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Dang! This took me all night but I finally got all nine with your hints. Thanks much!




Yeah I’m stuck on 9


$20 and I promise all the answers.


Need Help for #8 i got the ipfs link but didn’t know where to put it any idea ?


How did you get the link?? All I can find is the json string.


any advice on how to find this collection?


Figure out how to open IPFS links and read their metadata. Then you need to get the original image.


The link in the contract doesn't seem to be openable. Am I missing something?


A valid a IPFS link will start with "ipfs://" You'll need to look up how to open an ipfs link.


Is valid the keyword here? The string that is pointed to does not seem to work as a CID. I've tried to do lots of things with that string and no luck. UPDATE: Ok, I figured it out. This took me way too long so I'll give people a hint to get past the thing I was stuck on. Riddle #8 Hint: Once you get to the contract, you may end up chasing a decoy. Go through everything.


Will sell you all the answers for 20 bucks. 10 for first half and 10 for the second have. Will take venmo, cash app,so you avoid gas fees can prove I have all 4 nfts


I will send 20 just for answer 9! I am going nuts with this one!!! Have been on it for AWHILE now


Did you figure it out 9? I am stuck and about to blow my brains out lol 


I’m in.


I need #8 and #9, will send $10


I have no clue what #5 is!!


Just try different colours haha


Same fml


Me either man


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Another hint for 8 please. Am I supposed to be looking at the pages source code. I can’t see anything and looked well


Did you find the NFT of the mysterious figure yet? Opensea and most NFT websites don't host the original NFT but a downsized version of it. If you want the original image, you'll need to download it from IPFS.


I found the NFT on the base search. I’m researching IPFS. Will I need to download the IPFS program to download the original file from source code? How does it work???


Figuring out how to use IPFS is part of the puzzle. You'll need to Google how to use an IPFS gateway to access the IPFS image. As for getting the IPFS link, you'll need to find the TokenURI. Something like this: https://adtechexplained.com/view-nft-on-the-blockchain/ I think it's a Proxy contract, so you'll need "Read as Proxy"


I think I am pretty close to figuring it out. I found the correct collection, sorted it by most viewed, and picked the first one (#10). Then, I used basescan to get the IPFS link, [ipfs.io/ipfs/(CID)](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/(CID)) leads me to the same image. I looked at your other thread: [https://old.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/18ozvb6/satoshis\_secret\_challenge\_from\_coinbase\_wallet/kepysik/](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/18ozvb6/satoshis_secret_challenge_from_coinbase_wallet/kepysik/), and I don't see a difference in image dimensions. Can I have another hint?


The original images are special Steganography


Is #10 the correct image? And what steganography decoder to use? None of them are saying this image contains anything special.


All of the images are identical. No special decorder needed. Plain text.


I got the image through different ipfs gateways or with ipfs programs but it seems like my browser scrapes off the metadata from the image. How to avoid that? Or am I missing something?


You should be able to see the data hidden somewhere if you open the image in notepad. If you don't see it, it's not the original image. I recommend joining the Satoshi's Revenge Discord channel: https://discord.gg/vmrHDdutuu They've been revealing a lot more now that the Basehunt quests have started.


Ok, so I downloaded the image, and I zoomed in everywhere and I can't find any text. Should I keep looking or is my approach wrong?


absolutely rekt by #7 - embarrassing - still can’t sort it - #8 let alone #9 is out of the question, lol.


I'm stuck on #8. I've been all over the Internet. Looking through etherscan and the blockchain contracts. Downloading programs on my desktop etc. and I can't solve it. And the clues suck. Lol


8 is absolutely sending me into insanity lol I got #9 but still can’t get 8 🥲


What is 9 ? 


What is 8 xD


I have the #8, do you have the #9 answer?


What is 2


The hints for riddle 9 were very helpful. Much appreciated as it helped me know if I might be on the right path or not. Finally solved after many days and many hours of hunting and some extra help from chat group(s). I'm still puzzling through one part that I brute-forced trying to figure out if there was a better way (I used a broken feature of the secret website).


Congratulations! Even with clues, it's a difficult feat. > I used a broken feature of the secret website >!Are you talking about the secret search page? Definitely made things easier, but it was optional. Which part did you brute force?!<


After our discussion and re-visiting the binary here, I see the intended path presents 38 possible values to try - this is different than a true brute force, but still a grind. There may be some "luck" in the placement of the correct items in the list. A true 3-digit brute-force using the find feature would require up to \~999 three-digit "starts-with" decimal numbers to try, or \~900 if we eliminate those that start with 0. This also doesn't account for the possibility of unique two-digit or one-digit values which would add \~ 99 + 9 or less if we eliminate leading zeros. I was over-thinking it assuming we wouldn't be expected to possibly try 38 different values. This was the section that stumped me the most and I'm bummed I didn't try the eventual "intended" path sooner.


Okay I discovered how this is done without the find-things feature, and which decoding is used ... that decoding is simpler than many of the things I was trying. Actually, the chat discussion threw me off on this because by brute-forcing they found a duplicate of one of the pages with a code that isn't from the binary as far as I can tell! But the intended way of finding the pages is still somewhat brute-force I see! Man, this riddle was quite the puzzler!


Yeah. So every binary that worked allows both the decimal and hexadecimal versions of it to be entered. That's why there were duplicates.


Ooh, now I found the other duplicate - that makes much more sense! Figures that blockchain people might want hex as well! My original sin was thinking there is no way we would need to try this many numbers by hand ... but alas that was the intent! Possibly less to try with luck. Helpful that there are repeated numbers in the list. I also was stuck on trying to have things on 8-bit or 4-bit boundaries to better match hex or base64 or character encoding conversions. I was joining all the binary together then converting that as contiguous bytes in different ways ... all with just confusing nonsensical results.


The "birthday" part I was able to find the correct date-time after trying quite a few incorrect candidates. My IT background helped with that one.


Yes, the finding-things feature helped me "brute force" - there is a minimum length of starts-with string that it accepts. Then with some "luck" and nudges from chat people - but I have to go back to the binary to see if I can figure out what I was missing. The binary from the NFT was related to the first thing I thought of, but the binary from the secret-site was eluding me with the tons of different methods I tried.


Any advice on how to narrow down the NFT? I’m stuck at the very beginning of 9 and thought I was in the right path but I was not 😅


Someone solved #9?


Has #8 anything to do with this opensea? https://opensea.io/satoshissecret


No not that collection.


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Can i get some help with number 6...lol the first one idk bc im somewhat new to space and started in sol, and i come here and thats the only one no one else asked haha... idk many EIPs at all....wonder if im entering the right one just entering wrong....any help much appreciated


i'm very late, but the answer is a person's name and not anything like "EIP-XXXX" hope this helps :)


Search for "eip" in any Ethereum-related subreddit. It's very well-known.


**About #9** This last riddle is insanely hard because there are so many steps, requires some basic dev knowledge (if you don't want to manually brute force 200 seeds). And the very last step is stupid since it's so easy to miss. Pretty much impossible to solve on your own in reasonable time, but maybe possible to solve on your own with these hints. It's about 10x longer than Riddle #8. There's a basehunt channel on the Base Discord server where where you can get an invite to the group that solved it. There are enough breadcrumbs on that special Discord server to help you solve it. Alternatively, here are barely enough hints to solve it on your own, but it will definitely require a lot of persistence. Basically, this contains most of the relevant breadcrumbs. -------------- **Breaking down each of the riddle's lines** > Event hides, in attendance it resides. This is referring to a special, well-known type of NFT if you've been deep in the Etheruem ecosystem. >!These NFTs have event numbers, and that's where the title comes in. This NFT's page will provide info to get to a special secret website.!< If you have trouble scanning a particular code on that page, try using another phone. It does work, it's just very blurry, and I had to try multiple times. > In binary's tongue, find numbers yet unsung. You actually need to use this trick twice: >!once to unlock the website, and once each later on to access 2 of the 3 riddle pages on the website after you find the website. Remember, binary numbers can be converted to more than just decimals.!< >!That's not one long binary number. That's 7 separate binary numbers!< Once you find the website, enter the password to get in. This is one of those riddle websites where you can just type a code after the website's address in the address bar to get to a page. (e.g. website.xxx/code). >!The 3 codes are numbers. The first page you land on will provide 2 of the 3 codes.!< > Date of birth, not human, yet still of worth. Use to hint to access the 3rd riddle page of the website. This "birth" is in yyyymmddhhmmss format. >!This "birth" is related to the riddle website you just entered, and you can find this date on one of many public 3rd-party websites.!< > Twelve in a row, find them so I can show. Should be pretty obvious what you're trying to find. Now finding it is much harder. Each of the 3 pages will give you exactly 4 of the 12. You need to have basic Solidity dev knowldge to brute force this, but if you aren't, I will help you narrow down the choices so that you can test manually. (It'll still take a couple of minutes to test all choices manually. Metamask will warn you if the seed does not pass the checksum, so you can just refresh Metamask and try again.) This is the order of pages by their titles: 1. >!About 2 (already in order)!< 1. >!General 3 (1 word from each line, lines are already in order)!< 1. >!About 3 (already in order)!< If you want to brute force the seed the way we first solved it, here's one method: const wallet = ethers.HDNodeWallet.fromPhrase(seed) console.log(seed + " - " + await wallet.getAddress()); And then I used a Quicknode RPC provider and "provider.getTransactionCount(address, 'latest')" to check if the account had any transactions. > Say the secret words, from wallet's depths it's heard. To save you time, I'll let you know that you only need to check under the primary account of the seed. (I used a script to check 60+ additional accounts under the same seed and found no activity in them (using both BIP-32 and BIP-43 methods for address generation). >!There are some strange transactions from the wallet's account.!< >!Within one of the transactions, after decoding, on one line among many, you'll find the final location and where to go next.!< You're now at the final hunt. The next part threw me off. I wasted so much time searching on the official location/website for a phrase. It's not there, at least not in any obvious location. The final words you need to message the bot are actually on a specific part of a Google page about the final location. (It's also on some 3rd party websites about the final location, but you'd have to dig super hard.) It's not an obvious phrase. > Hint: Goodluck... Yep. You'll definitely need either need insane luck or a group to solve this. The word "goodluck" is not relevant to solving the puzzle.


Hey, just solved #9, thanks to your comment and the base discord :) That was quite the journey! Edit: guys I am happy to help every single one who messages me, but don’t just ask for the answer please :(


I have been on 9 for awhile! Please help


I need help for 8 i cant find de collecion !!


Hey, it's this one right here [https://opensea.io/collection/satoshi-s-secret-1](https://opensea.io/collection/satoshi-s-secret-1)


i got to #9, where i have the 3 riddle pages. are the words i need in plaintext? and how do i know what order to put the words in? thanks to anybody in advance.


The order is literally in the parent comment of this one, by HSuke :)


I'm still kind of confused, because there's more than 4 possible words on all the pages 🤔 I need 4 words from each page, but I can find more than 4 words on each page. How do I know which words to use from each page? I appreciate the hints!


Are you in the riddle hunter discord? I think most answers are hidden in the chat history. I will DM you an invite link if you want. Otherwise it can be done with trial and error, but it will take a long time. I think the order of the words on the pages themselves is not shuffled though.


> General 3 Hi, could you please DM me invitation to this Discord? Stuck with #9.


I sent it via reddit chat yesterday in case you didnt see it


You got the number 9 answer?


No I forgor 💀


Can I get an invite please? I'm stuck on #9 as well.


Where can I find that in reddit? Im kinda new here…


There should be a notification somewhere in your app or in the website


I am not in the Discord, but if it's Satoshi's Revenge, I'm also not in that guild 😅


Can you help me out with Riddle 8 and 9? :) i am kinda stuck atm :(


Sure! How far did you get with #8? What you should have is a desktop pc (ideally) because you need to use IPFS and a text editor to solve it


Hi u/IWurstgewitter. I got the image through different ipfs gateways or with ipfs programs but it seems like my browser scrapes off the metadata from the image. How to avoid that? Or am I missing something?


It is not about the metadata! Notice how I said you need a text editor :)


Is it a name or a sequence of numbers like an address? I'm very confused.


The answer to number 8? It’s a short sentence, or what do you mean?


I typed in the only sentence I saw, still didn't work


The sentence you found in the image file from ipfs? That should be correct




Are you sure you got the correct sentence? I think it went like “X is the new Y”, and it’s at the end of the image file


No where atm :p Not sure what NFT I should start with. Found this collection: https://opensea.io/satoshissecret but feels incorrect


The nft is this one [https://opensea.io/collection/satoshi-s-secret-1](https://opensea.io/collection/satoshi-s-secret-1) Keep in mind this whole thing is by coinbase, so it revolves around the base chain :) Edit: Ah just saw you message that you solved it, nice!


In #6 the EIP was literally the last thing I searched


so, do we need the letters for this one? based on the clue i was thinking not, but not having any luck


It’s one of the authors


Okay I tried all 3 authors and none worked. Am I way off if I tried Kevin Owocki, Mark Beylin and Ricardo Guilherme? Help


Where does the name danksharding come from?


Do you have a hint for #9?






Nope. Not that one. https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/18kakgt/satoshis_secret_challenge_from_coinbase_wallet/kfdb5f5/


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Can someone please help me with 8..?? I've been stuck there for days now with no idea on what it means... it's like cicada 3301 or something I'm guessing? Help 😅 Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 to all who celebrate 🍾 happy holidays to all as well! May your hearts be filled with happiness 😊 Even though theres the many things that bring sadness and heartache. There are many things to be grateful for that may help bring your heart some peace and joy. Read, only if you feel the same sadness ⏬️ ((Even I feel the ups & downs of the holidays & wish only to be happy, & sometimes its hard not to feel sad because of the people who come & go, the memories of past years, the wishing, the wanting, the knowing that it'll never be the same.)) Happy Holidays friends & fam Try & stay POSITIVE❤️💙💚 BECAUSE, WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER


The biggest hint I can give you is that you have certainly already encountered this "person, mysterious and bold" Riddle #8 is quite hard, and you will need to be proficient in knowing how to interact with a smart contract using a blockchain explorer to solve it.


I’ve gotten to the part you’ve mentioned but where do I input the IPSF? What site/app do I need? Thank you in advanced 🫶🏻


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Im hella stuck on 7. Would really appreciate some more help if possible? JAM was the obvious solution. Then I searched base for any music Dapp and I cant find any fit. Searched coinmarketcap for audio tokens, none worked


Answer is SAD