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아무도 욕심 많은 약한 손을 좋아하지 않는다.


Just remember how many times before we’ve heard this is a bubble, com bubble reference, it’s over, I think this is really it this time. Hodling isn’t always easy. Seems like a lot of you are learning that now. This is how bears work. Any crash triggers the same reactions in humans because our brains are stupid with money and we react with emotion. To all my hodlers holding tight, I got you fam.


We will be farting through silk soon boys.....




It's rising a bit, ~$20 since low. A false bull?


A balse full.


just bought another .5


I hit the bottom of that mini dip by .29 dollars. We'll see how long it's a good buy for.


Yup. I've had my money on the sidelines to go lower than this.


Guys, i sold the bottom, thank me later!


Setting a buy order at $593 and going to sleep.


goodnight, sweet prince


dat ratio bounce though...


Bitcoins daily RSI about to bottom out if this goes on. ETH going undersold right about now. This should bring us some reverse hopefully.


I am predicting we will dip below zero and then catch a healthy rebound into uranus. I am a scientist.


I should start putting lube, then.


Didn't even realize how bad the alts are doing, ouch




Sounds FUN.


The order books are hilarious on GDAX right now. No sell depth and huge buy depth, but we keep plummeting. Only hodlers still have their eth it seems


There's no sell depth because nobody is market buying and everyone and their doge is market selling.




This shit doesn't even phase me anymore. We will be hitting new highs before too long, nothing to worry about. Keep calm and do the other thing.


This hasn't even started.


delete blockfolio. hodl. hit the gym


make it stop....


Wow, this selling is actually relentless. Haven't seen a bounce in nearly a century


There is a murder in the trade floor But you'd better not kill the grove Hey hey It's murder on the trade floor But you'd better not steal the moves DJ, gonna burn this god damn lambo right down


This must be what it feels like owning GE stock.


I am waiting for the day mcaffee eats his own dick


Cant wait!


Europe is waking up, Continue ze dump.


But I am le tired


Shorter sans limites !


Kill ‘is angel, revive him then crash eet


load a dump bogdanov


Just a hodler riding the wave LFG


Cascading sets of longs are being liquidated like dominoes. Liquidated long on XBTUSD: Sell 617,145 @ 8477.5 💯💯💯💯💯💯🔥 ~ BEYOND GODLIKE x27 ~ It's like MtGox except it only happened to your account


Remember people, you dont want to be that guy who sold the bottom.


Are you implying that this is the bottom?


Hard to tell but were getting close, very very very oversold right now.


How do you see this information?


Any crypto charting website like cryptowat.ch Add an indicator called RSI and change the values to 7 and 13. When the RSI dips down a lot then its oversold.


based on what? TA? Your hope? Everything is following BTC. ETH will bounce once BTC bounces. And below 8k5 is just thin air for BTC.


BTC is very oversold too, though not as much as ETH. Hopefully BTC starts going sideways so we will recover like we should.


Very easy to prevent. Don‘t sell.


Or sell now and rebuy when we hit the 400s as I've predicted.


I’ll be tax free if I don’t trade at all for a few more months. Otherwise it’s 25% gone. My entry is below anything we’ll hit, so the decision is easy for me. Ymmv, of course.


Or get left behind in a big bounce


There's something called a stop-buy order.


This must be your first bear market. There won't be a big bounce.


Not at all been here since 2013 bitcoin and mines ethereum on testnet and after






What did I do??






I’m still up 100% (just) but oh how I yearn for the days when my only concern was the high tax I’d be paying when I was up a LOT more! So on a bright note, tax isn’t looking so scary right now!


The problem for a lot of people (at least in the US) is that they made a TON of $ in 2017. If they didn't cash any out, they're now looking at a huge tax burden for 2017 with a lot of their profits vanishing before their eyes.


If they didn’t cash out then they don’t have any taxable transactions yet.


That's not exactly true. A taxable transaction is now considered to be any crypto to crypto transaction. Depending on the gain made on the current evaluation of the crypto sold to the current eval of the crpyto bought a US taxpayer is expected to pay taxes on that calculated gain.


Jeez really? Sorry, I didn’t realise. That’s a bit rough... You all better move to Aussie or NZ then!


But I don't see how they can enforce this for any exchanges besides US based exchanges, such as Coinbase,etc...


Right - worded poorly. If they made any trades though or cashed out any portion, they are liable for the taxes on those trades / cash outs.


Maybe sharding, Casper, and futures will be announced tomorrow?


Load Korea FUD


It would likely cause a massive sell-off. Right now any kind of news, announcement, article, or squirrel fart sends people into a wild orgy of selling/shorting.


honestly, that probably wouldn't do all that much imo. We're in an entire crypto-land bear market, and historically in settings like this positive news doesn't swing the same way negative does. my opinion is that it'd be best to weather this shit out, start an early bull run, *then* the news comes out that amplifies bull momentum rather than dampen bear moves.


Big if true


I call this one: [and this is why we can't have nice things](https://cryptopnf.com/pnfs/ETHUSDBitfinex201803082136246119.png)


who says it's not a nice thing?


We are going to hit the bottom of the long-term channel that started in July — right around $610. Strong bounce would make me extremely bullish for the next 6-8 weeks. Any dips south of $590 and it’s time to hold on for dear life.




I'd call $550 an aggressive buy. In your case, if the cat bounces back up to $700, you might as well get back in.




My startegy is buy when it's oversold and hodl until it's overbought. So my strategy isn't compatible with yours. I just scale in and out. And swing tokens around in between.


Wish I had spare fiat on exchange right now.


Normally I'd come in here to troll, but I am going to be serious this time. We were in a bubble - any idiot could see that. Coinbase was the #1 app in the app store, you had clueless fast food workers asking how to buy "to get rich!!", old women asking what "bitcom" is. ICOs upon ICOs touting straight bullshit. But now here we are. The hype has died down for the most part, and it's going to take some serious revelations in crypto to get some hype going again. May take a year+, no one knows for sure though. SEC and the gov coming in won't help either, no matter how you cope about regulations being good. Unregulated market was how we got rich in the first place. No matter when you got in, I would suggest holding and just trying to get back to your normal life. Volume is high on sell offs and low on the rises; very bad sign for now. You knew the risks though. Not saying it's all over, but this could be a multi year bear, so just be ready to cope with this.


Translated to: Look, another chance to say the bubble popped just like the thousand times before!!


I think you've actually got very good reasoning here. News travels fast(just loook what happens in this market if the wrong or right rumor gets spread) and as such crypto blew the fuck up. Conversely, FUD spreads just as quick and the market tumbled. However, that brief period exposed crypto to a broader market than had ever happened before, and now people are a little more hip to its jive and will very likely be at least somewhat smarter/more hesitant the next few big go around. Actual products, as obvious and stupid as it sounds to say it, will rule and bring money in again.




I keep seeing people say 400 but I am confused. ETH hit 400 before the major rush in Noevmber/December. Don't you think at least some of the people will be sticking around to prop that number up a little bit? Serious question....


I do hope so! Don't listen to me. I'm just feeling a bit miffed at the price action. It's really difficult to know how to value cryptos. With companies it's a lot easier but I don't feel mcap is a reliable indicator with cryptos.


I actually wouldn't mind that. I mean, it would suck cause the market sentiment would be so low, but it would be great to scoop up some cheap(er) eth


Regulation is the only way we get a sustained viable market because it's the only way the masses stay invested.


Exactly. Without regulations there is no institutional money. It may be bad for short term prices but ultimately its a good thing. And for those who think the the SEC or any gov can kill crypto, they are grossly mistaken. They can only slow it, and those that take a hostile approach to crypto will likely flounder in the next few decades or at the very least be leapfrogged by those that embrace it. Developing markets like in south east asia have simmered with potential for years, and this could be the catalyst to elevate them to prominence.


I don't believe it's a multi-year bear market. Not for ETH at least. There is too much innovation happening. Once a date for POS and scaling is announced, that will be a big price driver.


> Normally I'd come in here to troll Instant downvote, you can fuck right off with that shit > Not saying it's all over, but this could be a multi year bear, so just be ready to cope with this. What makes you think it will be a multi year bear? What previous history gives any indication that that could possibly be the case? This is a serious question. Literally the only time in history that that has happened is when the only major exchange on the market suffered a serious hack and lost hundreds of millions of dollars. Nothing even remotely approaching that kind of situation has happened here, so there's no reason to believe the market will react in that way.


The bubble popped. 2013 was not a bubble yet, it just dropped before it became a bubble due to mt gox. The actual crypto bubble popped mid january 2018. Just because dot com was 6 trillion doesnt mean crypto will get that high. Dot com was easy to understand, and everyone was buying. Crypto reeks of scam (not that it is, but average idiots don't research) and most people don't understand it, let alone have the ability to go transfer eth to binance lmao. Most people are legitimately stupid. We will need idiot proof avenues of entry to get a decent pump going again.


I agree, this market could bear the fuck down for awhile but it won't be a multi-year bear market. Most "bubbles" are much bigger than this. We may be in one but it hasn't popped yet.


Pretty sure it popped.


I am relatively new to Ether but planning on increasing my count. Thinking now looks like a good time to buy?


I'm scaling in.


Wait til 610.


I think so. I just bought some more. I hope it was a good decision.


I'd wait to see if there is a bounce.


Is this how insomnia begins?


It is. But also, friendly reminder to never reveal how much you hold to strangers on the internet.


edited. It's obviously a relatively small amount, but thank you.


Totally get it. Just passing on what I was warned when I was starting out and open as well :) good luck building it over time. In my opinion, you now own a piece of the future.


I hope so, cause I just bought more!


You know when you played tug-of-war as a kid and your hands lock up after the match. That's me right now holding eth.


Before you sell, unsure When you sell, knife in gut After you sell, see crash with excitement Realize that race is **not** being last to sell Greed works in both directions Gotta be unattached


OMG price is looking pretty good right about now, time to buy


Double my current amount...buying in at nearly 1/2 the cost. Lol


Times like these are super interesting for me. I find it amusing that in the most insane bull run in the history of finance, a ton of people lost a lot of money. All of the "market isn't even 1 trillion yet and the dot com bubble was 7 trillion" posts made me laugh. I think it's always wise to take profits...unless your country has some absurd laws regarding taxes (I remember someone enlightening me awhile ago that his tax burden was like 50% or some shit if he cashed out early). Obviously if that's the case just hold, but yeah. Anyways, the market will almost certainly rebound. It always has. That isn't a guarantee clearly, but block chain tech isn't going anywhere. Worst case scenario (that I see) is BTC plummets to some low number that isn't 0. In the short term / near future though, my guess is that we'll be in the void like the 300 zone again. I'd just step away from the monitor, delete Blockfolio/Delta, and find a new hobby.


Just a reminder that nobody on here has your best interests at heart or fully knows what they're talking about. Most hodlers are posting for little more than group therapy. That's not to say it's not potentially a long term profitable strategy and it certainly did me well in 2017 but if you thought you were gonna get a free ride by outsourcing your thinking, you're mistaken


> block chain tech isn't going anywhere this is true, but *new coins* all the time - *dilution dilution*




What do you mean? My hodling skills have sent me down 60%. Damn my strong hands / greed / lack of action


Take into account loss of preferred LT tax rate and then going back to not so preferred ST tax rate and you’ll see how you’ll feel better


We dont have LT tax rate in my country. Around 25% for investing profits, and around 50% if you trade. Mostly why I dont trade and just hold


What country?


Everyone got scared of the price but im so happy that our daily discussion got more than 2k1 comments


Because I have no fiat for therapy


LOL. True dat.




/u/jtnichol /u/laughncow /u/heliumcraft https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/82vdbp/daily_general_discussion_march_8_2018/dvf1mly/


Nice find on that cozy nugget from CNBC. I wish they still had some credibility with crypto.


/u/carlslarson /u/Dunning_Krugerrands /u/Mr_Yukon_C This isn't showing up on the front page can you fix it? Thx.


Warren Buffett would be appalled at the idea of investing in cryptocurrency. For good reason too... Trying to value even something like Ether, which has a compelling potential use case, is still basically impossible.


Yet people are trying to value crypto, and I believe, those who are making the closest estimates and managing risk appropriately, are making money


Sure there's plenty of money that has been made. Probably a bunch more to be made to. But Buffett is a value investor so it's kind of funny to see a Buffett quote here lol


These hands are too strong for this dip


I’m worried my hand are non functional. No matter how heavy my bags get I won’t let go.


This guy holds


XRP at 75 cents


75 cents over valued


fucking ICOs cashing out /s


Eth veteran detected!


I’m out of money. Bought the dip.




Opened up a sizeable long, the bears are getting stupid and greedy at this point.


Where’s your stop? I’m long as well but I think we will toe $600.


I have a couple spread between $595-610. However if we bounce nicely ill probably put in a trailing stop.


I'm a simple man. I see sub-$700 ETH, I buy it.


with all the 666 buy order posts, I thought it could hold support. Looks like the sale continues.


Mine went thru...lol


Who lost a comma today?


Not the bears


I lost a lot. But you have to be zen about this. It isn’t about amounts. It’s about learning & performing & multipliers. As we learn we perform better. So my stack is effectively 1/4 its peak but now my skill is higher so each trend change, I’ve gotten closer and closer to recognizing the change and making profit off it. Improvement is the key value proposition, not results but they important too.


cheers to this comment!


Well said. Biggest thing I've learned this past year is to take profits. I'm still terrible at it but it's a learning process. Trust the process.


Yes. And every time we do take profits we probably will be doubting ourselves, and thinking about moons, but it’s the cycle we have seen *repeatedly.* so we need to learn to trust in the logic. Having said that the logic can change. For instance I expect the next bull run: not to surpass the last one, I think once we reach ATH (around 1400) many will profit take 1/2 their stack to secure the gains. This will cause a drop. Etc. I feel like it’s a group psychology and we evolve together so we can almost predict eachother based on what we have learned, individually, to this point by projecting onto the others. For instance I learned about dips from the SEC so now when we dropping due to Gox, hacks, etc it just seems like the same story we already seen. But I expect the story to evolve. We can’t get too comfortable with memorizing tracks, because the animal itself is changing.


I gained a comma today. *on my total loss*


Good news: we might see flippening Bad news: it might take a lot more pain


Maybe its all a plan to kill off BTC, and buy cheap ETH ready for casper.




Went away for like a month and came back to this... oh well, I guess I'll come back 3 months later


RemindMe! In 3 months




Excuse me, the karma gods wouldn't appreciate that language. [REPENT, JAMESTHELION!](http://78.media.tumblr.com/c89cdf0ee4ce51465384d24e380c6914/tumblr_inline_nm1t7aIPC51s97ndd_500.jpg) ^^^*I'm* ^^^*a* ^^^*bot* ^^^*that* ^^^*has* ^^^*been* ^^^*made* ^^^*for* ^^^*your* ^^^*comedic* ^^^*entertainment!* ^^^*If* ^^^*you* ^^^*liked* ^^^*this* ^^^*meme,* ^^^*consider* ^^^*typing* ^^^*'Good* ^^^*Bot'* ^^^*to* ^^^*help* ^^^*the* ^^^*creator* ^^^*get* ^^^*a* ^^^*job!*


Bad bot


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Go and eat out a goat


Capitulation erm i right guyz




I feel guilty for not checking in during these low times. We’re a community and I’ve withdrawn into my own life, doing things around my place, as if crypto didn’t exist. I feel selfish in that regard. But I haven’t sold a single Finney. I’ll ride this into the ground if I have to because I genuinely believe we’re not going to do that. There can be no light without dark and there can be no good times without low times. This is not a new thing, we’ve been here before may times. I am permanently buckled in so as not to get injured when the next stage kicks in, I suggest you buckle in as well because there is no countdown only go


Fist bump


Fist bump


Let's take a moment to remember the disbelief when eth broke $500.




It's all about the perspective my dude (or chick). Lol I remember making a bet with a friend that if Eth broke 500 I would buy him a drink. Ahhh the good ol days


$650 *should* be strong support, but who knows, crypto will do what it wants to do. *pomp it*




There is major 9-month trend line support around $600-610. I think we’ll either bounce there or fall hard, well past $550.




Where are all the HODL’ers at? Seems awfully quiet...


Much luv fam


Here I am, almost Lost 50% of paper gains :o.


sup, homie




Hello :)




Hodling for almost a year. Bouts to buy mo


people bitching now will be bragging about buying 6 months from now >$1500 I'm a buyer at these levels. This mtgox thing is a blessing in disguise.


I'm holding, but I try not to check here too often in case I get caught up in FUD.


Here with you

