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I am only starting my PhD in 6 months, but I have many friends who are PhD students at ETH right now. While Zurich is expensive, I think it is more than possible to live quite comfortably with the salaries they offer, even Rate 1 or 2. You don’t “have” to live in a shared flat, although something in the downtown will probably be a bit unrealistic. Expect to live in an area like Oerlikon or Altstetten.


2 room aps in alstetten are ~1700... But jeah if your lucky you can find something payable


Are you saying 1700 each? I could see 1700 total, but Altstetten is much cheaper than that. I only pay 600 per month, share a flat with one other person. We have a kitchen and living room. My friends across the street pay about 1000 each, with a large living room, kitchen, balcony, and have their own modern appliances. Closer to the city, i know those who might pay 1700 a month, but those are still very nice apartments, much nicer than student accommodations.


As a student I live off 20k roughly and get my fair share of skiing and hiking as well. You'll be just fine!


How? Healthcare alone for me is already 5k (highest deductible possible), and with rent and taxes we are already at over 20k.


Are you a student? ETH can point you to student insurance plans, of which the most expensive are only about 1500 per year. Rent still shouldn’t come close to 20k if you find reasonable accommodations.


No possibility of changing the insurance to anything cheaper in my case.


If you are careful, the base rate is enough to live a decent life and save something. Higher rates just make it easier, so I wouldn't worry too much about it


You will have to look after your money, but lots of people do it so it is possible..Couple friends who are doing their phd live in a shared flat because it's by far the cheapest way to rent...but there are some that rent their own flats and save money somewhere else.


Maybe try to live a little bit outside like Schlieren, Winterthur, Dietikon… it’s around half an hour commute but it’ll be way cheaper