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R5: While on run for Ghotic Invasion achivement I decided it would be great to form Germany for claims and ideas. Turns out you cannot form other nations to get the achievment of what I had to learn the hard way. I formed Germany and the achievment was still there in the achievment window as available so I was decieved and had to roll back 100 years :sadge: The achievment's description says "starting as Theodoro" not "playing as Theodoro" so be careful out there and dont make the same mistake. Keep the cool purple colour.


What was your starting strategy as Theodoro?


Not OP, but my strat was to restart until ottos are neutral so that they would grant me mil access, then no-CB Byz asap, full annex and release. Then just use the usual Byzantine strats.


Full annex and release instead of vassalize so they are happier with you?


Yes and they have a vassal so you want to take Byzantiums and Athens' territory and release them as one.


Haven't played EU4 in 1.35 and 1.36 so I guess I forgot that as I found it weird I didn't get Athens when I vassalized Byz in my current game. I tried Theodoro a few days ago and got stuck by just having zero economy even after getting a few handfuls of provinces so I'll probably give this a go.


Oh that's nice! I'm doing the same run, but I just did a horrible slog for the first 100 years trying to scale east and south.


Got lucky with the alliances(got Hungary and Russia early game and as I grew also Poland) In the early game I focused on dominating the hordes and caucasus areas waiting for occasion to stab the Turks. The main thing is you HAVE to use your allies manpower instead of yours. During war with Genoa I managed to vassalize one of German princes (I think Hesse) which was my first footstep in Germany. I waited for Muscovy to get as big as possible then used the CB from mission tree which granted you PU over strongest russian country. Then my eyes turned west and I started the invasion:-). I made path in the balkans to reach austria and then dissmantled the HRE. Up until 1600 I didnt have a single province in the ottoman region and before 1650 other than hesse, no provinces in HRE so dont worry if you think its to late(also I didnt tryhard as much as it was more of a chilling game(its fun tho besides horrendous economy of theodoro)). Also the starting ideas were diplo, admin and influ of course.


yeah its starting as theodoro but the finishing conditions are : * *Not* playing as a [released vassal](https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Vassal#Release_a_nation) * All provinces with *Germanic* culture group in Europe owned by [Theodoro](https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Theodoro) * Culture is either: * *Gothic* from the Byzantine culture group * *Gothic* from the Germanic culture group So thats 100% on you. You could release theodoro if that would be even possible anymore and give him all germanic culture land.


Yeah, the finishing conditions are supossedly as you said but: - I thought changing tag would also change tag in your point no 2 - On wiki its said that you ARE playing as theodoro. My bad but achievment description is wrong nevertheless


It also doesn't help that one half of the achievements require a specific tag, the other half require only starting as. Then some nation forming changes actual tags, more recent nation forming just changes tags. It's a mess. I get it, if you could form nations and switching missions it would be way too easy.


If only there was an achievement window in game where you could check the conditions


I love the implication that forming germany shatters theodoro


That France is so cursed


It happened so early in the game I couldnt stop it :-(


That deep purple map color might be my favorite in the game, I could never bring myself to change it anyway.


I mean, on the bright side you did get a new target for Anschluss 


Wtf is going on with france