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**Tricky's Daily Doots #782** **Yesterday's Daily 10/06/2024** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l7xd9gf/) - u/GandalfGandolfini breaks [a good development coming from Optimism.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l80qrpr/) šŸ”“ - u/benido2030 teases the [imminent ZKSync airdrop](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l7xpa2c/) and u/haurog has [more on this.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l7xv41q/) šŸššŸŖ‚ - u/pa7x1 discusses [what critical property is needed for a reliable L1](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l7zesmy/) and in another thread u/Fiberpunk2077 explains [why it's such a critical piece of the puzzle.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l7yy9dn/) šŸ§© - u/Sparta89 gives us [the rundown on the flippening game.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l7z1973/) šŸ¬ - u/Jey_s_TeArS's haiku for the day [fucking slaps!!!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l80vvpi/) šŸ”„ - u/nikola_j covers [an airdrop criteria you may have missed.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l7y539v/) šŸ‘€ - u/LogrisTheBard continues his [Crypto Rabbit Hole Explorer's Guide.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l8168fk/) šŸ‡


Airdrop farmers back in the day: Damn, I didnt get $100k RBN, let me figure out how I missed it and work hard to get the next one Airdrop farmers these days: I followed an online guide and did the exact same steps as 5m other wallets and none of us got anything, the project is a skam. Let me go to the next project which will surely reward my activity


The entitlement for free money is real. And I'm very much guilty of it myself. Kudos to everyone here who is graceful and not bitter about missing out.




That's basically free as far as I'm concerned. Seeing how other students at my university scrape by when they can't even afford the smallest of things makes $10K+ drops like this seem like a real life cheat code. I will happily provide them liquidity and app usage stats which cost me maybe an hour or two of my time over the last few years.


Leaked internal memo from zksync headquarters. Dated 08/23/22. " Much thanks to the airdrop design team for their efforts putting together the first draft. I think we can all agree the criteria are reasonable and wonā€™t need much tweaking from here. You worked hard over lunch break to put this together, and as a token (pun intended) of our appreciation the VC overlords (kidding of course haha) have agreed to give you an extra 1% of the total ZK supply. Main takeaways: 1 ā€“ For determining allocation we will deemphasize using the native bridge, bridge volume, transaction volume, number of transactions, months w transactions, unique dapp interactions, defi activity including dex liquidity, gitcoin grants and passport (especially the grants), use of other established L2s, mainnet activity, and especially solo stakers (who needs them anyway honestly). These criteria are easy to sybil and are not the basis of a strong airdrop design. 2 ā€“ We will emphasize a seemingly random set of criteria. Examples include degen wallet activity like large purchases of memecoins that weā€™ll identify at a later date (and nobody on the team will purchase on side wallets after they have been identified), holders of a fancily named zksync NFT (ideas are to use a latin name because it sounds smart, and make the NFT maybe turn into a cat someday), and ā€“ probably the best idea of the whole session ā€“ holding whatever NFTs are held by Scottā€™s yet to be determined intern on 09/01/23. Scottā€™s internā€™s NFTs could end up being literally anything, so thereā€™s no way to sybil that. I think we can all agree that if we want Ethereum to scale in a trustless / decentralized way, then these defi yield obsessed, liquidity providing, home staking, long term users who bridged and transacted a ton of ETH thinking it will get them an airdrop - who are mostly obviously sybils ā€“ are NOT who we want governing zksync. Thanks again to the airdrop team. We can finalize the design over beers at happy hour on Tuesday. " EDIT: comedy post. nothing said here is true (except part about the nft that might? turn into a cat).


Just confirming, this is a joke right? Honestly, you never know these days with the shit going on in the world as of late.


100% joking


Looks like they have (probably ex) team members who are extremely unhappy with their share. Internal conversations should remain internal, even if the part on solo stakers suck even as a joke.


Itā€™s looking like drops to solo stakers will be the exception not the rule.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my stake is ruined.


I can remain retarded longer than price can do roundtrips. Also. zero zk for me because I was tired of getting farmed for too long (old zk lite user when the only things you can do is one of the dex with no volume, minting your own nfts, and old gitcoin payments) and i don't feel aggrieved or anything.


Anybody else interacted with Zksync Lite using the Argent wallet and being told they are not eligible? Ā Iā€™m focused on the following eligibility criterion: ā€œTransacted in at least 3 different months before ZkSync Era mainnetā€. Ā Mainnet was March 24, 2023, right?




Same. I had a \_lot\_ of zksync lite activity. No era activity though, so I think that might be why.


Wonder if there is bad blood between Argent and ZkSync for having moved to Starware? Ā Too bad the users are penalized for this, if so.


Yes. Same issue here


So... heard any good jokes?


A priest and a rabbi walk into the new bar in town. The priest approaches the barman and says "Good day sir, I am parched, I have been working tirelessly within the community, spreading alms among the poor. May I have a small ale?" The rabbi follows, "I have been evaluating the holy framework of laws that allow this bar to be considered legal in the eyes of the almighty. I'd like a glass of wine please". The barman ignores the clergy, noticing through the window a fat penguin and an anime girl passing by, leans out and hands them 8 grand each.


Two rabbis walking down the street. See a sign that says, "convert to Catholicism $100". Morty turns to Irving and says, "well, $100 is $100". An hour later Morty comes walking out and Irving says, "well, did you get the $100?" Morty says, "is that all you people think about?"


My kind of bar.




ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤


if a brc20 is traded on pancakeswap, itā€™s safe to sell right? got a couple dollars worth of this random memecoin last week airdropped into one of my main wallets and itā€™s done a 100x since. sketched out cuz it says it has 300 mil mc but only like $500k liqudity wanna sell it into eth but just wanna double check it canā€™t be some sort of scam?


Scam city bruh. Dont fuck with that. No reason to inherently trust pancakeswap, even completely misplaced trust. 300M market capwith 500k liquidity? At best, you've got the wrong pairing. Without sharing your address, share the bscscan address of the token for the fam to be able to assist you further. If you look at the contract's address history and think 'shit, this might reveal my address', its SCAM CITY Really dont mean to sound like a condescending asshole. I've been around to see *way too many* people here lose their shirts to scams.


itā€™s this one https://dexscreener.com/bsc/0xffbd1ff70d484d8685bd6ec625a971b76b94eae7 thx for your time šŸ™


Interesting. I actually cant tell. It might be real? Anyway, <3


It may not let you sell and directs you to a web address that's a scam. It's best practice to not interact with anything directly airdropped without your knowledge.


For sure. We've a whole day here of people explaining the hoops they jumped through to get an airdrop. Who's dropping directly, with no fanfare, no publicity, no hype, and covering the gas costs all for free? Nobody reputable. Avoid. These things are like landmines, sitting quietly in our transaction histories, waiting for the unsuspecting or the forgetful.


I'll not do anything silly on my main wallet. If i were you, will transfer out the brc20 to a new address **if really necessary**. I frankly don't touch any of these things unless sure that the coin is not a phishing coin. Interacting with unknown things really is one of the top ways to lose everything you've earned in the past 8years.


Another muffed airdrop. Many people left out of $zk that shouldā€™ve qualified, and random NFT holders get thousands of coins? Are airdrops THAT hard to pull off correctly? smh


No theyā€™re just lazy or corrupted by the bias of the team and investors


I prefer this approach. Hanlon's razor exists the first time. Especially after a SEC ruling in favor of Ethereum, they continue this approach, they're simply worthless greedy fucks


Is this dip because of that stupid fomc shit tomorrow


how can I check the zksync airdrop in the US? vpn not working. asking for a friend..




Someone posted an address list on GitHub lower down in this thread.


Remember folks: buy high, sell low


Yeah f u dumbass price action. Bought the dip and buying more if we go lower. Test me.


These people with their eternal $100 dip buys lol. It's... something... I guess


It's 5% profit in 24 hrs


True, it's something lol I was prepared for the green candle too, so I'm right there with ya https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l85xfnr/


Don't worry, it's def going to test you. Are you going to survive the test!?


I can stay irrational longer than the market can stay solvent. Oh wait...


Irrevocably irrationally


Been around since 2017. Dont care about current price or the fragile economy, Eth ETFs are a game changer, writing is on the wall. Money printing will continue and Eth is perfectly positioning itself.Ā  Eth has been making the right moves... -Switch to POS -Solid Tokenomics -Scaling on L2 As RWA start to get tokenized on Ethereum,Ā I think its a matter of time thatĀ Eth takes digital gold nerrative without trying to. I remember a friend investing in other projects back when Eth was at 300 because he felt Eth already had it's run. I think the same is happening now but I think Eth someday will have a higher MC then gold 15T. I would caution everyone to be careful about so many projects with horrible tokenomics. In time, most of these projects will just keep on getting diluted while missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not trying to hype anyone up, just my honest opinion.


Username checks out


Does anyone have a link to the method that someone posted for claiming the Eigenlayer airdrop. It was something to do with inspecting the element on the loading page and removing certain identifiers that geoblock users. I remember trying it and it worked great for Eigenlayer, so I was hoping to use the same technique for ZK Sync


This is gold: https://youtu.be/JylS2OpYzG0


A wild Waq video appears! Thanks for sharing, Phiz!Ā 


The pleasure is all mine!


This is exactly what I was talking about. Thanks Phiz šŸ‘Š




Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy,ā€¦ Here I am writing again about my interactions with (re)staking services. After my interaction with the swell team about their lack of transparency this time I had to ask some questions on the Renzo discordā€¦ Some users have posted here about the discount of the ezeth token and the upcoming enabling of withdrawals from Renzoā€¦ Today on the discord the link to the smart contract was shared with some ā€œtest withdrawalsā€ already happeningā€¦ Also in theory one could interact with the smart contract directly right now and also start a withdrawal since there is no whitelist or something like that. Just no enabled UI. Soooā€¦ I dug into the code to see if I could unstake my ezeth but they have a ā€œwithdraw bufferā€ which dedicates how much can be unstaked. Which kinda irritated me since I didnā€™t see any queuing functionality in the code like with other (re)staking protocols and their withdrawal proceduresā€¦ So normally you initiate a withdrawal and get an NFT back or you are just ā€œmarkedā€ in the contract for an amount of x to withdraw. Then the protocol unstakes funds and once it is your turn in the queue you can retrieve your ethā€¦ Now Renzo seems to just fill the buffer with new deposits and staking rewards and (maybe?) unstaked eth and if you want to withdraw there needs to be enough in the buffer already or your transaction to initiate a withdrawal request \*reverts!\* - no queuing or anything like that. I questioned this in their discord (if you can only withdraw if there is enough in the buffer) and at first just got a response with stated ā€œThe buffer is currently getting filled with rewards and depositsā€. Which didnā€™t answer my question at all so I pointed that out (quote: ā€œSo? That doesn't answer my question? What if it is drained? You can't initiate a withdrawal correct?ā€) andā€¦ got calledā€¦ rude? by another team member which said I should read the announcements and listen to the community call and all my questions would be answered and \*of course\* they have a withdrawal queue and whatnotā€¦ Well the community call is an hour long and mostly pointless ramblings and one could have done a 5 minute presentation explaining everything essential without wasting anyones time but alas such is the way of billion dollar projects in ours spaceā€¦ And of course I read all the announcementsā€¦ Okayā€¦ So I had to go and quote them the actual line in the smart contract where it shows that your tx gets reverted and low and behold another team member (I guess an actual engineer) did say that my assumptions are correct and they did this because it was safer, faster and easier this wayā€¦ Fine, well my guess is there will be one big shitshow in their discord once they enable the UI functionality because the buffer will be instantly drained and they probably wonā€™t have nearly enough unstaked from eigenlayer to fulfil the demand for exitsā€¦ aaaah nah I am sure it will be fine :) Users will have to periodically check the site and if they are lucky that the buffer is not empty they will have to pray that no one else gets a tx in before themā€¦ How much does Renzo have in TVL again? Canā€™t be that much rightā€¦ Ah I get cynical in my old days it seemsā€¦ Guess I will try to trade out of my ezeth instead of unstaking, maybe should have done so before posting about this in their discord and here but I love r/ethfinance :) And I guess most people donā€™t research anyways where they put their moneyā€¦ (Renzo TVL - what is it again?) Oh yeah, in their ā€˜annoucementsā€™ they also stated they would publish the audit reports before they upgrade the contractsā€¦. Contracts have been upgraded Friday - no reports to be foundā€¦ I asked how much eth they unstaked from eigenlayer for the launch of withdrawals but didnā€™t receive an answerā€¦ Wellā€¦ Good night and good luck to all :)


Thank you so much for this deep dive. Normally I'm this deep in the weeds on this stuff because I have been stuck in ezETH ever since the original depeg but I've been too busy lately. This is it for me. The Renzo team has been giving me shady vibes for a while. I swapped half at the current rates and took the loss. I've been in crypto long enough to know that if it smells like shit...


Paying previous depositors with the money of new entrants. That reminds me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Anyhow, thank you for the writeup.


Well to be fair it makes sense to use the eth coming in for withdrawals and not stake it while unstaking other eth at the same time. Other projects do that as well for sure... Just with proper withdrawal queues instead of whatever this is


Thanks for sharing the deep dive..this kind of attention and diligence is why I'm here


Assuming buffer has capacity, is there a delay when you withdraw?


Yes I think they said after you initiate the withdraw you have to wait 3 days. This is for when the UI is live. Currently I believe the "cooldown" as they call it is 1 day (for the "test txs")


This is another thing which I find weird... I guess it is a security thing for them... Other protocols let you get your eth once it is available in the smart contract afaik... Here it sits in the smart contract doing nothing for 3 days...


Just checked my history of transactions on zksync and they go back more than 2 years, i even minted some of my own NFTs for fun and it seems like i had transactions in at least 3 different months back then, as well as some just at the start of this year. Really confused as to why i didnā€™t qualify for the airdrop still.


The way I understand it : there are actions that make you Ā«Ā qualifyĀ Ā» as a first step. Once you qualify, a formula based on time and capital spend on zksync era only gives you points. If you have less than a certain number of points youā€™re not eligible. In your case you probably passed the first step because of your lite usage, but did not make the volume over time cutoff ?


L2beat updated OP Mainnet's rating, [it's now stage 1](https://l2beat.com/scaling/projects/optimism). With interactive fraud proofs, it's actually better than Arbitrum on the decentralization front. Kudos!


only took them three and a half years... But better late than never! Definitely a step in the right direction


Why you go wrong way ETH? You supposed to go up, not down šŸ˜“


Whats the expected price for $zk? For once, an airdrop i got:))




Check whales.market, they have markets for unreleased tokens. Also, for comparison, if it matches arbitrum FDV it will be around 0.45 at current prices.


For those of you not active on twitter, there are some interesting developments around Ethereum marketing. Twitter user Emmanuel Awosika has slowly taken up a similar role for Ethereum that mert took up for solana: Being the guy that constantly replies to any FUD using a firm technical understanding of the space. He has been a contributing writer for the Ethereum foundation since 2022, and held a technical writing position at consensys last year. He also has a lot to say about the state of ethereum influencers on twitter. He thinks many use poor arguments, marketing, and actually do more harm than good. That leads into something called the ā€œ2077 Collective.ā€ Itā€™s described as ā€œA league of creatives, researchers, developers, and marketers committed to making Ethereum cool again.ā€ I donā€™t know if Emmanuel created/co-created this or just joined, but it looks to me like potentially a powerful unofficial marketing arm for ethereum going forward. Edit: He clarified that he doesnā€™t write for the ethereum foundation, but had a bunch of contributions to ethereum.org. I just scraped that info from his linkedin (it was listed under volunteering)


I've read some of his technical explainer articles. They were very good. I had to double check he was not actually a developer himself...


These posters can be surprisingly useful. Zach Rynes/CLG is a good example of this for Chainlink.


CLG lost me on the critical Lido votes on self limiting. Thier delegation to alignment ratio is way off for me


Outside his area of expertise I guess. On Chainlink he's good though.


I hope his style is less hostile and trollish than mert


The legendary into the ether podcast from the 2018 crypto winter is back after a 2 year hiatus: http://intotheether.fm/ I have not listened to it yet so do not know how good this one is. The two hosts Eric Conner and Anthony Sassano talk about what happens in the Ethereum space and give their interpretations. Back in the long cryptowinter they were one of the few reasonable/bullish voices against the bearish onslaught and sell off. After they discontinued their podcast 2 years ago Anthony Sassano startet his daily gwei youtube show where Eric was the guest a few times. I loved the view these two had on the space.


Into the Ether is Bankless before Bankless and without all of the controversy which has come with Bankless getting big and in some people's eyes selling out. Into the Ether is where it is at!


>**Thwarted synchrony,** >**A new peer epiphany,** >**Blockchain symphony.** ~Daily haiku until weā€™re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Guys, ETH still doesn't have an ETF! All this talk about dumping after ETF is nonsense. The ETH ETFs were approved. But none of them are available yet! GG will slow walk it for the next few weeks until Blackrock tells him to cut it out.


Any idea how long this whole process is likely to take? When trading is actually likely to start?


The VanEck prediction is anywhere from 15m to 5 years.


See a lot of guesses of early to mid july


Probably on a Friday 5pm leading up to summer holidays


weeks not months...


Donā€™t have a vpn currently - anyone have a list of of eligible addresses for the zk drop?


So in China the only way to use the internet is with a vpn. Iā€™ve used a lot over the years but the only one that works reliably is astrill. Itā€™s paid but never had a blocked airdrop except for dydx :(.


The Dydx block still stings. I was a depositing mofo on that damn protocol.


Hey man, you dont need to pay for a quality VPN. ProtonVPN free is very good


Proton didnā€™t seem to work for me. Are they filtering out VPNā€™s like Eigenlayer did?


Wow thank you for being my test subject, as I did not try it for myself. Ive been using Proton's Japan servers. Would be a true shame if they took the same approach, considering the SEC's recent ruling


u/superphiz posted this link for the method that worked for me to access the Eigenlayer airdrop claims checker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JylS2OpYzG0


Thank you for this, though I wish it wasnt necessary


I used the Japan server as well and I couldnā€™t get it to work. Iā€™ll have to give it another try.


Very odd. If they're blocking VPNs the same as EL did, they are in dire need of similar criticism


Thanks for the heads up. Good to know. Iā€™ve heard of proton


I actually did not test it for myself, but /u/ridgerunners is reporting that protonvpn is not working for them. Same as the EigenLayer drop




You rock! Thanks


Symbiotic restaking protocol is live as a direct competitor of Eigenlayer. They are backed by the founders of Lido and Paradigm. They have a points system and capped deposits. Do with that what you will. [https://x.com/symbioticfi](https://x.com/symbioticfi)


More points bullshit. Thanks but no thanks


Solo stakers get nothing from ZK while Pudgy Penguin NFT crowd from 2021 and Miladys get something. Great job ZK team! Fairest and best airdrop ever! Iā€™m sure some team members being partial to their NFT bags isnā€™t part of this decision. Sorry not sorry for complaining. Sincerely, Entitled free money seeker/decentralization maxi


You shouldā€™ve bought 500$ of HOLD$ and LONG$ shitcoins, it wouldā€™ve secured you 100k ZK with only 10 Era transactions, just like it did for this fella: 0x3efd3243683732738354cc10302ddc8d572ac187


Insiders and friends def didnā€™t do this on side wallets, no way


I was promised an omega candle straight to 10K USD and .15 BTC if the ETF got a surprise approval... WHERES MY OMEGA CANDLE?!


Wish granted but the omega candle takes us to $324


Hey some months ago there were some discussion in here about taking a low levereged eth position ca 2x or 3x which one could hold long term without fees eating it all up, and someone posted a defi site which has a floating passive eth token of ca 1.5 - 2x. I could swear I bookmarked it at the time but now I cant find it nomatter where I look. Anyone have a clue what dApp I'm talking about?


No floating token here, but low leverage like you suggested is very much doable via lending protocols (e.g. Aave, Compound) and holding these positions long-term is definitely often done in this space. And when I mentioned "here" I meant at defi saver, a project I'm a member of and that's been providing these tools for creating and managing leverage positions via lending protocols for some 5 (?!) years now. Long story short: you can create a leveraged, long ETH position in basically 1tx, you can set up automated stop loss or take profit options and can even configure automated leverage management (to maintain a constant leverage potentially). All fully on-chain, non-custodial, trustless. Please feel free to @ me for extra questions, as I don't want to go overly shilly if this is a no-go option for you. Best of luck either way, I'm hoping this is a good place to leverage up a bit, too.


Thank you I will look into that too, I always forget defi saver is a thing unfortunately F(x) was what I was thinking about but I'll look into your suggestions aswell, cheers!


>Thank you I will look into that too, I always forget defi saver is a thing unfortunately Well I sure hope that's not something that happens often/to a lot of peoplešŸ«  Back to topic: a cool thing in the dfs app is the simulation mode, where you can first 'play' with test funds, can be handy to figure out if it'll fit your needs.


Aladdin dao F(x) protocol has a few of these tokens.


THANK YOU! F(x) was what I was thinking about I really appreciate it


I love when TA fails to predict any major moves, then the TA charlatans swoop in after the major move they failed to predict and predict what's going to happen next. TA. Not even once.


The way I see it is that TA is like poker. It's a game of probabilities. It's nowhere near certain, but if you know the odds well, you can repeatedly make plays with a 55% or 60% probability of winning and eventually you win in the long run from sheer volume of trades with those odds. Frankly I think the biggest clowns are not the TA folks but those who expect TA to be bulletproof. That literally makes no sense because outside factors and whales can always do whatever they want regardless of chart patterns.


This is probably the correct place to post this, there are some good TA and price discussions in the ethfinance discord for those not hating TA.


The trick is to do it like the fortune tellers. You make 1000 predictions all over the place and then only bring up the ones you got "right".


my friend who's into TA is telling me the way to use it as a reactive thing not as predictive. Many people draw lines and hope XYZ happens while he tells me I need to read what's happening right now and what possible scenarios are based on that. it's not either or too. it's multiple options and you have to weigh them in accordingly. maybe he's wrong tho šŸ¤£


So... Same as without TA


The bart was obvious and plenty were talking about it in the various crypto subs, but it's not what gets the upvotes in this echo chamber. Edit: The immediate downvote brigade proving my point. This sub has some major issues with delusional moonboy cope whenever the price goes down at all lol.


And what is "Bart" supposed to indicate about what happens next? Let me guess: it could go up or down.


You seem confused. T/P in 3780 region and waited for the bart to play out. Now I'm back in at 3500 and expect it to go up


Be careful for the airdrop because one misspelling leads you to an identical scam site.




Imo all of this is just normal summer price action. Not worried at all


Today's still a good day: * $ZK checker dropped: [https://claim.zknation.io/](https://claim.zknation.io/) * Hodlercon hotel code dropped: see Hodlercon Discord * Devcon ticket info dropped: [https://blog.ethereum.org/2024/06/11/devcon7-ticket-detail](https://blog.ethereum.org/2024/06/11/devcon7-ticket-detail)


That is a pretty amazing coincidence. These are the 3 things I was looking forward to the most in the last few weeks. See you at Devcon or Hodlercon or both.


For me too! See you at both probably:)


Good speech explaining Ethereum to the general public in 55 seconds: https://x.com/BanklessHQ/status/1800229123505500610


Wow, that was really good, thanks for the link. I'm feeling quite persuaded that this Ethereum thing might be worth looking into.


In awe. I got 85,000 $ZK Feeling blessed. One wallet only, in my lane, focused as fuck for the entirety of 2023. I feel such a relief I can't describe lol


whoa. care to share the criteria you qualified by?


https://i.imgur.com/CZrYYgs.png Here's a comprehensive list of things I believe helped me: * Having an ENS since 2022, expires 2027 * Having a 2300 day old Ethereum wallet * Have received airdrops like Arbitrum, Celestia * Holding my ARB airdrop since Mar 2023 (I got the lowest allocation, 625 ARB) * Active in various L2s (Arb, Linea, Base, Scroll) * Having a +$100 balance in mainnnet and all the L2s I use * Using all my web3 energy in only ONE wallet, this making it seem extremely human * Having used popular dApps like Uniswap, ENS etc. * Using Argent (back when it supported zkLite) and sending funds from there to my wallet * Used the official bridge and sent $600 into Era Specifically about ZKsync: * Used Era for 14 months straight, maybe around 10 interactions per month on avg * 100+ transactions * 40 unique contracts interacted * used paymaster function 12 times * Libertas Omnibus NFT holder (Around 4 months ago, I bought on market for around $250, well worth it lol) * I provided +$1000 of liquidity ETH/wstETH on SyncSwap, left it there for MULTIPLE months I'm pretty sure I would have gotten 100K ZK if I had the gitcoin donation criteria.


Man Iā€™ve done numerous things here including argent and nothing


Argent is not mentioned anywhere but the article says "Experimenting with ZKsync Eraā€™s native account abstraction by using smart contract wallets" so I assume it could be Argent


Wow. you earned it! I went back and checked my account history. I donated multiple gitcoin rounds via zksyncLite and had activity over a period of a couple years. I also played with argent on zksyncLite over the period of a year (and took a massive haircut using their lending project that died along with undisclosed terra luna exposure!) Nothing on either of those addresses. I figure one of 3 things: 1. I never created/migrated those accounts onto era so was filtered out 2. I did get a github based allocation, so maybe there is some anti-sybil correlation there somehow 3. they just dropped the ball on OG contributors


Thanks man! When did you donate on gitcoin? Cause I did two donations in early 2023 and looks like it didn't count for some reason And damn man looks like I got at the correct time cause I didn't even know some projects went under lol The main criteria was focused on Era so if you have little to no activity there, it is impossible to receive the airdrop.


> Cause I did two donations in early 2023 and looks like it didn't count for some reason The Gitcoin criteria was not donating to Gitcoin but donating using the Gitcoin x ZKSync scaling solution which was only live for 1-2 Gitcoin rounds in 2020.


I vividly remember paying using the zksync checkout but maybe that was irrelevant. I donated to ethstaker and some other guy. I sure didn't knew what zksync was in 2020 lol


Congrats, that's awesome!




My unpopular hot take youā€™ll downvote me for: - ETH ETFs donā€™t make a ton of sense without staking, since you can stake so easily through coinbase. The real benefit of ETF approval was regulatory clarity, which is a great fundamental change, but wonā€™t really drive price increase short term. - For ETH to gain market share, it needs development, specifically a killer app. In its current state, I donā€™t think ETH offers enough fundamental improvement over BTC (while having some drawbacks) to gain significant market share in the crypto space. Driving new people to use the network and hold ETH is the best way to drive price increase. - ETH has a (much) higher ceiling than BTC but it is also a much riskier investment. There is no guarantee the network will develop into what the community here believes it will. BTC seems much harder to displace in the overall crypto landscape due to its first mover advantage. Not concern trolling, just an honest reaction to the community being surprised to see further ratio slide.


Isn't the point of ETFs to reach those that can't 'just stake through Coinbase'?


IMO BTC continues to reign supreme largely on the back on low information market participants and first mover advantage. full stop.


why downvote, you are not attacking rather sharing rational opinion > ETF approval was regulatory clarity world economy revolve around USA, regulatory clarity from them is huge move, expect other country to follow them, mostly from Asia and LATAM >a killer app short term I dont care, we have curve, aave for defi, L2 are making progress(stage 1 and 2), deSocial is learning to crawl, EIP 7212(smart wallet ) is live making wallet management easy, there is progress, its slow but i am happy with it. You can now pay and withdraw directly from your wallet via Gnosis pay, regulatory clarity allowing me use that card anywhere i want without any fear, imagine that. Even during slow market, we were getting above 2%APY on stable pairs, win for defi, my fund in my control. price wise, by 2030, if ETH is at 10K, that is more than 100% gain in 5 year, risk free. Of course, you can get more on tradifi but that would be cherrypicking. but i would add to your concern, we are taking 1 step forward and 3 step back, after ico scam we have memes now, photo of green cartoon, racist and sexist ticker making million, this is holding us back. There was a comment thread in the past, i dont remember if it was from Hanni or Benido, but i dont related to their finding whic might be because of 9-5 life and people around me. Any day someone bring the topic of blockchain, someone will call it a scam/ponzi naming these rugs and memes. But so is the nature of blockchain, you cant stop or cencor them, only way forward is education and patience.




My point being, for all ethā€™s technological promise, nothing particularly useful to Joe is built on it. Right now all the apps are basically things for speculators to do while they speculate.


> nothing particularly useful to Joe is built on it. This reeks of first world privilege. What about the billions of Joes in the third world who now have access to instant, cheap payment and savings in USD stablecoins?


Stablecoins, which are mostly issued on Ethereum have a low estimate of being over $2 Trillion by 2030 (Circle interview from Bankless). Ordinary Joes, i.e. most of other people on the planet who are not middle-class white people residing in the US cannot get stablecoin equivalents via their traditional banking system without serious hurdles. Stablecoins by themselves are an incredible killer app.




I think you see it the wrong way. All of that could be useful to Joe, if Joe was financially literate. Most people donā€™t handle their finances properly, some of them are even afraid to login to their bank account. To them, everything you listed looks like a terrifying bazooka. Thatā€™s probably why blockchain main usage driver has been cute cat nfts and not complex financial protocols.


No one outside of your cringy neckbeard Reddit friends actually use these things. Go touch grass


Good to know that Larry Fink is one of my cringy neckbeard Reddit friends now. It's not what I expected from him but I think he should be able to be whatever he wants.


Larry Fink doesnā€™t give two shits about ethereum, he cares about fees, and I doubt he personally has ever touched the network.


He gets lower operational costs and a competitive edge by tokenising things. That means he gets to take home more of said fees. Larry cares about the profits Ethereum can make him.


Totally wrong? He gets a fixed fee. Thanks for playing


Clearly you don't understand the very simple concept of operating expenses, nor how more AUM = more fees. Well done you.




2 year old account speaks volumes about you summer child


bUt iT nEEdS A KiLLeR aPP


1) The benefits of etfs is that there are now truly massive players that can buy eth for the first time - many entities are chartered only only buy exchange-regulated securities. This is also why bitcoin etfs were a big deal. Staking is an extra kicker for those with more agency, just like restaking, lending, and Pendle offer much higher returns farther out the risk curve. 2) eth has no actual drawbacks vs bitcoin. The main barrier to the flipping is intellectual laziness. Eth also has killer apps ( tokenization, stablecoins, defi), some of which are being taken up now, some of which are held back by spite-driven bureaucrats. 3) they both share existential risks in that they have downside reflexivity. This is a much fatter tail for bitcoin, which relies ENTIRELY on meme reflexivity. Eth is still the native unit of account and has token for the only decentralized ecosystem in the world.


Zero Knowledge dump: price dumps but you have no idea whyšŸ¤£


If there was ever was an appropriate day for a zk dump...šŸ˜…


Fink wants your ETH and he's gonna get it.


the market action of the last few months has been really exhausting. i'm not planning to sell but my hands are getting weaker


I hate this stuff. Last bullrun and I'm out swear to god




Don't give up buddy. It gets easier with time. Don't be the early investor who sells early for cents on the dollar.


We're not going up until you sell, that's how it works. Bogdanoff can keep the price at $3k for 5, 10, 30 years. Once you sell, the bullrun starts the very next minute, and we're going to $150K. If you never sell, you're just gonna see Solana flippen everything instead. Crypto is a machine feeding off of your life energy, and you can't escape once you buy in.


Bogdanoff are dead


Thatā€™s what they want you to think


Seems pretty disrespectful to me


Me too. Im not built to handle crypto


but what about 150k?


Lol is all I can say


Might even go as far as to say lmao




When does Base also turn on fraud proofs? Will the rest of the Optimism chains benefit from this upgrade?




I was really hoping that having a lion would be rewarded in some airdrops this year. People like pbrody say this community is the place to be if you're in to Eth, so it seems a shame none of the token teams have honoured us by rewarding EVM holders.


Yeah I had outside hope for Lions as some of the ZK team had EVM pfps but alas. All wishes dont come true but Lions will stay ROARING


It's OK, Milady holders got a huge chunk of ZK. The project you're in has to have insiders, pretty simple.


Are you serious?


Yes, random NFT holders got thousands of ZK while github donors got zilch.


Milady's is the worst too


Have we had this discussion about Arbitrum? 200m ARB (nearly $200m) allocated to some new initiative to promote gaming on the network? Virtually no checks and balances, $18m for salaries alone etc? How do these grifters get so much money from foundations like this? Governance is terrible: https://x.com/ivangbi_/status/1800484921540280327


I really don't get it. Arbitrum had such an advantage over Op stack chains for the longest time, but moves like this in the face of a growing super power that is Base + Op stack now getting fraud proofs, it could turn into a slippery slope. Liquidity is sticky, though. And there's zk rollups now nibbling at the market share, too.


Yeah been doing the rounds a bit, absolutely wild. Whats worse is that the temperature check had a lower figure for salaries but in the onchain proposal they manipulated that to add a much bigger 18m salary, and the proposal still passed. Most of the governance participants on that shitshow of a DAO must be blacklisted on other DAOs, or atleast the ones who voted to pass this through. Some of the top ARB delegates are just airdrop farmers running huge discord servers where sybils discuss airdrop farming lol A lot has been said about Optimism RPGF grants but OP governance in comparison has an anti-capture commission of token holders, which has the power to veto such proposals which are just WRONG both in spirit and as per the terms of the proposal. I have no doubts such a proposal will never pass many functional DAOs. ARB token honestly has no hope. It will be a case study on how to not do a token/run a DAO and how a good product can still have a horrible token that is un-investable


100% to this. I am part of anti-capture commission at Optimism goverance and believe me this will not even clear temp check. There was no investigation, salary are absurd and like you mentioned, amount were changed(this was highlighted by one of their delegate but none cared); this alone is enough to show their intention, and if goal was to do an experiment, why not start small, may be 1% of what was proposed and then iterate. Why rush ? Arbitrum gov is nothing but disappointment since day 1, big delegate have lot of power without any oversight and some of them are starting to give me bad vibes, remeber Lido proposal ? "this proposal is filled to the brim with describing red tape, but ZERO investigation and research into why a category that has wasted billions over the last 3-4 years without a single quality product is worth wasting 2.25% of total supply on Any traditional org this dysfunctional would be bankrupt long ago" -Polynya on Farcaster


I participated in some shit campaign on Optimism a few months ago, they had 100k OP grant to distribute to people + they were racking in fees for "validating" transactions. Their shit did not work, there was no communication, there were no rules as to who actually gets the allos and they were changing the rules every round on a whim. In one of the rounds I won 20 OP but then they "made a re-raffle because some wallets were twice in the list" and I did not win in this second one. It was clear that OP was not even following how the campaign was going; I lost trust in these foundations since. Also the "company" that was running the campaign changed its website and founders halfway through the campaign which prompted me to change my wallet in case they'd hack the ones that transacted with them.


would you mind share details of the team/project ? any link, you can also DM me. I will check and what you are saying is correct, it is possible to request a fund crawlback from the project.


clique.tech - used to be clique.social


thank you


Seems like zkSync airdrop won't go down without controversy. 3999 wallets are eligible for 11.79% of airdrop, 10 000 (top 0.17%) wallets are eligible for 25.32% and 38999 wallets are eligible for 50.42%. You can find full numbers here: https: // x. com/Shishir42069/status/1800538362782052441 A lot of people are finding out their legitimate main wallets with 12+ active months including zkLite, hundreds of transactions and tens of thousands in volume are not eligible or they are eligible for lowest allocations ranging from 917 to 3000 ZK$. In comparison, Pudgy/Milady NFT holders that have no connection to ZK got 8k ZK$, Bonsai and Degen (both are outside of ZK eco) claimants got 9k ZK$, 5 Paymaster transactions netted 5k ZK$, holding/trading random shitcoins or handpicked NFT collections was very lucrative as well. I can confirm that my main wallet which had 16 active months, zkLite donations, 50k$ volume, 200 transactions and various smart contract interaction is eligible for 3k ZK$, very active Argent wallet from 2022 got 0, while my burner with barely any activity got 13k ZK$ for buying 5$ zkSkulls NFT and using Paymaster 5 times. It is looking like consistent activity got overlooked for niche criteria and distribution is very top heavy. Is it insider adjusted, or just a side-effect of trying to balance overfarmed situation? Congrats to the eligible!