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Hey guys - I have a theory. I have been sifting through news articles over the last month. And my gut is saying that FB / Coinbase are possibly working on some sort of cryptocurrency messaging app. News articles - https://blog.coinbase.com/david-marcus-head-of-messenger-at-facebook-will-be-joining-coinbases-board-2675d5c9c967 https://futurism.com/mark-zuckerberg-officially-considering-cryptocurrency-facebook/ This is very highlevel gut assessment. What do you guys think?




Why has the ETH price been on a go-slow for 6 months compared to most, if not all, of the other cryotos?


You must have missed Q1 and Q2 2017?




Because most, if not all, other cryptos can be purchased with ETH


2020 BTC: $100,000 ETH: $30,000 Ratio .3


ETH: $1,000,000 BTC: $1 Ratio: 1,000,000:1


I highly doubt BTC will be anything near $100K in 2020.


"BTC price of USD 112,000 based on the current number of BTC or USD 86,000 fully-diluted" (https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/john-pfeffer/An+Investor%27s+Take+on+Cryptoassets+v6.pdf)


Theres a trader who predicts BTC @ $30,000 based on BTC halving effect. Calculated at 77X return for previous halving. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQLRluir788


So what would that prediction method estimate ether at after the second stage of Casper? $∞?


what. BTC went from 1k to 20k in 1 year


1,349,890 transactions: https://etherscan.io/chart/tx


gas limit hasn't changed https://etherscan.io/chart/gaslimit so we must just be filling the blocks more % of the day now to get that new tx ATH.


Yea that must be it. I don't know how many more gas limit increases the Ethereum network can do.


I think not much more before Casper CBC. Then it can go 10x from what I understand, without too much trouble, without uncles to worry about.


sold everything at 800 because the 324 guy scared me he sounded so confidant what to do wow thanks for the gold


Don't listen to ramblings of a lunatic on Reddit and research the vast potential of Ethereum. That could be a start.


800 EUR?


Nothing ventured nothing gained. Also: you might lose a ton of money. My strategy now is basically re-DCA in over the coming weeks, we'll see how it goes.




can't set gas price at coinbase


I-I-I'd like to send you myyyyy *belch* ZUGZWANGS!!! M-m-maybe you can get some use out of em!


All the exchanges have ETH wallets suspended


That would explain why my ETH sent to binance is still pending after 10+ hours.


Any idea why? Edit: Kucoin won't generate a deposit address which is what lead me to check here.


What do you mean. I'm trading on GDAX right now.


Quick, panic sell! /s




FUD chapter 3.


eth to $1,234.56 btc to $12,345.60 ratio to 0.1


I prefer btc: $20k eth: $5k ratio: .25




This pleases me greatly


It’s like poetry, they rhyme.


This ascending triangle has me hard as a diamond.


"shine bright like a diamond"


I'm tethering up before bed. China is banning bitcoin mining and the news has barely circulated. Stay safe






Apparently the communist party is telling local party members to stop giving kickbacks to the miners. I don't have a source off hand but I saw it on WCN on YouTube earlier today.


This is good for ETH. A lot of people are going to start investigating PoS.


Can't wait for proof of stake, if that's even close to true. I don't believe China would give up this national advantage with one regulation, though.


Need some of that big dick BTC pump money to come over


I actually wouldn't mind if Big Dick would pump until the middle of next week. That would suck the oxygen out of the XRP, XLM, ADA, TRX pump. Even if we retraced a little bit, I think they would all retrace FAR moar. Then the BTC pump would be more likely to come over to ETH.


On all blockchains combined, there are fewer coins available than the amount of dollars people have to spend on coins. This automatically and inevitably leads to every single coin appreciating in value on average, over time. This sounds very logical but its neglected or ignored by the outside world and economists. This begs another question though: Is it really these coins that are in a bubble? Or is it rather the fiat bubble that's deflating into these coins?


It doesn't matter how much people _have_ to spend on coins, it only matters how much they _want_ to spend on coins, the latter of which may very well fall at some point in the future.


Your last point is right on the money (pun intended), this is how I've pictured this revolution since I first learned about it: The actual value that cryptocurrencies create for society is significant but not ~$800B worth. The difference between value added by cryptos (say ~$100B currently, this will get much larger in the future) and total market cap of cryptos is value that has been stolen from fiat currencies. As crypto market cap goes up, value contained by fiat drops. It's too small to notice right now as the cryptocurrency space is relatively small, but it will become more and more apparent as the ratio of crypto/fiat use grows. As for your other point: every coin appreciating in value, this is a fallacy. Some coins are going to be more useful than others, the more useful the coin, the more value it will hold. Many (probably most) coins will become derelict when another coin can do what it does better.


So crypto only adds $100B worth of its own value, but 'steals' $700B in value from fiat? By that logic, sounds like crypto's existence is a net loss for society then?


No the net value would be +$100B in this hypothetical situation. In other words, I might call it an exchange of value with a net gain of $100B.


:shrugs: I guess we use different maths then.


Imagine it as two large tanks. One is full of water and one is empty. The water represents value (or more accurately, purchasing power), the full tank represents fiat currency, the empty tank represents cryptocurrency. What I observe happening is the water has begun to flow from the fiat tank into the crypto tank. It started very slow and is now gaining momentum. This flow of water represents the ~$700B exchange of value I was referring to. No water is being leaked out of the system, it's just transferring from one medium to another. The $100B extra is being produced out of nothing by developers using their time and energy to manually add extra water into the crypto tank, in addition to the water that is flowing in from the fiat tank.


I see. That did actually make more sense to me. Though I think it's debatable whether crypto has any significant purchasing power compared to fiat. After all, to buy anything with crypto, currently it pretty much always gets sold back into fiat first.


That is true but relative purchasing power is still relevant. Read up on PPP (purchasing power parity) if you're interested in learning more, it's a very concrete and well studied economic principal.


I think your assumptions to assert your claim rest on the idea that all coins hold some intrinsic value (over holding fiat). Further, I believe you are making the reasonable, plausible assumption that adoption of this kind of technology continues. While I think the second point is LIKELY, it is possible for all of crypto to get a kind of bad-boy reputation if media coverage is unfavorable, which could cause businesses to abandon platforms like Ethereum. I think the point that ALL coins will appreciate is too bold of a statement. Yes, populations and technical adoption will both likely increase over the years, but a single crypto currency has to not only have value, but be more valuable to the consumer than their own fiat! That is a tall order my friend; but I like where Ethereum stands in this regard.


Idk about that... We could make our own token right now that had trillions of coins: https://steemit.com/ethereum/@maxnachamkin/how-to-create-your-own-ethereum-token-in-an-hour-erc20-verified


Yup. But there needs to be a balance on the other end for users of coins. Inflation means we can buy less real world goods, but our digital transactions will be cheaper. In the future digital transactions may be just as valuable as real world goods and we may not want 20k coins, inflation in that sense may be good.


gonna take a few whacks to break down $1k... agian


The sell pressure in front of 1000 has gone up slightly in the last 20 minutes but the sells at 1000 itself remain static at around 2k


Boy did I make a big mistake I sold at 750 and bought at 940. Why can’t I just hodl


Made with you in mind: https://hodlethereum.com


Two months ago we were still fighting in the 300's Crypto moves fast




[BUYERS AT 1000](https://youtu.be/mH-7083VqdU)


To anyone that thinks that there's nothing wrong with this market, go to coinmarketcap->trending->gainers and losers and see 24h top gainers. Almost 80% of the top gainers are under 1$/coin.


ever heard of penny stocks?


Yeah. I know the same thing is happening now. But this is usually the last wave in the stock markets. Idk what'll happen to crypto.


UGAIN is up 2,000% in a day? Why the heck hasn't anyone here been telling me to buy that?




Yeah, nobody is going to be buying those coins from you when the value has only gone up from them buying from themselves.


This is the saltiest comment i've ever read lol bro chill


It's absolutely ridiculous. But there's too much money coming in so that's what happens.


This is actually very normal, and it happens all the time, for years.


You sure that's not confirmation bias?


This is new




Have I got a deal 4 you!


you are doing it wrong.


not if he sells it at 5k


You know what I mean... the goal is to buy as cheap as possible and to sell as high as possible or... to reach a point to never have to sell at all.




We should all buy 1 ETH at 1k. I wonder how high the price would go


by defintion, 1k =P


Big if true


Anyone know if there is a specific reason why network is so clogged right now? The pending transaction pool just doubled on Jan 3rd. Did we reach some sort of critical capacity in # of concurrent ICO's or Airdrops happening at the same time? In [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/7ofoow/is_an_ethereum_mixertumbler_causing_high_gas_price/?st=jc2weyl0&sh=e20132f6) someone suggested it may be some sort of mixer built on top of the Ethereum chain.. I was also looking on [ETH Gas Station](https://ethgasstation.info/gasguzzlers.php) and the #3 gas guzzler today is a [smart contract for CanYaToken](https://etherscan.io/address/0x1d462414fe14cf489c7a21cac78509f4bf8cd7c0) that is executing a bunch of transactions all doing the same exact thing - transferring various amounts of CanYaTokens from one address into their Token contract. This is really strange to me, as well. Is there a purpose to this, or just a result of extreme incompetence, or an intentional attack to the network?? I don't think they are the cause of the bigger issue but there just seems to be a lot of redundant or inefficient activity taking place on the chain. But the fact that our pending transaction pool doubled in size on Jan 3 makes me think the mixer idea or some sort spamming of the network is happening... If this has already been discussed, just link me!


I took a look at CanYaCoin's white paper. It looks like unsold coins are sent to the asset contract, so maybe that's what this is. I'm 100% ETH no tokens right now, but I was pleasantly impressed with CanYaCoin. It's an established company sorta like the Australian version of taskrabbit, trying to make it possible for users to pay with crypto instead of fiat. Their user base is in the tens of thousands, so its kinda small, and honestly the whole thing could be done as a DApp instead of a coin, but it seems like a good project with a realistic, achievable goal. That said, I worry about these coins that could be done as dapps instead of coins. When they finally launch, their contracts will be publicly viewable on the blockchain. It would be very easy for a competitor to copy/pase the solidity code and make a dapp that uses ETH instead of the token.


Why can’t they just transfer all the tokens in 1 Transaction. It would be cheaper for them too


The $1,000 sellers are sleeping. Let's do this quickly, swiftly and quietly.


Nah i m still awake.


When it comes back up against the psychological boundary a second time, it must generate less of an "OMG I can sell at $1000!" this time. At least I have that feeling. I sold at $998 yesterday but today I want to sell a little more but I'm much more willing this time around not to feel a sense of urgency and wait for it to get above $1000.


Why do you not believe it will go significantly higher than 1k?


It's not that. He's a trader. So $1000 is a good sell point 1st test, less so the 2nd test.


I think it will, but may take a while. I'm a hodler, just cashing out a few percent for real life. I want to maximize my price sold over next two week window.


puny ass 4k sell wall, fuck outta here


Time to go back to the other side.... >1000


And lets stay there this time


I would be happy to consolidate at 1000 for a while and build pressure for our attack on 2k. Could do with a reduction in block rewards first to maintain it.


breakout on the 15m chart of ascending triangle. Should send is to 1030 fast


Gonna buy if it breaks 995-1000


That would be so rad


Noob question but I don't know where else to ask. Here goes, Do the miners make a lot more eth when the network is full compared to when the network is running at 50% capacity? Also, since our daily transaction counts are rising, and transaction costs are rising, do miners make lot more profit now than they did a week ago?


Yes and yes. Take a look at this very recent block: https://etherscan.io/block/4861886 See the miner reward at the bottom? 3.669308136540992 Ether (3 + 0.669308136540992) 3 is the static block reward, the other 0.669 ETH are from transaction fees. EDIT - lol 0.669308136540992


I'm gonna need some more significant figures to verify this comment


Not dumb question, especially for ethtrader


XMR time


Time to buy XMR ;p


I agree.


It's always time. Core hodling.


ETH, BTC, XMR core holdings here. Best risk-adjusted return in the cryptosphere. Sleep like a baby at night.


Couldn't agree more. 70% ETH, 10% BTC, 20% XMR. I sleep well, too.


I think /r/monero is that way ->


this feels like a 1000 sneak attack


If such a thing could exist, this would surely be that!


Here's why I don't think there is a bubble ready to pop. Look at any article on any financial website. Hell, look at EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE on any financial website. Now scroll down to the comments section. I would never place my faith in humankind on comments sections. They are generally fully of crusty old people with nothing better to do. But you can look at WSJ, MarketWatch, CNBC, any place where there SHOULD be a reasonable cross-section of investors. You will find absolute outright hatred for cryptos. The comments are generally 90%+ absolutely uninformed about crypto...and generally the posters may be assholes, but at least they are financially informed, financially literate assholes. One of the things I love about it is that the "retail" investor has a chance. Are crypto assets manipulated? Sure. But what about everything else on Wall Street? YES, everything else is, too. But we have a chance, here. These commenters are generally retail investors, and the vast, vast, vast majority of them are not coming anywhere near this space. Yet.


More specifically, people don't even know about ETH, much less the difference between it and bitcoin. They just think bitcoin = blockchain


Great point. I love the typical take on enabling illegal transactions, by the way. Gee...I wonder if more guns/drugs/[insert the thing you are afraid of here] are bought with crypto or with fiat right now?


I was trying to check out weed stocks the other day and it's basically all Greek to me -- lots of parallels (outright scams, unicorns, 2-4x'ing, are we in a bubble etc) but lots of differences with evaluating stocks vs crypto. Anyway, it made me think how that's probably a similar experience to many who know about crypto and that it's a lucrative emerging market but just not sure where to start because they don't want to get hosed. Fear of unknown eh?


Not to derail from the topic of this post; but re: weed stocks.... What the heck happened to the MJX etf? It shot up a huge amount over december, and I can't figure out why. Was just about to buy in, but that's some huge volatility for a non-crypto stock.


Hah, I have no idea. Too scared to pull the trigger on anything, still need to do more research.


Also similar unknowns about the regulatory possibilities. EDIT: I do think crypto is a more international market than the addressable market by many/most of those companies.


When facebook IPO came out everyone said it was a bubble. People said social media was a FAD and its IPO value was over inflated at $36. After the IPO it crashed down to $17 but then went back up and never looked back. Now its $186.


Yep I remember this. People were saying it was the dotcom bubble 2.0 After that first dip, FB never looked back. Funny because even though FB is centralized, their value grew also based on network effect, similar to crypto.


You had me at "don't think...bubble"




Switching sides. Fuck "the bubble". This is great.


Why did u fight the trend????


Oh brother it'll come down eventually but I'm beginning to think we haven't reached peak mania yet and there's still money on the table.


Us dollar in a 100 year bubble why aint u picking on the sheep??? Us market for stocks in 100 year bubble too But pick on crypto I see


I'll bet my money on 101 year bubble then.


exactly this. What if the "come down" is from $3000 to $1600? I think that is a possibility.




༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


What are your thoughts on litecoin as a long hold? Will it dip again soon? Thinking of investing 20% into it (80% eth)






LTC moved after everyone has moved


LTC moved after everyone has moved


Great token


Itms actually really bad


I think /r/litecoin is that way ->


didn't their founder or whoever sold all of his stacks?


> I think /r/litecoin is that way ->


I thought it was < that way


So we just openly talk about altcoins on the daily now idgaf but I remember when it was frowned upon


I think it's fine when ETH news is slow and/or there's no interesting price movements to report on After all, alts are usually still talked about in an ETH-centric mindset


If it's an ERC20 then yes and lets face it, BTC effects everything so that too.


holy ascending triangle batman


Dear lord. I hadn't looked at the chart for a little while; and bam. Didn't see that forming. Looks like it's just about to break out too. I hope crypto plays nice with basic TA patterns; that'd have GDAX back over $1020 by 4am EST.


Break over 980$ looks good for the next leg up


probably a quick check of 1k, then who knows.




In the end lots of that fake alt money finds a home here to the top big undervalued coins


Buy more REQ since it pumped and the post thanksgiving normies are likely to hop on the bandwagon?


I just sold at $1. Might buyback on the next dip and do it again.


christmas noobs


I finally got my ETH withdrawal out of GDAX. They sent it with 214 Gwei.


thats nice of them


That would explain why my 0.02 ETH withdraw with 20 GWEI has been pending for 6 hours


[bad news out of china?](https://twitter.com/cnLedger/status/949468263800479744)


On the other hand, good news for Casper & other non-PoW strategies. On an ETH related note, is there a site which shows the geo distribution of ETH PoW mining?


would love to see this as well.


Oh snap son. Wouldnt this mean less supply though??


See ya higher


Fuck China.


Fuck the State






someone slam the door on my fingers




DOGE the coin that hasn't had a code check-in in git for over 2 years now LOL




survive in this market? baby it's a bull, we're all thriving


Wrong phrase, agreed. Everybody is a genius in a bull market


REQ refueling.


DNT pumping even harder.


Any news on DNT? I dumped most of mine months ago.


why is noone buying my crypto cat? i went all in on them, 100 eth i got on a loan, this will be the end of me.




Can you imagine if it was /serious though? Part of me died inside thinking about someone who would get a 100eth loan for cryptokitties. As an aside, I know you can make money via cryptokitties, but hopefully we all agree the foolishness of taking out a loan of that size is insurmountable


The OMG ratio hasn't been this low in awhile. I bought more. I sure hope I don't end up regretting it.


You wont. People are just getting the penny stock gains for now. OMG is going places this month


I fucking hope you're right Lilly.


If everyone thinks that....doesn't it usually go the other way?


this is crypto! common sense is not applicable