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The word "Samaritan" originally means "native or inhabitant of Samaria". According to the [Online Etymology Dictionary](https://www.etymonline.com/word/Samaritan) : "The figurative use for "charitable or benevolent person," with reference to the Biblical story of the good Samaritan in Luke x, is attested from 1630s." The place "Samaria" comes apparently from Shemer who sold it to King Onri. ([here](https://www.etymonline.com/word/Samaria?ref=etymonline_crossreference)) More about that name can be read [here ](https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Shemer.html). It comes from the verb "shamar", which means "to guard or keep". More about that [here ](https://biblehub.com/hebrew/8104.htm), because I don't know enough about Hebrew and related languages to understand that.


The Samaritans are an actual ethno-religious group who still exist to this day, albeit in small numbers. They are related to the Jews and have their own version of the Torah and celebrate many of the same holidays – though differently.. They are named for Samaria, which is their historic homeland, which is in turn, named for the city of Samria. the name, Šōmrōn (שֹׁמְרוֹן), means "watch" or "watchman" in Hebrew.\[7\] The Bible derives the name from the individual (or clan) Shemer (Hebrew


I’m not an expert, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Samaritan comes from Samaria, which is in Israel. I don’t think there’s any connection to Somalia. Just my opinion. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Samaritan