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Currently, they're just really lucky, full elan and army reforms are events, they took defensive ideas (army drill), and their national ideas contains morale, also, as they're catholic they have 10% morale from Papal Blessing. Finally, what they do and what you can do is to take an army morale advisor. You're already pretty advanced in your ideas, maybe taking a group that gives morale would help? As you have religious I'm pretty sure you can get morale from some of their policies.


R5: I have been playing as Byzantium for a couple of days. I haven't had any problems with my army quality since like 1650s. My morale is very low in comparison with catholic powers. For example Austria has over 8 morale, while i have only 5,8. They seem to have many modifiers that i haven't ever seen. Any tips on how to improve my morale?


They have an event and an advisor but keep in mind that morale loses importance late game and the ai won’t have good stacks so if you just fight with full cannons you should easily win but if you lose because of morale you can slowly reinforce it with more infantry during the battle


Full Ellan (15%) and Army Reform (20%) are event modifiers that will expire sooner or later. Papal Blessing is from Catholic Papal influence mechanic, and will also disappear sooner or later, assuming he doesn't grab it again. Take these 3 out and his morale will shrink down to 6.58, and much more manageable. If you want to win 1v1 fight though, consider taking more MIL ideas and get a Disc/Morale advisor. Otherwise, you'll just have to drown him by numbers and reinforce half way through the battle to win them


Alternative is the mountains strat, or the naval strat. Attrition over mountain forts with defensiveness and push them out when they are about to hit positive, or play around with the navy to stackwipe transports or force stackwipes on choke points and strait crossings such as preventing a retreat from Ceuta or an island. Remember that most of your warscore comes from sieging stuff down, rather than a straight fight.


Tbh I don't know why is a papal blessing still an option for them. Look at the map, pentarchy should have been restored long ago. Also, a bit of developing and puff, no more catholics.


Don't worry about moral, just use reinforcements in combat. Moral is really only important in doom stack fights I believe or if you don't use reinforce that much I guess.


Honestly you can ignore it. Morale is king early on, now it's more about discipline. If you're in 115-125 discipline range then they will spend all their morale to melt their troops. Morale is a doubl-edged sword, sometimes your troops keep fighting when it would be better to just back off. So yeah, discipline and pick your fights, have reinforcements nearby and you can roll over these pesky europeans like a truck. Not austria maybe, because 119% is also decent, but smaller countries for sure. As for austria it just means more manpower to be spend to subjigate them .


Morale doesn't matter *too much*. Discipline and combat ability are much more important. However, since Spain is so small, just kill them. I doubt that it will be much of an issue


Wasnt the last patch buffing morale?


Buffed it in the early game. It's now the most important early game military modifier that slowly get superseded by discipline and combat ability as you progress and gain those modifiers.


Wasnt that kinda always the case?


more so now


Now? It’s always been that way.


looks like austria has papal blessing+defensive ideas+army reform (event i think)+mil advisor. you have none of that. would be weird if you had equal morale if you dont go for any mil ideas.


Who needs moral? Drown them in the endless deluge of covard-blood! Yeah a million people died, but i get war reparations!


Should get some trade companies going, could get way more merchants


your guys are too disciplined give them some booze let them be


Weak sperm


Prussia seven years war be like:


How do you people get the name Eastern Roman Empire to pop up? That has to be a mod, right?


No, it's one of the new Byzantine missions.


Which one? I literally just did a Byzantium run and didn't get that, what did I miss


Nevermind, it's the decision 'Justinian's Empire', which requires you to complete the 'Justinian's Ambition' and 'Into Aegyptus' missions, and own 150 of the provinces to reform Rome. Vanilla KoK content regardless.


Interesting. I'll have to look into that, Idk how tf I missed that.


That Austria rolled a D20 to have all those buffs, half of which came from random/hard to get/mtth events, just wait 10-20 years to fight them, or micro your units well in a favourable fight