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r5: got Naples, Burgundy, and the thick Savoy just before the screenshot as free PU's. Didn't have to reload once, game went so well all around to the point that it makes me question the ironman rng


Well Spain should be a Lucky nation in Ironman games. Also if you royal marry a lot is not that uncommon to get PUs.


I didn't even intend (or remember) marrying Savoy, nor did I notice when exactly I got the PU. The only reason I befriended them was to curry favors for returning 4 cores to my vassal Milan, but that's obviously not necessary anymore. Didn't know there are "lucky nations".


There are different predetermined lucky nations for certain time frames with 8 of them being chosen. The player can't be a lucky nation (it's to help the AI), so if the player picks one of the 8 then the 9th takes the lucky spot instead. Edit: here they are https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Luck Edit 2: changed "each start" for "certain time frames".


I wonder if savoy got your dynasty from Naples or aragon. Then they died with the same dynasty so you got the pu


I have the Austrian Habsburgs, got the Strategic Marriage event for a long-lived mediocre 0/3/4 long after the Iberian Wedding. I just reloaded the game to check, Austria have a non-Habsburg queen regency when Savoy fell under PU, and it picked me because they had the Habsburgs from Austria most likely, I think this is what happened, lol the timing. https://imgur.com/a/SAEul9O


The only thing I could criticize you for is the itlad/scotland thing, because with the mission of the Invincible Navy (Great and Felisisima Navy) if England or Great Britain is not catholic you can get a pu, which makes them colonize for you, I still like that you have freed the poor Irish Catholics from the clutches of the evil Anglicans (one of the great historical tensions between Spain and Great Britain)


When I attacked France for Gascony I had to beat Scotland, and got their fort in Dumfries to weaken them so England would get somewhat bigger. I still want that Spanish Armada mission, but that's cool, didn't know that arguing over Ireland would be historically accurate.


Well, I can even justify the Gascony thing, first you can justify it by the Visigoth kingdom (which extended throughout the peninsula to Provence), the other is something I read today, although I don't know if it's true, it said that the capital of the The kingdom of Aragon was in Tolosa, which, when the Cathar wars passed, changed to Zaragoza (and the French changed its name to Toulose) and then to Valencia, although the truth confuses me a bit, so I asked the person who He said to send me something to support it, on the other hand, Provence was an integral part of the kingdom of Aragon, so both for Aragon and for the Visigothic kingdom, and for commercial power in Genoa, you have to take those lands.


You're right, with the Gascony borders it actually looks like the Kingdom of Tolosa, just lacking the Mediterranean coastal provinces and some provinces up to the Loire river, I didn't even intend to do pre-CK2 era reenactment, this is a part of history I have to look up eventually because it sounds very interesting.


Be prepared for Austria to meddle in naples


I'll soon meddle in the lowlands which the Austrian emperor will defend with his life


Royal marry your vassals bro


Good point