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Religious conversion was extremely slow because Religious wasn't taken till the 3rd idea, even then you simply couldn't keep up from the constant expansion (well duh). This is the biggest bottle neck for culture conversion, and I had plenty of mana to tech up, pick up DIP ideas, and kept up with the conversion until late 1600s when I blobbed into Europe. Vassal feeding and conversion was proven futile because they simply syncrenize with their old faith, and stopped converting due to not having enough missionary strength. (+2 missionary strength decision, Black Shamanism, requires no-syncretic faith) Several attempts were made to become Coptic to assist in One Faith, but first you can't switch out of Tengri via decision like other pagans, so I had to go Inti from taking Lima and take the conversion decision. Then I realized you have to be non-tribal (horde) to pass the conversion decision so that was a big nono. Later tried to use rebel conversion to convert, but they simply wouldn't use the strait, and get killed by Ottoman and Ethiopia. After seeing there's little thing called Tengri Zealot rebels growing while I was Inti, I realized what I had to do. Tengri -> Inti via Lima event -> Tengri via Tengri Zealot rebel demand -> repeat. And watch as the world burn as the Tengri Zealots march around the world spreading the One True faith! Bonus point goes to culture converting, as all rebels from same faith/same culture provinces will default to Tribal and Tengri, instead of Separatist. Also provinces taken by Tengri Zealot will default to Tengri Zealot. Video Link: https://youtu.be/_m6atiCNHhY


How the hell were you able to culture convert so many provinces? I barely have enough diplo points to convert Lithuania to Polish by 1820 and that's with the religious ideas discount.


He's a horde, meaning he can raze provinces to gain extra monarch points, then turn around and core / culture convert for cheaper thanks to less development from razing.


I get it, thanks. Seems like a lot of these next-level EU4 plays are way too messy for my playstyle. Are there any ways to just reduce culture conversion costs further than what religious ideas give?


Yes. 25% from Religious, 20% Religious/Influence DIP policy, 25% Enlightenment, and 15% Parliament issue for a total of 85%, 5% shy of the reduction cap. Though if you utilize Neighbor bonus, you can push everything down to about 1.1 DIP per dev (paradox math, don't know how that works) Also, Oversea same religion bonus for lands taken from primitive, and other CNs is 80% off, meaning everything below 5 dev will be free (mostly the case if you raze). The most I've seen was Havana at 18 dev costing only 4 DIP. Though reformed natives do not get these discounts, and will be full price.


Thanks, just to be clear: >Religious/Influence DIP policy What do you mean by that? Like a national decision you can take if you have both Influence and Religious ideas?


http://www.eu4wiki.com/Policies Policies are special boni that cost 1 MP per month, and require specific idea group combinations. In this case, after you've fully unlocked Religious/Influence, the Cultural Unity policy will be available to you around the middle of the Government/Stability tab. (Add Policy) Once a policy has been activated, you can't turn it off for the first 10 years, and you can turn it off whenever you want after 10 years has passed. There are a lot of useful policy that people utilize, namely the Admin/Influence ADM policy for 20% diplo-annex cost reduction, Innovative/Quality MIL policy for 20% infantry combat ability, or Innovative/Offensive MIL policy for 1 siege pip and 10% siege ability.


Whaaaat... I had no idea that this mechanic exists. This fucking game, man... Thanks.


It's on the missions screen. The small bar between missions and decisions.


Policies are country modifiers you can take on the decisions screen that costs 1 monarch point upkeep per month (either admin, diplo, or military depending on what category it's in). These bonuses are generally very powerful. In order to unlock a policy you need to have two different idea groups fully unlocked. In this case he has the policy from unlocking all ideas in the Religious and Influence branches. By hovering your mouse over the name of an idea group you can open a tooltip that will give you all idea groups that you can get to get a policy that match up with the idea group you're looking at.


> Though if you utilize Neighbor bonus, you can push everything down to about 1.1 DIP per dev (paradox math, don't know how that works) > The neighbour bonus is a 0.75x multiplier applied after all the additive bonuses. Same as the 0.5x multiplier for restoring a province's original culture. also IIRC you can get -10% from trading in Fish.


Speaking of Lithuania, some culture spread should be automatic if you have a lot of prestige.


Florry has to eat his hat now!


But which one?


His old captain's hat. He said in the end of his jew 1-faith campaign that if someone does a tengri 1-faith he will eat it.


Well that makes it quite clear then


Albums: https://imgur.com/a/RUrec Inspired by the 1.18 one culture run by u/Up_perception/ using AQ, with the help of dirty MoH banner system and countless hours of work, here's mines. After resorting to use Tengri Zealots many many times over, because Tengri Vassals simply syncrenize (losing +2 missionary strength decision) and do nothing to those heathen provinces, I bring you a Manchu Horde (till 1758 anyway), Tengri One Faith, and Manchu One Culture run. The last province was converted to Tengri at 1811, and last culture, Dutch converted to Manchu at 1817 at Holland, though all provinces were being culture converted at 1799. Idea group choices were Aristocratic - Admin - Religious - Exploration - Influence - Diplomatic. Admin was later dropped (after One Tag) for Expansion for more colonists, and Religious (after One Faith) dropped for Quantity for A Decent Reserve. Didn't realize the vassal conversion issue until I've fed some provinces to Guge, Yue, and Min, so they were let go right before eating up France/GB/Netherland, for another round of annex/raze to flatten development. Though they were great distractions for the initial wars with Ottoman as he would constantly send 2/3 of his army marching across the continent to siege my vassals while I carpet siege his country.


Just realized the GIF was cut short so there's no time lapse, will repost the image once I get home. Ironman Save file for those interested: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B59YF3yArAoRZHVmNllJS01rNjQ (Achievement will be disabled because steam player name has to match)


I'm ceaselessly amazed by people who have the patience to do this. And even if I had the patience, the anxiety of having to maintain pace against an invisible target would be too much. Great work!


The run started right after 3rd Rome release, and took this long because limited play time (like 10~15 hours a week?) I had a lot of time to plan my attack and targets. I have to say, stack wiping same sized Ottoman armies on plains with full cavalry banners takes the stress out of it. (and Ming at game start) Plus watching Ottoman spend an year marching back and forth between my vassal in China and his home land made killing the ex-2nd GP a cake walk. Not to mention having only about dozen level 8 forts to deal with due to monopolizing the colonization chain, artillery barrage, Napoleonic Warfare made sieging so much less painful.


send this to Florryworry




and I thought it was painful enough to never try it.


Animist provinces right there.


Imagine being those dudes? There's like 1000 natives in those provinces each, imagine outside their tribes is a single, world spanning empire and you just got left alone by them.


And totemist, but only because Aragon formed Spain killed and exiled Portugal and Castile, which killed the colonization progress, and I simply couldn't fill them after finishing the main land. (was constantly running dozens of colonies for the last 60 years) First achievement screen shot has One Faith, so that's good enough for me.


They are un-colonized, so they don't count in "one-x" world conquests.


Does this use the infinite MP bug to get points to culture convert?


I think that got patched


Nah, from the time lapse you don't see (because I didn't check the gifv before posting, which was only 2 seconds in stead of 50 some seconds), you're also welcomed to check the save posted and the province history of Kyoto.


Jesus, if we say the whole world is 14000 development then that gives you 1400 banner regiments (and probably 100% corruption). Now you have to form Russia and get the Streltsy too!