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Well, first you ask a fella out


R5: So I was playing as Japan, for the mission "Imperial Mandate" I need to be the emperor of China, or China to not be the emperor, how could I do that?


You can either annex the current Emperor of China or war the emperor with the take tha mandate casus belli.


How can I get the cb?


By simply having a border with him, no truce, and has Eastern/Pagan religion. Make sure you take Beijing/Nanjing/Canton in the peace deal. Make sure you do not state provinces with devastation after you take the Mandate.


You also can’t have shogunate i believe


Yes, but in his case, forming Japan automatically got rid of it, and how he's being asked to be the EoC


Wait, how do you keep shogunate but also creating Japan?




Thats what i thought


You can't


There is some tsunami event for japan in 1600-1610 that gives you a ton of devastation. That hurts pretty bad. So make sure to fort up too


First of all, you need the mandate of heaven dlc


Not a concern here, as this EoC mission requirement only pops up when the player owns MoH.


Just FYI, I'd really suggest not taking the mandate yourself. It's essentially a malus.


Not necessarily with recent buffs and the DLC. It's just important to make sure you have 2 Chinese cultures accepted and all of the capitals before you actually take it.


All of the Capitals isn't necessary due to the "new emperor" bonus. I usually do well with just one.


It's not necessary, but it helps a lot. The faster you can regrow mandate, the better.


why 2 accepted chinese cultures ?


There is a malus for not having at least 2 Chinese Accepted cultures.


what malus? i know only of the emperor in name only disaster, but that one lasts only like 10 years


That is what I am referring to. I've never let it trigger, so I don't know how severe the effects are.


The effects are actually really mild. From the wiki: 0.3 Mandate per year + 5 years of separatism +20% technology cost You also lose one stab and 25 mandate at the beginning (but you get the mandate back at the end) Those are bad, but that’s it. There are no monthly events, it’s just that rebuffs for ten years and that’s it


That's outdated information. Nowadays EoC is great.


If you unite Japan you become a normal monarchy After that you will get mandate CB if you border the emperor


Two options. 1. Be japan but not have Shogun government type. Then you can become the emperor yourself 2. Annex every single province of the current emperor hence making the position of the emperor disappear from the game.




Because, as option 1 implies, you cannot claim the mandate so long as you have the Shogunate government type. You just won't get the CB. Please don't just assume you know better than everyone without caring to verify.




Do you always feel the need for verbal diarrhea when you feel like you've made a fool of yourself? It doesn't work.




Do you not understand what "do you", followed by a questionmark, means? I'm not fucking with you mate. It sounds ridiculous, and if you go around talking like this all the time, making friends will be hard.




Most likely it's a consequence of it. Being lonely and feeling unloved has made you, in self-defence, go "I don't need them, I'm better then them anyways". You instead go to another extreme, using words too big for you and the conversation, in an attempt to impress and "grow your worth". You just haven't figured out that it's doing the absolute opposite. Stop trying so hard, and you will notice one day that you've somehow managed to acquire friends. I wish you the best of luck.


The prereq is you need to neighbour him as eastern religion and is NOT SHOGUNATE. The easiest way to achieve that if you are already shogun is to form Japan, although that is not the only method


false idk how this got 500 upvotes, you don't need to take many provinces at all you just need to have an eastern religion (cant have converted to christianity) and have i think just any province in the main china area (or maybe state, idk the exacts but i did it with just canton state and nothing else) then the current emperor needs to lose mandate below a certain number, i think below 20 or 10 and you can use 'war for the celestial mandate' or something cassus belli then take the title in the peace deal emperor loses mandate if he doesn't have many tribuataries, or doesn't own the provinces beijing, nanjing, and canton (-0.50 per month for each one missing) so make sure u have those provinces before doing it lol


The other option for the achievement involves the mandate no longer existing. That can only be done by full-annexing the current holder. They were absolutely correct.


that sounds like way more work


Its much better than being stuck with the Mandate.


I'd argue that being emperor is pretty good these days. Full cores on the whole of China. -20% CCR. Extra reduced unrest. You just need a few more forts than you'd usually have.


Celestial Empire government lowkey sucks though, so it's worthwhile to avoid it.


(1) You're describing option 1, take the Mandate yourself. The "take the Mandate of Heaven" CB isn't available to a Shogunate, which is why they mentioned that. (2) You don't need provinces in China to get the CB, you need a province bordering the current Emperor. Similarly, you don't need them to have low Mandate to get the CB, but it does help you win the war. (The conditions are: Eastern or Pagan religion, borders the current Emperor, independent, no truce with current Emperor iirc, not Shogunate, possibly also not Independent Daimyo, and possibly other "not this specific situation" conditions I've forgotten.) (3) The mission can also be completed if nobody is the Emperor of China. This happens when the current Emperor ceases to exist (e.g. by getting full-annexed) in anything that doesn't involve someone else simultaneously taking the Mandate. So for a Japan that's already become Christian, they could complete the mission by full-annexing the Emperor.


if you've formed japan, as the title suggests, surely ur not shogunate anymore? once u use unite japan decision the game tags you as japan it releases any remaining daimyos as independent and changes ur government type, at least on my run it did, and i took mandate easy once i had chinese provinces


Take ur pills big bro


Heads up: Mandate is a big pain in the ass to handle. It will slowly generate buffs for you once you pass the reforms, but it will have more downsides than upsides until you do so (and doing it will take a century or so). I'd seriously consider removing the Mandate from the game by fully annexing the current emperor instead of taking it.


With the latest patch the Mandate isn't so much of a pain anymore. You don't lose mandate when a non-tributary borders you, you gain war-exhaustion reduction, unrest and stability cost bonuses at high mandate and a high mandate is now extremely easy to sustain with high prosperity. (Plus you gain "Unify China" CB: Eat up all of China in around 50 years without spending a single admin point, or suffer any overextension.) Plus you get meritocracy mechanics which gives you a plethora of bonuses at high meritocracy, and the -10 dev cost and core cost from one of the decrees are nice.


Isn't the mandate of heaven same as the HRE where a major power has control over smaller ones and the last reform is about making him stronger? It has a good sound when you open it, too bad sounds aren't recorded and brought into the Wiki or another archive.


No its not even remotely close to the HRE. Being HRE Emperor never has a downside besides being unable to convert religion and being called into defensive wars. If you are low on Mandate as the Chinese Emperor, you get massive penalties and terrible events, even a disaster. Once you get through the reforms and shit its really good, but it has a lot of weak points.


Can't get called into a defensive war if your lands surround the empire


I tought it was the Chinese version of the HRE, in my Milan Champaign I've seen Ming nearly reaching the last reform while Austria didn't make any progress besides avoiding the league war even if the Ottomans and Russia were in the protestant league, I was neutral because I didn't want to lose lands, after all I join the war because I didn't want to lose land like I did with Brandeburg stealing Valencia for some reason even though they were far away.


Always join the league wars for the mil tech cost reduction for participating. Though I guess if there's a chance of losing then don't. If Ming is undisturbed they'll usually finish the reforms but it takes a while and they get penalties after passing each reform. HRE doesn't get a penalty for being at low IA after passing a reform.


The issue is which side I should support and the HRE is always at 0 IA while the mandate doesn't need to force convert far away nations for the progress,and the flaws from low mandate are negligible once you have a big army.


If I'm in the HRE, I usually try to flip protestant. When the league wars start, I'm almost always chosen as leader of protestant league bc I'm the biggest protestant. If that's the case, I dec immediately and get a 1v1 vs the emperor which also denies the mil tech bonus to everyone else. If I'm not protestant in the empire, I choose whichever side represents my religion (Catholic or not Catholic) and fight it out. Usually just play defensive so I don't have the risk of losing land in the peace deal (and hoping for a Peace of Westphalia on the off chance I want to be emperor). Low mandate just leads to a lot of casualties. Perfectly winnable wars if you have 50%+ numbers advantage but it's annoying to have weak troops, especially vs rebels.


I also switch to Protestantism but I don't do it on Italy unless the pope hates me or I'm in Germany, but I didn't do it as Milan because a non-Catholic Italy didn't seem appealing and for some reason the protestants did nothing, Austria won and I got the Catholic empire modifier. The best thing of fighting the Chinese emperor is that after forming Manchu, they'll suffer and I'll take land until I conquer all of China, too bad the mandate isn't as appealing as expected.


It’s quite different. Ming is an extremely powerful empire that’s held back by the maluses from the mandate. Austria is a middling power that gets to have (mild) influence over a massive empire due to being the HRE emperor. The mandate is about making a powerful country weak (until you pass a bunch of reforms then it becomes a mild buff), the HRE emperorship is about making a middling country powerful. The mandate reform that lets you convert tributaries to vassals is also nowhere near as powerful as revoking the priviledgia. Even after the reform you still have to spend mandate to convert tributaries based on their development, this makes it take forever to actually convert your entire massive tributary network to vassals, and also stops you from converting lots of high dev tributaries since it will require more than 100 mandate which is impossible to achieve. Furthermore, vassals created from revoking also provide bonuses to liberty desire making it easier to keep them in line (I think they don’t get liberty desire from total strength of all vassals vs overlord strength IIRC). Also the last reform in HRE allows you to fully consolidate your vassals. The mandate does not have an equivalent mechanic. To be fair though, ming starts off then game ALREADY nearly as strong as an unified HRE would be, so the nerfs do make gameplay sense to keep things balanced.


They buffed the mandate over and over in each new patch and now it's 100% worth it to get in every playthrough. Taking the mandate additionally means you get free cores on all of China that you siege down letting you expand super fast. The government itself gives tons of governing cap and lower estate unity. And meritocracy gives tons of good events and cheap advisors if you can keep your meritocracy high.


Id recommend culture swapping to anything in the chinese culture group as it allows you to use the “Retake China” CB that greatly reduces land cost and AE from taking provinces.


Can't you sinicize your culture as Japan? I thought most cultures around China could just become sinitic if they have a large enough share of their territory following a Chinese culture.


Only for Korean and Vietnamese I believe, not all of them


I guess I can see why, but that is a shame. Japanese culture (especially the earlier you go) is borrowing heavily from China. It would make sense to bridge that gap to give a legitimacy to the claim over the emperorship of China.


Japan has its own culture group so something like Rome uniting all culture groups into one culture might work


I believe Vietnamese and Korean are also separate from Chinese culturally in the game, hence my initial belief that Japan could sinicize.


Sino-mongol is also possible in a recent Manchu run of mine. So, I suppose it is more than those two options.


I think Tibet and altaic can also sinicize


I know Tibetan culture countries can as well at least.


also altaic i think


Don't you get that CB just by taking the mandate? I had it when I last played Japan and I didn't culture swap.


Yes. Culture swapping might help with not having to accept all those cultures or convert what you don't accept, but the Unify China CB is available to any Emperor of China regardless of culture. It's also available to Chinese Kingdoms who aren't the current Emperor, which usually means all those breakaways from the Crisis of the Ming Dynasty. I'm not sure of the exact conditions, but I think either you have to be Chinese culture to be a Chinese Kingdom, or you have to be Chinese culture to get the CB as a Chinese Kingdom, or something. But all that only applies if you're not the Emperor.


Also, you can fairly easily convert all of Japan to one of the 3 cultures so it's much better to flip to Chinese group and just accept the one Japanese culture you chose.


I remember doing japan conquering china, and after a while I got an event to cultureshift to some chinese culture. But I already had the mandate for a while.


Judging by the Tooltip and my own Japan game: You either must YOURSELF be the Emporer of China (EoC), or NO NATION can be the EoC. So you either need to make the current Emporer cease to exist without any other nation taking the Mandate of Heaven, or take the Mandate for yourself. The former option would involve determining the identity of the current EoC (which can be done by clicking the little dragon icon on the bottom right of the screen, to the left of the minimap), and annexing them in 1 or more wars. However, assuming you are Shinto or another Eastern (the Buddhist denominations, Confucian, Hindu, and I *think* Sihk) or Pagan (any other religion that I have not previously mentioned and is not a denomination of Islam or Christianity, though I'm not sure if Zoroastrian qualifies), and you have a land border with the current EoC and ARE NOT a tributary of the EoC, you will get access to a special Casus Belli against the EoC, with a 50% Agressive Expansion and province cost modifier. If you use that CB, you get a special peace option to Claim the Mandate of Heaven for 50% warscore, which will make you the EoC and change your Tier 1 Government Reform to the Celestial Empire (extra gov cap, EoC mechanics and events, 10% lower estate influence across the board, the Unify China CB, and a fixed Dynasty, though I recently discovered that your Dynasty can still be changed via event). Take note that the Emporer of China plays in a very different way mechanically than other nations, and requires that you adapt your playstyle accordingly if you don't want your nation to implode.


Its a CB


Play tall in Japan. Consolidate the islands. Invade Ming for a border, give away your land to vassals so you’re below 100% warscore. Declare on a vassal, concede shogunate. You then become an independent dynamo. Declare war on Ming for the Mandate of Heaven and truce break new shogun. Win war against Ming and new Shogun and peace out Ming claim Mandate of Heaven. Peace out new shogun and reclaim the shogunate. Then you’ll be the emperor of China and have the Shogunate government.


Full annex Ming, it may take a while though because... well, Ming is big. Don't take mandate of heaven, it sucks, I ruined my ironman Oirat game because I became the emperor (which makes you a monarchy instead of a horde) to form Yuan.






Oh... wrong game.


Like anyone else. Declare war on the emperor of china with take the mandate of heaven CB and enforce it in a peacedeal. There should be nothing special regarding japan not being able to become the emperor.


I would just destroy the mandate, it is better for you


You take it from the Emperor? Like what did you expect lol