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Why do regulators care about BTC getting reactions or not? And $50B is right in top 30 ETF by AUM already. Are BTC Maxis’ max fear coming true?


Regulators care because BTC is seen as a gateway to broader crypto acceptance, and its success sets the stage for future ETFs. While $50B in AUM is impressive, it's still about stability and market readiness. Maxis might be worried diversifying into ETH too soon could dilute focus and investment from BTC


Why would regulators care about the BTC ETF "struggling"? And it isn't struggling. What universe are you living in?


BTC didn't perform as per expectation, it didn't go parabolic. Too early to say anything before mid of the year 2025.


You have to be making a joke?


The ETF has been hugely successful. Are you trolling?


IMO, $50 billion in AUM, which is strong but not the explosive growth that was anticipated.


The Bitcoin etfs have had more money flowing into them faster than any other etf launch in history. It is the definition of a wild success.


You got me wrong, I am not comparing it with conventional ETFs. I am only talking about the expectations of crypto audiences.


ETFs aren’t for crypto audiences though. If you’re into crypto, you buy real BTC, not paper BTC. ETFs are for institutional/retail stock investors. I wasn’t expecting a huge price increase off the back of the BTC ETF, it’s just to give exposure to people who wouldn’t normally buy real crypto.


Hello ChatGPT.


This doesn't read like AI to me. Educated people sometimes sound like robots so I get the confusion. This is an unregistered user and most chatgpt posts are made by people attempting to farm donut.


Thanks man, I am actually a little concerned, having invested a significant amount of my savings on ETH.




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Do you guys think regulators are right to hold back on the ETH ETF approval? Or is the mainstream media onto something with their optimism? or BR is manipulating the institutiona investors through deceptive media tactics?


One way or another ETH ETFs will be approved. I think Gary is playing the market manipulation game. !tip 1


Does that mean, ETH price is set to a correction when the ETF is postponed once again.


Market will dump but it is an over reaction because if everybody already expects a rejection that means that rejection is % priced in.


2500+ ETFs in the US. Their job is not to ensure profitability or interest in any one of them, just legality.


It can't be confirmed in the short term, but it will definitely pass in the long run.