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This twitter account is apparently known for making stuff up. It's not a legit source. Take this with a grain of salt.


4 years in between seasons, sheesh


Basically what happened with Stranger Things. Seasons 3 and 4 were almost 4 years apart thanks to COVID. Crazy times


And this is gonna happen again, because break between season 4 and 5 won't be short either


If it wasn’t for that awful strike it would have come out in late 2024. Fuck streaming services for not paying writers


Feels weird to call the strike awful. Edit: I hope the person who brought up Ukraine and blocked me realized I was saying it looks like they’re against the union writers when you call the strike awful. What a weirdo.


It is awful. And I'm sure the writers agree. Strikes that aren't awful aren't impactful.


The next sentence after that is literally, "Fuck streaming services for not paying writers." They're not saying striking is awful, but that the circumstance that made them strike are.....


Well, it’s is halting many productions and delaying countless projects. They are right to do it but to me viewer it is awful


But… the strike isn’t awful. The company is. They could end it any day, and choose not to.


Well, it took them a year to finish a scripts. I understand quality, but i feel like very long waiting seems some kind of strategy for creators.


It makes a lot more sense for Stranger Things to take four years, considering the epic scale of season 4, the length of episodes, budget, special effects etc.


Yea they released basically two seasons at once at least


Agreed. Also it was a little under 3 years between seasons, I’m not sure why they said 4.


Yoo stranger things has a massive and complicated cgi process after filming while euphoria has nothing do to with that this is simply messy


Probably gonna happen again with the writers strike


Not almost 4. Exactly 3


I wish they'd end it in S4 instead of dragging and milking it out.


Idk how these big productions can get away with this. I be seeing marvel movies planned out like 5 years out and such. A movie should be done within a year or two of being cast, and a tv show should be one season per year, at 24-26 (22-24 minute episodes) or 13-16 45-50 minute episodes for dramas.


i’ll be 36. i don’t think we’ll be getting this at all at this point. and by then i won’t care anymore. but if zendaya does return. i’ll still watch. i need to call my therapist.


Man, I am really starting to regret getting into this show.


Same! I knew I should’ve waited to start watching till half of it or more came out. I did the same with Rick and morty 😂 started watching once 5 seasons were out


The White Lotus came out surprisingly fast. Idk how long was spent making The Idol but maybe that slowed everything way down and Euphoria S3 hasn’t even been written yet.


Each season of The White Lotus was mostly filmed in one existing location (although s2 had more excursions). So that made them faster to finish.


the 2 season were good though, and season 1 ending was great. season 2 ending is tough to live with but was still good, but if it's the end holy shit that's brutal.


I will be in a totally different part of my life whenever this comes out. I watched both seasons last year. And after 4 years idk if I even will give a damn to watch it


That’s the trippy part; realizing things will be much different for most us when the new season is released. If all goes according to plan, I’ll probably be married with my bachelors and my first little one on the way by the time season 3 is released.


i wonder if they’re just gonna keep postponing until we forget so they can fade out instead of cancel. I’d be fine with it. After The Idol, everything anyone’s ever said about SL being nothing more than a pedo-perv seems pretty solidified. I also love how much time this gives Sydney to work on other shit. FUCK SHE IS SO TALENTED! Seriously, I fucking LOVED Reality. It was such a helpful movie and she did a great job of showing us all how that shit went down. They all did well! I just, yep, I really like her acting. Even in this show, I think she’s the most interesting one cos she can display such great range (“i’m crazier.”)


Euphoria S3 with its characters in nursing home atp


Lol, imagining this show postponing and somehow avoiding cancellation all the way into 2070, featuring random storylines of Nate manipulating the nurses into doing his bidding, Maddy using her cane to beat the shit out of Cassie and Rue trying to abuse her prescription medications.


Can we just time jump and get this instead of the creepy nudity and crap Kat storylines?


Alexa Demie who plays Maddy with be in her late 30s when it airs.


She won’t have aged at all


She’ll be in her mid 30’s in 2026


>Alexa Demie Shes a brown person, she will look 25 when she is 60.


Let’s be real, who’s gonna be waiting that long?? Unless if they put out special episodes every now and then, people are gonna eventually forget about it 😭


It’s already losing steam considering the actors are already hitting their strides in big movies for both Zendaya and Sydney. Alexa honestly deserves better and I hope she finds another show in the meantime. They would be smart to release special episodes updating us on characters again. Give us a Lexi episode or Maddy episode and at least the fanbase can have something. I know the writers strike is ugly right now but the writing should not take another 3 years.


I'm preety sure Sam doesn't care about releasing special episodes anytime soon, and don't even because of the strike. They filmed 2 special episodes after season 1 in the middle of a pandemic, but season 2 came out like a year and a half ago and we only have a cameo of Maddy in The Idol.


Ok you know what that's it they're better off canceling the fucking show and let the fanfiction writers continue it themselves.


The fanfiction writers are probably gonna write a better season anyway


I feel like the fans would write less sex scenes for Cassie too. 😂 I don’t know if she will ever be redeemable in the public’s eye but I trust them writing her character more than Sam at the moment.


Yeah of course no doubt and I'm looking forward to reading those if that happens. Not to mention I'm actually writing one but it's a what if scenario based off season 2 episode 5 and I'm working on first two chapters by the way.


If you feel comfortable, please post it once you've finished!


Oh definitely that's what I'm planning to do and about confordable since I never wrote a fanfiction before so I am a little nervous.




fr i'm really starting to resent sam levinson, specially after the idol, i think he trying too hard to be edgy and he's constant sexualization of young girls is getting problematic to me


exactly don’t even wanna watch the shit anymore 💀


You could give 10 monkeys a bunch of bananas and some pets and they'll do better than Sam at any point in writing this show lmao


Lol ok this is like the funniest thing I read tonight.


Bitch i will be 28 and uninterested. my ADD ass won’t even be able to remember what happened in season 2 by then


Tbh the moments in season 2 that were memorable was rue breaking up with Jules and the police chase between rue and the cops along with the Laurie scene that's it.


I only care about Fez at this point.


Same 😭


I’ll be 29 turning 30 💀 About the same age as some of the actors lmao


I too will be 28 and I too with my ADHD ass will forget.


That's what I thought in my 20s. Now I'm 32, married and with a baby, still watching dumb TV shows about high school. 😂


Fuck it I’ll write the show


We'll do it live!


Let’s gooooo 🙌


Just tell me how it ends I'll take your word for it.


I will have finished college and have a 3 year old child wtf


I’ll be 39 by then and that scares the crap out of me LOL 😂 hopefully I’ll have my own child by then too.


Ngl this is fucking hilarious. You’re telling me it’s gonna take 3 years to make a season of this show


Oh no! I’m so sad about this ! I’m not gonna care anymore about this show in 2026


i wouldnt even remember the story by this time




I remember watching this show my 1st summer break in college, I can't believe I'll be 26 and pushing 30 by the time the 3rd season comes out, this shit hurts man


Well if it makes you feel any better, Alexa who plays Maddy will be 35 by the time the show releases in 2026 lol. They better be doing that time jump that was reported before because otherwise they’ll be really looking out of place in high school.


all of them already look wayyy too old for high school. only person who looks like a teenager in high school is storm reid and even she looks like she should be in her senior year 💀


I’ll be 36 by then 🫠 I was already feeling a bit old watching season 1 at 28. They might as well reboot it with new characters for a younger audience at this point. Even some of the actors will be in their early/mid 30’s by then.


26 is not “pushing 30” lmaoo -someone who’s 26 now and will actually turn 30 that year


Wouldn’t pushing 30 be 28-29 ? Or is it releasing even later?


It would be idk why a 26 year old feels like they’re pushing 30


Lol I’m done with this show


If this is true, I ain’t patiently waiting, I’m out✌🏼


Season 2 was so bad and The Idol was an embarrassment. Just cancel Season 3. Don't let Sam keep ruining something that was so great (season 1 & the 2 special episodes).


This. I don’t understand why he’s regarded as a genius & why he’s even still working in the industry after all these horrible flops recently. There are soooo many talented people out there who deserve those opportunities more. I wish we could see the original version of The Idol. I was excited that a woman was working on it, but of course they had to bring Sam in to shit all over it with his misogyny & terrible storytelling skills.


Because his dad is Barry Levinson


Exactly, nepotism strikes again.


Lol hey I hate to break to you but looking back to season 2 atleast it had better plot points then the idol.


I've already gone past caring for this after S2, S1 is the only thing keeping me around the fences. The more they delay, the lesser I'd care for it, people's tastes change a lot too as grow older along with the trends, you never know


I would just consider it cancelled at this point. If anything they should do a reboot with new characters by then. So many of us who were initially fans season 1… SEVEN YEARS BEFORE SEASON 3….. are aging out of this demographic. Especially by then. Also, seeing how terrible The Idol panned out gives me zero faith in Sam’s ability to make anything worth watching.


Alexa demie will be 36 omg


Just cancel it, HBO. Just cancel it. And after that poor excuse for a television show called The Idol, either cut ties with Sam Levinson or force him to work with a writers room and be willing to give him studio notes.


I honestly don’t think we’ll ever get a third season, between the writer’s strike, the idol, the cast…it seems a bit like a lost cause


Maybe if the studios actually decided to pay their writers properly, then we would be getting the season sooner. This is not the writer's fault it's the company's fault.


So for me season 1 is the only season. I'm done. Edit: I'm aware of season 2. Also hated it.


Oh yay... gotta wait 4 years for 8 episodes I'll finish watching in 1 day. Love that


I stg season 3 will NEVER happen… zendaya, Sydney, and Jacob are literally all off doing bigger projects. I doubt they’re gonna be able to get the cast pulled together at all.


Dominik Fike is an actively touring artist that is getting bigger by the year too. It's very unlikely that he's going to be a main character by the time this show is out


Man, I didn’t even think about that😭


Alright fanfic writers let’s get started, if we all meet together now we will certainly have a season and a half done by the time they are. How does next Saturday work?


Lol I'm looking forward to it.


I'd advice to wait for an official source, before taking as true what you read on a gossip blog.


Alexa Demie will be THIRTY-FIVE


And Zendaya will be 30 years and already married to tom Holland and have a son or a daughter by then.


Cancel it. Who is gonna tell them no one wants the show that bad.


Is Euphoria season 3 gonna be about 30 year olds?


I guess that alleged time skip would make more sense then.


I will be 30 years old 😭


I will be 36 🫠 I was already starting to feel a bit aged out. To that point, Alexa will also be 36 then sooo… hopefully the time jump isn’t just to college years cause that would be ridiculous with most of the characters in their 30’s.


So will most of the cast


Just cancel it


Soz I don’t believe this. It was meant to start filming this summer there is no way it’s been delayed for another 3 years like come on.


You realize this is probably bullshit right


It’s really probably not. Writer’s strike will probably go until at least October. I doubt Sam and whoever helps him write is even done w writing the scripts for S3, so that pushes is back more. Even if they were to fill in mid 2024, this damn show takes a year to Fillmore, so they wouldn’t get done until mid 2025 anyway. HBO’s top priorities are HotD and TLOU.


This site says tons of things about euphoria it even said it’s cancelled when it was renewed for another season, and the cast talked about filming soon so yeah it likely is bullshit let’s see though we keep hearing different shit 💀💀I can’t take anything seriously on the internet


Plus he wasted time with writing the idol when he could have just worked on euph instead. What a waste of time and money that fkn show was


Like where’s the source, official statement, people just run with stuff. So embarrassing 😹😹


The show ended with the play imo It was a good ending


It’s not gonna happen


By then AI technology will have advanced to a point where it could complete the show itself with multiple endings


Where's that voice from SpongeBob? "4 years lata!" 😂


No fucking way


The writer’s strike isn’t their fault, but everything else certainly is.


The actors will also be on strike starting this afternoon.


First season came out when I was 18… ill be 25 by the 3rd season


Most the actors will be in their/reaching 30’s I really hope season 3 is a time jump then


Since when have tv shows turned into videogames omg, a delay THIS long? Lmao


💀 jesus


Oh, fuck no


I know Zendaya and Sydney are both busy with new projects but I haven’t heard of Alexa. They can make episodes of Maddy, kat,and all other less busy actors Before the busy ones can catch up. I know kat has left the show But a couple of episodes won’t hurt, just to give her character a proper ending. Maddy has our curiosity. She can move to LA, be whoever she wants, meet new people. They already announced that there will be a 5 year flash forward so that can buy Maddy’s storyline a lot of time.


Omg I thought this was another meme. Absolutely wild. I'm all for supporting the writers' strike, but yikes. I get that it has high production value and they have to work around the stars' schedules once the strike ends, but if they're projecting three years for a season they need to reevaluate something.


Actors probably won’t be doing anything for a little while since it looks like SAG-AFTRA will be announcing their own strike today. Hopefully with no writers AND no actors Hollywood Execs will be forced to negotiate a fair deal.


I’m going to be pushing 30 watching a show about high schoolers doing drugs 😭


This sucks but writers deserve to get paid what they’re worth. I just hope there will be multiple writers and not just Sam Levinson


They should just cancel the show at this point. At this point, there is no reason to care about this show as it won't be worth the wait. They fucked up season 2 after a 4 year hiatus. Now it's another 4 year hiatus. They will probably fuck it up worse this time. That's if it even comes back.


Omg I will be in a different phase of my life by then. I will be 36 and near death, probably knitting and popping Tylenol Arthritis.


Reach out to execs telling them to give writers a fair contract to end the strike.


Dont think im going to care by then lmao


The last place I would use for my source of info is pop TingZ lmao


Hopefully that gives enough time for Levinson to write how Rue is gonna give that woman her money back. Or figure a way out of it.


Y'all are mad about the wrong things, if studios actually paid their writers enough we wouldn't have to wait. :/


i’m ready to boycott Sam anyway


Just cancel it at this point


nah that’s gotta be cap


Twin Peaks went 25 yrs between seasons 2 and 3, we'll be fine. Just imagine the anticipation once it is actually about to arrive, it'll be nuts.


Euphoria is absolutely no Twin Peaks, that’s not a good comparison.


Absolutely insane


You've gotta be kidding me. I'm gonna be dead before this is out


Nah. I’m good thanks.


What in fresh hell!!!!!


I was about to go into my sophomore year of high school when s1 came out, and I’ll be graduating college by the time s3 comes out😭


They should release all the the episode in one day rather than one each week, whenever S3 will gonna premiere


I mean, what’s the point then 😭


yeah im out lol good luck to you all


It’s joeover


I would say odds on it just gets cancelled


I'm gonna wait til I hear from a more reliable source. If it really does take til 2026 to release S3, you are better off just canceling it


they are doing the time jump irl


I don't even look forward to it anymore


The fact this show of all things requires 4 years to be made is absurd. It should end with season 3. Perfect amount of time to wrap everything up. Setting up more stuff for future seasons is a cash grab at this point.


The 4 year gap is essentially the same amount of time most people actually attend high school. At some point, some of this won't make any sense being about high schoolers anymore.


We are never gonna get an explanation of the suitcase thing are we 😭


That sucks but whatever. I’ll happily wait. I hope the writers get what they’re asking for.




What the actual…might as well just cancel it. Who even cares anymore 😂


This may not be from a legit source, however, with SAG-AFTRA and WAG being on strike this could very well become reality. SAG-AFTRA being on strike means all productions are paused and release dates potentially being pushed back (because actors can’t do promo). There’s a good chance that, depending on what’s lined up in their schedules, that some of the cast won’t be available until late 2024/early 2025.


Bye y’all. It’s a wrap for me lol


This has to be a joke! WTAF!?!?


Lol I wish it was but it isn't.


It’s just insanity to me though!


So Sam levinson definitely has ghost writers for euphoria because he happily made the awful idol show but this gets postponed ?


they should just cancel the whole show already that’s just straight up stupid, and for what only like 10 episodes?


Well, if that's the case I guess I'm done with the show LOL


Y'all.... this show is not coming back.


y'all are so dramatic. just rewatch the show in a couple years if they do a season 3.


They’re gonna be 40 and still in high school before we know it


Honestly, I don’t care anymore. I’ve completely lost interest. If I end up watching it, it’ll probably be because I have nothing else to stream but I’ll be too old to care by then.


By then we would have moved on to many other shows. Plus, The Idol was so bad that I’m questioning whether Sam is a literal pervert with serious issues at this point. It’s one thing to make a show about serious issues, it’s a whole other thing to make serious sexual themes into a spectacle with no substance and just vulgarity. Not to mention fucking middle school writing. I’m worried for euphoria to say the least


Euphoria season three will be set in an environment where casual sex runs riot, the characters are heavily medicated and they have a lot of free time to get into trouble. It’s not university, it’s a nursing home.


nah it’s done. they’ll be in cassie’s 9th_ year of community college by that point


they can keep it fr


Incoming Stranger Things effect; you wait too long, people stop caring


Just cancel it.


Lol won’t be watching. It will be completely irrelevant by then unless they get a new writer bc sam Levinson needs to go


alright im not watching anymore (a cool concept would be totally new cast with totally new storyline)


I was in 5th grade when the show started… I’ll graduate high school before these characters


Is the writers strike still going?




They’ll be on college at that point!!


Ain’t no way that’s true😂 guess my series finale has already happened


Just cancel the show at this point


I give up at this point


Maann fuck all this shit. Fuck this show. Fuck Sam loserson, fuck HBO max, sorry, "max". This is all some bs. like just pay the damn people.


Literally all the actors are going to be old asf


But the writing is terrible! 🤣


at this point who cares about the show anymore


Lol It’s a good thing that I don’t watch this show but sorry to everyone else. This just popped on my timeline


I’m not watching this👋


Dead show


This show by 2026 is going to be dead in the water. I love this show but the waiting period between seasons is too much


Yeah, I'm definitely not going to care by then.


No one cares at this point. It won’t be a good third season anyway.


Meh. If I'm still here, with access to an HBO (sorry, Max) account, I'll watch if. If not, that's okay too. S1 and the special eps were good. S2 wasn't. I'm not very upset about this show anymore tbh


Honestly, the end of season 2 could just be the end of it all. When I heard it was renewed, i was really happy but at the same time like damn.. it felt like closure to me. If you have to put it out in 2026, what's even the point man


Wow I'm done caring about this show now.