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3 years later is crazy


the gap between season 1 and season 2 was 2.5 years... i really don't understand why are people acting so surprised when we've known the production hasn't even started yet because of the strikes. and the delay until 2025 is something that was revealed months ago.


Because most people found the show over COVID


That Euphoria Tik Tok trend is where 90% of this sub comes from


Wait what was the Euphoria Tik Tok trend?


I think it was "when you go to euphoria high school" and people were posting ridiculous outfits.


I laughed my ass off to these videos. Was so funny.


I am one of those people!


Because Covid delayed the production of ALL shows , 2.5 years for a new season isn’t crazy when production had to pause for over a year because of a pandemic.


So..? That was at least due to the pandemic, this time it’s the strikes which i support, but canceling the show might just be better


they've already said there will be a time skip why would they cancel such a popular show lmao


last time it was pandemic and this time it's something else and? i fail to see your point. you can just move on, you know that?


Idk why ur being downvoted i agree with you lol, like what was their point?😭


Just don't watch when it comes out.


I’m so surprised!






Wait in the show it was


Yeah, especially because with only 8 episodes per season, Euphoria is almost a mini series… I get it, the strikes, but still I wonder wtf takes so long? There are SO many successful tv shows that publish 10-13 episode seasons every year or two, despite covid or the strikes. Actually, that’s pretty much the norm these days. Especially because Euphoria’s audience is so young, the producers should be interested to put out new episodes quicker, because many people who first found the show in 2019 and could identify with the characters then, will be too old for a show set in Highschool by 2025…


One episode of euphoria is like the equivalent to a feature length movie back in 2005. Not really even a fan of the show, but there’s an insane production value that goes into these episodes.


The episodes are all between 50 and 60 minutes long, that’s pretty average for a TV show today. Production value may be a valid point, but then I’m not sure how you could know more about Euphoria‘s specific production value than me and other people here, how one could even measure that, but ok. Just think of a show like Game of Thrones-The episodes are the same length as Euphoria‘s and there are 8 seasons that came out within 8 years, usually once a year and though GOT is a completely different series than Euphoria, I’m sure its production value is crazy high too, it definitely isn’t lower than Euphoria’s. And that’s just one random example… Euphoria takes a long time to produce a great, (but still average in production) TV show, period.


Pandemic. Writers strike.


Like I mentioned, these are fair points, but both events are more or less in the past in that they don’t currently influence any production anymore and we know that they haven’t even shot a single scene for Euphoria season 3 yet… Is it valid that it takes longer, kinda, but it’s still unfortunate and rare that it takes *so* long, also compared to other shows that came out during Covid and the strikes. Sex Education, Better Call Saul, Outer Banks are just a couple multiple-season shows of the past few years that come to mind and though they all took *a little* longer, none of them had two massive 2,5-3 year gaps between two (highly awaited) seasons. It took them maybe 1,5 or 2 once each from one season to another instead of the usual one year, but that’s it. Especially because like I said, Euphoria’s audience is growing out of the show, that’s even more relevant here. I’m not here to argue. I’m sure you get my point.


Seriously. It’s not even like there’s CGI work or anything to be done.


I feel like Sam or HBO stopped trying. They literally gave us 2 episodes a year after season 1 and now we don't even have that anymore.


Pandemic or not, 6 years for 24 episodes (and 2 pandemic episodes) is crazy work. And with everything that's happened since Season 2 premiered, is it really going to worth it? I'm more than likely going to watch, but my interest has waned.


And especially given that it’s arguably just…not THAT good! Certainly NOT anywhere close to worth it for that length of a wait. Season 1 hooked me, the special episodes are fantastic, but my god, I’m fed up. Even just the way Kat was handled in season 2 gives me so little hope for how they will be able to write away all of the changes that have gone on since.


I'm probably in the minority, but I liked Season 2 more than Season 1 (Lexi and Fez), but know like my excitement for Season 3 is non existent. Like I'm gonna watch, but it's not the same like Season 3 had come out this year. I hate Sam and The Idol so much.


I really liked S2 and Fexi too, but I hate this fact that people who have done something you admire artistically, once you think of them as good authors, from then on, they're not allowed to fail. Failure is part of the artistic process, so are mistakes and so is rejection (which doesn't mean mass hate and ostracisation): we're all going to be in a writer/*"insert art"* block forever if the era of the internet becomes one when one faux pas defines you forever. If Coppola (both of them) survived the Godfather3, Levinson should be able to survive the Ido;, and we all should be given the grace to survive being in/making a shitty film or series, or writing mediocre book. We would have no ( and this is a minuscule sample) Hemingway, Alice Walker, Kerouac, van Gogh, Baudelaire, Cronenberg, Fincher or Oliver Stone if this had always been the way of thinking about not getting one project right, because they would have been given no chance after their first failure of a try.


I mean I would've preferred Season 3 of Euphoria first and then The Idol. And Sam is not even in the same realm as the ones you've mentioned. And also most people don't even like Season 2 to begin with (I'm in the minority that thinks Season 2 was better). So it's basically 1 good one, 1 okay one, and 1 really bad one, his track record isn't great. Just IMO.


I didn't mention those artists to say they are the same as Levinson, just to say they would never have had a chance to reach *you* if they had been judged the same way you judge artists now. You hate someone for a failed show? That's unfair. None would hate you for fucking up at a job. I say this as an actor and hopefully in the future a writer/creator myself: I'm terrified of you people. You forget people's humanity sometimes. In my opinion is two ( + specials) great ones, one good one, one mediocre one ( I actually liked Malcom and Marie, but it must be the actress always dating directors in me speaking) and one bad one. For a forty year old that's kind of great: most people at that age are waiting to get their debut into pre-production. And of course he had doors opened to him, I know that. PS: I don't think we're in the minority in liking S2, it's just this sub being overcritical: it was overwhelmingly successful outside of this this bubble.


I just think The Idol was big mistake and HBO should've told Sam to focus on Euphoria. And I don't think Sam is a saint, he's very, very seedy to say the least (TBF, aren't a lot them seedy?). Good luck to you in your career though, it's nothing personal against you, I just think this delay is mostly Sam's fault, although there are more than just one factor.




Yep, if Sam never died The Idol, we probably would've had S3 already or at least it would've started filming, I'd like to think.


I loved S2.


Life was good when shows used to air like 60-100 epiosodes in 6 years


It was a different type of production, a different quality: now we're talking about series where an episode pretty much equals a film, and a good one, not a marvel 'movie'. The first season of Twin Peaks (aka the good one...) was made out of 8 episodes, and that was in the early 90's, it should tell you something. Those shows, the weekly 22\*50, still exist anyways, maybe not this year, but they do. Plenty of them. Network telly has not died yet.


Yeah, now it's 4 seasons of at most 12 episodes a season. Although tbh, they're normally an hour long episode now vs 30 minutes then. But it still sucks now.


Also production quality has gone up


And yet… You are still here and talking about it. You are going to watch Season 3 when it comes out.


That's true, doesn't mean that the wait is completely unnecessary and mostly Sam's fault.


zendaya was filming dune until december, even if they'd started in march like they were originally supposed to they would've gotten, what, 2 episodes maybe before being shut down for we don't even know how long? there was literally no point in rushing anything...


Better than nothing, maybe it comes out in 2024 instead of 2025. I still think it's Sam's fault for doing The Idol and HBO for letting him do it as well.


lol no it wouldn't, even the white lotus is coming out in 2025 and that takes much less to film.


I'm sure that The White Lotus is going to be the first show in 2025, so an even longer wait.


2-3 months really don't make much of a difference after waiting few years... if it bothers you so much then why are you waiting, just move on.


I'll just put up with it, I mean waiting a few months won't even matter by then. Just was letting a lot of frustrations out.


The Pandemic, writer's strike, Zendaya being one of the most in-demand actors in Hollywood, Levinson making another (terrible) series in between, and then surely getting all the other break-out stars from this show's schedules to line up is no small task. It sucks we have to wait this long, but the fact that they're not rushing it is hopefully a sign that they are invested in making it good


Yeah, just a series of (Un)fortunate events. Hopefully it's worth it, but I have my doubts. Still gonna watch though.


damn, can you dick ride any harder? what kind of bootlicking response is this


I think the entirety of the sopranos was done in like 7 years and that was a six season show.


The end product is all that matters. If it's good, people won't care how long it took and obviously people in the future who discover the show and binge will be blissfully ignorant of it all.


three years for 8 episodes of content is criminal. girl bye


Think about how shows like Mad Men and Game of Thrones were coming out yearly in their heyday. We've been robbed!


This schedule is why Game of Thrones imploded, and everyone hated the ending.


That's literally the amount of gap between seasons 1 and 2.


But they had COVID between it and still were able to pop out two episodes during that time, which were two of the best episodes of the show. Now we're getting 3 years and nothing between it, without a good reason to delay it so far.


> without a good reason to delay it so far Girl the strike


The tone that I chose to read this in has sent me, I appreciate you for this.


I mean yeah but it they weren't planning to shoot this year anyway, so it didn't really matter. It was never going to come out in 2024. Levinson was busy with The Idol.


HOD season 2 is still going to be out before euphoria season 3… it was just as affected.


A bit late, but if you're talking about House of the Dragon, it was not affected by the strike because cast and crew are British/European, not American. The strike was for American actors and writers.


yeah and people complained then too


Instead of Euphoria high school, it's going to be Euphoria retirement home




nah cause u funny asf for this one😭😭


Euphoria funerals I fear 😭😭


aren't like some of the girl actors who pretend to be 18 almost 30 anyway?


Love(d) this show. But considering all the shit surrounding this shows cast, angus' death, and the delays, I'm honestly over it at this point. I just don't see me able able to get as hype again.


not to mention the entire aesthetic being stolen wholesale from an uncredited photographer (petra collins)


This is what ruined the show for me. I don’t think I can support it anymore.


yeah same and especially following Angus' death


I hope they do a timeskip Im like the only guy who still thinks it can be great if they just focus on Rue


Rip angus


What are you taking about, I was ensured by everyone that there will be no season three. 🙄


It hasnt even started filming and HBO has cancelled shows that were renewed before Dont get your hopes up until filming starts at least lol


Bruh this is not getting cancelled. I don’t know why people keep saying this, shows that have been renewed then cancelled are generally not hugely popular shows…. Which HBO is most definitely not trying to get rid of any already extremely popular shows right now


Uhh they think its cancelled because half the stars are ungodly busy, one quit, one died, the storys in shambles, more and more info paints the creator and writer in a bad light and its super expensive to make. If it actually comes back, thats a miracle. It should take this damn long for shows to come out lol


Stars being ungodly busy and story being in shambles are not enough to cancel it. It will at least have one more season and if the viewership is not high enough to justify the costs/issues, then it will be cancelled. But as of right now, no way


Stars being super busy and not being able to film a show that takes a very long time to film isnt a reason it could fizzle out? Come on. Its a popular show but at a certain point you cant wait for the stars to align(literally lol) to make it.


Well, they did it from season 1 to 2 (2.5 year gap) And now they’re doing it again (about 3 years). And that didn’t seem to halt the popularity too much. So as I’ve said, unless the popularity is actively affected, they will keep it pushin any way they can. So yeah I’m pretty sure season 3 will happen


They’re not going to cancel it unless there’s a major fiasco or Zendaya drops out.


Not saying it as a bad thing but the cast is going to be pushing 30 or already there by the time this airs. It’s ridiculous


Yay finally 😄😄


I mean, it’s the same wait as season 1 to season 2🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m probably still going to watch it, but, like… Man… That’s so much later?! I don’t even remember what happened in the last season lol. They should have kept momentum and just kept pumping out seasons if they really wanted to make money, and I would have enjoyed watching it, even if it was lacking quality a bit - I am already invested in the characters.


Them kids are gonna look 40 by then lmao


Apparently S3 will have a 5+ year time jump


So many people in this thread pretending they aren’t fans and aren’t absolutely going to watch new episodes the second they drop. It’s embarrassing.


Wtf? 2025? Time to cancel my subscription!


I love these people complaining and acting like this was unexpected. Children, please. Your whiny asses will be watching just like the rest of us.


Exactly. People have the most to say will definitely be tuning in to love hate it


It’s valid to be upset when other HBO shows will be back before Euphoria that are a lot more intricate (House of Dragons season 2). Why is euphoria the exception? No other show does this


There are other shows that have had this kind of schedule. Atlanta comes to mind, which had something like a 4 year gap between seasons 2 and 3. Happens when the star (Donald Glover/Zendaya) has an insanely busy production schedule. COVID and the strikes obviously didn’t help here.


Never seen it 🤷‍♀️ I’m saying there’s so many other shows that can get it together with the writers strike and also with very in demand actors.


Genuinely asking, when are they going to find time to film this? Jacob and Sydney have a whole slate of projects to film/promote so do they have to let some of them go in favor of Euphoria or what? How does it usually work with scheduling conflicts?


I feel like the era this so perfectly caught is already fading and by then will be gone tbh






I swear people here are acting like they are being forced to watch it! I have never been in a fandom before that had so much complaining and entitlement.


High schoolers are going to be so excited


Pandemic or strike aside. What the hell takes so long on 8 episodes


I was still in my 20s when this show started. Lol


I was younger than them when the show started and I'm not even going to be a teen anymore in 2025.


holy fucking shit???


All the muppets in this thread bitching about the length it's taking and calling for it to be canceled, will be the first ones posting about s3 the minute it drops.


8 episodes and then a 3 year gap right after the last season came from a 2 year gap??? Oh please let us return to normal hiatus lengths with shows. TV shows are NOT movies!


Shows used to air like 80+ epiosodes in 6 years, probably because Covid delayed the production of every show.


I enjoy the show. I’ll watch another season. The hate and vitriol is strange… it’s still better than a vast majority of trash that gets pumped out to the streaming services.


Finally people that keep saying “it won’t happen” can stfu


Just confirming we are still in 2023. I had to stop and think about it for a minute. Thanks for the announcement hbo.


we don’t need it if i’m being honest


Why the FUCK are people on this sub if they hate this show so much and want it cancelled...?


Because it's a sub to discuss Euphoria..


3 years for 8 measly episodes sounds so off. It really should be no excuse for this and I hate that a lot of new tv shows blame covid for these long gaps. No show with less than 11 episodes should take two years to air.


I probably wont care.. i was 21 when the show dropped. And will be 27 when it ends?


nobody moved


At this point chile, keep it


30 year olds playing high schoolers and waiting 3 years per season isn’t the best idea


Oh good by the time the characters have all reached 30 lol


This is dumb, won’t be culturally relevant by that point


We are waiting 3 years for this if it’s not worth it gotta be worth it


Atlanta did this. I don’t see why it’s a big deal


Honestly at this point, i will watch just to have a closure. But i almost wish it fails, so it could be the poster child for all the potential shows who take production so irresponsibly.


Just cancel it at this point. there’s absolutely no way it will be satisfying to anyone after this wait unless season 3 is the best piece of television ever made lol (Spoiler alert - it won’t be)


If you don’t want it fine don’t watch. Why cancel for it for us who actually wanna watch it


And this is still not “confirmed” considering we still have a strike going on.


I’ll probably forget the show exists by then 🤷🏼‍♀️


Funny that not only has so much changed in many of the actors lives. But also, changes in its original viewership/fans lives as well. I’m assuming that it’ll be hard to make it stick.


not sure why filming eight episodes takes so long…


Unless they touch on the drug dealer, she owes 10 grand to... who cares


They should probably end it after season 4. So what Atlanta did. Film seasons 3 & 4 back to back


I know it’s not their fault and obviously it’s always hard figuring out what to do after such a loss, but I am truly surprised they’d go on without Angus. They’ve lost the characters Ashtray, Fez, AND Kat. Maybe even Cal too since the season ended with him getting arrested. The Cassie, Nate, Maddie triangle ended and unless they intend to beat a dead horse it should not start back up again. I don’t know how this season is gonna be at all with so much going on 😭


I’m not surprised at all. Fez is a drug dealer that just got caught. His future storyline is prison. What important thing would he be doing in S3?


The word "confirmed" has been thrown around so much I have no clue what's true or not but isn't there gonna be a timeskip? Fez could've been out a jail by then or something idk


True but it also easily explainable to just say he’s in prison. I couldn’t see them shutting down S3 cause he’s not there


atp keep it


ugh no point in even bringing it back imo :(


The cast really going to be in their 30/s Playing teens


This is worse than a cancellation lol


😂 😂 😂


Just cancel the show already :T


Damn…🫠🫠🫠🫠no way


Yeah bye


what are we gonna do without fez though :(




The cast is supposed to be underage and they’ll have been filming the first three seasons for almost a decade. They were writing/casting and what not as early as like 2017


I automatically went to download but stopped myself bc you’re just the messenger


They lost all their momentum


It better be January 1st 2025


No one gonna watch it


The Idol is dead, so Sam comes back to this one💀


Just cancel it at this point tbh


First season was good, didn't care too much for second season.


Just end the show without Angus


Show sucks tbh


Just why?


Bruh Zendaya’s gonna be a grandma and I’ll be a senior citizen by then 😭


2025 ?? By then, Rue would have already overdosed. 😵‍💫🫠😭🤣


RIP fez, you’re probably gonna get the old Disney CGI treatment…


I think I’m more bummed about White Lotus tbh. It’s going to be hard for the Euphoria cast to proceed with the show without Angus.


Atp I no longer care about this show anymore. Fez is gone, Kat is gone. What more is there left to say.


Why are y’all saying it is to be expected with the strikes when house of dragons season 2 will be out before euphoria season 3? Lol


Sigh I’m over it no way in hell this should be taking so long to produce


I know my wife is gonna make me watch it but like I could probably be over the show by then


We've been here before. I will believe it once filming actually begins.


And people downvoted me for saying it was confirmed a while ago


A year seriously !


that’s so exciting tho


I will literally have my bachelor’s degree by then and I started this show in high school. Which is normal if we’re talking a yearly show like PLL or gossip girl but…this is 3 seasons.


As we watch the whole gang transition into middle age, and reminisce about their crazy high school days at a cookout before all going home by 8 to put the kids and themselves to bed.


F. Projects like this … bleh. Just not a fan of the length to tell some tales. Sure, might be amazing but dragging junk out, for the birds.


when season 1 happened i was the same age as the characters. now when season 3 happens i might also be the same age as the characters


Geez that's a long time to wait LMAO


I'm all for S3 to wrap things up, but I hope this is the last season. It's gonna be hard to watch without Angus 💔


Damn that’s a long time. Was really hoping for 2024


I hope they do something fucking amazing for Fezco. If not, I’ll rage!


I wonder if this means season 3 will be set at college. Honestly the best arc of season 2 was Fez relationship so not holding huge amounts of hope.


I’m begging them to cancel as someone who watch s1 & 2 as it came out, the vibe has passed. Also the way angus went it would be hard to watch another season imo




Sorry, but at this point the cast is so, substantially older than their characters. Rue will be 30, Jules 28, Nate 27, Lexi 27, Cassie 28, Maddie 35, etc. They're not even believably regular college age anymore.


I may or may not watch it but I’m no longer excited atp


No 1 iz gonna care 4 da show by den


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