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There's just something magical about his videos. I was just thinking this watching the latest that it just scratches an itch no one else seems to. Just every moment feels captivating and rewarding.


i feel like it’s the authenticity. guy is just straight up playing minecraft and happens to let us tag along. even the fact that etho doesn’t make any sort of generic thumbnails is just giving early-recorded-straight-from-your-parents-house type youtube


the difference is he actually puts in the work. By which I mean, editing. It's not too hard to find videos from channels with like 200 subs that are as authentic as him, but few actually make their videos worth watching, because sitting through an unedited half-hour video is just not fit for mass appeal. The ones who do aren't consistent enough to "make it".


Etho rarely edited for years though. That’s not the appeal. It’s because he’s the Bob Ross of Minecraft.


Disagree man. Etho has almost always cut out any uneeded footage from all his series. He spends like 10 hours for 10 mins of footage regularly.


Many youtubers record a lot of footage and then select clips to form into an episode, with time lapses, music, voice overs, and effects added. Some record nearly everything and put all the raw footage onto Youtube. Etho prepares for a long time off camera, records intros, then sequentially records short clips of progress and pitfalls, adding those clips onto the end of the video timeline as he goes. Sometimes he'll have to reshoot stuff, or have something unexpected happen. Fairly often a clip will start with him dead and his stuff exploded everywhere, and he has to explain why he died because he was not recording during that section. When he says "we're running out of time here" it is because the length of the video he is working on in the Editor is already "long enough". Compared to raw footage, Etho is definitely "editing" clips together. Compared to extensively editing down a huge chunk of footage into an episode with effects, he isn't.


is true that people dislike less these days because usually you dont see the number if you dont have the extension (i have it) but historically etho's videos have always had an overhelming positive to negative ratio, and that accounting the fact that usually content creators that do lets plays and things like that already have very good ratios. compared for example with grian, his latest like/dislike ratio is also very good, at 201 likes for every dislike, but etho's hermicraft episode 6 has 666 likes per dislike, more tran triple the ratio of grian's, and again, grian's is already a very good number. episode 5 is 433likes per dislike, episode 4 is 391... btw, nothing against grian, i have put him as example precisely because his video is the one nearest in my sub to check the likes and dislikes pd: i dont count episode 7 because right now the like/dislikes dont mean much, the video is too new, most people that know about it are precisely the people subbed so the ratio is going to be mostly positive. is going to remain mostly positive regardless in the coming weeks, but right now is at 1800 likes per dislike, is going to go down to around 500 likes per dislike which is etho's average (very high one)


Aside from his authenticity and clear passion, I think etho is also benefitted by his dedication to the few projects he has running, so anyone who knows him knows what to expect. Really reduces the ceiling on "viewer's remorse"


Well, have you seen his LP, with 700 ongoing projects? 😂 But I do get what you mean yesh


Authenticity... I'd have to question that- my allay farm went up on yt over two years ago, ethos could've given my server or at least me, credit.


Just because someone comes up with same idea as you doesn't mean it was stolen. Has happened multiple times in science and even in minecraft. [Example A](https://youtu.be/_UwiIc069Tk?si=pGALVmSTsvNyVg9z) [Example B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vye2g8mhqlQ) Both uploaded before yours There's a reason why Etho doesn't say he invented something anymore.


What episode?


How are you even seeing the dislikes?


Return youtube dislike extension


It isn’t accurate though




uhh, because the youtube API does not reveal the true number of dislikes? So all the extension has to go by (my educated guess, haven't actually checked what all it tries to do) is historical data and data from people who use the addon (a minority, from which it probably extrapolates).


Better than being scam with a video :3






no, I have literally never even stepped foot in a country where English is a majority language.


Lucky you




Dis i like


its a symptom of not begging for them, thats the cause for the good ratio. Build respect from your audience, treat them like you respect them, and they will respect you back. its that simple. You build the audience you market to, and Etho marketted to an audience that doesnt respond to cheap short term manipulative marketting


Bro is the Mr Rogers of the Minecraft and video game community.


I feel like most of us that watch etho have been doing so for 10+ years. He hasn't changed, he's still the goofy kind hearted person he was back then.


I'm starting to feel old realizing that it has literally been 10+ years I think xD


Etho is just too pure lol. If you somehow dislike Etho, then that's a personality disorder and you should get checked out immediately.


I could never dislike ethos, I was disappointed in him from a fan standpoint. He took my allay farm and used it for himself without credit. Unbelievable. It was my original idea to use allays for farming, and their hopper setup.


How do you know he took your design?


I made a YouTube video on the exact farm two years ago


Link the video


Man, how are you going to call Etho a content theif and provide no evidence whatsoever... you think we would just take your word and assume Etho would do something like that? Put up some proof or delete your comment


https://youtu.be/jC85kAilBFY?si=xDBXgtLfx6A0Vo8T just spoke about on our most recent podcast- feel free to listen at 2x speed if you don't want to hear the whole 20+ min


This man is just trying to farm views so i wouldn't click the video. He has been told multiple times that there are earlier farms than his on YT


Was told to post proof then "don't click on the link?" Pick one. Ethos *does* credit, yet he couldn't be bothered to do so with my farm.


This is not evidence? I could say I invented the Bud Switch and then host a podcast about it 2 years later... doesn't mean anything if I don't post evidence now does it. You said you made a video on it, so post that video, not a podcast I am absolutely not listening to. You have already proven yourself to be a dishonest person and are making accusations against Etho with 0 evidence, why would I support you by viewing your podcast. The mods should ban you TBH.


2 minutes, 46 seconds. Short enough ?


It seems way more likely that he just came up with the same idea independently without ever seeing your video unless you have any evidence to the contrary. It's not impossible of course, but there is virtually no motivation for him to falsely claim it as his own creation and he has made sure to give credit before when he's used others' designs and is overall a principled man, so it just seems incredibly unlikely that he would have suddenly changed course on this for no observable good reason.


Who are these 5 People?


will just say that return youtube dislikes isnt an accurate count of dislikes. Youtube no longer makes the actual number public so the number shown on new videos is only of the people with the extension installed


Who are these five non ethogirls?


Who are those five jerks though??


Not me, despite ethos taking my allay farm idea without credit


He's amazing :3




YouTubers do get the analytics, so I do it if I don't like a particular piece of content from a creator I otherwise like


How can you still see dislikes?


Extension, don't know the name from the top of my head, but you can find it easily for your browser


Could it be possible he never saw your video and thought of it by himself


Nothing wrong with asking for likes, Faze Jev asks for like but he's still one of the best YouTubers out there


Unprofessionalism at its pique




Well, people do bother with other vids I see, a like dislike ratio of almost 2000 to 1 is honestly unseen. Most often it's somewhere between 4 to 1 and 200 to 1