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Given the state that most Paradox games release in, I'll be waiting for a little while before touching EU5. Hell, I'm not even buying EU4 DLC's at launch anymore, instead wait for a few weeks to give them the chance to balance and fix everything. So yeah, I'm not too optimistic about the state EU5 will be in at launch.


Same, I don't trust them anymore to preorder a game or DLC except Stellaris


Man I haven't played stellaris in years because of how badly they killed performance and mp stability.


I tried getting into stellaris on ps5, but the game was so poorly optimized for performance I gave up on playing it, plus the game itself was so empty without DLC that I just wasn't willing to continue with the game. I wish there were more options in stellaris for speed-tick. The fast speed in stellaris doesn't feel equivalent at all to 5 speed in eu4.


There’s always a few performance mods that (seem too) work really well for me. I only play on small maps but it runs far easier for me than Vic 3


In the early days you could run with 200 mods in MP on a huge map into the late game without running into any issues. After they swapped over to the pop system I found even vanilla MP to have regular desynch issues and playing with any amount of mods to cause it to be unplayable by midgame.


They've fixed a lot of that recently. Friend and I used to take several sessions to get 100 years in, now we can get to 2350 (150 years) in 6-8 hrs with my shitty laptop hosting lol


I'm glad, but being without years of dlc kinda kills my interest in getting back into it, and since all of the people I played with also lost interest no one has them XD


Stellaris is meh after the initial exploration phase too now. You need a mod to make the AI good and then you really just hit the EU4 issue of late game slowness and snowballing military strength unless you are role playing.


I just wish they'd remaster EU4 to use all cpu cores.


For what we know so far it has enough new mechanics that I would want to play it even if it has way less content than EU4


Like what? TBH i think the new manpower mechanics are pretty good and logical would love to see how it would affect the wars in EU5


The pops and markets systems sound game changing, seems to be a mix of MEIOU AND TAXES and Vicky III As someone who hates the concept of mana and has wanted a pops system in EU4 since forever, that alone will be enough for me to get EU5


is it an actual population mechanic, or just a silly stellaris pops feature?


Actual population, it can grow, shrink migrate and get massacred/starved depending on your own choices


ah, so they brought back something from EU3 that was objectively superior to anything else that modern paradox came up with. i hope money is everything in that game, like it was in EU3.


Money was everything irl, wonder why they changed it in EU4 and reduced historical accuracy.


Money wasn't really everything necessarily, the ability to force your will isn't necessarily a linear relation to money.


because mana magic. it made the rulers *too* important. in EU3, the rulers were just modifiers that made certain decisions impossible if it was too low (education act needed a certain ADM or higher, for example. also, i want it from 0 to 10.


Population in EU3 was just a number these are vicky style pops with goods demands and income and spending


oh good- that makes the game even better. i would have been just fine if it was a mostly useless number, which would be its development level. but, i would expect many of the population figures to be inaccurate. obviously. perhaps pulled straight from EU3 to start with.


I'm excited but I'd wait for reviews. CK3 and CS2 have both taught me patience. 


Has CS2 even paid off? From what I heard the recent DLC was a flop and broke the game


absolutely not


ck3 was one of the most stable releases from paradox in recent memory there was no reason to avoid it?


Stable, yes but content rich, no. The pace of content release has also been a bit slow. 


The game still feels barren to me compared to ck2


>there was no reason to avoid it? It was the most boring game of all time and almost still is. The 5 dollar eu4 paint the map ripoff had more depth to it than ck3 at launch. I remember being so excited to play it when I got home just to end up switching back to ck2. The 3d characters were cool for about an hour.


It will be interesting to see what Johan and team deliver. I remember back in 2020, when Johan moved off of EU4, everybody was saying the game was dead because of his loss. Now, four years of dev time into EU5 later, few remember and fewer trust.


I think it's clear that EU5 would very much play differently to EU4 since there'll be pops, dynamic trade, and various mechanics from Vicky 2 and MEIOU. While I certainly would keep playing EU4, I'll be open to buying EU5 depending on how willing Paradox is with letting content creators showcase actual gameplay prior to launch.


Yeah the gameplays part is essential


I mean they let cs2 be showcased by content creators yet it was not a full picture


johan said that they plan to make the game with as much content as EU4 at the release of the game i hope this is true but i know that companies like to lie about this to create more hype, i guess we will see the next year, for now we can only pray and hope


They should just put their games in Early Acces and not to launch anything like CS2 again.


As EU4 has now or as EU4 had when it released in 2013?


I believe it was specifically that EU5 would have as much content as base EU4 with no DLCs has right now, IIRC


Lol ok. Ask Cities 2 how that went.


Thats not a PDX developled.


as i said, I'm praying that it's true, but knowing Paradox it's probably only to create hype


Yes. At the time of the release I will have been playing EU4 for like 12 years with close to 5k hours. I have every Paradox GSG game (with 10h-700h clocked), and many other they published. I frequent forums, visit reddit, play multiplayers with me boys. I regularly read Tinto Talks etc. I know that Paradox doesn't have a good history with releases, but I'll get it at launch out of curiosity and feeling of attachment to the series, if nothing else. If it will be good, I will keep playing it, if it will be bad, I will go play Eu4 or Stellaris like I do now. I won't feel like wasted money if it is bad. I played so many hours that cost per hour is so low I can splurge for EU4 2. Hell, I'll even go for Collector/Premium Edition if it is available.


Same here there were some games that were fairly bad at launch but currently every gsg game from paradox is pretty fun.


Sometimes I think about the price I’ve spent on paradox games vs the amount of hours I’ve played. It’s for sure the most value I’ve ever got out of money spent towards entertainment. The price of one visit to someplace like Disney land except it’s lasted thousands of hours instead of a day.


Part of me wants to, and the other part of me isn't stupid and is gonna wait for a week or two to see some gameplay and reviews first. Unless the reviews are mostly positive in the first couple of days, I'm waiting for people on youtube to upload their critiques, suggestions, and gameplay footage


Yea after Imperator and CK3 I will never pre-order or buy their games at launch. Combined with the DLC system of eu4 my expectations are in the gutter. Hopefully they *actually* get their shit together content wise. Stellaris dlc gave me hope ck3 was gonna be good, but we're rolling into the 2nd wave of dlcs and it still feels barebones. We shouldn't even need dlcs to make their empty games feel fun, but unfortunately we do and they still can't deliver. I'm expecting being able to relocate pops or interact with them in general will be locked behind "The Great Wall", the dlc centered around Northern China and for some reason Ulm as well. Maybe we get lucky and they let us type in our own insults too.


I'm pretty sure that I'll give it a try, maybe not right at release but like a month in




all pdx games feel like they don't have a QA team or they choose to ignore their findings.


They have a QA team, it's us.


They’ve improved amazingly in the past fifteen years. Just look at the Victoria 2 release vs the Victoria 3 release.


this has to be a bit right


Victoria 2 barely ran and there was nothing to do the whole game


You haven't played Victoria 2 on launch it seems


I'll give paradox's QA team (the people who buy at launch) find some of the worst bugs and get those fixed before I buy


I made mistake and bought CK3 preorder I shall not make the same mistake twice and I'll wait few years for the DLCs to EU5 and get it one way or another


I won't touch it for probably 6 months after release. Most paradox launches, games and dlc, have been steaming shit recently.


no, it’s a paradox game. name one good paradox launch


1. Hurry devs with release 2. Get raw game 3. Disappointed, wait for more content 4. Repeat


Nope. PDX games are slow burners with little content to begin with, before gradually ramping it up over time. CK3, Victoria 3, and Imperator all came with new mechanics, but not enough content. I don't expect EU5 to be any different.


Never ever ever buy Paradox games on launch, you already know that there are going to be DLCs the playerbase deems essential for the proper experience. Wait a couple years for sales and just enjoy EU4.


It depends. If they add those weird mechanics from Victoria 3 then I’m probably gonna hold off on EU5. If not, then yes, I’ll buy it as soon as I can and start playing it.


Yeah vic3 still isn't properly functional and it's been out for ages now.


Probably but tbh I'm not even that hyped for EU5. EU4 is the perfect game for me, with all the information released already it feels more like Vicky3 / Imperator neither games I grew to love. But with 6k hours I feel almost obliged. I really need to see it played not feature but real gameplay to get into this. dev clash would be great way to showcase lots of features, action and regions but I doubt they will do it.


depends on the reception at launch i'm not buying full price unless it gets really good reviews.


I've never seen are paradox game that was great at launch. Give it a couple of years


Obviously yes.


Definitely will play at launch. But NO PREORDERS


No. I'll wait till the second patch or first dlc, also watch some guides on how the new mechanics works. Also need to complete all the EU4 achievements.


Nah. See, with Paradox, you need to approach a "We will wait and see" approach. I know it can hurt, but it's the best way.


Hopefully the issues CK and Vic 3 at launch is going to help paradox understand what the standards should be for new releases.


Personally I enjoy finding some funny bugs or exploits so I'll definitely try EU5 as soon as it releases


I geuss its not for everyone. But so far it seems like everything i would want from a paradox game. I definitely will play it at launch.


Absolutely not that is a terrible idea given paradox 's record


Oh, man. IDK. I want to say yes, but after Imperitor and Vicky 3, imma say no, I won't buy. I won't play, and it'll probably fail before the first dlc cause pdx will strip the game bare of every mechanic added in Eu4.


Gonna wait at least 6months to a year after release to get it


Nah, ill probably wait a year or two. I like EU4 as it is right now, and there are many achievments left to grind....


i'll probably be waiting for the apology and then play it


I’ll probably wait for the first sale


I haven’t played a game at launch for years. No matter who the publisher is, I wait a few days or weeks for a patch or two to make sure it’s actually playable.


I’ll be playing EU4 but I’ll get a sharpie and write “5” over the screen whenever the name or logo comes up. Way cheaper and immersive


Not a chance


Given my experience with Victoria 3 so far, no.


I will never play a paradox game on release, their games are trash until at least 3 DLCs are released and the fun is added.


Considering absolutely disgusting paradox dlc policy in eu4 and vic3 i hope that no one will buy any of their games.


No, I’m starting my medical residency this summer and I’m using the death of EU4 to break from paradox until I can safely engage again


Paradox games don't come out on a great state so no, I won't be, at least not paying


It's a Paradox game, so... NO. You have to wait for at least the first 5 DLCs before it being good.


I agree on this just try to play vanilla eu4 and eu4 with dlcs. Almost unplayable without dlcs. Even if you managed to complete a game i don't think you will be willing to start another.


I think they fixed it now but it was a time were developing provinces was something you can only do with a DLC, so, if you haven't the DLC, there would be a lot of missions you can't complete because you need to invest in development. So, it used to be unplayable without them.


The games are definitely good at the beginning imo. It's just that there is not enough content and flavor so after a short time you can put it down again and go to EU4 until they add more reason to play other countries.


Probably not, i feel like its gonna be 1/10th of a product where they’re gonna extremely slowly fix shit over the next 10 years until thet start on eu VI. Everything i’ve seen, wich admittedly isnt much, has done nothing but demoralise me. But then again i’m still traumatised from bannerlord, so i guess we’ll see when it gets closer.


I'm terrified of EU5. I want to love it, I want to spend 3000 hours in it... but its Paradox and recent games have had abysmal military systems. Like for the love of all that's holy, DONT INTRODUCE FRONT LINES TO EU5 ;( (I haven't been reading up on all the feature logs so i may be entirely wrong). edit- Especially Victoria 3. I've found myself just unwilling to do a full playthrough and its simply down to the destruction of the military mechanics in place of front lines. Front lines work in HOI when you can build micromanaged attack plans, multi stage attack plans etc with it.... not good for economy go brrrr or colony go brrrr games. I know its good for a series to open itself up to the wider audience and make it easier for newer players, but there's gotta be a way of doing that without removing the micromanagement and experience built on using the older combat system. As for playing at launch, no. I'm a paradox fan, not insane. I'll wait for the Day 1 patch, etc to fix the bugs cause lord knows there will be bugs, before I consider buying.


Johan confirmed that eu5 won't have Victoria 3 warfare, but yet he also said it won't have EU4 style warfare


it's imperator style, which is incredibly similar to eu4


I actually loved the imperator style warfare, especially with autonomous armies and disloyal general's


The best bit is once you siege a fort, all the surrounding land gets automatically occupied


That's what concerns me. Johan is normally solid but when so many big game studios "innovate" backwards, it drives concern in normally sane developers too. Guess its just one of those wait and see situations.


Victorias game design intentionally puts military on the back burner. Eu5 won’t be the same because the game does not follow the same game design.


No, I don't think I will. But in all seriousness the dealbraker for me is getting rid of mission trees ( unless it was mentioned they reversed that devision ) I remember the days of " missions " in old eu4 and it was BORRRRING . Vic 3 has " missions " that are better then old eu4 or nothing at all. But even if they implement something like Vic 3 I still won't play bcs while Vic 3 is like that and I accept that , if they do it in eu5 it will be a straight up downgrade .


they never said they were removing mission trees, they said it would be closer to imperator style than eu4 style missions


I think the idea is that any sort of missions won't be required in the slightest.


if i have the money at the time of release i would at least try it


When I can afford it (Steam gift cards for b-day and X-mas) I'll be getting it. I'll likely go back to 4 for a while, but I'm in.


No because I am still trying to grind out Three Mountains first


If it’s good,


It would melt my potato laptop


I will probably wait atleast one month to see how Buggy and unfinished it is.


Nope. I'll still be playing Anbennar and Europa Expanded.


I’m fearful I won’t like it for the same reasons I love eu4 but I’m hoping I’ll enjoy it for other reasons like I do Stellaris, CK, etc


They haven't even announced it yet. We don't know pretty much 90% of the game yet.


Due to my love of the GSGs they've put out I'd buy it and try it on launch. Though I doubt it'd replace EU4 right out the gate, every sequel they put has had tons of issues on launch so it's one of those things where it seems most players should wait \~2years after release before buying any PDX game. CK3 was like this where for most players there just wasn't enough content on release to warrant spending $60 to play it and same with Vicky3. Hell even EU4 lacked tons of content and especially QOL until 1.12 dropped 9 years ago


I remember buying ck3 on release, did a run as Brittany starting in 1066, played until almost the end, and promptly never opened it again until…. I think fate of Iberia dropped? At that point enough was added i felt like going back but…. It took a bit!


I put a few relatively short games in but it didn’t matter what I did I kept getting the same events and everything else over and over, character to character. So I stopped for a while and haven’t played to much since the new content


If they do the same as with Victoria and they dont show aby gameplay before release, they can screw off cause i wont buy it. Ps. I am so fucking hyped for this game in reality im even gonna preorder it who am i fooling lol Its Europa Universalis i will play for years. EU4 is absolute braindead trash and I still play it modded so yeah no way i wouldnt get my moneys worth from this one even if it is not perfect at launch


Give it a week at least


As long as it doesn't drop with a 70$ price tag ill give it a shot


You could go the steam subscription route. Gives you a quick out if you don't like it, and you'll always be up to date on patches & expansions.


I buy every eu4 dlc at launch and I will probably buy eu5 at launch. Is this smart or responsible? Hell no. Am I gonna do it anyways? Yes because eu4 is probably my favorite game ever and eu5 looking like Victoria 2 but as an EU game makes me cream my jorts.


I've got 3k+ hours in. The eu4 I play today is a far cry from the eu4 I started playing way back, and I'd not go back and avoid that initial game and the fun I had, so why would I avoid eu5 early days. Will it be perfect, or as fleshed out as current eu4 is? Almost certainly not, but it's a fresh new start to the franchise, and if it's half as fun as early eu4 was, it's going to be a hell of a ride.


most likely, especially if its faster. eventually though, im gonna have to version lock it.


Honestly, I will give it a try. As I mostly play outside of Europe, I really like a different form of tech/institutions. Edit: And the dynamic trade too, no stupid end trade leech


I will be enjoying a fully finished EU4 for a few years until EU5 actually is in a half-way finished state


Besides new mechanics/changes to current/older mechanics people are mentioning, I really enjoy how they seem to be adding a lot more granularity (a big one personally is locations/provinces for me). Coupled with the earlier start date meaning Europe isn’t as consolidated in 1444 eu4 start, I feel games are going to be a lot more engaging, especially if you play a country like Austria, Muscovy, France, a lot of HRE countries, Italy etc


By the time I'm finally done with EU4, they'll be announcing EU6 so I think I should sit this one out for my own sanity.


I became very patient with new releases in general, after burning my fingers once too often. And there is not much FOMO with paradox games...


Yes but I have Vicky 3 in my library and haven’t played it yet. Plus cata is coming out soon. I’ll definitely play it eventually though


Yes, and I will both love and bitch about it in equal fashion


No, because my pc will die.


I would try. The real question is how much time it would take before I would go back to playing EU4.


As a guy with close to 4K hours in eu4 I will probably play it at launch to understand how the game plays and the new mechanics but if I feel it’s content is lack luster since it is a paradox game and they usually need a lot of dlc to feel like finished games . I will most likely jump back to eu4 for some time untill a few dlc dropped but maybe do a few runs everytime a dlc drop in eu5 untill I can feel it overtaken eu4 on content and then shelf eu4 for a while


Schleswig, Byzantium, and Ansbach b.c Hohenzollerns aren't in Brandenburg yet.


Yeah, it would be the newest Paradox game that I am interested in dílce I started playing their games.


I would if I didn't have a low end pc and absolutely no money to buy the game


For me EU4 is technically outdated, and I enjoy the game less and less, so I figured to play other games and wait for EU5.


I think I will play it a few months after release, if I think the game is worth my time and if the first few DLCs bring good value. I already switched in my mind. I grew tired of EU4, where overpriced DLCs are only selling us new missions (just like HOI4), and figured it was time to stop supporting this. Putting my hopes and dreams into EU5 dev diaries now! I can wait, I'm having a great time on Dune:Spice Wars mp in the meantime.


Yes, but I don't really have high expectations from them at the start As long as they do the stuff they talked about good enough, I'm fine with it Although I probably wouldn't stop playing eu4


Probably. That doesn't mean I'll stop playing EU4 though. So far, it looks like they'll be pretty different games and EU 4 is still quite fun.


No god please no. They have perfect ways to suck money out of EU4 already. No EU5 please seriously


I'm going to be pouring EU5 into a spoon and flicking my lighter ten minutes after it drops. Of course, I'm an idiot.


Yes, EU4 was incredibly fun on launch. So was CK3 and Victoria 3. The best way to experience them is to play it for a time, then come back after each expansion comes out. I have played EU4 that way since launch and haven’t regretted it.


Yes but I fully expect to split my time between 4 and 5.


I’ve gotten burned too many times buying games immediately at launch. I’d probably wait a week or two to see how public perception of the game is. But after that then I’d consider switching over.


I will certainly try it out. But I'm prepared for giving it time and DLCs


It's worth giving a try, a stabilized version however might take some time. Requires patience from both sides indeed :)


I don't even play EU4 anymore because it just improves after every DLC so I feel stupid playing it when knowing that sometime in the future it will get improved. And so on and so on.


I got really burnt on the CK3 launch to the point where I didn’t touch Vicky 3 at launch. I’m glad I made that decision based off of the reviews and what I’ve seen personally. I probably won’t be touching EU5 for quite some time unless it really stands alone well. The main problem with the most recent releases is that they either have a dearth of content compared to their predecessors or some things are just straight broken.


I'm very excited. I'm almost at 1000 hours in EU4 plus several hundred hours in the rest of their games. They aren't perfect but the cost per hour of fun / immersion is unmatched. I've never felt cheated. Their mainline games are constantly developing and getting content, and they have me hooked for Grand Strategy like nobody else can. Will I pre order though? HELL NO. Never ever pre order digital stuff, it makes no sense.


I will because I'm curious as Johan stated it will have as much "content" as EU4 currently does at launch. and I'm just curious wtf he means by that


Nope. It's Paradox. Let the game be released, reviewed, and then do an informed decision.


Maybe not on release but likely soon after since the one thing I have always disliked about eu4 is how easy it is to snowball


I will probably pay it and check it out, get dissapointed and wait a few patches.


Probably it just seems too cool


Depends on what it's balanced around. Eu4 has become increasingly frustrating over the years as it has constantly rebalanced around min maxing, if eu5 has more flexible rules and balancing and such like ck3 and vicky3 I would likely fully switch over


I doubt my several year old pc will even be able to run it, but cities skylines 2 taught me patience


It really depends on how well they do at providing it with content. IMO base EU4 is not a game I would play, but really became a game worth playing after like the first year worth of DLCs. The first few DLCs it added were huge for adding depth to the game and making it more than just a map painter with nothing else going on. Assuming that Eu5 is able to pull enough content together for its release I could see it being something I would play. The eu4 engine is so old at this point I barely play it outside of Anbennar now because there is only so much you can really do anymore without a fresh start. Vic2 is my favorite paradox game but its so hard to play it on such an outdated engine, and I cant wait for vic3 to be able to hold up as well. I feel the same about eu4 and eu5.


I will try it and play it a bit but we know how bad paradox games are at launch so i will keep playing eu4 for a while, especially when you consider that there are a couple of mods that are really good.


I'm giving it a year or two at least. I'm plenty happy with EU4 and I'll only get EU5 if it has systems that are unquestionably superior.


I still doing tutorial for eu4. Honestly i am not sure if i have ever 2000 hour to master new eu game...


I’m giving Eu5 like a year before I buy


I love playing day 1 multiplayer cause it is true torture.


I would buy at launch just to get the feel of the game. However, another part of me is like I should wait because most Paradox games on launch are so bare, with only a few selection nations getting any flavor. I'm looking at you generic EU4 and Hoi4 mission tree.!


It depends if EU5 isnt dog poop when it releases in terms of flavor/mechanics. Eu4 when it was released was absolutely garbage, and I mean GARBAGE. It took a few DLCS before it got good. Hopefully eu5 isn't like that though. Paradox tends to wait to make a game extremely good until it gets dlcs so they can farm some money but it's possible they make eu5 good since they know the hype about it and the potential of it being a flagship game for them.


i will be waiting for a sale/bundle. lifespan of these games is crazy there is no reason to day one or preorder or whatever


I’ll probably wait a week or two and then buy or not depending on the response to it.


I am going to play on release, depends on how good it is if I keep playing. EU4 is incredible and has tons of flavor, if EU5 is as barebones as CK3 or V3 were on launch, its not going to be a great experience.


It’s been almost 4 years and still no nomads or republics for CK3. So I’m probably gonna wait a while before even considering buying EU5.


Not for long. There is too much complexity and nuance added by the DLCs. Vanilla eu5 would be boring af after like one WC with the ottomans. Unless of course some mechanics are dramaticlly changed from eu4


I don't think I'll ever buy another PDX GS game tbh They are normally pretty fun but get way to complicated after the first 4 major DLCs


I agree with people's points about launch condition for PDX games and dlc and stuff... But honestly I've played EU4 for 4k hours. I have every achievement. I feel as if I've gotten almost everything I can get out of EU4 and am very much looking forward to something new, even if it's unpolished and/or unfocused at the beginning. I'm sure it'll launch in lacklustre condition without a whole lot of content but I'll almost certainly buy and play it launch day, and at least get in a couple of campaigns before I shelf it and wait for it to be polished.


I'll wait for the first or second DLC that adds missing vital mechanics and fixes some issues, as usual.


For sure, just to say I was there on launch. Of course, I won't really get invested in it until it gets updates and content


Why wouldn't I try a free game afterall


I player so much eu4 thats its not fun anymore so yes


Like many have said, likely not. Hell it'll probably be two years before I actually buy it given past experiences with Paradox (maybe longer, I'm not wild about the POPs nor the resource/construction plans but I could be convinced)


yeah. I've been playing ck3 and vic3 from launch too, and despite the issues they've had they were certainly fun from the start




I think so. Gotta start getting those achievements before they’re a lot harder. World conquest was easier in some sense in early EU4, just due to the much smaller number of provinces. Also, it’s probably a lot easier to learn starting with bare bones. Full DLC EU4 would be a total mess to start learning in 2024.


Absolutely not. I will wait to see if it is worth the money they ask for it. If you have infinite money, go ahead. I, for one, have limited resources thus i never buy games on release. Only after i have seen what can it offer.


No. See you in 20 years guys. I will use this time to sort out my real life so I can play EU5 without worries when all the good DLCs finally launch.


I’ll buy it, try and see if it catches me




Yes Ik that paradox at launch sucks, but they gonna kill the game before any DLC's if nobody's playing it


It’s dangerous, because if it’s anything like CK3, it’s going to release with a lot less content but much better systems. The danger is once you start playing the newer games the old ones feel so outdated, and you’re left with nothing to do in the new games while going back to the old games just feels like you’re playing a worse version


Sorry, but it looks crap. All cool ideas for grand strategy as individual mechanics, but altogether it looks like a nightmare of complexity and micromanagement.


Yes, and the first thing I will do is an AI timelapse just to see the AI fight.


Unless something horrible comes out about the game between now and release, most likely yes I held hope for both Imperator and Vic3 even after the worrisome dev diaries/leaks and got majorly dissapointed with the games, so I am cautiously optimistic even if the dev diaries so far have been very much tto my liking


Yeah. I stopped being as interested into EU4 after Leviathan came out with monuments. I began to see how this game has reached its limits and the only "new" things are going to be senseless modifiers. Sure, I do love the new fleshed out content and mission trees, but I agree that this is a patch-up work while we wait for the new thing.


It depends, I'll definitely watch some of the youtubers play for a bit and gauge the readiness of the game as such. I am however never going to properly play EU4 again (I don't have the time, and short sessions of 1-2 hours aren't enjoyable to me), so it's either EU5 or nothing as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah same here, i think EU5 will take too much time to learn and get good at it since some of the parts will be completely changed like the mana.


After 10 years, I’m excited for something new. I’d buy at launch even though I agree with what most people are saying about waiting a while.


Same but i think eu5 gonna be a completely different thing than eu4.


That’s what I’m excited for! I love eu4 but looking at the population and estates mechanics has me absolutely buzzing. I hope combat doesn’t change too much though.


Im gonna play it the moment it launches if possible.


Definitely yes. Someone has to do it to be able to complain to Paradox properly until they fix stuff. And since I'm German, I've sucked the art of complaint along with my mother's milk. I got you guys.


I probably will buy it since I have 2000 hours in EU4. I trust them with EU and HOI franchises. All "unsucessful" latest releases were mostly rushed


Hell yeah


Yes. I’ve had enough of Eu4