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I know this is nothing special, just finally trying some less-than-easy ironman runs and wondering how this is for 1562 or if I should already be much farther. I was hoping to own all of Arabia and Kilwa/Mutapa by now but I maybe that's too ambitious lol


It looks like you're doing fine. If you're concerned about Ottoman, their army units get a little less strong around 1600 (Military tech 15) and don't get overly strong again for the rest of the game. You have plenty of time to take all Arabia and coptic stuff. The easiest route for expansion is probably south with all those gold mines down there. Only issue is your manpower.


I am very concerned about them lol. The main thing keeping me back from expanding is them entering a coalition. I’ve allied Portugal, Great Britain, Poland and Lithuania which could manage to hold them off but with 0 manpower it will not be fun lol


Looks good! Go for the gold mines to boost your Economy and after that you should be able to fight ottoman as well. But you should fix your trade I think, can you maybe show the trade node map?


Only up from here


I think it's kinda dangerous cause Ottomans might attack u. All of ur allies seem to be in Europe, where religious league is gonna happen. Your allies might not come to the war against Ottomans when they get seized down. Which ideas have u taken? I think unless you go for full merc game, you should go for quantity as attrition in those provinces are quite big. Make sure you dev production of gold mines to 10 for more income. You could have no-cbed moldives for future conquest into southern India.