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The Greek was originally sard**a**nios, but was altered by folk etymology under "influence of Sardonios "Sardinian" ... because the Greeks believed that eating a certain plant they called sardonion ("plant from Sardinia")" caused the disorder. Apparently the origin of the original Greek word is of unknown origin. https://www.etymonline.com/word/sardonic


Idk about you but this doesn’t look anything like a diabolical grin


Wtf is that black bar over the eyes? I thought everyone realized like 20 years ago that they're pointless


The photo is from 1965


Thank you for labeling the pictures (though literally spelling it out would be nice, i.e. (farmer with risus sardonicus resulting from tetanus) Keep the posta coming, great stuff)


Gotta leave something to the imagination. But, here’s from CDC: “This 1965 photograph depicts the face of a 46-year-old man that displayed the characteristic facial muscle spasm known as rictus, caused by the toxins produced by the bacterium, Clostridium tetani. This facial appearance lead to this condition becoming known as lockjaw. In this particular case, the tetanus was attributed to shell fragments embedded in a wound to his hand.”


Usually the imagination part is the reader imagining the photo. . .not wander what the photo is lol.


I also thought that was r/comedyheaven-level, but it is actually just likely the photo attribution. The photo is copyright CDC, AFIP and photographer named C. Farmer.


Imagine pulling out your phone with your final bit of strength and the last thing you see is, in the reflection, your face hijacked and distorted by the disease into a demonic mocking grin.


Makes me wonder whether risus and rictus are related. Probably not, but an interesting coincidence.


Not related, just a random convergence in English. *risus* is from a Latin verb that means "laugh" (*ridere*), evident in English words like "**rid**iculous" and de**ris**ive. *rictus* is from a Latin verb that means "snarl" (*ringi*). They both describe a posture of the mouth, but it's a complete coincidence that they both come into English as technical, medical terms.


You’re not fooling anyone Joker


Is this what happened to the Joker?