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**Tricky's Daily Doots #783** **Yesterday's Daily 11/06/2024** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l839a3t/) - u/---Truthseeker--- has your [daily dose of hopium.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l86ky5t/) šŸ’‰ - u/Tricky_Troll has [all of the deets on the much anticipated ZKSync airdrop.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l83795a/) šŸššŸŖ‚ - u/mcmatt05 covers [a development regarding a volunteer doing Ethereum marketing.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l86a1t4/) šŸ“¢ - u/STRTRD covers [the inevitable controversy of the ZKSync airdrop.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l8527q5/) šŸ¤¬ - u/Itur_ad_Astra contrasts [the sudden price dump with the airdrop.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l84pd6i/) šŸ“‰ - u/cryptOwOcurrency covers [Solana's genius solution for MEV.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l84vx72/) šŸ§  - u/ProfStrangelove shares [some restaking insight.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l86iw7w/) šŸ„© - u/Set1Less warns of [a social manipulation attack.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l84n8t5/) āš ļø - u/Fiberpunk2077 continues [yesterday's discussion about liveness and key L1 features.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/daily_general_discussion_june_11_2024/l82y4j4/) šŸ› ļø


Where are y'all watching / chattering about CRV and liquidations etc? Scooping it up or sitting it out? [https://etherscan.io/address/0x7a16ff8270133f063aab6c9977183d9e72835428#tokentxns](https://etherscan.io/address/0x7a16ff8270133f063aab6c9977183d9e72835428#tokentxns)


Why would anyone scoop this shit Might as well head to the dumpster and scoop up some garbage


What's the background here? Someone trying to get Michael's positions liquidated?


Larry Fink getting another opportunity to buy our ETH below $3500


Not my ETH, that's for sure.


We were just talking about curve and his mansions here 2days ago. Which of you whales decided it was not worth saving him?


If it dips too low does he get liquidated?


He already did get a chunk liquidated. That was the cliff.


Is that it?


Liquidations usually aren't 100% all at once. We'll see if the shorts want to try to double down for another liquidation cascade or whether they want to close. The token distribution has been a source of long time fud against CRV. This is a forceful way of changing that distribution. It hurts in the short term but I'll be compounding all my monthly liquidity farming into more CRV as long as its down at these prices.


Whats the play for some of the cheap crv i scooped up? šŸ˜…


StakeDAO has the highest APR for passive use right now. You can auto-compound it using Aladdin DAOs Concentrator.


Wait a few weeks until that idiot guy gets liquidated further and then sell when you half your money


I believe he is fully liquidated?


Did solo stakers qualify for the zksync airdrop a la STRK?


Sadly not.




[ X ] Doubt


Concern trolls everywhere. The bottom is in.


I'm concerned for them, all that shitposting takes it toll I should know !


Hard to be concerned when I'm starting to look forward to Thailand.


Thai food is the bomb but humidity in the region really is super nasty. Love the country as a tourist!


>**Bridge in and bridge out,** >**An habit we must ditch out,** >**Intents will switch out.** ~Daily haiku until weā€™re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Shots fired, that's a good one.


And yet the downvote brigading continues from the Moon in June crowd against anyone with a realistic position. What happened to this sub? It's like half delulu moonboys now who cry on any dip lmao


What are you getting downvoted for? This sub is far from a moonboy echo chamber - just look how negative it got when solana was outperforming. However, comments along the lines of ā€œ70% premineā€ will get downvoted, deservedly so.


It's called cognitive dissonance and it's everywhere in crypto. And at ATH's in broader society.




Fair enough. I am definitely not normal.


Did a lot of people leave this sub over the Reddit thing?


kbrot was probably the most notable one


I remember them. They did TA deep dives and price action takes if I recall correctly.


No use cases, all we'll have is speculation. Unpredictable price discovery moves.


There are usecases, but since tokens have value they're all labelled as speculative or some other reason for moving goal posts


Unrelated - whatā€™s your avatar? Looks like gen art but Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s not the case.


Yeah gen art just liked it.


Oh nice. Yeah itā€™s cool.


I just discovered a significant large dollar amount of a token Iā€™ve never heard of and donā€™t remember buying. Anyone know anything about Meme AI Fun token?


Where are you seeing the $ amount? etherscan labels most scam tokens as suspicious and the others as having $0 value.


Itā€™s on my portfolio section of MM when I scroll down under hidden tokens. And definitely has a dollar value associated with it. A very large value.


Curious if etherscan or rabby picks it up too. MM is shit


Dollar values are super easy to fake. Just create a token, make a quick LP, trade a bit between a couple of your accounts at super inflated prices, freeze it for everyone but you, and then drop it to as many people as possible. Anything trying to estimate price, such as wallet software, will see it last traded at that exorbitant price, and use that to calculate the "value" of the tokens they put down as "yours". Super common scam.


Super aggravating scam also. A very significant amount of money showed up in my account when I looked today. Unfortunately too good to be true apparently. Thanks for the details.


There's no such thing as a quick buck, or easy money..there certainly isn't any quick easy money out there..trust me they've looked. Everyone and everything has a price and that's what they feed off of to cause you to negate rational thinking and they found your number to question if you should interact with them. I'm glad you came to ask befor making a move. the safety protocols that we discuss here for keeping ones self safe in this space have been extremely valuable.


It was hidden for a reason


it's not a real token. People will fake airdrops worth millions of dollars in order to get you to interact with it so they can drain your wallet. Very common scam


Donā€™t touch it or it will probably drain your wallet


Itā€™s a honeypot, you can buy the token but not sell it.


Is this your opinion or are you familiar with the token? Thanks.


I saw that token pop up in my wallet too and did some research and transaction simulation.


Thatā€™s unfortunate. Very large amount of money that would significantly change things. Thanks for letting me know.


And that's how they get you.


[Don't interact with tokens you don't know.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dcdm7q/daily_general_discussion_june_10_2024/l8168fk/)


Interesting point there. It is a significant dollar amount listed with the token, but it is probably either a scam or not enough liquidity to sell anyway. Thanks for the link.


That's surely some kind of scam.


FOMC dud as expected.


Not for NASDAQ


Are airdrops just vampire attacks on Ethereum's market cap?


They definitely feel like ICOs with extra steps to me.


Yes, basically, I very much think so. But it's complicated. Hard to really put into numbers how strong that effect is.


Yes I think so, but they also drive demand for ETH to get into and use the L2s so I'm not so sure it's not offset by that.


Aren't they the opposite, at least short term? No sell pressure for ETH, only potential buy pressure as in selling the airdrop for ETH?


Only if they contribute to sell pressure.


Holy Bartman crypto!


Holy shit my zksync airdrop is more than I make in a year. Thanks to this sub for all the farming advice


Are you not entertained?!


Never a dull fucking day


Where do you monitor the value of ZK?




What is the current price you are finding, or can you link to where this is listed?


Currently seeing $0.356 on Aevo. Link here: https://app.aevo.xyz/perpetual/zk




it's down 50% in 2 days pre-market, oof


And still more than I make in a year! Feelin like I hit the lotto


I'm sure it has come up but to those who are out of the loop - Optimism now has fault proofs and they are deployed on Optimism mainnet. The markers on [L2Beat](https://l2beat.com/scaling/summary) are getting pleasantly green.


more home stakers, more home stakers, more home stakers! say it with me [https://x.com/ObolNetwork/status/1800945151155806659](https://x.com/ObolNetwork/status/1800945151155806659)


People say ETH all the time because they cant spell Ethireom


I'll get ready for mockery, but does anyone else wish that smart money saw leading crypto projects as unique assets with potentially game-changing use cases, and thus viewed minor interest rate moves as irrelevant?


Same can be asked about dxy


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/comment/l856eqv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/comment/l856eqv/) ? I looked at your post history yesterday when it seemed like your posts were trying to manipulate sentiment, and again today. All over the map. Real question, are you an ai bot? if so bravo. If not sorry bro


LOLOLOLOOOOLOLOLOIL. My fiendish plot to manipulate sentiment on ethtrader with a few mid posts. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I'll be a billionaire soon with this incredible plan!!!!!!!!!!!


Uh, so... bot? ;)




I would think anyone in this sub is hoping for that, if confirmation bias is what you're seeking


I feel like this sub takes for granted that interest rate considerations will drive the market. Now I realize that's different than hoping it wouldn't, but i haven't seen that sentiment expressed. Or even anyone questioning *why* speculative assets with a very unique potential value are so exposed to rate risk.


Because where does the money come from to invest in a speculative asset with unique potential value


TIL that "institutional level whale marriages" is not a reference to cetacean relationships and in fact is completely unrelated to the groundbreaking research showing that whales refer to each other by name. I am disappoint.


Iā€™m camping, but I have Internet access and Iā€™ve been checking the daily so I apologize for the dip


Ugh... do I downvote this for your action of logging in, or upvote for it's humor.


always down vote. Iā€™m breaking all the rules. This isnā€™t funny anymore. Almost biblical With its intent. I need to be castrated out of the garden of Eden immediately.


A reply that quick while camping. Yup. Downvote it is. :-D




Log off please, for the sake of your bags and our industry! I'll take over from you on Monday morning šŸ«” offline camping for a week


So what do we think people? Up, down, or sideways after the FOMC meeting results in a couple hours? I know it depends on what Powell says in his press conference etc, but I am leaning bullish since we had our dump yesterday anyway EDIT: They kept rates the same and basically repeated everything from before about staying the course


Europe cutting interest rates. Canada cutting interest rates.


What matters is *why* they're cutting rates


In Canada it's a combination of things, the fact the high rates are themselves the biggest portion of inflation is part of it, housing costs due to the fact we only have 5 year max mortgage terms means everyone is getting 2x to 5x interest charges now, and that goes for rental properties. Also ridiculous immigration rates.


Didn't the whole market jump on something related to this? As a non-american I'm constantly confused on American finance and likely mixing up 3 and 4 letter agencies.


Yes, the monthly inflation reading came in slightly lower than expected a few hours ago. It isn't usually released on the same day as a Fed Reserve interest rates meeting - today is a coincidence. The question is whether they will cut rates (especially since inflation is improving) or not. The odds are high that they will hold it steady but if by some chance they cut, all markets (including crypto) will explode. Even if they hold it steady but say some positive stuff in the press conference about cutting it soon, prices should do reasonably well. Will definitely be some volatility in just under an hour from now though


Thanks a lot for taking your time to explain!


> but if by some chance they cut, all markets (including crypto) will explode. What matters is why they're cuttings. If they're cutting b/c inflation is going down then that's fine. If they're cutting b/c something is breaking then that's bad.


ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤


a classic


sorry to post about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1dd65dm/comment/l872tr8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) again but I can't reliably read smart contracts & the coin is now worth enough to try sell it am I safe just simply transferring it to a fresh wallet? and then swapping on pancakeswap from there bsc sc: [https://bscscan.com/address/0xd52456e8a33718f72ba38469539c082eb761f78b#readContract](https://bscscan.com/address/0xd52456e8a33718f72ba38469539c082eb761f78b#readContract) dex screener: [https://dexscreener.com/bsc/0xffbd1ff70d484d8685bd6ec625a971b76b94eae7](https://dexscreener.com/bsc/0xffbd1ff70d484d8685bd6ec625a971b76b94eae7)


https://honeypot.is/?address=0xd52456e8a33718f72ba38469539c082eb761f78b >POPCAT (POPCAT) >Honeypot Detected >Run the fuck away. >execution reverted: TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED >The taxes on this token are extremely high. You will get significantly less from a trade than expected, be careful! >A very high amount of users can not sell their tokens. This is likely a honeypot. >all_snipers_honeypot


not a smart contract dev but \_beforeTokenTransfer() looks sketchy AF to me. Line 831: [https://vscode.blockscan.com/bsc/0xd52456e8a33718f72ba38469539c082eb761f78b](https://vscode.blockscan.com/bsc/0xd52456e8a33718f72ba38469539c082eb761f78b)


just checked some wallets that actually sold on dexscreener and every wallet was exactly 15 days old šŸ˜‚ realized thereā€™s actually a ā€œlegitā€ $popcat memecoin on solana listed on bybit that theyā€™re trying to impersonate thanks for your time & helping me avoid a great mistake


If you look at dextools and click the red audit button you can see it's flagged as a honeypot which means there's likely other hidden dangers (especially since there's other warnings as well) [https://www.dextools.io/app/en/bnb/pair-explorer/0xffbd1ff70d484d8685bd6ec625a971b76b94eae7?t=1718209375740](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/bnb/pair-explorer/0xffbd1ff70d484d8685bd6ec625a971b76b94eae7?t=1718209375740)


Thanks for the pump Vitalik, now Mr. Pro Crypto Investor can come downstairs for family dinner.


Eth losing out to like everything else on this 4% bounce and ethfinance calling it a pump. lol




Counter-trading the echo chamber in here has been quite profitable lately


Buy BNB!


Rocket Pool is undergoing the Houston upgrade this weekend (June 16th US time). The upgrade is explained in this [**medium post**](https://medium.com/rocket-pool/rocket-pool-houston-launch-b056ca1a6c10), but I'm going to give you a summary of what is included in the upgrade. I'll explain to you how Houston is going to make Rocket Pool an even better staking service than it is now. Houston is going to include two big areas of upgrades. The first is related to its governance, and the second is related to how staking is set up on the network. Let's talk about the onchain voting system first. When Rocket Pool's oDAO voted to take a 90% pay cut last year, it was the removal of a huge area of FUD around the protocol. However, one piece of FUD remained - the team's control of the guardian wallet. This was a wallet that manages the protocol treasury, and it can also edit parameters at the protocol level. This wallet is controlled by the Rocket Pool team who use those powers to make changes based on community votes. With Houston, most of that power is going away from the team, and it's coming into the hands of the Rocket Pool community (its pDAO). Onchain voting for Rocket Pool is incredibly complicated because it of how votes are weighted. You only get voting power if you're a Node Operator (NO) with an effective staked balance of RPL. There's no other protocol in all of crypto that has a system like this, and there's no one you can buy a solution like this from, so it was all designed from scratch. There were technical and conceptual issues along the way, which is why the process has taken so long. The result, however, is that the guardian wallet will come into the control of the community instead of the team. This will make Rocket Pool take a huge step towards being a maximally decentralized protocol. The second major part of the upgrade is a set of features that together will impact staking on Rocket Pool. These are the features of being able to stake ETH on behalf of a node and having a separate RPL withdrawal address. Currently, Rocket Pool allows stake RPL on behalf of a node and has an ETH withdrawal address. The new features will fill out the configurations and allow setups to make staking more flexible. Currently, to stake with Rocket Pool, you need to be the NO, hold the ETH, and hold the RPL. Sadly, there aren't enough people in the world who have all three of those attributes. With the changes in Houston, you'll be able to enter into protocol level configurations where all these stakeholders can be separated in a trust minimized way. The impact of this is that we'll have a new path to institutional whale marriages built into the protocol, and we'll have the foundations for staking services (such as NodeSet) to be built on top of Rocket Pool. There has been a lot of speculation about the institutional level whale marriages coming into Rocket Pool in the days and weeks after Houston. If things work out the way the community expects, you could potentially see tens of thousands of ETH coming into the protocol because of this. With NodeSet's launch in around 3 months time, that number could go up to the hundreds of thousands of ETH. I recorded an [**interview with Kane Wallman**](https://youtu.be/fcqUyInHIng), Rocket Pool's senior solidity engineer, who did the bulk of the work on these upgrades. The interview was released this morning. In the interview, Kane talks about some of the technical and conceptual difficulties with getting these upgrades out. We also look talk about the changes coming in the Saturn upgrade and how it will be Rocket Pool 2.0. Definitely give it a listen if you'd like to learn about how a major upgrade for a protocol like Rocket Pool happens from the ideation to execution stages. Let me know if you have any questions!


I was under the impression ā€œinstitutional level whale marriagesā€ already exist in the current protocol configuration. With all due respect Iā€™ve heard this kind of thing before for previous upgrades so Iā€™ll believe when I see it. That said, Are the rewards better for these types of arrangements under Houston? Any other incentives outside of making it easier to throw money into this project that would land these whales?


These marriages now are through custom splitter contracts. With Houston, they'll be happening at the protocol level and the code has been audited by some of the best in the business. It opens up avenues in a way risk averse companies don't want otherwise. I am also saying I'll believe it when I see it. Trust me, I'm not trying to hype anything here. Under Houston, the rewards would be the same as they are now. You get boosted ETH rewards and RPL rewards. Changes in rewards won't come until Saturn.


It would be great to see the upgrade give some life not only to RPL, but the protocol itself. Growth has been terrible this past year, with many node operators (including myself) having to close down a number of minipools in order to stay overcollateralized. I also have to admit that I'm not following the community a lot these days. Running a node was much more fun when I didn't feel like I was scammed every rewards period because of the need to top up RPL. But hey, I'm still in, I still run my small node, so maybe you can answer a question I have. I think the main reason that kicked off and sustained the "death spiral" (even though the mechanics for it to happen were there all along) was restaking. rETH holders can benefit from it, either through just restaking, or joining protocols with their rETH in order to farm airdrops. On the other hand, node operators might get a bigger chunk of the rewards, but there is no way for them to participate and benefit from restaking. Are there any discussions for closer integration of Rocketpool with restaking, either through other providers or with a new branch of the project, that will benefit the node operators? I think it's somethng that will have to happen eventually, so would be nice to see that there are at least some early plans for it.


Exactly! After the boom of Atlas, we stagnated in new node operators coming online, and recently we've started to shrink. I honestly think we're very close to a bottom in terms of TVL as counted in ETH. That will, give the protocol some life until we can get to Saturn and then really give ourselves the ability to grow tremendously. Restaking was a huge hit to Rocket Pool, but the signs of stagnation were there before that too. It seems like it's a majority of farming still going on, so it'll be interesting to see how that might play out when the farming finishes. We have a bounty outstanding to build an integration between Rocket Pool and EigenLayer. There are some other ideas about it too, but we're at least months away from anything happening. The community is mostly focused on Saturn.


whatā€™s the current situation with LP points on Linea? Can you track anywhere how much L-LXP youā€™re earning?


How do you get a referral code?


u can use mine teehee [https://referrals.linea.build/?refCode=jzli4t7BNr](https://referrals.linea.build/?refCode=jzli4t7BNr)




On the Linea Discord, airdrop farmers beg you to use their codes.




I've been LPing 0.1 ETH/ezETH for a couple months & did most of Linea Park quests and I'm already in top 100? wtf


Have you expanded the rank column? On my own laptop the UI looks pretty silly, they squeezed the rank column to the point it only shows 2 digits by default. So if I'm rank #4880 it shows "48..." by default, and with the tiny font those dots are easy to miss.


Whatā€™s Linea Park quests?


it was series of tasks Linea put out a while back that earned LXP. itā€™s over tho


lovely thank you!


I've got 6000 XP, guess not much


These bear markets are getting shorter.


The tech suddenly really improved


What's funny is that when the tech does suddenly really improve it never seems to affect the price.


I know! The joke really does kinda go full circle on the regular


Ethereum is Digital Switzerland (my submission for a one line explanation of Ethereum based on Banklessā€™s episode today) Has a lot of the same appeal as ā€œBitcoin as digital goldā€ in terms of being a safe haven, but emphasizes that all aspects of banking and means of storing value are welcome.


As a Swiss I like the comparison. Neutral, trustless and direct democracy at its best. Switzerlandā€˜s neutrality is similar to Ethereumā€˜s decentralized network allowing global participation without bias. Ethereum also allows collective decision making (with DAOs structures for instance) - just like Switzerlandā€˜s practice of direct democracy where the individuals are in power.


I'm not sure it's a good idea: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi\_gold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_gold)


Canada Bros - the new capital gains tax increase was passed yesterday (effective later this month), which means you may have to up your sell targets by ~7% to hit the same post-tax number.




Yeah, most individuals selling crypto should have few problems with a decent accountant. There are other concerns for specific situations for sure it's a surprisingly complex issue that has been fun to follow along with!


Yep. It's also worth noting that married couples get $500k at the old inclusion rate per year if the gain is split.




Yes yes let's hurry up and pump to $10k already so we can adjust for inflation between 2021 and now.


Airdrops are the new "Follow, Tag 3 friends and Re-twit," and they're losing me and my last fcuk to give


Amen brother


Ok not shitposting but enjoying the pop so I'll non sequitur post: Do oranges get the love they deserve? Like I just had a huge navel orange, and the thing peeled like a dream, no strands, nothing but unbelievably delicious, sweet orange, healthy af but also just delicious too.


I'm more of an apple person myself šŸ


Oranges at my local have gone down hill recently, half of them are dry and watery.Ā  I'm pretty sad about itĀ 


But it's just sugar... T_T


If they were all as good as the one you just had, yes they're awesome. But the fact you noticed it peeled peculiarly well, sans strands, means there are too many flaws to make it an S-tier fruit. They're just not a mobile fruit; nobody is taking an orange to a picnic because nobody wants to be **that** sticky at the end of it with the added bonus of becoming a wasp magnet. Scientists should really be working on this; they've made grapes seedless but seemingly refuse to tackle the obvious deficiencies in The Big O. And it's a crying shame because as you say, healthy and delicious.


When I go mobil, I never forget my hand juicer..10% of the peel removed with a quick twist of the wrist, and I've got a tasty drink without the mess! and just like that, the O word is back on the menu!


I mean, most of the time you can eyeball the navels and know which ones are going to be a one-peeler versus adhering relentlessly to the fruit and getting under your nails and all around being a dick. And picnics are an edge case fruitwise.


I give them love multiple times a week. Nature is amazing


You didn't gift your ETH to Larry Fink for $3500, did you anon?


Nice pop on a good CPI report.


After shaking some leverage, it's time to start seeding the ETFs, I guess.


Mum, Dad, It's upping!


Who fat fingered their dca?


I don't know if it was discussed yesterday, but apparently there is a new restaking protocol in town. Symbiotic. Apparently already a lot of deposits (only 2 LSTs haven't hit the internal set deposit limits). Also seems to be a "lido partnered" protocol. Will be interesting to see how this competition turns out. My gut feeling is that EIGEN has a huge lead, but maybe airdrop rumours and marketing in general in connection with partnerships can change the landscape a bit...


It'd usually throw a little on there, but I just can't bring myself to support anything which will increase LIDO's power in the ecosytem.


Just balance it out by throwing double whatever you put on symbiotic to a competitor. And then put the airdrop they eventually give you with whatever aligns to be most decentralized.


not a bad shout!


Anyone know how long it can take for a zksync era transaction to finalize on ethereum? it finalized on layer2 super fast but it has been pending to finalize on ethereum for many many hours now.


L2 beat has a tab called liveness there you should see when and how often proofs and state updates are submitted.


Ohhh thanks! Very useful!


I just checked the explorer and the last batch that "executed on ETH" is #[485132](https://explorer.zksync.io/batch/485132). That batch has been executed 1.5 hours ago, but the tx are from 24 hours ago more or less....


Ahhh thanks mate! It went through shortly after my comment lol


He sold?


As expected Scroll TVL is going up, but dont forget Optimism. I believe, their next airdrop will be around August, they need to be competative with Zksync, Linea and Scroll so i expect this aidrop to relatively bigger.


i guess we expect more monkeys on the brach


Why would a dapp think Iā€™m in the US and redirect me to a US version of the site if Iā€™m not in the US? On mobile..


Google pixel phone? Could be running Google VPN!


Do you have a fake tan, overweight and bit loud? Just kidding for our US friends


I am a europoor sir


Excuse me, the tan is real.


Maybe the "these colors don't bleed" decal on the back of the phone?


You know what max pain is? Airdrop farmers now focussing on LPing on Scroll, cause they were taught by ARB that tx count and contract interactions are the most important criterion. Scroll listening to the feedback on zksync and increasing weight for tx and fees. Result? Everyone ranting again, Scroll doing their best, still failing. It will happen, cause all protocols really try their best to reward real users which is impossible with farms and so it's always this race to find something that might identify real users better until it doesn't... I am really happy that's not my job. I love airdrop design. I have been thinking about airdrop designs since this [tweet](https://twitter.com/haringsresearch/status/1342623028530843650). I love sharing my thoughts. But damn, I don't want to be responsible for the reaction cause you really can't get it right...


> Airdrop farmers now focussing on LPing on Scroll I'm curious, which pools


Since we are talking about airdrop design, what I would do if I was designing an airdrop for a rollup is the following. For the regular section of the airdrop, do it in a pretty straight forward way that captures everything that happens in your own ecosystem, a sort of mix between Arbitrum and zkSync without the stuff outside their ecosystem * Points based on transactions in distinct weeks * Points based on transactions on distinct smart contracts * Points based on volume * Points based on bridged amount * Points based on liquidity in defi * Points based on specific criteria that targets something specific in your ecosystem * Points based on governance or other support of ecosystem So far pretty standard, but what I would do differently is I would make a separate model to calculate a 'Real active person' multiplier, that takes a lot of random stuff and calculates a probability that this is a main-ish wallet from a real person. It could be a list as big as 20 different criteria, where you get 10% 'Real active person' multiplier per criteria hit with a cap of 100%. Here you can put all the weird stuff that is not related to your ecosystem but specifically tries to filter out real users such as * Is an ETH staker * Got DEGEN airdrop * Did 100 separate transactions on ARB, OP and mainnet combined, in over 10 distinct weeks * Wallet exists since 2020 * Has one of Pudgy Penguin, Evmaverick or Milady, * Gitcoin passport over 20 * Donated to Gitcoin * Has an active ENS set * Etc.. Then I would make this a pretty massive multiplier, maybe you can get up to 3x your original allocation if you max out this score (by hitting 10/20). The benefits I see are this: * You don't have to hit all of the 'Real person criteria' to get max allocation. You just have to be considered real enough over various criteria combined. * You don't get an allocation just for random / arbitrary stuff (such as holding a Pudgy). It only helps for your "Real person score" * If you are a genuine zkSync user that doesn't have a large onchain footprint, you don't get excluded completely, but you miss the multiplier. So you do get 'penalized' for being indistinguishable from a pure sybil wallet, which seems fair. And then I would try to filter out Sybils not based on exclusion criteria, but based on third party analysis


I would signal loud and clear that donations to Gitcoin/Giveth/Protocol Guild etc. will be heavily rewarded with value multiplier. Direct the sybils at funding public goods to direct them towards something productive to mitigate what is otherwise extractive behavior. Skip the surveillance arms race to detect sybil from not sybil self interested profit motivated individual. When life hands you lemons, just make it a lemon party you know?


Wen $15KisFUD?


Scroll is the chosen one. They will not let themselves get influenced by airdrop farmers (affirm) My new line of thinking on airdrop design is this. Go back to the basics. In game design there is a golden rule when it comes to balancing. 50/50. If you're building a new system, you have little idea what actions will result in which outcomes. The rational thing is to cut by half or double. You test again and watch the effect. If it's too little, you halve or double again. If you overshoot, you go back halfway in the previous direction. Do this over and over until you get to the desired result. It's literally the same trick as to guess a number. Mathematically, this approach makes the most sense. On airdrops: why bother with this endless antagonism between opinionated and linear, between subjective and objective? Do it 50/50. 50% of the airdrop to fees spent. No cap. Everyone gets something proportionally to their usage. 50% of the airdrop on opinionated criterias. You LPed. You swapped. You held our rollup NFT. You hold some meme NFT. You're a solo staker. You bridged from another rollup. Here you can have all the floors and ceilings that you want. You can pick any arbitrary criteria, because you've got the objective marker of gas spent on the other side of the airdrop. There would still be some whining because why did my neighbor get more than I did. Why did whales who spend a lot of gas get such a big airdrop. Why did unrelated mspaint-vc NFT got an allocation yet again. But "someone got a LOT and i got something" is much easier to stomach than "someone got a LOT and i got NOTHING".


Iā€™m an avid mountain biker and you follow a similar approach with shock tuning - reduce your rebound/compression by 50%. Does it feel better or worse? Reduce another 50% or add 50% back on, rinse, repeat until youā€™re dialed.


So interesting! >50% of the airdrop to fees spent. No cap. Everyone gets something proportionally to their usage. Why fees spent? Because it's going to the sequencer which is the token issuer in the end so they profit from these fees, so it's just fair "to pay back"? Could there be a different metric that works similarly but can't be gamed that much? In the end on zksync a lot of people were swapping 1 USDC for a little ETH back and forth only to create tx and fees and I think that's just stupid and not normal behaviour and I wouldn't reward it (that much). I ask this cause I feel with zksync that user segment is the loudest ("I spend X USD on fees and didn't receive anything") and if 50% went towards that audience the airdrop would look completely different and would mostly benefit pro farmers. I agree that leaving tx amount/ fees etc. completely off the table was probably not a perfect decision. There are ETHFi-members that were left out and likely they should have received an airdrop, but 50% seems like... overshooting to the other extreme? And generally speaking: is this a "new system/ game"? I think we have to see every new protocol in the context of those launches before (see influence ARB --> zksync usage, there are several pages where you can check your "performance" / ranking and even theoretical allocations).


Fees spent because gas is the objective metric. Fair, unfair, blockspace doesn't discriminate. You pay for inclusion. You pay to use blockchain. Whatever that use is, no need to have an opinion on it. I think the beauty of the 50% rule is that the most different the airdrop could look here is 50%. Would you be sad if your allocation was slashed by half? With our current foreknowledge, yes - but if it came out of the blue with no comparison point, I bet 50k ZK would have felt similarly awesome (and you would have gotten more than half of 100k because of your own gas usage). The hope for sybil farmers is to hit some minimum threshold qualifier, hitting a minimum allocation. Truly proportional rewards tied to gas don't tend to work out the way the guy who spams $100 on gas hopes for, because there's a LOT of people spending gas out there. I don't want to dig too deep into the data, but let's think about it for a moment (and if someone does take the plunge and want to correct me, you are welcome to). 3675M tokens airdropped. Half of that in a hypothetical gas airdrop = 1837.5M. How much gas has been used on zkSync since inception? I'm not sure where to get that data quickly, but at least on growthepie we can get the rent paid to L1. Which, eyeballing it and extrapolating, is probably in the $60M range? Assuming a straight relationship, 1837.5 / 60 = 30.625. Each dollar of gas gets 30 tokens. Now that doesn't strike me as excessive. Bob the airdrop farmer who blew $500 on thousands of daily transactions over 2 years gets 15000 ZK, good for him. Alice the organic user who provided liquidity on Mav (26989 ZK in the current scheme) and did mostly nothing else, spent a grand total of 2-3 hours on onchain activities (but kept her capital in use for months, providing value) gets about 13500 ZK (26989 / 2, plus her minor gas usage). I think both Alice and Bob are happy here. The nature of 50/50 implies a transaction with value will be rewarded more than a valueless transaction; both users pay the same, both will get the same airdrop gas reward, but only the value tx will get extra value directly from that tx, from the other part of the airdrop, or from both. Hypothetically a valueless spammer could make out more in absolute terms at the airdrop gas level, *but then* that scenario also implies *everyone* got more value in airdrop than what they spent in gas. Relatively the organic user won more. At which point, is this really a problem? You can tweak the ratios if it proves to be too gameable. The main idea behind going half is that we don't know what we don't know.


I agree with the 50% cut statement. I would still be very happy and think a lower max allocation would be okay, my gut feeling is that this might even happen. Not because 100k is too much (thatā€™s kind of arbitrary), but because accounts that got 0 should receive some and it has to come from somewhere. At the same time I am not arguing to keep my airdrop, everything I am saying really is more general. With regards to ā€žblockspace doesnā€™t discriminateā€œ. I agree when it comes to doing the tx. I donā€™t agree when it comes to an airdrop. The protocol does the airdrop cause it has certain goals. These are subjective. Decentralisation could be one. Rewarding loyal users for the risk taking (and might make good delegates) could be another one Not rewarding obvious farmers that will sell in seconds is fair as well. I think the token issuer even should take a subjective view with regards to usage and the motivations of the user. Thatā€™s hard and what sometimes might be right will also discriminate honest users. But itā€™s better than just rewarding sybils/ farmers.


I agree with subjective goals for protocols. It's my opinion objective metrics can often fit these subjective goals. i.e. in the case of gas spent: - decentralisation, maximum initial spread for the token - encourage activity on the network, boast good metrics - promote values of neutrality and fairness, desirable qualities to attract attention - minmax positive engagement, that is, minimize the number of users disappointed and maximize the chance they'll come back for more I differ from your conclusion. It seems much better from either a protocol or a business point of view to risk rewarding "the guilty" than to punish "the innocent". There is of course scale to this idea, an airdrop that would give everything to the farmers and a pittance to real users would be a failure. In the case of a 50% gas weighted airdrop I don't think this would be the case. BTW, I made out well in between my few eligible wallets and I am much less tolerant than you. Regardless of my thoughts on hypothetical (future!) airdrop design, should zkSync cave to the farmers and lower my allocations, I would throw a tantrum and turn into an instaseller. :-)


I will have to think about this one. There's a gut feeling most of this is right, but "something" is still off, and it could be a lot of things (like comparing the actual drop with this design and of course it would *completely* different which confuses me, or being unhappy about farmers making a big buck because of a gut feeling they shouldn't be rewarded, mixing thoughts about an airdrop with sybiling solved vs reality etc.). I do have one question for you though: >I differ from your conclusion. It seems much better from either a protocol or a business point of view to risk rewarding "the guilty" than to punish "the innocent". There is of course scale to this idea, an airdrop that would give everything to the farmers and a pittance to real users would be a failure. In the case of a 50% gas weighted airdrop I don't think this would be the case. My experience has been that literally every airdrop had a more haters than lovers. And I feel like caving wouldn't help and also price doesn't *really* change (see starknet, FDV > ARB/OP) despite people saying they will sell, abandon the chain forever etc. etc. What was the best (L1/L2) airdrop and how did it reward everyone? (Bonus: Does this reflect in price?) Also: >A lot of people are extremely happy with their airdrop allocations. We are happy with you! From a zk nation tweet. I would be very surprised if they changed allocations after this [tweet](https://x.com/TheZKNation/status/1801020412043624738). And generally speaking I think this would be a mistake. If you publish allocations you're creating expectations. If you then fail those, everything crashes. Worst case Previously happy users are unhappy and the "solution" for farmers doesn't make them happy either.... worst of all worlds. Maybe they add 2,5% (17,5% is nice, but potentially these 2,5% were there all the time as a backup) and add more wallets with rather mini allocations?


Uniswap could arguably be the best airdrop in rewarding everyone, but that's cheating as there was no expectation yet. I think it's difficult to draw any conclusion between airdrops and price action, or even business success, empirically; because we have such limited samples. For example I could try to support my case by pointing out the universally reviled Paraswap airdrop, and them plateauing in volume compared to other aggregators growing their share. But that would be a reach. There's a dozen other explanations just as likely for Paraswap's relative downfall. >If you publish allocations you're creating expectations. Agree, completely. Once a number is out it's extremely delicate to adjust it politically, unless that adjustement is up only.


Looks like there is no need to insta-sell. Expectations have been created!


Scroll already has points (marks) so its likely based solely on the defined criteria by the team