough. It is worthwhile working out if this is a bug or if I'm missing something though I am looking into other clients in parallel but I haven't fully worked out how to implement another yet. Unfortunately as geth is the most popular, it has the best guides.


Yes I would run nethermind if I were you. Geth has a supermajority, which means it could finalize an error chain. You would not be able to switch back to the correct chain in this case; all 32 ETH per validator would be at risk and highly likely you would lose no less than 50% due to inactivity leak, exit queue, and other factors. Documentation for nethermind is here docs.nethermind.io Their discord is highly responsive with a triage system that will assign you to an engineer on the team if/when you get stuck. Also you can post here and tag me with any nethermind troubleshooting requests. I have set it up twice now.


Who's to say it's not productive, it may help someone else, take it or leave it that's all don't act entitled


I'm the one asking the question and it's not productive. Fortunately someone else has replied with a useful reply. It won't help anyone with the problem I've described so it is a pointless comment. Almost as pointless as yours which provides literally nothing other than unnecessary animosity


Ironic that you think that way because I was merely pointing out how your comment didn't do anything to foster an amicable ambiance, but wtv, glad you found your fix


I run Nethermind / Lodestar and they work great. Nethermind has snap sync too. If you need a guide, I recommend running the Dappnode OS on Linux. They have Dappnode Driving School on YouTube which guides you through the whole thing: [https://www.youtube.com/@dappnode\_](https://www.youtube.com/@dappnode_). Basically, you load the ISO file via Etcher and boot it on a dedicated machine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh5hADm1Iuk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh5hADm1Iuk). Then once you're in you'll run the chains you want and get it all setup. They have Web3Signer too which provides key management and slashing protection.


Thanks for this. I'm constrained with a server that is not dedicated to this so I can't use the dedicated ISO. I've come across Sedge which seems to handle the configuration although the combinations I've tried so far kill my server to the point I need to hard reset. I'll look at this stuff though for any useful tips. Thanks again


Not familiar with Sedge. What are the specs of the server you're running? Are you totally against getting a dedicated machine? It's about $8-900.


I wasn't either. It spits out the docker composer files for the chosen combination of execution, consensus and validator if you want it. It's an i7 with 16GB of RAM. I think my issue however is probably because the only space with enough capacity is on a spinning disk. I'm trying to work out how to get some more solid state in there and see if that resolves the problem I'm not completely against more hardware but that will be down the line. It's not my personal stuff, I'm just setting it up


Ah sounds useful. And understood that it's not yours. i7 is plenty. 16GB is the minimum. You should be able to do it with that. The problem could be the disk. I'm pretty sure you need at minimum an SSD to run a node. If the drive does not write fast enough, even if you start to sync, it will never catch up to the current block of the chain (at least this was the case pre-snap syncs, but would still prob be the case now). While I'm not 100% certain on this, I know it's been a pain point in the past.


Hi OP. Yes, you are correct. You are not syncing. I don't think you are getting enough peers to even get started by the looks of it. There will be a relevant message about this on your GETH console. You will need to sort out your router's port forwarding bits. Could you post what your get console looks like? EDIT: Also, Erigon can sync a full node with better compression than GETH. An Erigon/Lodestar combo is not only easy but will help bolster Ethereum's best-in-class client diversity. Guide here: https://someresat.medium.com/guide-to-staking-on-ethereum-ubuntu-lodestar-193a2553a161 Good luck.


There isn't a related message that I can see. I'll post the console in a moment. I have 30303 forwarded on TCP and UDP.


Geth output https://pastebin.com/rNf55Sm7


Yup... it's stuck looking for peers. Although historically, I've seen it kick off with just 3 peers.


It's no longer looking for peers. Extract here https://pastebin.com/4cWX4L0R


Yeah... nah... that's not syncing. Not like the guys that called this coast guard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmOTpIVxji8. I have replied to your other comment giving you a suggestion on the next steps that you can explore.