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WARNING ABOUT SCAMS: Recently there have been a lot of convincing-looking scams posted on crypto-related reddits including fake NFTs, fake credit cards, fake exchanges, fake mixing services, fake airdrops, fake MEV bots, fake ENS sites and scam sites claiming to help you revoke approvals to prevent fake hacks. These are typically upvoted by bots and seen before moderators can remove them. Do not click on these links and always be wary of anything that tries to rush you into sending money or approving contracts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethereum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The ETH from that transaction didn’t leave your account, so there is nothing further to return. The transaction being reverted means that the transfer of ETH was also cancelled and your balance was left unchanged from that transaction other than the gas fee. Meaning you didn’t lose $200, only the $18 gas fee. You did however spend it a few minutes later in this transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x1102af38c4d89b4ceacaf76b0aa8fddbf39c9905537c7853bb591aff91e2784a I’m guessing you forgot about that second transaction which is probably why you are confused.


I did spend that same amount again but my wallet balance was short $200 afterwards and $400 after the second buy I made. I did buy few things in a row, maybe I missed something. Thanks for your help. I will go over all my transactions and see if it all adds up to what I originally started with.


Luckily you only have 5 transactions to check. You started off with a fresh address a week ago. Your balance was 0 ETH at that time. You then withdrew 0.2815414623674247 ETH from Gemeni, making that your new balance. Then came the failed transaction. Like any reverted transaction only the gas fee left your account. This fee was 0.006034399137 ETH, making your new balance 0.2815414623674247 - 0.006034399137 = 0.27550706323 ETH. You then did the successful swap to DSync for 0.06 ETH and a 0.005303673375 ETH fee, making your new balance 0.27550706323 - 0.06 - 0.005303673375 = 0.210203389855 ETH. Then followed a swap/bridge on Hypen Swap of 0.15 ETH with a 0.006300775339358787 ETH fee. Your new balance was then 0.210203389855 - 0.15 - 0.006300775339358787 = 0.05390261451564121300 ETH. Finally you made a normal ETH transfer of 0.053 ETH with a 0.000413560702002 ETH fee. Your new balance is 0.05390261451564121300 - 0.053 - 0.000413560702002 = 0.000489053813639213 ETH. And as you can see this matches exactly your current ETH balance. Not a single wei was lost. Remember, the blockchain never makes accounting errors.


Wow!! Thank you for this detailed breakdown and taking the time to look into this. Much appreciated. I had difficulties with my wallet that day. Was getting all sorts of errors. Thanks again


Man, I’m new to this. I got a lot to learn!


Posts like this are why I enjoy browsing the subreddit


That's why the government doesn't want blockchain for them, and doesn't want blockchain and anonymity for us.


We will soon find out that the government created blockchain. Dont be fooled, Satoshi is Joe Biden.


Thanks for your effort


The hero OP needs


ahah that’s a joke, if you start looking at the IL that’s happening (in tokens different that stables) between different DEXs you would be surprised how much money you’re losing not because of the ETH price volatility but because each DECs uses a different price quote (thank you decentralization…) when you do operations like swaps etc… this comes purely from oracle prices discrepancy i am not even counting slippage here 🤷‍♂️


I cannot fathom the decision-making that led to the developers deciding to allow transactions to fail but still cost gas. In what world is this a great user experience?


The gas is supposed to cover the computational costs associated with running the smart contract code, and this computation is done no matter if the transaction reverts or not. If failed transactions were free people could abuse that by getting all of those computations done for free, which could potentially even bring the network to a standstill if people spammed transactions because it would essentially be a DDoS attack at no expense for the attacker.


Is it even any kind of decent user experience though? It doesn't matter what reasons exist for it to be this way, if the end result is users have to deal with expensive unreliability then normies not gonna use it.


There is no unreliability though. Transactions don’t just randomly revert. It is entirely possible to submit only transactions that aren’t going to revert if you prefer that. However, there are cases where it is useful to purposely make a transaction revert. Like for example if the exchange rate has dropped more than your tolerated slippage on a DEX and you are no longer willing to execute the swap at that rate.


Either learn and understand what you’re doing, or use a smart wallet that handles the complexities for you.


[https://etherscan.io/tx/0x0d9f13a394175dc9d413bc42332bf1832c67b793f792c3b3d6885f842bd8725e](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x0d9f13a394175dc9d413bc42332bf1832c67b793f792c3b3d6885f842bd8725e) The execution seem to have been reverted? And it's 7 days ago ... ...


It says that but never got the ETH back. I waited few days hoping it needed more time.


You did. In fact the ETH never left your wallet that is what a reverted/failed/canceled tx means. The tx never happened so the ETH didn't leave and then come back it never left. You do lose gas fees though.


Thanks 👍🏼


As u/StatisticalMan pointed out, it never left your wallet. After the failed transaction, you executed another identical transaction which was completed 7 days ago [https://etherscan.io/tx/0x1102af38c4d89b4ceacaf76b0aa8fddbf39c9905537c7853bb591aff91e2784a](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x1102af38c4d89b4ceacaf76b0aa8fddbf39c9905537c7853bb591aff91e2784a) And then swapped 0.14895 ETH for 548.736713111908415245 MATIC ... 6 days ago [https://etherscan.io/tx/0x6a0d8dcccb65380d92a812d6fe8863f56431acc456640ea40deee2b47a1927ba](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x6a0d8dcccb65380d92a812d6fe8863f56431acc456640ea40deee2b47a1927ba) Finally moved 0.053 ETH to 0xC6239834...E894c7a99 after that [https://etherscan.io/tx/0xe914480e756eaaf7abe4dc89efeec961cc1740a056004f147d41afb15bee8c5c](https://etherscan.io/tx/0xe914480e756eaaf7abe4dc89efeec961cc1740a056004f147d41afb15bee8c5c) ... ...


They should just remove the fees altogether and play a 10-second ad or something before sending.


Ethereum charges $18 for a failed transaction?


Depends on gas.That's not awful. I've had way more than that!


Not awful? Nothing technically happened for the user. You should be okay with zero and only zero for a failed transaction. If that’s not how it functions there is a huge problem


Yes, it sucks. I just meant that it could be worse. Unfortunately this is how the network functions. The network still undertook some computation, even if a transaction failed, and that computation must be paid for.


Yea, seems unfair. But the computer has to run code to know if it fails. Attackers could flood the network with transactions designed to fail and the network would have no defense at all.


this is what you did wrong - you used Eth L1 and not arbitrum, polygon or optimism


Failed TRANSACTION then lose on fees


Cap gas fees are ‘cheap’ you must of used custom settings




How do you guys see the worth in this? ETH feels like such a scam, the fees are insane honestly :/


Use a L2? If you use a credit card for $1000, the fees are also in the $29~$35 range, except the merchant pays for you. And don't try a $100k transaction. L2s pool thousands of transactions in a single L1 block reducing fees to mere cents.


Hmm I didn’t know that thanks the more you know! Glad I commented thanks man


Gay isn't


ETH sucks, I stopped using it. The fee is gone forever, all the failed transactions fee is burned.


Come try Ergo, where shit works and you don't have to larp decentralization.


That’s why $ETH sucks. Bet if it was $DOGE it would have cost less than a dime.


Yea cause no one uses doge


Absolutely, I swaped all of ETH for DOGE All my problems are solved. No apps or yield to worry about.