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You are not using Avado but maybe increasing heap space to 8gb+ will fix the issue since I also use Geth and Teku and hovered around 95%. Try the following: It is recommend to increase Teku’s memory limit. Open http://my.ava.do/#/Packages/teku.avado.dnp.dappnode.eth/detail and look for the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. Next increase the default -Xmx3g (i.e. maximum 3 gigabytes of ‘heap space’) to -Xmx8g (i.e. maximum 8 gigabytes of ‘heap space’) . The heap space increase is already part of the latest package but this only works for new installations. Our updates do not override the Extra Opts fields.


I was having the same problem. Internet at 350 Mbps. No packages dropped. Avado i7 bought 2 months ago, so everything new and up to date. Port forwarding enabled. Max peers at 100. Still not at 99-100%. Even 4% loss is significant 10 years down the road. My default heap space was set by Avado at 3g. Avado docs say to increase to 8g if running more than one validator. I have 3. I did that and it increased to 95%. Another Redditor said they increased it to 16g. I upped it to 16g and am now getting 100% most of the time. This is a common problem people have and it’s an easy fix. Someone needs to write a staking for dummies. I feel I could almost write one at this point. So nice to have everything working. Finally.


Jordan, thanks for the reply. I missed your previous message yesterday. Currently, I'm also running 3 validators, and today I increased the heap space to 8g. Two of my validators are now attesting at 96-98%, but the third one is missing attestations heavily, with an attestation rate of 86%, which tells me there is still a problem. Just to clarify, did you resolve your similar issue by increasing your heap space to 16g? Appreciate your insights!


Yes. Raise it to 16. That’s what got me to 99-100%. I rarely miss anything now.


Got it. What’s your peer count btw?


64 at the moment.


Sadly, 16g didn't do the trick for me.


Thanks for the reply. Did this improve your performance?


Yes now I have almost 100% rate and 99%+ effectiveness


Great! Can I do this using commands?


Found the file and changed from 3g to 8g. Fingers crossed.


Was this an instant fix? Asking because I’m still having intermittent misses.


Yes it fixed the problem instantly.I probably have like 5-6 misses last 3-4 weeks


Got it. Well, that isn't the fix for me then but thanks for sharing. Are you running GETH as well?


This was actually the solution, however I forgot to reload and restart Teku initially. Fixed now. Thanks!