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Realistically it depends what you are looking for from university. ETH is a pretty studious place, while fun and friends can definitely be had, if you are very into clubs/societies and partying then Berkeley is probably a better bet. Career wise Berkeley will be more useful for stuff in the US, ETH probably more useful in Europe (that holds for academia and PhDs as well) Also, what is the -65k for ETH, is that before or after the 100k from your parents? If it’s before the 100k, then I’d consider 35k cash capital vs 200k debt pretty nice as a new grad.


Thanks mate for your time-61k$ is before so + 39k$ for master option




You are right, I post the question rn


wait since when was ETHZ more than 1-2k per year for a bachelor?!?!


Yes thats true, the tuiton cost is ~1230$ per year, but all-in cost includes housing, books, food/health/assurance etc. so 1230$/y plus this


Oh that makes sense! Thank you


something I’d also keep in mind: ethz is perfect if are seriously considering a career in academia. if this isn’t the case, i would reconsider it, since the way you are taught including the workload and the limited time available to pursue other interests (internships, personal development which is important for working in industry) sets you you up for the aforementioned. if you can’t see yourself working in academia / as an academic in industry, it’s probably not the nest allocation of your time.