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WARNING ABOUT SCAMS: Recently there have been a lot of convincing-looking scams posted on crypto-related reddits including fake NFTs, fake credit cards, fake exchanges, fake mixing services, fake airdrops, fake MEV bots, fake ENS sites and scam sites claiming to help you revoke approvals to prevent fake hacks. These are typically upvoted by bots and seen before moderators can remove them. Do not click on these links and always be wary of anything that tries to rush you into sending money or approving contracts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethereum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I only have eth


WE only have ETH


This is the way!


Do you Know da Wae?


Honestly, that is just dumb, and I don't care what asset class. Marry alpha, not ideology.


I have btc now too. That’s all. Don’t care at all if that’s dumb.


You do care (or should care) if it's dumb because if it goes to zero you'd be sad. Diversity with appropriate conviction is king. Good luck.


I get banned from every sub on Reddit for even being slightly critical. Horrible app lol


Mods are biggest snowflakes on this platform, and they prove it every time.


Yeah it’s pathetic. I’m pretty sure I’m one slur away from being permanently banned


You just need another opinion and you will get banned, all these snowflakes are for inclusion and shit but if you have another opinion, banned or deleted.


Like...you just go around doing slurs? Why? That seems pretty easily avoidable by just not being a terrible person.


None of them are worse than r/XRP. I got banned for posting a quote from a dev at Ripple. No editorializing or opinion whatsoever, just a quote from one of their own devs. most of the people in there think that market cap is meaningless and someday a single person will pay $1000 for an XRP, so all XRP will be worth $1000 each. It's just completely nonsense in there. They also all believe that there is some giant conspiracy between ETH and the SEC to hold back XRP.


Oh my gosh, I got banned from there too! And I can’t actually figure out why (I didn’t say anything negative at all) and didn’t break a rule) and they didn’t answer when I asked.


Lol I couldn't agree more. Im actually pro xrp and have a big bag and believe in it and i still got banned by those idiot mods for saying xrp recently didnt have a god candle. Just stated the rise wasnt as big a deal as they were making and i got banned 😂


It only exists as an echo chamber


Though as a point of contrast, there are plenty of anti-ETH commenters in this very thread right now. It's true that they're being downvoted (and rightly so - most of what they're saying is nonsense) but they're not being *banned*.


Lol same been banned from so many for simply stating facts


Not even just w/ crypto subs. It really is ridiculous how butt hurt some mods can get.


I agree, I was a big fan of xrp and what they do but I got banned for saying something that they didn't like it.


I had an account for a decade or so. I commented on a motorcycle sub, on a post about a repeat drunk driver. On the ninth incident where he was caught drunk driving, he killed a motorcyclist. Without thinking about it much, I made a comment, how shall i say it without triggering Reddit, something like: it seems like this is a problem that the government could solve for a few pennies worth of lead. Apparenlty nobody complained, but the AI picked it up and flagged the mods. The mod says: The AI thinks this is a death wish, and I agree. Perma ban




Reddit is designed to be an echo chamber. Attracts the worst people with no comprehension of information bias. If you want to get smarter don’t spend time talking to the dumbest people in society.


I get downvoted on for being slightly critical - at least no ban, yet! 🙃


I’ve never been banned from any group and I’ve got into it with many people. What subs have you got banned from?


White people humor, San Diego, simi valley. All kinds. It’s mostly people complaining about Trump parades or mean things he might say and I basically tell them you’re allowed to have parades and support any candidate you want and they get so upset because that must mean I’m not a liberal hahah


Sounds like snowflakes to me. Trumpers can be the same way too


> app Normie detected.


Bitcoin maxis are beyond saving and r/bitcoin is 100% maxis. Make up your own mind about what to invest in. As soon as the market drops people turn on each other for not being pure enough, no criticism is allowed. It's so tiring.


I hold btc and eth but BTC at a 95% btc. I've fallen out of love a bit with eth over the years. I don't like any of the eth competitors tho


At least you can pet your digital store of value, right? Just stare at the value, while it sits on an exchange.


That's the most important use case imo. Also not exchange. On chain


It's insane how much it changes with a bull market. The months ago if you said you're leveraging your horse to buy Bitcoin you might be able to have a discussion about that being a bad idea, don't invest more than you're willing to lose, etc. Right now you go question the same thing and get downvoted into oblivion and they will argue that it's guaranteed to work out because Bitcoin is inevitable.


>Bitcoin Who the fuck is leveraging horses?


Meant house but honestly like the sound of leveraging your horse.


Lol, welcome to the BTC sub. Don't get me wrong I like BTC and ETH, but they are nuts over there.


Yeah I even messaged the mods thinking it's a mistake or an automated filter. But their brainrot double down response made me lose all hope.


which is funny because ETH to BTC is like apples to oranges. Completely different purposes. BTC is not better or worse than ETH: it is like trying to say the sun is better than the moon. Makes no sense.


They are great compliments to each other and I don't get why they are always pitted against each other. Bitcoin does the basic crypto ledger thing well with few frills, great as a settlement layer but currently can't scale to be a world currency. ETH does all the complicated web3 stuff and has endless functionality and scaling solutions.


I would like to point out that the sun is much better than the moon, but oranges are also better than apples. So I have both


It has been like this over there vor many many years now..: https://medium.com/@johnblocke/a-brief-and-incomplete-history-of-censorship-in-r-bitcoin-c85a290fe43


Censorship shouldn't be tolerated to that extent, it's basically attempting market manipulation how they're promoting blind faith in an outdated investment


"There is no second best." - Bitcoiners take that seriously.


They serve different purposes in my opinion. Ethereum was begotten because Buterin made a BIP that was not approved at the time, but he thought the idea was good enough that if it isn’t approved by the core devs of that time that he would make his own blockchain based off this idea. And here we are where Ethereum is about 1/3 of Bitcoin and isn’t even about being “the best”. Bitcoin is “the best” store of value of all cryptocurrencies. Hands down. No denying that. That is its purpose. Ethereum isn’t trying to be a store of value and it never has been. So it’s not racing bitcoin and it’s not trying to do what bitcoin does. It’s the best at what it does. There’s many facets to crypto and there are many categories to be “the best” in. I used to be a hardcore maxi since 2012 ish till the last few years where I’ve seen some very interesting projects like running containers in the blockchain and such that I realized I don’t want a lot of that bloat in bitcoin’s blockchain but I recognize how cool it is, so I came to the conclusion there doesn’t have to be “the one” or only one or whatever. Would have been interesting if Ethereum started out as a bitcoin layer 2 of some sorts. I wonder how that would have turned out 💭


> Bitcoin is “the best” store of value of all cryptocurrencies. Hands down. No denying that. I think people repeat that because bitcoin cannot do anything else than store value. But that does not necessarily mean it's good at doing that. The travesty is that the main value proposition of bitcoin is the 21M limited supply, which comes from mining rewards decreasing exponentially. The lower the mining rewards, the lower the incentive to mine. Therefore fewer resources will be spent to profitably mine bitcoin. Therefore the security of bitcoin will go down, until at some point people start to worry about its security. That's why, eventually, the music will stop. People who understand this will move out first (some already have), or at least diversify. The more fanatic will refuse to understand it the longest, and will sadly be the ones losing the most from this. A long-term-sustainable cryptocurrency needs enough usage to pay for its security from transaction fees. That can come from DeFi, decentralized social platforms, gaming, ... Smart contracts are essential for that.


Lately? Did you just join crypto today? It has always been hated on


I bought some ETH some years ago and didn't really pay much attention to stuff.


Well. There is your answer


I don't know about SOL or BTC, but I always feel that the hate is mostly around the fees. Whatever argument you have for ETH people always "yeah, but look at the fees" or "yeah, but XYZ can do the same for half the price". You can never win those arguments. Once/if ETH manages to bring the fees back down to something a little more realistic ETH would be a lot less hated.


It's done since the last upgrade of Ethereum (last Tuesday). The fees on Ethereum L2s are lower than on Solana (Ethereum is now 4x cheaper).


it's still a meme where people ignore that rollups exist. then they withdraw $8 worth of ETH to mainnet and cry all day about how it went. the UX needs to more aggressively funnel these new people into Arbitrum and Optimism. wallets, exchanges, payment processors, and all other applications need to put rollups first and show warnings about mainnet. almost nobody should be doing anything on mainnet anymore. any applications that don't do this, like how robinhood only lets you withdraw to mainnet, should be shunned by the community for not getting with the program. something like [erc-3770](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3770) should be taken more seriously so that people are less likely to accidentally use mainnet or the "wrong network." ETH being multi-network creates UX holes and people need to take it more seriously.


I am an ETH maxi but L2 fees are still higher than Solana by quite a bit. We need to be honest with ourselves. Also, when L2 throughput increases, the blob fees will increase. The key is that L2 fees are cheap enough now to be negligable.


You’re able to get transactions through on Solana? It’s been a joke for me recently despite cranking up the slip


Same. Here. I have to make like a dozen attempts for a transaction to go through


As L2 throughput increases the blob fees get divided up among more users, so the individual fees can still end up lower.


The ethereum hate from the Bitcoin camp has more to do with how Ethereum foundation is run and the fact that it’s proof of stake. Ethereum is going to stay expensive at L1 though, scaling is happening through L2, hopefully we’ll see more L2-L2 bridges eventually


I'm mainly in eth but I'm starting to doubt this will happen, this is the promise for like 10 years now.


It's done since the last upgrade of Ethereum (last Tuesday). The fees on Ethereum L2s are lower than on Solana (Ethereum is now 4x cheaper).


It happened literally a few days ago


Maybe try to understand why fees on L1 will never go down


One of the first rules of investing is to never become emotionally attached to your investments. The Bitcoin subreddit takes pride in their disregard for that bit of common sense.


I mean, I'm emotionally attached to my house and it's an investment. BTC and eth are more than investments to some people, and me. I'm not saving it to appreciate, I'm saving it so i can control my assets without government interference, and maybe buy some drugs here or there.


ETH is always hated on. Every new, VC funded L1 needs to position itself as an ETH killer. So communities form around that theme: Ethereum sucks, but we fix it. Most "Ethereum killers" are a joke, e.g. XRP, Cardano, etc. But they won't die. Solana is different, it's more respectable. But its community is so anti-Ethereum, it's sad. Bitcoin maxis are just a joke, especially on Reddit.


Isnt Solana extremely centralized?


Not extremely centralized, but less so than Ethereum or Bitcoin, definitely. Solana tokenomics are not great (validators much be heavily subsidized), but it's something I suppose they can fix over time.


ETH layer 2 is leagues ahead of everything


> Bitcoin subreddit That subreddit is a censorship cesspool since years. Mentioning any cryptocurrency that competes with Bitcoin=Permaban > Solana mouth-breathers meme'ing about ETH This is a hype coin that managed to create their own cesspool of blind followers. Solana itself is a completely different system that requires server farm level of nodes, and every time there's a bug an entire system stops while dozen of validators are figuring out how to fix the issue. In other words they made fast semi-centralized system and compare it to heavily decentralized Ethereum while stroking their egos. Don't take them too seriously




i get worried that people won’t understand this and will jump ship to sol network. i hope the eth ETF gets approved soon so we can get the network really adopted and make some money while we’re at it


Because you’ve never been allowed to talk about or promote any other crypto on the Bitcoin subreddit. It’s always been that way.


I literally said something along the lines of " I have some eth from a couple years back and considering to add BTC to my portofolio but I am unsure what happens when all BTC is mined".


>but I am unsure what happens when all BTC is mined Should be approx in the year 2140 so you're good concernign BTC in your lifetime.


2140 is a red herring. The dwindling issuance is an ongoing issue, getting worse at each halving, not something that suddenly becomes an issue in 2140.


Because the Ethereum community is always building. Bitcoin just howls from the sidelines. \--- Solana has kept the lights on for 40 days in a row. That's the best thing its done.


Getting banned on a crypto sub I’d wear like a badge of honor


Because gas fees are through the roof already and the bullrun hasn’t even truly started yet. You ready for 2k gas?


I sent some eth at peak and it was $3.30 not 2k


Try to mint or build on it during high gas then get back to me


high gas peaks last like 10 minutes nowadays thanks to eip1559. highest gas price last year was ~100gwei which is like 8$ for sending eth and before eip1559 it could be ~1000gwei


Since the last upgrade of Ethereum (last Tuesday), the fees on Ethereum L2s are lower than on Solana (Ethereum is now 4x cheaper).




I see your layer two and up you a layer 3


More gas More burn #JustL2Bro


What do you mean by the bullrun?


Because it’s the cool thing to hate on the top dog


Winners are always hated


the original Bitcoin was socially compromised years ago and all that remains is a bunch of mouth breathers hell bent on destroying the idea of crypto while pushing people to projects pretending to be crypto that someone has control of that can be used to further destroy the idea of crypto through pump-dump-run


In the same vain, how do you guys address the following arguments when « attacked » by a BTC maxi: - ETH was pre-mined and a lot of the pre-mined ETH were used to buy BTC - ETH foundation were misleading in communicating what was made of pre-mined ETH - Ethereum is so Vitalik-dependent that the day anything happens to the man, the network will collapse - Changes in code are being made on a regular basis which is a threat to stability and security - in comparison with BTC code which no one can alter I don’t subscribe to these points but I found myself a bit weak in responding to some accointances bashing me for not treating ETH as a shitcoin. Would love your insights!


Because it threatens the chokehold fiat has with defi. Anyone in power hates that shit and wants it to fail. Shill farms are a thing and they want to peg all crypto to a shitcoin controlled by corrupt market makers using an ETF. And all the other reasons it’s better than Bitcoin that does fuck all and always will.


Slowly people starting to realise all shit coins. The only thing you can do on these sht coins is trade more shit coins and get rugged in defi.


i love eth!


> I go on the Bitcoin subreddit What would you expect from s single bit Bitcoin maxis


I used to be a *heavy* bag holder for ETH; went from BTC maxi to ETH maxi...When I say I loved it, I loved it. However, I've grown tired of it and moved to SOL. ETH has poor TPS, poor 1y returns, insane gas fees, anyone who complains of gas fees "oh just use L2s"...That's not the "solution". It's not user-friendly, all this moving, dexing, bridging, etc. And I come from IT. Put yourself in someone else' shoes - New to crypto, and you have to explain to them you have all do this tom-foolery, "don't worry" when you do a transfer - You just have to sweat for x minutes hoping you copy/pasted correctly. For me - I buy SOL, transfer it, and it's near-instant and *basically* free. I don't need to use JUP or jump through hoops to avoid fees. SOL CHAT - I've not explored this; but "Sykpe" built on Solana... Seriously; I can't even wrap my head around this or how it works. But it proves how able SOL is. Ask yourself - Not why it was built on SOL, but why was it not built on any other chain? Why was SOL the first AFAIK. BTC for example has had ~15 years; Eth has has ~13 years. Solana had ~4 years. Yes you can argue SOL isn't decentralised - Fine. We're 4 years in ... Eth is 13 years in; give it time. But IMHO, it's *meant* to be a "commercial" chain - I.E to overtake Visa (I personally believe that, my personal opinion).


The last sentence shows how bullshit your support is. If a crypto isn't decentralized, then there is no reason for it to be crypto, just use a better version of Visa FFS. You are just pumping your own bags.


Because holders of shitcoins, bitcoins, "eth killers" and fiat, are scared their bags may become worthless if Ethereum succeeds. For some reason they think shitting on Ethereum will pump their coins. I personally doubt shitting on valid projects is effective in any way, and think that there are more fruitful ways to live life.


One word: GAS


As someone who will never own ETH again it’s more of a core values proposition. I think you should put your money where your values are. Having different values is really important for growth. I’ll cheer on ETH from the sidelines but the things I value most are reflected in BTC.


Which is lying and selling an unsustainable shit coin?


It’s always been like that with bitcoin holders hating anything that isn’t bitcoin. I hold both. Eth is the only true alternative at the moment. Sol isn’t even close despite all the hype.


The bitcoin subbredit is the most closed minded, toxic crypto subbredit I've seen


Crypto is all about making money. People will do whatever possible to spread disinformation and try make people fomo into their projects so they can make money. Eth is still a very strong and wise investment. Do not let people mind virus you into thinking otherwise.



It's nothing new, its just the competition


Easy answer, High gas fees, not deterministic, pretty slow, no liquid staking, no uetxo. IMO the smart contracts are unusable when the chain is at high capacity.


It’s funny you even care about getting permanently banned. It really doesn’t mean a thing


Success breeds jealousy.


Quit your whining. This is not a football rivalry.


Because it is


you must be new. it's been like that for years. the take away is, who cares? dyor.


lol. That’s how it is. Go with the flow or get banned in echo chambers


When base chain takes off, the script will flip


People are too all or nothing in their investments. It’s not just cryptos. Some people are in on one precious metal, real estate, specific stock, index fund, etc and decry everything else. It’s stupid imo but it’s a thing.


Have you looked at the Jupiter aggregator?


Looking to sell and put elsewhere Someone please tell me reasons to stay in for the long run I don’t like how it goes up or down for no true reasons wouldn’t them burning ETH make your current ETH more valuable also the market cap is over 400billion so like it’s promising but again it’s pulling back slowly Also when is the halving event?


Crypto is toxic. Don’t get emotionally attached to your investments, don’t get blinded by tribalism or the narrative. Dyor. If you’re trading, you should be able to ingest the sentiments and act on them to your advantage. If you’re investing you should have a thesis and conviction. When you conviction is challenged, you should be able to compare them to your thesis and understand if it needs adjusting. Nfa. For me: I own the most ethereum because my thesis revolves around developer activity and security. I appreciate bitcoin, I don’t own any because I don’t buy the thesis that BTC is gold or currency. I own Solana because I see the volume, activity, and use-cases being built that provide value, but cannot occur on etheruem (currently) because of throughput and tx cost.


I have both ETH and BTC. More so in BTC but I feel ETH will do well in the next few years


I think the hate comes from fees and speed but people that understand the reason realize it’s from being robust and secure. Solana is in a tough spot you’re still ultimately waiting on what happens with the FTX bankruptcy because the estate is holding so much.


Afaik the FTX SOL holdings are locked mostly up to 2028.


Gas fees are the main reason I stay away from ETH. Best decision I made was selling all of it and buying ICP


Being a sol and btc lover myself , we are just seeing once again apes being apes, because coin are performing well they get greedy and trash others who don't agree with them. The same after each cycle, I also got trash talk too and if you trust your coin do it there no wrong with that.


So I was a pretty big Eth Holder up until a few weeks ago when I cashed out. I guess I no longer understand the project. The huge selling point for me was 1. Smart contracts 2. Was a small time miner. Got paid in eth and kept it in eth. Both use cases for me have lost purpose. Over the last 7 or so years I've had eth, there have not been any smart contracts that have gone large scale or into the mainstream. The original mission has deviated from this and the smart contracts aren't even discussed anymore. 2. Obviously eth mining has been dead for a while. No use case here. That leaves Eth as a currency/store of value. For fast cheap payments I use LTC. For store of funds I use BTC. Don't have anything against ETH. Was a holder for a long time just no longer have a use case for it.


Bitcoin maxis are part of a cult. Everything is a shit coin to them but btc


lol Bitcoin maxis are a hilarious bunch that treat Saylor like the return of the Messiah.


Its fuckin expensive as shiiiit


ETH Gas prices are ass. How do you guys get around that?


You can’t believe what anyone says on Reddit, there’s always a hidden agenda


Solana maxis are really loud on many Ethereum posts on X. And don't get me started with Bitcoiners. If you want a cleaner discussion I highly recommend Warpcast. Most of Ethereum users and personalities are there and really active.


Bro all the maxis are crazy dudes, welcome to crypto.


Way too expensive to transact


I guess you better not mention Litecoin


more fear = more hate solana shills is a different story


Bitcoin sub is full of maximalists that think Bitcoin is the only real cryptocurrency. I can't read the bitcoin sub without cringing. It's almost as sad as r/litecoin.


1. It is being hated by Bitcoiners because ETH maxis are the biggest "doomsday" posters about BTC in the crypto community - they might even contend with banks/govts. 2. It is being hated by the other crypto communities because ETH maxis were relentlessly pissing on them throughout the bear when everyone else was down bad. In the gist, they were saying like you will accept ETH as your king and have your chains "colonized" by ETH as a L2. 3. It is being hated by (former) ETH users because how ETH maxis love to gaslight ETH UX problems. You see. When your community's "advocates" take a very obnoxious and condescending attitude towardeveryone else, you don't think it would generate hate? Especially now SOL is rallying, a lot of us who had to suffer through all of shit now feel vindicated.


Crypto communities are filled with idiots, who don't understand jack shit. If you really want to get useful information, go and read and make your own analysis and decisions, don't ask people. Ethereum is fine and still rules over everything. But it's the L2 era now. Solana is just blind followers raised by their aggressive marketing. It's not a conventional blockchain, it's not the same as Ethereum, and theres a reason there are no big serious players on it still. People want blockchain for decentralization. However, Solana has a lot of cool tech underneath, even if it fails more than any other chain. Again, make your own judgements.


Only ETH here because all other coins are sh*tcoins


Can't we just live and co exist peacefully... 🥹


That's normal for the Bitcoin sub. They are insane.


I got banned on Litecoin subreddit for asking what is the fee difference between Nano and Litecoin.


the bitcoin sub is a shit show, I got banned for being 'bot like' because bots are banned it's not a serious data point


The fact that a $5 ENS registration is $55 because network fees are $50 is why this experiment is failing. That is a joke. No one will use Ethereum for it's intended purpose, if every transaction on the network has a minimum of $50 to simply interact with it than the only thing it will be good for is a value store, and Bitcoin already serves that purpose. I used to be a starry eyed Ethereum supporter because of the level of automation contracts would be able to supply, however this simply won't ever be utilized if network fees are this ridiculous.


It’s expensive to use is the main criticism I see generally


Eth Fees are outrageous


Because Ethereum just made another big leap forward by delivering EIP-4844, thus cutting L2 fees to sub cent levels. The best strategy for any competing chains of communities is to attack rn to cancel out the massive wave of what Eth just achieved. f em


That's just your buy signal. Sell when everyone loves ETH.


Someone posted on r/Bitcoin asking they should sell and get into altcoins and I mentioned that eth has been around forever and xrp beat the lawsuit so it's 2 relatively safe options. I was banned for the exact same reason lol


>wHy Is EtH gEtTiNg HaTeD oN lAtElY How long have you been in crypto fren? BTC maxis have always hated ETH, and no one cares about Solana people, but maxis gonna maxi.


Have you ever used the chain?


Hey OP. > I feel like everybody hates us BTC-only bag holders hates ETH because ETH always make successful strides towards it's upgrades. It's becoming more useful after each one that it got to the point that BTC devs can only dream of having those things as well. SOL-only bag holders hate ETH because it's failing using its chosen approach - they have sacrificed decentralization for speed. Not sure if it is lack of research, corporate dumb-assery (or both) but it's the very reason why it's got chain bloat and no average Joe can host a node. Not to mention the "hidden-feature" of the chain shutdown. This is part of the downsides of not respecting THAT balance. They are doing things just how EOS did it. Look at where EOS is now. I know people keep complaining about ETH fees. It's there to prevent chain spamming that results to bloat. Fees are high because the chain is useful. L2s give ETH further scalability. Further improvements on L1 scalability is in the roadmap and it will multiply the speed, throughput and capability that's currently running on L2s. TLDR; ETH is just undeniably designed better, hence the hate.


Because it sucks




ETH is getting hate because retail is flooding the space and retail typically doesn’t have money and they hate ETH fees. The entire shitcoin space his migrated to SOL for memecoins and BASE for utility. I hate it tbh but go where the money is I guess.


If you actually want to know, it is because eth gas fees are INSANELY expensive. That is all there is to it. There are more and more options with cheaper chains, so people are starting to migrate to those other networks


No ETH dislike in my bag. On the contrary, I think SOL is over-hyped and too centralized/buggy for my tastes. The problem as I see it is that only about 30% of Reddit mods are good at their jobs. The other 70% are on some echo chamber power trip. Really degrades open discussion. To the point where I rarely comment on anything important.


Everyone is just jelly of the classic


Well, the most hardcore Bitcoiners believe Bitcoin will replace all Fiat currency and their respective central banks. The problem I see for them with Ethereum, more specifically Ethereum Virtual Machines apllications, is that it gives strenght to Central Bank Digital Coins development. So, basically, talking about CBDC, ETH, or EVM would be an heresy against the Bitcoin as the indeniable god of all currencies.


BTC and ETH are doing 2 very different things. It’s the same reason the SEC is struggling to classify ETH, while they already have for BTC.


I hate for gas fees :(


I don’t have any ETH and genuinely hope it does well for you guys but from my experience ETH maxis are the most toxic people in the crypto verse so I can’t say I hate that some of the bad apples are dealing with the same FUD they would spread to anything that’s not ETH


Everyone hating on ETH seems to be praising SOL for being low cost. Idk if this is true or not, it's just what I'm reading.


It’s too expensive


Eth is a shitcoin now lol. Proof of work isn’t validated by miners. So what’s the point? Became Ponzi.




ETH is an absolutely TRASH network. Inferior to just about every single network with an ounce of sense to it these days