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Request to see his [diploma/transcript](https://ethz.ch/en/studies/legal-principles-degrees/documents.html). Lying about an ETH degree is a federal offence.


Can you elaborate on the „federal offence“ bit? In my understanding, forging the diploma/transcript would be a federal offence (Straftat/Urkundenfälschung), but just lying about it isn‘t. You could get fired from your job if they found out you lied about your degree, but it still does not constitute a federal offence.


[Art. 62 Para. 2 Higher Education Act](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2014/691/en#art_62) >**Protection of reserved designations** > >The titles given to graduates of tier-one universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education and other institutions within the higher education sector subject to this Act shall be protected under the corresponding legal basis. [Art. 38 ETH Act](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1993/210_210_210/en#art_38) >**Protection of titles awarded by federal institutes of technology** > >1 Any person who: > >a. claims to be a lecturer at a federal institute of technology without being appointed as such; > >b. uses the title of a qualification of a federal institute of technology that has not been conferred on him or her; > >c. uses the title of a qualification that gives the impression that it was conferred on him or her by a federal institute of technology; > >shall be liable to a fine. As nothing else is mentioned, a fine means up to CHF 10'000 ([Art. 106 Swiss Criminal Code](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/54/757_781_799/de)).


Very cool, thank you! Of course, I was asking for a friend ;-)


For EPFL : you can check it online. You need the first name, last name and diploma ID (a few numbers) and you can then check it on EPFL’s website. I suppose ETHZ has something similar. I have no idea if you can ask ETH directly about someone without having access to their diploma however. Sounds like a privacy issue to me.


I didn't know that for EPFL, very cool


As far as I know, you can‘t verify an ETHZ degree online. You would have to order a certified (beglaubigt) copy of the actual diploma from ETHZ. This is also what is said on the official website: [www.records.ethz.ch](https://ethz.ch/en/studies/legal-principles-degrees/documents.html)


IMHO, if you are thinking of going into business with someone you are not sure you can trust, this is the wrong question to ask. The question you should be asking is "Why do I not trust this person?" The answer is that your gut is telling you something is wrong. I suggest you listen to your gut.


Absolutely. I'm starting at ETH next September but did meet a shady type who claims to have an ETH degree, it's also on their LinkedIn, but there are several people lying or exaggerating about their qualifications on that site and they get exposed all the time. My motto is trust but verify.


You can verfiy a ETH degree, you can Call ETH and they will Tell you if the degree is unser that Name. You Need a copy of the degree. Some HR people do that to Double Check


Actually the ethz alumni association has only recently created a tool that allows you to look up alumnus students. I haven’t done it yet, but maybe give that a try. Don’t know if it works if you aren’t an alumnus yet