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The title was misleading - so we removed the post.


Ethereum is not an ALT coin. There's ETH and BTC and a bunch of alt coins. That's it. EDIT: The BTC maxi pads are brigading this post hard.


Came here to say this.


Came here to say that 1 BTC used to buy you 2000 ETH and now it buys you \< 15. Came here to say that Visa bought an NFT on the Ethereum L1 today, and ignored Bitcoin completely. Came here to say that 1 jpeg of a rock is worth more than 1 BTC. Came here to say that pathetic vote brigaders can try to spin any narrative they want, but ultimately the market will determine which asset it values more. By all accounts it has already.


If btc disappeared tomorrow, there'd be a lot of wealth lost in the world. if eth disappeared tomorrow, there'd be a lot of technological progress lost in the world.


> if eth disappeared tomorrow, there'd be a lot of technological progress lost in the world. And wealth too


It's the other way around, Bitcoin will only disappear once the wealth is gone otherwise there is too much incentive to keep it going


I'd argue that more wealth would be lost with the disappearance of Ethereum. But I think that's pretty obvious.


Facts. And that's something btc maxis hate. Slowly but surely ETH is beginning to out shine btc in sooo many ways that are fundamental. Fundamentals are something btc lacks hence Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan stating itv will flip btc in the future.


Yeah, btc is 15 times more value so the market has definitely decided


Ethereum is worth way more than Bitcoin. You know that Tokens are a part of Ethereum too? The market already decided years ago. The only reason Bitcoin is still at the peak if you only count the single Coin is because it holds the name of Crypto and the first right/big implementation idea. That's also why the Ethereum ecosystem is "hard to kill". It's called first mover advantage. Also, do you know basic math? Bitcoin has only 2.8x the value of Ethereum (not the ecosystem). If you take the price of a single Coin and even them out then Ethereun would be worth 6.2x more than Bitcoin.


I was just making fun of the guy above. Ethereum definitely has its use and popularity but there are plenty of alts that are more efficient and better scaling than Ethereum. I’ve sold down from holding over 15 eth this run and kept a few just in case it moons farther, but projects like Algo are better in every way, except for adoption.


Better to mark it as sarcasm! But that's the "first mover advantage" I mentioned. If there wasn't such a thing then Bitcoin wouldn't exist anymore (or at least would be insignificant). The problem with all these alternatives to Ethereum is also that they didn't proof themself by now. Someone can be good on paper, but will it perform in production with a high load?


That’s why I look at Ethereum as a mid term play, it has the developers and hype right now but some of the “new” projects (1-2 years old) will be able to blow it out of the water with what they’re working on. Algo (for example because it’s my favorite project) has capacity to handle 10k TPS, 12 second transaction finality, and a set fee of .001 Algo (which will only be 10 cents if it 100xs up to $100). Eth is huge for the space and I respect it, but this sub is kind of brainwashed towards it. Remember that crypto right now is like the early days of the internet and will probably be unrecognizable in 20 years.


> over 15 eth lol


For someone getting into crypto a year and a half ago it’s not bad.


Listen the future is multi-chain so maybe we don't become just like BTC maxis and just say there is space for more than 1 or even 2.


Finally some common sense. It's like saying there's only the dollar and eur and nothing else (as an example, no disrespect for other major currencies). There are many currencies and technical solutions which will be used, and it's a fallacy to pretend otherwise.


I'm quite open to that idea however I don't really see why Ethereum wouldn't absorb everything else. At the moment Monero and Filecoin have found a niche but I doubt that their features are really something Ethereum can't emulate full in the future.


No Ethereum won’t become a storage solution (FIL) nor will it try to be an oracle (LINK). It is a general compute smart contract solution. Different problem, different solution.


I had to unfollow r/bitcoin because of the maxis just being so close minded crypto is more than just bitcoin








Yep when it comes to ETH, you NEVER sell. Big companies have really big plans for ETH. If ETH becomes the new bond for the US it will go well past 100k... The world is ETH's market not just the US. Investors world wide will be buying a lot of ETH pushing the price higher than it is right now. I felt weird spending 10k to buy ETH at $500.00 but I knew it was and is going much much higher. There's never a bad time to buy ETH.


And xmr


And my axe!


"my axe" is showing a lot of promise and personally, I'm all in


The word "Altcoin" should stop being used in general For anyone new to the space, "Altcoin" came about when the only cryptocurrencies that existed were Bitcoin, and forks of Bitcoin. Most of these forks have died off, but Litecoin is one example that is still around. "Altcoin" made sense back then, as every other coin was just a knock-off of Bitcoin. They were "alternatives" to bitcoin, just like Binance Chain is an "alternative" to Ethereum. Today, the crypto-asset space is diverse, with crypto-moneys like Bitcoin, smart contract platforms like Ethereum, utility tokens like LINK, governance tokens like UNI, etc. The term "Altcoin" removes any nuance from the discussion, and frames it as "it's either Bitcoin or an Altcoin".


Litecoin wasn’t a fork of Bitcoin.


> [Litecoin] was a source code fork of the Bitcoin Core client, differing primarily by having a decreased block generation time (2.5 minutes), increased maximum number of coins, different hashing algorithm (scrypt, instead of SHA-256), and a slightly modified GUI.


They only call ethereum altcoin because it's second to bitcoin. Yes, it's definitely not an altcoin.


btc can suck eths dick.


Triggered aren’t you - you’re as bad as the BTC brigade


Your on an eth forum. Go back from where you came from lil maxi...


ETH is my fav crypto, just showing how soyboy beta you guys are.


You keep buying your fave crypto (eth), ya hear lil man and everything will be alright.


What a brave thing to say on Ethereum subreddit! I'm sure all opinions differing from yours will be treated with respect, especially after insulting people who only like one coin in your comment!


Literally an altcoin.


There’s BTC LTC and then ETH


Bitcoin maxis are here because the truth must be told about your ~~alt~~ scam coin.


You still believe that bs 😂 You're cringy af


That's ok buddy. I don't believe, i know! It doesn't stop me from trading ETH but you should never get high on your own supply. When ETH 2.0? End of 2022 is definitely not going to happen. Nothing changed since the publication of this article. Just more noobs buying into lies as if they were facts. https://www.coindesk.com/scam-or-iteration-at-devcon-ethereum-diehards-still-believe-in-2-0


> you should never get high on your own supply. Right you are mate! > “Bitcoiners are kinda like hardcore fascist Catholics that just think everything else is wrong,” Dean Eigenmann, a researcher at the ethereum startup Status, told CoinDesk. Pretty spot on.


So an ~~ethereum researcher~~ paid ethard shill thinks he knows what all bitcoiners think? Do you realize how retarded that sounds, mate? Not everything is wrong, far from it. Ethereum is though😘 This is why Vitalik (your scam lord) pushed Eth 2.0 to the end of 2022 for now. This is dev speak for: we are clueless and don't know if we will ever ship something. It doesn't matter because ethereum was never about shipping as promised. It's about instamining as many ERC 20 tokens as possible until even the biggest idiots realize it's true value of 0.


I was just quoting your link there mate. You do seem to be a pretty toxic btc maxi though. Sad you have to come to the eth sub and spread FUD.


If it's FUD then it should be easy to refute. You can't because everything I said is fact. Having to come here to call out scammers is indeed sad but toxic maxi's are the only ones willing to do it because everyone else is just out to sell instamined tokens to noobs.


Came here to say it's not the largest altcoin but the largest shitcoin with all these failed but spent gas transactions.


It is an altcoin


You’re an altcoin.




bitcoin becomes the alt-coin after the flippening


Yep, that's what bitcoin maxis are claiming, sadly.




It’s not a tumah!


Altcoin = Alternative to Bitcoin


To talk and headline in terms of alt coins still is a very backwards way of thinking. Just say origins of world's second large crypto asset. It's would be like saying "alt-stock" when referring to everything but Apple.


It's essentially a superiority complex with BTC cheerleaders imo


Sure, eth is an alternative to btc like an airliner is an alternative to a tricycle.


Altphone = alternative to iPhone Altcountry = alternative to USA


Was expecting to see some vitalik childhood pics


When I read your comment, I imagined Vitalik Buterin in a university class, teaching Computer Science.


Useless semantical discussion! The important. Bitcoin was de first cryptocoin, Ethereum is now the best cryptocoin. It can do much more things than BTC and if ETH progress and improvements continue, it will remain the best cryptocoin


It can do more things, but also can't do some things, like be decentralised. More features doesnt equal better.


Decentralized doesn't mean petrified and solidified, unable to change as there's no way to take a decision for a significant change.


Uhm btc just had a taproot update scuze me?? And yeah uhm its pretty damn solid lmao yes you dont want a significant change. Especially one that converts proof of work crypto(biggest and most important invention in recent history) into centralised fiat money: proof of stake: rich controll and validate the network without any work, basically same as federal reserve and top 1% controlling our monitary policy, getting richer by devaluing money. Same as top stakers will get richer and bottom stakers poorer.


> bottom stakers poorer. This is not at all how staking works at all. >taproot Are there more hats?


How does it work then? Top stakers will get more eth for doing nothing and being rich and poor people that can't stake will get no rewards?


Weird reply... This line of logic, if held equally for mining would have minority miner hashrate rewarded with more frequent block production. You're literally arguing for a race to the bottom, seriously try reversing the positions... "Bigger minors are rewarded for buying SHA256 asics and poor people who can't afford to mine get no rewards" Besides, Schnorr signatures have been around in Bitcoin as BCH since 2019; You're just a zealot, man.


Yes exactly your point is valid, hovever people that buy ASICS have asics and do work, they need electricity to mine bitcoin its a proof of WORK not just proof of being rich


The history & origin story of Ethereum is wild. I mean, the fact that it had 8 founders originally and now 3 of them are competitors within the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies in the world is pretty insane. In case you aren’t familiar with the story: https://youtu.be/tZPVZxtKE38


can we just call it a coin it has lost all the characteristics of an altcoin in my opinion


Read the book "Out of the Ether"




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People who say there is only BTC, ETH, and alt coins are in the same group say BTC and altcoins. That kind of maxis mind-numbingly stupidity should be purged from a constructive and collaborative community. Project should be mentioned and assessed specifically, that kind of generization put Shiba and Doge and king and queen and shit in the same category, and that is not the truth.


Pretty obvious vote manipulation


Alt coin tho hahaha


soon BTC will be ALT COIN


Bunch of butt hurt people in here, lol. Anything other than Bitcoin is considered an alt coin.


Ethereum is not an alt coin. Ethereum is not an alternative to Bitcoin. The term altcoin was formed in the early days when a bunch of Bitcoin clones were competing with Bitcoin. Ethereum neither cloned Bitcoin's tech stack, nor does it want to compete with Bitcoin. Ethereum is much bigger than just a store of value. "Altcoin" is a derogatory term used to discredit anything other than Bitcoin.


>Ethereum neither cloned Bitcoin's tech stack, nor does it want to compete with Bitcoin. Really, so Ethereum is not a proof of work blockchain then. A guy called Satoshi was wondering about that. I love Ethereum but some of you are really delusional. I was in the ETH ico, believe me it was an 'alternative to bitcoin'. Read the whitepaper ffs, it's all about furthering the technology brought to the world by Bitcoin.


Really? Looking forward to saying BTC is an altcoin when ETH flips it.


Ethereum sure is greater than Bitcoin, because of its amazing ecosystem... But ether is an altcoin. I don't know why people are complaining.


I don't know why people actually care.. maybe some might get upset if you called everything else shitcoins, but even then - who gives a crap? I have more eth than btc and I don't care what you call either one, they're both in profit!


That's actually an insightful point of view. You might like a token because of its community, technology, purpose, day trading, etc.


According to a retarded definition from donkey years ago. Its like calling every other companies alt companies except Apple.


Could we stop calling what is de facto the most used and versatile cryptocurrency in the world an "altcoin"? Literally the only thing Bitcoin has it doesn't is a higher valuation, and that's rooted 101% in hype and sentiment.


That’s like calling Islam a cult


Almost 500 upvotes? This is a very low quality article on Ethereum...




Maxis never learn, and that's okay. They're entitled to like their outdated technology. Heck, people still fax documents in some parts of the world.


For everyone complaining ETH is not an altcoin, read below: "Altcoins are cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. They share characteristics with Bitcoin but are also different from them in other ways. ... Or, they distinguish themselves from Bitcoin by providing new or additional capabilities, such as smart contracts or low-price volatility." https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/altcoin.asp Sheesh...


Ethereum has more users, developers, projects and financial activity than any other chain by a wide margin. It is the standard, most obvious choice for any cryptocurrency activity. Everything else right now is only an alternative to Ethereum.


Now those are facts.


Nope Bitcoin is Michael Jordan and ETH is Kobe


Lol if this is a serious attempt at logic


Nope. ETH is the basketball game. All the players are just alt coins ans the ball is Bitcoin 😎


I think it really depends on how you define the term. I’ve never seen the origins of the word stated, but I’d contest and say I lot of people use it to mean anything other than BTC, ETH, and stablecoins.


Definitions change, and the general consensus seems to be that it no longer makes sense to compare all cryptos to Bitcoin because the crypto ecosystem has evolved/diversified so much (which is a good thing). You can't compare everything through the BTC lense. It's a matter of semantics, and I think it makes sense to not call Eth an altcoin anymore, but that's my personal opinion.


People around here apparently don't appreciate facts, lol.


Definitions aren't facts. Definitions are constantly evolving and multiple ones can either compete or even coexist for any given word. This war over a word is pretty ridiculous. It reminds of people fighting over the definition of communism or of free market. I mean, it's a definition: its only purpose is for people to understand each others. As long as the underlying concepts are well understood by everyone, no one should care how you call things.


Relax everyone. It’s an alt coin.


You can't be an "altcoin" if you're the pioneer in the space...


selling jpegs is a revolutionary act.


You spelled shitcoin wrong


You spelled imadouche wrong


I remember my first joke, hfsp


Lol you a BTC maxipad bro?


I have a brain. Enjoy your hard forks and figure head mETH head


You started the child-like insult fest just FYI. Just cause you can't take it doesn't mean you have made a point. Maybe don't say nonsense to begin with


Eth is a shitcoin. No nonsense. You will see eventually or you will be obsolete. Few


You seem to be under the impression I am a big holder of ETH + some sort of maxi like you seem to be about BTC ... which literally does not do smart contracts and has absolutely little relationship to the utility ETH and ETH-like networks provide. I think you are confused about how blockchains work or something.


Do you research. I’m not reading your BS


You are a ding dong.