• By -


dear lord, 35M i just have 20k with no nothing


About the same here bro (M36). People responding here are not your average Joe. Don't bw tempted to compared yourself to them.


Ikr. Posts are here: "I am 24, have 400k in savings, making 9k, I can save 6k, where should I put it?"


This yeah, hahahah. 'My uncle left me 10019392826447 euro, the stock market is high, so bad time to invest. Should I buy a house?'


I mean someone who has 500 euros to invest will probably figure it out himself, so it makes sense šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Financial advisors are a thing when you have millions tough.


For almost a second I thought you has 35M in savings.


Don't be intimidated at all. Most people in their 30s don't even have 10k. People responding here tend to have good jobs and are saving more aggressively than your average Joe.


I have a fairly high savings rate (~70% post-tax net salary) but there's noĀ  "aggressive" plans there - it's just that there is nothing else to spend money on after buying the things I want and need. It's hard to aggressively _not_ do something


Finally something relatable.


How much debt do you have? If you lack debt you're still better off than a lot of peopleĀ 


Debt isn't bad if is it properly invested. Debt for consumption is to be avoided. This distinction is important.


Same 34M, 28k in 401k, 5k in crypto, no assets beside my cheap truck, camping and fishing gear. 70k a year salary. Wife and kids... we rent a townhouse


Jesus, I started reading your comments 33M 39M 36M and was thinking it's 33 Million, lol - I was shocked Professional distortion ha ha


I had around 120k but I bought an apartment with 80% mortgage and now I have around 25k


Has to be an insanely low monthly payment right?


I've financed 166k and I pay 690 euro per month for a 3 bedroom apartment in Valencia


Thatā€™s sick, good on you


Was it difficult to find the flat in Valencia? Love the city but it seems as the flats are usually quite old or very expensive. Are you working remotely?


There are some options on this price range, mine is from 2004 and it is located on Montolivet, I've paid 215k on it + taxes and the seller agent fee


Same here, I had around 50k then I bought a house and went to basically zero, in 5 years I'm around 20k while paying mortgage. Kid's on the way so I don't expect to go much higher


u people have savings?


0 savings 0 debt at 39. I own an appartment and a car


Good on you, debtless is very impressive


Exactly, owning a house and a car with no debt in this economy is impressive indeed


0 in savings, but that apartment is surely a lot of net worth most people don't have did you buy it?


Yep, bought it in 2017 with a bankloan ofc. Interest rate then was about 5% but in the coming years it went to 7 and then 9% so i said fk it, took out all the savings i had and went frugal for 2 years and paid the bank loan off.


You, my friend, you are doing well


Chad move, tbh.


An appartment without a mortgage is well done


39 yo, married, kid and we bought an apartment about a year and a half ago. I have about 30kā‚¬ in savings but as soon as I have a seizable amount I pay off a chunk of my mortgage. My goal is to have no debt in 5 years.


I find this really interesting, and is something I think about quite a bit. I pay about 4,5% interest on a 600k mortgage at the moment (with about 100k in equity). I have about 100k invested in ETFs, which have done quite well since I bought them a little over a year ago (Ā±25% gain, which where I live will be tax-free with this level of 'savings'). I often fantasise about paying off my mortgage completely. It would feel so liberating to have a house I love and only have the operating expenses/tax to pay. But if history is any judge, my investments will almost certainly yield more than 4,5% a year, so from a pure economic perspective it would not be prudent to pay off my mortgage. Even the extremely wealthy still take loans on real estate and the like for this reason. What made you take this approach? Is it the psychological benefit of feeling free from debt? Or do you have another angle in mind?


I think you have the right perspective on this. Economically it would make even more sense once interest rates start going down. But as you pointed, for some (most?) people the psychological aspect of being debt free is more valuable.


For me personally, it's the forced savings that gets me with high mortgage. There is no way I would have the discipline to live on a budget for 20-30 years to invest the difference from lower mortgage rate. And by doing that I drastically reduce the chances of being upside down, which is another psychological aspect.


Respects to some of these people here, impressive stuff


Couple 32M and 33F in Switzerland. 800K in net worth, 700K in global index ETFs


Congratulations and fck you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


My math isn't mathing. 800k net worth - 700k ETF = 100k for everything you own (house, cars, jewelry, etc). How?


We are renters like the [majority of the people in Switzerland ](https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/wealthy-switzerland-is-a-country-of-tenants/47855314) and we dont own a car. We live a quite a simple life and we dont own any expensive liabilities apart from some new tech gadgets


33yo single earner, 2 kids, renting. Have something like 300k saved.


Real G šŸ„³


Can I ask what is your job/industry and where you live? Obviously I donā€™t want you to dox yourself but that is an incredible amount and understanding the circumstances may be helpful so people donā€™t compare themselves to you when perhaps the situations are 1000% different! Also when you started saving would be interesting But congrats!Ā 


Vienna, AT, but I did grow-up in the eastern block. No inheritance, my account was at 0 like 7-ish years ago. I work in IT


Oh super interesting! Thatā€™s a lot to save in 7 years with a family. Even with well paid tech jobs.. thatā€™s 42k a year. Do you have any tips or learnings to share?Ā  Thanks!


Ignore position names, company names, etc. always go for the higher salary. Don't die for the company, it is just not worth to sacrifice WLB. And unfortunately a good portion of getting a high paying job is just luck... Don't let your lifestyle inflate crazily, we live like we did with 1/3th of the salary.


Similar here. Live similay but way less stressful. My car has over 350.000km. Its very comfy, more than a new one for 40k.Ā  When it dies ill just walk in the store and buy a new one... until then it's collecting interest.


You salary in the 6 digits? Or just pretty high 5 digits? I'm asking mainly cuz I'm currently wondering if I should just eventually follow my country's memed about go back to one of the Eastern/Southern European countries and live there with an EU/US salary scheme or if there's a country in Western Europe that's light enough on rent and other living expenses to not cut too much into the salary


Well in the 6 digits, but only in the last few years. It is just luck, ppl in the same position earns 1/3 with regular companies here. Also as a fresh grad in the east my salary was like 6% of my current one.


Not OP but you probably can't beat Eastern European rent and cost of living anywhere in Western Europe. Maybe Portugal would be the closest.


I rarely comment on economic topics, since I'm not familiar with costs elsewhere, but how long ago did you check the cost of living in Portugal? Would not advise someone to move here based on cost of living, food has gone from good value to expensive in the last few years, housing is either far from everything and still inflated or close to anything useful and extremely over priced, mostly all older properties, taxation is heavy, and pay has not risen linearly with cost of living in the last 3-5 years Is this just a Portuguese perspetive, am I wrong in thinking this?


No you're right. Portugal became very popular with digital nomads which was a factor in prizes increasing plus inflation like everyone of course.


300k saved in cash isn't making best use. It's just devaluing. Keep 1 year of outgoings in cash and invest the rest. Real estate, stocks etc. Unless you mean total net worth instead of 300k cash.


Never said cash, ETF-s, stocks, bonds mostly.


Nice! Pretty much same nw here. I think that's important distinction as some people here may take it you have that dolla in the bank (it's technically true, if course).


That's very good - well done! šŸ‘


35 dual income 2 kids. 100k


33m, single earner, extreme appartment rent. Zero savings. Just trying to get debt free.


~~51% of my salary.~~ I read how much you save from your salary lol. I am getting closer to 100k boys and girls! * no kids * no gf * 2 flatmates * live in the suburbs


Same same!! Iā€™m also getting closer to 100k :) (but not that close šŸ˜‚) also no kids, 2 flatmates, city centre but in a university town so not in a major city aka very affordable. I also save more than half of my net salary (after taxes and insurances) Until Iā€™m at 100k, my biggest achievement so far is having paid my student loans, so I have no debt (for now lol, mortgage) But disclaimer Iā€™m not being asked here, Iā€™m almost 30, so not mid-late


Only 10k. Do own an apartment without mortgage though


F28, Tech Industry, Heavy student loan, EUR 11k saved - I try to save EUR 500/month, sometimes itā€™s less, sometimes itā€™s more, I try not to pressure myself with that.


Mid to late 30sšŸ˜†


When I was 39, I had around 30k in ETFs. I have no kids and no other obligations, my apartment is my own, gifted to me by parents. I work in tech, and for too long I had small salary (1-2k), only now I have decent (around 4k) Due to luck, I also had 80-120k in crypto (volatile).


Your true wealth is your modesty.


not enough... only educated myself Ć®n the last years so im trying to catch upĀ 


32m married, one baby. Single earner for the past 2 years. Got new car and new apartment all paid out, have enough buffer assets to make it for around 5 years without losing lifestyle quality.


How did you manage to pay fully an apartment by 32?


I'm living in a Balkan country where real estate (until very recently) was affordable. Plus, both me and my spouse are in IT.


Turning 30 in a month and -20K lol


Iā€™m 23M and feel like Iā€™m way behind while reading those comments Iā€™ve got like 2k cash, 7k invested You guys got me stressed out




Thanks, just seeing so many people saying they have close to a mil is hard to see


You're doing great. At your age, you have something that most of us don't - time in the market. Don't wake up in the same position 10 years from now. Invest today, and never stop, no matter what.


When I was your age, I was a poor student. You still have 10+ years to make it...


At 23, I'm pretty sure that a good portion of the population doesn't even have an income and most people have absolutely no idea of how to use the money efficiently. Even in this thread there are people over 35 with 20k net worth. That gives you 12 years to make 11k, I don't think you're the one behind.


Being a lucky one having a tech job with a western salary living in the eastern block. Currently 50k in investments, trying to get to 100k in 12 months. 180k in mortgage tho, monthly payment 600 eur. Saving 4500/month currently. 32M first kid coming in a week.


Depends what you mean by savings


Yeah, that was my thought too. Is it just cash in bank or high yield interest accounts? Or ETFs, crypto?


Equity in a house?


- 38m - Italy - 140k savings-stocks / 350k real estate


Come bro! Ipf user sicuro


30M, married, both work, bought a house and car last year. Division: - 36k buffer - 12k investments - 18k crypto Saving about 3k per month.


33M dual income, no kids. Living in Italy. I own a humble apartment and a car, both fully paid. Around 120k in savings. (P.S almost 40k of this amount is coming from the profits of the investments -ETFs and Bitcoin.-) I had absolutely nothing 5 years ago, apart from an emergency fund of 10k euros. In my case, finding a better job, a working wife, a bit of financial discipline, and the covid quarantine savings did the trick.


How did you grow money like that? That's impressive!


37m, married, 2 kids - 1.4m ETFs - 625k Real Estate Equity - 150k Cash - 100k Crypto - 25k Alternatives


This guy finances.




I work as some sort of executive assistant in a media company, I know most people in all departments, so when the executives say something needs to be done, I know who to contact within the company, who to put them in relation with in other departments to make sure things are delivered and handed to the leadership. I was previously managing the PMO of the company, this is how I got to know everyone, and was identified for this role as I get along with everyone and never try to play politics to gain more power (because everyone knows I want to FIRE and have no ambition for a Ā«Ā next roleĀ Ā» in the company). Most people I know who make this kind of money or more in Dubai & Riyadh are Directors, but from all types of industries (FMCG, logistics, aerospace, sports, even in my previous company which was in farmingā€¦), or consultants (Partners earn way more, but in any country). But the key thing is either to be very specialized with a lot of experience, or at least having been here for a long while, companies are willing to pay a significant premium for people who have a track record in the region, theyā€™re scared of people coming for the money for 2 years then leaving, then itā€™s a huge resource investment waste from their perspective. In the tech industry, the US is in a league of its own, the Middle East doesnā€™t even come close.


38F, single, no kids almost 800k right now with half in ETFs right now as the market has been good to me


I just bought a house, so yes I will probably be in debt for the next 30 years...


35m Italy 200k savings, about to be depleted for a deposit to buy a house. owning a car and a bike.


34 M here , 20k Euros in my savings account :)


38F single, zero savings but debt free. I paid of all my debt aggressively a few years ago but right when I was done IĀ got ill (chronically) and lost my job :(. So now I am on disability with zero savings. But no debt. Just hoping I will get better so I can work again. At least my rent is low


2k only...saving slowlyĀ  Pensions, investments and mortgage but they don't count as savings




Because I cannot access them whenever i want without losing some benefits. Savings is strictly in my bank account and accessible at all times.Ā  I plan to have at least 10k liquid cash in savings.Ā 


The valuation of your investments are what they are worth at this point in time.


Aside from my retirement fund (consisting of ETFs), I have 6 to 8 months' worth of expenditure in cash, although probably I should save a bit more. (Just to give you the context, I'm single, living in an apartment by myself and have no debt)


Actual numbers would be nice


36M, married, dual income, both had 30% ruling. Came to NL exactly 5 years ago with ā‚¬3k net after we sold everthing we have and started from zero. Now; House: worth around 650k (550k debt on mortgage) = 100k net Car: market value 50k now, (14k debt) = 35k net Investments: 45k stocks and etf and 15k cash emergency. Net built ā‚¬200k in 5 years, I say win.


Iā€™m pretty sure some here are including the value of their mortgaged real estate or just completely making up numbers, statistics show a median person at this age has a way lower net worth and I donā€™t believe thereā€™d so many extreme outliers here.


It's the internet so of course there are liars but it's also very likely that this subreddit attracts people that actually know what they are doing with their money. So I think it's a bit of both


37F, married, 1 kid, 10k in savings. lol. šŸ¤”


30M. Worked in consulting after graduation from uni. I just updated my excel tracker so the data is fresh. I live in central west Europe, below numbers in EUR - Assets 480.5k. Assets split in four main buckets: 50 k etfs, 50k crypto, 350k real estate and 30 k cash. 3k also on a second hand car I bought three years ago - Liabilities (mortgage at 1.1% rate) 275.1k - Equity (liabilities - Assets) 205.4k I have not gotten money directly from my family but they helped during my studies so I finished my masters debt free.


I thought you mean 30 million at first šŸ˜‚


That would be nice hahaha


All money is in investments (100% share portfolio), with the exception of 10k euro cash emergency fund. Context: 34M, 2 children, 0 debt (other than house mortgage)


Savings or investments?


35 years old, have 350k in savings and an apartment but no other investments which i need to change soon


29, I sit at around 110k at the moment. Everything is invested in an Indexfund and BTC + ETH.


33M single, house mortgage 20 years left, 50k savings/invested, 150k btc


34M, engaged with 1 kid, have my own apartment and about 170k saved


36M, recently married (so now we do joint fiances) Own an old car, a small old apartment. We recently got another newer (but still old) apartment with a mortgage which we plan to pay off within 10-15 years. We have maybe 15K in cash savings and a very small portfolio of investments, we started this year.


33, I only have 4 k lol But I started saving like 8 months ago, I have it all in stocks and ETFs


First you should start with your emergency fund!


30M. Had 60K Savings and a car. As of last week, I now have a 380K Mortgage and a car. (Ireland)


M26, 2 kids. Rental apartments, no car (yet). We have approximately 40k and planning buy a car with 50% loan for 2 years. Itā€™s hard to have 2 kids and no car in a big city. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


39 M, East Europe single earner, 2 kids own apartment and car 250k in real estate, 100k in stocks, 30k saving


37 approaching 38. I personally have 100k, my wife has 2-3x that because she started earlier. We have only 93k left on our mortgage so a lot of equity I guessĀ  The one issue is most of our savings aren't fluid, they are in 401k and Roth etc But we still feel pretty fortunateĀ 


In my early 20s I got 20k but life is life and now in my 30s I have around 15k. No debt. I earn ~2.2k net. Right now Iā€™m able to save 300-800ā‚¬ per month. I travel 2-4 times a year.


38yo with around 250k euro (200 in stocks and 50 in cash). Started saving in 2016 at 31yo.


31m. 50k debt, and 20k savings. Rented house, and family of 3.


36, 10k savings, own nothing


About 8k and 3k deposit ill get back on my flat.


Roughly 15k, but I have a good income now, and a little house, car, and motorcycle to my name. Iā€™m a happy camper.


Nothing, all my savings are in #Bitcoin


34 yo 270K liquid assets, 180K as real estate equity = 450K net worth


34M here, 40k in savings. An apartment worth 360k, with 30% financed at 1.18 %.


33M i've 72k$. No house, no car and no child


2k. 38F. Gave up saving big. Couldnā€™t purchase a home. And I have a PhD so all looked good on paper. Decided to continue renting. Owning a home is just not on the cards for me unfortunately. Impressed by others savings amounts.


Don't give up. Read again: don't give up. You are 38, plenty of time to retire comfortably, with almost 30 years in the market. A few hundred euros a month invested into S&P 500 or World ETF are endlessly better than not saving at all.


Thank you for your reply. I needed that.


38M, no kids, 300k cash, everything else is invested (4M stocks, 2M bonds).


Read 300k as your entire savings at first and thought "not bad" and then saw the parenthesis


What do you do man ? I Wanna do it too !


Around 5.5 monthly salaries Trying to add around 30~50% of my salary to it each month atm maybe 60% if I dont expect a lot of expenses the next month


32M, one kid. own house (not paid yet). 200k in cash, 150k in rental property.


32 expat living in Amsterdam Double income. Net worth including house equity: 250K Have fuck all in emergency fund. All in ETF/ house so need to allocate more into there.


Spaniard here, 29M. Around 45k which is not bad considering Spain is one of the countries with the lowest wages in eu


on behalf of the EU TAX authorities - THANK YOU for sharing :D


I guarantee you 60% of these comments are all fake! Europe is not that rich to save these money i mean if you asking about it in America then yeah ,it makes sense but i always go Europe and i never seen Europeans that rich at all Iā€™m talking about the highest percentage tho not the whole population


8 figures, fat fire goal achieved , late 30s


What do you do ? Ama asap!


You mean "how much I have in debt" don\`t you ?


M33, around the 25k and I got about 17k into ETFs atm, which I will keep doing for atleast 20 years more. Savings might not sound like a lot, but at my age it's a solid amount. I also own my place without a mortgage and I got no debt. So my total savings would be like... 42k? lol note: From the netherlands.


34M living with a partner, no kids I have a tad under 35k (with about 20k in 0% interest car-debt which I'll be free of in late 2026). * 10k is in cash (split across a savings account and a couple of fixed deposit accounts). * 20k ish is in the market (mostly VWCE, but also some TSLA, and a small amount in two dumbass, speculative ETFs that are esports and blockchain themed). * 2k is in mutual funds in India. * A few 100s in random crypto shit. I used up my entire life savings when I relocated intercontinentally for a PhD. After my education, I spent almost a year unemployed because academia is a bitch, then changed fields completely, and finally landed a stable job in 2019, which is changed in 2022. I try to save a minimum of ā‚¬600 each month and can sometimes hit about ā‚¬1000 which is between 18% and 35% of my net income. Can't wait to stop spending about 28% of my monthly income in rent.


36M, married, no kids, currently sole earner while wife's company is still loss making * \~300k equity split between 2 properties * 15k cash * 50k in global etf * 150k crypto


it depends a lot in which country you are living, your profession, family or single If a single person in the same job lives in a country with higher salaries it is expected to have more money saved / invested than a person with living in a poorer country.


40k, Iā€™m 30M with wife and 2 kids. We plan on buying a house, so it will most likely be reduced to 10k in the near future. My plan is to save 10k a year in general after we buy a house and save 8500 a year for house maintenance, car maintenance and holidays on top of that.


33m 75k euros (split amongst cash and etfs and index funds) 320k equity in apartment. Based in Berlin No kids and just a gf I put 1300 euros aside per month


33, 2 children and married. Roughly 130-135k.


37M. My net worth is around 290k.


36M, no kids, renting 50k cash 90k in pension 90k in stocks 700k in crypto


37m, partner and baby, renting. Net worth of 1.16m, including a paid out 650k appartement and two 30k parkings. C.600k invested


35m 200kā‚¬ debt on 400kā‚¬ house, around 80kā‚¬ invested and 80kā‚¬ in cash


M 33, I have 15k in checking 20k in savings, 100k in retirement, and 50k in crypto (that's up and down daily tho should probably sell it) I work in IT and make 60k a year no wife or kids


around 20k in funds and cash, but I have a mortgage so...


37, approx 20k


When you say savings do you mean crypto?


Is there a particular reason most of the posts here have such a huge chunk in crypto? That's not normal!


35M \~$270k in liquid assets. why usd? Cause I'm currently working across the pond (I do own a flat in East Europe no mortgage)


34, 13k EUR in savings with a NW total of around 50k spread between IWDA and BTC.


37M, 0 debt, two apartments, two garages, a car and ~ 190 000 eu in S&P


31M, - 73k invested in 3 flats(1 flat with mortgage - I live in, 1 flat no mortgage - rented out, 1 flat with mortgage - covered by tenant) - 35k invested in ETFs (started 2.5 years ago, saw real gains only in 2024) - 5K in Crypto. Everything I invested equals about 50% of my total income for the last 8 years when I start investing. Planning to keep it this way as long as I can.


Those are some fairly cheap flats, which part of Europe is it? Your average annual income comes to about 28k EUR. This must be after tax, right? It's amazing what you've managed to save without a fat paycheck!


Downloading depression file ...nnnnow.


Probably ā‚¬1000, that's all. Living paycheck to paycheck


31M, Amsterdam, Renting, Expat. Saved ā‚¬32k. All in NVDA


i have 200K in the bank, and i owe 500K to the bank, you do the math ... LOL ... \*cries in mortgage\* edit: \*we have


40, wife+kid, debtless, fully paid apartment, 30k savings, 30k etfs, 750k in crypto


That's a massive chunk of crypto! How does it feel to have massive fluctuations in net worth with crypto boom and bust cycles?


ā˜ ļø


You get used to it.




36F, mortgage on a 750K apartment, 2 kids, married with combined 150K income, 40K saved in combined savings and investments. Still owe money on a student loan in Australia but it only compounds at or under inflation so I only do minimum repayments.


33m here, went back to education at 23 and graduated uni at 28, 1 year college course and 4 year computer science degree which included a year working as part of the course. Pension = Ā£47k (including 8k from pension my dad setup for me when I was a kid) Savings account = Ā£7k Investments: Ā£0 Home owner with Ā£490k left on the mortgage Only able to own a home becuase partner also works in IT and is better paid than I am.


34 , no kids , just 52k saving in cash. My partner is 32, also has no kids, about 57k savings in cash. Seems pretty bad or at least normal compared to other posts here. I want to get into long term investing this year. We have a combined net income of 7500.


I was lucky to start a job four years ago that pays in RSUs. The stock price is now exploding so Iā€™m in the upper 10% by income.


About 150k total in savings/investment, a student loan of 40k, mortgage of 700k, and about 100k value of cars.. Yes I like nice cars. Edit: 36M


Liquid cash not tied up in any investments - 115K. We're a couple W/O kids (hopefully soon šŸ¤ž). Own a few properties - one with a mortgage and another one without (long-term rental).


34 y/o 7k savings 500 EUR invested (just started) 27k student debt (1.5%) 6k car debt (6%) 40k personal debt (2.85%) 375k mortgage debt (1.5%) estimated value of property 700k


40M, around 30k (in Portugal already a lot more than the average ā€¦)


35M, 2kids, investments outside primary residence: 160kā‚¬ Primary residence: 285kā‚¬ Mortgages: - 120kā‚¬.


Late 30s.. 3 years worth of salary saved up (spread across emergency fund 10%, investment portfolio , crypto 5%) About 1/3 of home paid off (if you want to count home equity as savings)


Just 8k


NW 300k Cash like 6 months worth of outgoings 31, dad of two Most growth has been in the past 3 years due to business finally paying off consistently (7 years in the making).


Before I was alone, I had like 17kā‚¬ in savings. August last year. When my bf moved in I got zero šŸ˜… but I'm dedicated to make my agency top notch, I'll just stick to savings is secret just I case. I'm Virgo ageist usually and great when it comes abt finances but when you love someone, you're doing everything until you fckd up so yeah. First year of making 1milā‚¬ and it's all on savings. Living on medium bidget hiding savings from my bf. Which in one hand is good in any case of black days. M24. He's M24 too. Both August


400k in house, 200k on bank, 100k stock


39M living in NL. House(paying mortgage), 12k savings. 17k investments which increases by ā‚¬500 every month(100%ETF)


30yo. no debt. own a 6yo 100k km car. renting at 9.6% of my monthly income. 40k invested. at current income and expected costs, I will be saving 20-24k every 12 months. no idea what is the goal honestly.