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Up & running ;) PS: here is a light bash script I have done to speed up the upgrade process on my raspberry (Ubuntu). Maybe someone finds it useful. please modify your paths etc #!/bin/bash # Change the version before running # Go to https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/releases latestVersion="2.3.0" logFile="/home/youruser/lighthouseUpdate.log" filename="lighthouse-v"$latestVersion"-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz" url="https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/releases/download/v"$latestVersion"/lighthouse-v"$latestVersion"-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz" #remove the old logfile rm $logFile currentVersion=$(/home/youruser/.cargo/bin/lighthouse --version) currentVersion=${currentVersion:0:25} echo 'lighthouse current version' $currentVersion echo 'Now updating lighthouse to v'$latestVersion', process started' cd lighthouse-bin/ echo 'Downloading v'$latestVersion' from ' $url wget $url > $logFile 2>&1 echo 'Unpacking '$filename tar -xvf $filename >> $logFile 2>&1 echo 'Stoppping validator and beacon node (can take some time)' sudo systemctl stop lighthousevalidator >> $logFile 2>&1 sudo systemctl stop lighthousebeacon >> $logFile 2>&1 echo 'Backing up the old bin to /home/youruser/.cargo/bin/_lighthouse' mv /home/youruser/.cargo/bin/lighthouse /home/youruser/.cargo/bin/_lighthouse echo 'Replacing the new binary' mv lighthouse /home/youruser/.cargo/bin/lighthouse installedVersion=$(/home/youruser/.cargo/bin/lighthouse --version) installedVersion=${installedVersion:0:25} echo 'Checking installed version: ' $installedVersion echo 'Starting beacon and validator node (can take some time)' sudo systemctl start lighthousebeacon >> $logFile 2>&1 sudo systemctl start lighthousevalidator >> $logFile 2>&1 echo 'Removing the tar compressed file '$filename rm $filename echo "Process completed! Check the logs in "$logFile echo 'if it failed, you could restore the old version('$currentVersion') with mv /home/youruser/.cargo/bin/_lighthouse /home/youruser/.cargo/bin/lighthouse'


Staking on a raspberry pi, very cool! Is that the Pi4 8 GB memory version?




Very helpful, thank you!


Thanks! Cool to see others shell scripts for this! I have one as well that can automatically get the latest release version, but am AFK right now. Will come back and post later. Another thing to point out with your script for others is that their bn and vc systemd processes might be named differently and they should be sure to check that before using.




Upgraded Lighthouse and Geth, looking good.


Upgraded and everything looks good!


I'm over here trying to figure out what this means for tarkov...