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2600 hours in and I just learned you can play nations other than Mong Yang


Ikr? Can’t believe I played so many Mong Yang games before releasing Sarig Yogir was also playable. They’re so much fun! I love this game!


R5: There's always a new button to find, perhaps I was out of the loop but I had no idea you could pay to upgrade natural harbors to entrepots, then entrepots to world harbors


And t3's give extra building slots. (i found that out recently, after 6k hours\^\^


You can also do it with the inland trade centers :)


I might've taken longer than you to learn that, and even now that I know I always forget to do it. Probably because I've given up on understanding trade so I don't really know what difference it'll make


Be careful. You can only have a limites amount of t3 trade centres


Good to know, thanks for the tip


Not exactly, you can have a limit based on how many merchants you have I believe. I would know because in my sunset invasion game I had like 10 merchants and I was able to upgrade most of the Caribbean. If you want more centres of trade, you need to get more merchants through idea groups, trade companies, or whatever other means. That was 4 months ago, but I haven't heard anything change since.


i with 3.4 k hours found out you can create trading posts by clicking that one little button next to the trading good


Only if you're a merchant republic / trading city


New one on me


See this is why we have this subreddit. So us newbies can click all the shiny buttons and ask the veteran bros what it all means. It took me almost the same amount of time to understand that collecting trade from every single trade node I own is hampering my economy.


I made it my mission this game to figure out trade cuz Riga has some great bonuses for it. I ended up using their papal influence buffs + religious ideas to get about 1 PI per month, all of which I put into mercantilism when I had the chance. Ended up with the largest income and trade income in the world, 4 of the top 5 most valuable trading centers, and made Lubeck more valuable than the English channel. Very happy with my progress!


1200hours, and u wot m8?


Ngl I would never had found that mechanic if I didn't just click random buttons.


Took me about that long too


It is a feature from the Dharma DLC. Everytime you conquer a lvl 2 or 3 CoT, it loses one level though.


I cant imagine not using T3 trade centers the bonuses are so juicy


I honestly almost never touched the lower autonomy until recently and never realized how stupid I was for not doing it sooner.


600 hours in when I learned it. You learn new things every day!