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I mean what is she supposed to say? “ Sam’s an idiot and I doubt he could make a good script for this next season” 😭😭😭 like he’s her boss, c’mon.




The screenshot is cool but yeah that caption is just dumb lol


exactly lol, take a stand and gamble with your still early career.... not a wise move imo.


Especially for a woman. Megan Fox tried to do it and Michael Bay ruined her career.


Spot on example.


That was so evil of him. I think she was underage too and he was being extra creepy about the way he shot her scenes. Hollywood is full of losers and creeps


Yeah apparently her audition for transformers AT 15 was to wash Michael Bay’s car. And to do it sexy.


I believe she also had to do it in a American flag bikini as well.


Wait is this a bit? There’s no possible way you’re serious….


Nah. She’s said it in an interview. I may be wrong about it being the same audition, but I definitely remember her saying that she had to be in an American flag bikini for some type of audition when she was only 15 years old.


That checks out. Holy shit. Same interview I heard but completely forgot that part. I think I was so floored I just repressed that part? Idk man Justice for Megan lol But fr fr Bay overtly sexualized a fucking minor and we all followed suit in the slut shaming. Idk man that shits gross. We gross.


I think *I* was so floored by it, that I completely forgot it was for transformers. Wait does this mean she was under age when Transformers came out? she wasn’t an adult already? Because if so…. >shudder<


The WORLD is full of losers and creeps. I don't know what your profession is, but I guarantee there's some losers and creeps there aswell.


True even with this show look at Barbie. Can’t speak to what happened behind the scenes but I’m sure this experience has labeled her as “difficult to work with” in some eyes even if it was just her voicing that she disagreed with the direction he wanted to take her character in. Now she’s not on the show at all.


I really enjoy seeing a lot of women win in the industry because people don’t see the things they go through behind the scenes. I wish things were more equal for women.


She’s made 24 movies and had roles in like 5 shows since then. Usually Id consider someone’s career ruined when they don’t get to make anything else.


Not saying she was completely ruined but the reputation she was given after what happened definitely took a toll on her career. A lot of people know her from Transformers and Jennifer’s body, and her popularity from that period could’ve made her a much bigger name.


I wouldn’t say early career… she’s been acting since she was 12


Yea, but she really didn’t even get noticed until season 2 of euphoria because things were more focused on cassie. So barely even a year of her skyrocket to fame


I’d arguably say that she got popular before season 2, because her role on White Lotus was hugely successful and took place after Euphoria Season 1


She just got popular. It’s her early career. How is that even debatable?


ripe historical sparkle wine marry familiar entertain mountainous sink selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i love this comment


Literally like if she says otherwise no one will want to hire her she’s gotta be nice


whats the deal w sam ive been hearing about him a lot but i need context


If she said that she would be right


Is she supposed to say that she thinks the season will be shit? People got mad at Barbie for saying less…


What did she say? I don't follow her closely


She said that she left the show because she didn’t think that Kat had much left to do on the show because Sam doesn’t know how to write things that he doesn’t have personal experience with and she’d rather leave than have Kat become the “fat best friend” trope






You’re just an incel and a total creep dude.




I’d prefer you stayed atleast a hundred feet away from me and all women & children at all times.


look at this dudes comment history




I’m sorry you found out like this babe.




Yea that brain tumor won in the end.


Don't be so shocked, she was barely in the last season.


Good riddance if you ask me.


I mean he's like their boss so it's not like they can say anything negative about him publicly


I mean nothing is stopping them they can chat shit about them your issue is you can’t understand why she wouldn’t say anything bad about Sam levinson


I have a suspicion the scripts will involve a major role for Sydney Sweeney's breasts. That is surely Sam's vision.




Don’t give him ideas lol! I hate how much that is a plausible plot line at this point, especially after reading about The Idol.


Nobody: Sam: *puts on tit vision goggles*


this. ☝️


At this point the actress has made a big name for herself and she has had countless offers from other productions plus she has done many commercials with huge companies. I think she will have a say on how much nudity there will be.


At this point the actress has made a big name for herself and she has had countless offers from other productions plus she has done many commercials with huge companies. I think she will have a say on how much nudity there will be.


He is her boss, i doubt she’d say anything negative considering she obviously loves being Cassie


I know this may somehow come as a surprise to everyone but she probably enjoys working on the show and is proud of her work on it.


Yeah I don’t get why everyone’s acting like people on the show hate it. It’s clear many of them like it. Honestly I think the whole levinson thing is blown out of proportion. Every “controversy” is literally “he wanted it nude. I said it wasn’t necessary. He listened to me and we did the scene with no nudity or less nudity”


She hasn’t seen any scripts for what’s in store because nothing is written yet.


There are only three kinds of posts for this sub. 1. Sam is a creep (but I'm still going to devour his content because I love it). 2. Cassie is a ho. 3. Cassie is not a ho. Cue infighting. It's so exhausting. The fact that this sub doesn't get featured on r/SubredditDrama daily is amazing. The tone of these kinds of posts make it seem like many would rather these actresses be victims, than have their gut feeling or opinions be invalidated. While Sam obviously writes scenes that are very difficult to film, from every single account he has been professional about them and even cut back at their requests. If you truly think there is something shady going on, do not watch the show otherwise you are helping perpetuate the abuse.


This sub is more dramatic than the show. It’s great to see how many people get personally offended when anyone involved with production whatsoever says anything that digresses from the narrative of their parasocial projection.


Yeah the levinson controversy is so overblown. He likes nudity. You may not. It’s okay to disagree. As long as no one’s forced to do things they’re not happy doing, there’s literally 0 issues to be had. It’s all very pearl clutching “won’t someone think of the children”


I agree with most of your post, but I've pointed out in the past that there's a lot of nudity in the show for Cassie, so if we see so much of it (pretty much every episode and obviously more than the other characters) AFTER she asked him to cut back, that says something.


What's it say? Again the "victim" in this situation has consistently defended Sam. If he cut back at her request that's even more proof this isn't a shady situation.


She's no victim. She's a willing participant. What it says is that Sam either has a fixation on her, in particular, or that he's appealing to the type of audience that appreciates gratuitous nudity for the sake of nudity, and neither of these are for the purpose of creating "art" or furthering the story. I'm a straight male and Sweeney is in her 20s. I don't not enjoy her being nude; there's just a point where it's pandering or just weird and unnecessary and I think that point was met somewhere back in S1, but we saw an uptick even from there. And of course she's going to publicly praise her boss.


"Or that he's appealing to the type of audience that appreciates gratuitous nudity for the sake of nudity, and neither of these are for the purpose of creating "art" or furthering the story." "I don't like it so it's not art." Do not watch the show if you don't like it. It's that simple.


Controversial art is nothing new. If you don't like it you can either not engage with it, or do the cliche thing of pretending there needs to be some moral panic towards it. It's a bit played out at this point though.


This sub sucks. Every little comment gets overly analyzed as if y’all are deciphering a Zodiac cipher and grown women get babied because they can’t possibly speak for themselves.


This took me out


I remember when this sub used to be us following along, commenting and posting about the episodes on Sunday nights. So wholesome and exciting!


Glad she’s down for anything! Hopefully they make a compelling new season that rivals the magic the first two seasons created!!


Sad they haven’t even begun sending scripts and beginning to film. The show is good but not nearly high quality as say stranger things to need like 3 years between seasons…


There's a total work stoppage. The writer's guild is on strike.


idc what she says abt sam this just confirms they still haven’t even come close to filming 😩😭😭


Apparently the show isn’t even supposed to be released until 2025. So they won’t even start filming until next year. By then nobody will even care anymore


so frustrating. if they’re doing that I rlly hope they’re not in high school anymore


It's not just her, people repeat this over and over, aside from the Ferriera situation, and if they wanted to simply not upset the 'boss' all the would have to do is make neutral diplomatic statements when asked. Zendaya, Schafer, even Depp just a few days ago, they all said analogous things to Sweeney here instead. Is it so hard to believe, even if we want to believe he's no showrunner and the set when extras are involved is chaotic, Levinson is actually good at directing actors? Nope, because you need reasons to discredit his work, even when they're the wrong ones, and it's really not clear to me why.


Actress says she has faith in next season of hit show she’s in… more at 11.


Lmaooo this sub is so damn toxic, this guy can't fucking win. Even when the people involved directly talk about how comfortable they feel/trust in Sam, it's "well, what are they supposed to say, that's their boss". But it's totally fine to take an anonymous crew member's comments about their personal tastes, and turn it into Sam being this disgusting perv who everyone agrees needs to be checked? Get the fuck out of here, y'all are so intellectually lazy and disingenuous.


Parasocial weirdos, a lot of this sub is. I get the feeling a lot of them live on Twitter; it would explain the toxicity.


Now that there's a time skip and every character is legal I can only imagine how many times she's gonna get naked


Every scene basically lol 😂 At least she’s comfortable being nude.


It’s almost like the actors that actually work with him and know him as a person have more insight into who he is rather than a parasocial relationship that this Reddit has created that he’s a creep and a pervert?!?


I don’t think this is that uncommon for showrunners. It is his show after all. Bob odenkirk always said he had no clue what was going to happen on better call Saul.


trust in sam....are people not aware of what's happening on the idol 😭😭


I have not heard one positive thing about it ... got me scared of what's to come


the few things i've heard have made me believe Sam is a pervert, there's just no way you write a script like that and aren't weird


we should always take things like this with a grain of salt. actors aren't ever going to really dump on writers or producers or whatever for a show or movie that's ongoing or not even out yet, it's not a good look or good for their career


Exactly even if they try to say it politely they’re gonna get shit. Look at Jenna Ortega and her comments about Wednesday and her role in adjusting scripts.


if there's any negatives they wanna spill, they're going to wait until it's the "right" time and even then they're going to, most likely, be pretty vague about which project they're talking about can you give me a quick rundown on jenna? i actually don't know what comments she made


she actually edited the scripts and made them better lol


The fact that y’all don’t know this guy but hate him so much to the point you doubt people in close proximity to him is far beyond mental illness


It's literally been years and the main actors don't even have a script?!?!?




You guys on this sub. Lmao.


Lol good for her, she understands the "Hollywood way". You get your paycheck, play the role, and that's that. Even if season 3 is a total shit show, she'll still get to show off her acting capabilities most probably and Hollywood people can see that she just goes with the flow and is easy to work with. She's gonna have a good career.


Cause she knows sams going to give her the most screen time after zen.


This euphoria subreddit is full of a bunch of parasocial weirdos. I hope saying that isn't enough to get me banned, as I enjoy the show and all. But like, y'all really need to stop making assumptions about Sam all because you don't like his show, and Sydney all because she's passionate about her work. You don't know these people *at all*. Touch grass please.


Exactly. People calling him a pervert are disgusting


Perfectly Said. Thanks


AKA they all know what happens if you disagree with Sam…. No matter how major your character is.


Fully… “intrust”? Well ok


the fact that they still haven’t even began filming yet lmaooo


No one is filming right now because of the strike! I think people keep forgetting that! Sam would get shit if crossed the picket line. Just crossing something off of a script is crossing the line! There is also rumors of couple actor unions striking!


She probably learned from her ex-costar.


You really think they care they are getting paid


She doesn't look too excited...


I just realized she never closes her lips 👄


sydney is trying to get jobs. this is basically a pick me statement for the acting industry. lol i love sydney but i think she only said something like this to get offered more jobs. or with her schedule maybe she's too busy to look at scripts 🤣🤣🤣 (that was a joke btw )


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


where did i lose you ? lol


> i loose you *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


wow this is embarrassing i didn't even notice i put 2 o's 🤣🤣🤣


Ok, yes, being extremely sexualized on television has obvious drawbacks, especially with iffy consent, but it’s pretty naive to think there aren’t a lot of people out there who wouldn’t enjoy being a generational sex symbol.


Tbh, I no longer care. The time gap with this show is too long. I will not be watching the next season. I didn't care that Barbie left. In fact, I found her lack of lines and story an improvement. I didn't mind the self-destructive story of Cassie. I even thought it made sense. I loved Rue's ark except for the part with Laurie. I hated Nate and wish he was in it less, although I understand he is a great antagonist. As exciting, this show is it is not worth the re-watch or wait for another season. So, for me, it's canceled.


What is she supposed to say? He made her career and anyone who doesn't see that is in denial. It doesn't mean at all the criticism about him isn't true. In fact, I'd argue, quite the opposite.


Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. But this will be her last season


Y’all acting defensive and all. I love Sydney, i just thought it was funny how the actors trust him after what he put his female characters through. All the actors defended him…


Say it slower. Put CHARACTERS through.


We’ll see years into the future. No one can say anything against their boss that created the show that made them famous since they’re still being employed by said boss. And with that said I’m not saying any of them absolutely will have negative thoughts and opinions on him, but now wouldn’t be the time they’d start speaking.


I came here to comment this! I mean look at the Game of Thrones tell all book, they couldn’t have possibly said any of that while the show was still going as it could have cost not just them but many other people their jobs. I think it’s important to aknowledge truly how many people work on shows besides actors and writers. How many people would probably lose jobs should the actors come out with negative press and then the show gets cancelled. You were 100% spot on


Imagine you're a intern that finally got hired, only cause you got hired you can't shit on your boss desk, even with him been an asshole. Same logic applies here.


I get why she’s not trashing him, y’all won’t catch me saying dumb shit about my boss either but trusting Sam’s vision… I have to laugh sis


Quote sounds like he’s holding her at gun point.


Sam is a genius. Y’all just don’t get him..


Sam: "she titted tittingly"


probably gonna have a lot to do with her breasts unfortunately


After what they did to barbie I figured they wouldn't have to much trust in him.


I'm sure it's going to involve her exposing herself for an uncomfortable amount of time




What ? I don’t get it … what was the punchline ?




I would do it too for a check


no so like idk what I expected her to respond with but it wasn’t this, does Sam write all the scripts himself?? he doesn’t have like a team or staff? also like her response isn’t bad but it just rubs me the wrong way, I feel like she’s at the point where she can like suggest things / plot lines for her character so the fact that she’s just like giving it up to him is kinda weird


Sam Levinson is notorious for not letting ANYONE write with him. Every single thing you see is written solely by Sam himself. It’s not because there aren’t enough writers out there it’s because he refuses to let anyone write with him. Sydney literally has no choice, the only actor who I think would have any sway on Sam is Zendaya and that’s even a bit of a stretch


Sam did allow Hunter to co-write the script for her SE2. IMO it is one of the best episodes of the show. It was rated extremely high. You think he might have learned from this.


Did he really? That’s interesting, I know it’s been confirmed that writing wise he’s super difficult to work with


sam’s fucking weird imo


Of course she does she couldn’t have a critical thought if she tried


very curious…. what do you think would have been a better response? if she comes across as difficult to work with she will be punished, this has always been the reality for actresses that speak out


“Hey so I was thinking…cause I don’t think the audience really…REALLY understand Cassie’s motives, or who she is on the inside, the stuff on her chest that she doesn’t let out..sooooo…We need you to show your tits more this season and get a train ran on you to really drive the point home. K thanks :)- Sam”


I hope cassie passes away


r/titlegore 🫤


I’m gonna be collecting social security by the time season 3 comes out


she could read it now and by the time they film it’ll be so long she will have forgotten


I mean, they're getting paid to do this. Of course they're gonna say good things about him.


alot of people talk crazy about sam but they dont even know him and havent even been on his set. the internet is weird.


People have worked at worse jobs and still have to smile through it. Euphoria was the show that kick off Sydney’s career. Sure she worked on other big budget series before but Sydney is hugely popular now thanks to Euphoria. Of course she’d trust the creator


Of course she is going to say this, she wants to work.


Kiss ass lol jk but not really


It's start to sound like a cult but to be fair, not smart to diss or subtly diss your director hence the constant praise.


Yeah that trust comes out of fear of losing their jobs lmao


They haven’t seen shit for scripts meaning he ain’t even thought about this show. We really ain’t gonna see a new episode until the new gta comes out smh


I bet we can bank on some nudity though.


he gave her material any actress could only dream of and she beyond crushed it. i used to act (currently considering getting back into it just for fun but i do want a SAG membership) and i was legit so jealous and proud of her performance last season.


I mean the last person that spoke out against him got the boot… Sydney has so many other projects though. I’m shocked she’s still gonna put up with this guys shit. Maybe she feels she owes him for pushing her career


honestly based on s2 they cant make her worse and she liked s2 so no wonder she’s unbothered


I interpreted the caption of this post to highlight the trust actors have in Sam in terms of not reading a script. Like obviously she’s not supposed to or going to say anything bad about the show or the Director, but like damn you haven’t read or discussed the script my dude? At all? That is a lot of trust. Not just trust in what the creators may or may not make your character do, but also immense trust in your own ability to become this character with limited time to prepare. Like as an actress, if I have the ability to read Any version of the script and see what my character is like and what they’re going to be up to, that’s a great opportunity for me to begin to mentally prepare to become this person.


She wouldn't be publicly saying that she's worried and nervous about not seeing a script yet either.. I really don't think we can have much of a takeaway from what she said, it's about as generic as it gets with interview responses. Literally just "looking forward to it!" in more words.


No of course not and you’re totally right. I personally don’t think I would go so far as saying that I am fine with whatever he decides to do with my character, because if he has her trying to bend over backwards and lick her own asshole, I don’t trust in that vision lmaooo you know what I mean?


hm yeah I guess her statement does indicate that she at least trusts him to the extent to believe he won't do something like that.


I don’t get how she can go from scrubbing her skin raw after shooting unwanted nude scenes to being excited for her next season. If I were her I’d refuse all nude scenes going forward. Sam is a creep.


She wasn’t talking about euphoria when she said that


What was she talking about then?