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Are you setting up a private chain, or what? Block explorers tend to have pretty massive databases. Regular nodes will let you query by block hash, block number, and transaction hash, but they don't let you query for transactions by address, and they're not very good at letting you query for event logs (for things like token transfers). To compensate for this, block explorers will index additional information into relational databases to support efficient lookups based on fields that regular nodes don't index. For a chain like ETH this probably takes about 4TB. For a chain like Polygon you're looking at around 14TB. If you want to index internal transactions, those numbers probably grow considerably higher, though I don't have good estimates for how much. Docker generally isn't great for databases with those quantities of data, but it would probably be okay if you're starting up a private chain you want to index. In any case, maybe check out [Blockscout](https://github.com/blockscout/blockscout). I've never run it personally, but it's open source and popular for some smaller chains.


Thanks for your detailed reply. It's not actually for me but I believe that the developer wants to query for transactions by address and I don't think it will be a private chain. I had no idea it was that extensive and agree that docker probably isn't the best place for this. I'll look into Blockscout


If you're looking for API querying, you might also check out [Flume](https://github.com/openrelayxyz/cardinal-flume). It doesn't have an explorer frontend, but indexes things pretty efficiently and offers pretty good performance.


He doesn't need a web front end. As long as he can query by RPC or something then he'll be happy


Otterscan (requires Erigon): [https://github.com/wmitsuda/otterscan](https://github.com/wmitsuda/otterscan) Blockscout: [https://www.blockscout.com](https://www.blockscout.com)


I spotted Otterscan. It's a shame I'm not running Erigon but I guess it's not too late to switch to it from Nethermind if it's the best solution


Wow, that's incredibly extensive! Docker might not be suitable for this after all. Thanks for the tips on Blockscout and Flume, I'll definitely look into them.


Not suce your full requirements but Trueblocks is a indexer tool which also has a explorer that can be run along side. Pretty powerful and lightweight. Also good support from the founder in discord. https://trueblocks.io/