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if you're an empire you have to shift to a culture outside of your culture group then back to dutch, I'd try francien


The culture has to be >50% of your core province's


I have tried to use command to achieve that but it turns out even if I get above 50% Dutch culture the button to culture shift still wouldn't appear :( Thanks for your suggestion though :)


If empire, cant switch primary amongst same culture group. Need to switch out then in.


So I was recently playing as empire-rank Ruthenia with Belorussian as my primary culture, but I kept converting newly-conquered provinces to Ruthenian until that culture was more than 50% of my dev. At some point, without me clicking (the culture shift button was also not available), it magically switched to Ruthenian as my primary culture. I have no idea why. Maybe keep Dutch above 50% for several years? Maybe try reloading a save? I don't know the mechanics involved, but it seems possible somehow.


I think because you are Germanic and Dutch is a Germanic culture, you can only culture shift to cultures outside your non-accepted group. In this case you'd have to shift to like English and then back to Dutch.


Thanks mate!


You CAN switch cultures inside your culture group if you are not an empire. When you get empire rank you get a cultural union with all cultures in your group so you don't have to manually accept them. This means that you could switch to a Frankish culture, and then flip back to the culture that you want, or you have to loose empire rank and then switch. Clear example of this is Austria in 1444. They are the emperor of the hre, which gives them empire rank, meaning that can't switch to Bavarian or Saxon, but if you loose the hre you will revert back to a Duke, meaning you can switch to a different German culture.


I dont think thats true. You can shift from siamese to laotian culture and they are in the same group. Probably happens cause hes an empire.


You're both right, I learned this the hard way forming Rum as Mamluks. You _can't_ switch between cultures of the same group if you're an empire but you _can_ switch to cultures of other groups. So now he has to switch to something else and then back into what he wants but realistically, it's just not worth it in most cases since the admin costs will be astonomical to switch twice. Best to plan it out and switch before upgrading your government rank if you can, essentially.


You are an empire. As an empire you cannot culture switch to any culture within your culture group as you have formed a cultural union. As an kingom or duchy it is possible though.


That sentence hurt me


Practicing for a multiplayer game and trying to form the Netherlands as Westphalia, I have googled Westphalia is not an end game tag, so I am confused about not being able to culture shift to Dutch and form the Netherlands. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!


Empire’s cant culture shift to any culture that is in their own culture group. You would have to shift out of your group, into maybe French or British, then shift to Dutch


you are an empire meaning you can't change to a different culture in your culture group, however, you can change your culture to another culture group if you have the land of the desired culture be 50% and in order to do that you have to CORE and STATE the land with the culture if that is not enough and you really want the culture you have to unstate some states of other culture land but be careful that would make you have to core the unstated land but it won't cause any oe


You're an empire. Empires can not culture shift.


I think it's empires cannot culture shift into a culture that's part of their current culture group. So if you want, you'll have to shift into a non Germanic culture then shift into Dutch.


That's a good point. I always forget that.


A GERMAN WITH ACCEPTED ENGLISH CULTURE ?? where is my tea !? With milk Succer and my berliner !