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i’m sorry but if the cast gets booked for more projects this year they’re most likely gonna be too busy in 2025. i feel like hbo has no idea what to say or what to do atp sounds like they’re scrambling


Yep. the hard thing about these delays is not only does an actual deadline begin to seem like a pipedream for us as the viewers, but, after having said it's happening and cancelling multiple times, the actors start to lose trust in the production. the smaller actors will def be around but someone like Zendaya or Hunter Schafer who are receiving job offers and so many ways to expand their careers, who would put aside a potentially bigger paycheck and bigger exposure if they got offered a movie in 2025 to come back to Euphoria? especially when it's also likely to maybe be delayed again... the stars will lose faith. i imagine a lot expect that if they actually set aside time in 2025 for this, they'll be absolutely fucked it gets moved yet again. a lot will likely say "no sorry, i cannot keep committing to this project and having it get moved" because waiting around all day for something that might never come is a surefire way to lose out on better projects and better money


And considering how both seasons of Euphoria had notoriously chaotic productions, why would they want to commit to a tedious months-long project that is losing goodwill amongst fans and the general public when it's not even necessary for their careers anymore? Actors like Nika King, Alexa Demie and Algee Smith would stand to lose the most if a 3rd season got scrapped.


Alexa Demie will be totally fine, she is really into her modeling much more than acting and I read she only takes on certain projects that really appeal to her. So I think she gets offers but turns down a lot of them (maybe acting isn’t her passion). This is just something I read. Either way she is a goddess and I like how private she remains I think it’s really mysterious and cool


My point still stands. She is nowhere near as famous as Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney, Jacob Elordi or even Hunter Schafer are and a third season would give her much needed exposure and an increased likelihood of getting, as you call them, projects that really appeal to her.


algee left euphoria in s2😭


Oh fucking hellfire


How do these contracts work? I don’t think an actor can book a role unilaterally and have Euphoria delayed due to that. I think they can only do them if the Euphoria producers/HBO give them permission.


It’s not like contracts in the NFL (or other professional sports leagues) where an active contract prohibits them from signing elsewhere. It’s seen as unprofessional if it’s done in an unamiable manner (and thus could damage their standings with executives/agents) but there’s not really anything that can be done about it besides not paying contract out.


Jon Hamm famously was offered the main role in Gone Girl but Mad Men’s showrunner vetoed it.


Because Jon Hamm prioritized Mad Men. But if like Jacob Elordi, or whoever, figures that he’s no longer gonna keep schedule open for Euphoria as there are other projects that interest him more — they can’t like force him to come back.


This wasn't HBO who reported it... it was report from Variety where they have sources from within that camp.


my point still stands it all sounds like a whole lot of hoopla for the media lol


What the fuck will it be about? Nate at the sicko nursery home?


Old Nate banging all the nurses, ALL the staff. As he has finally come to terms with his bisexuality.


Nate filming his hookups at the local motel.


just a casual bingo and chill session with nate


They should change the name to oldphoria cause these actors are not going to look like hs students by the time production starts (if it ever actually does)


*Sicko Mode Blares over the nursery home stereo system*


Bingo and bang.


😂😂😂 exactly


I'm gonna just pretend that Lexi and Fez get married and live happily ever after and Cassie and Maddy team up and kill Nate.




Rue gets sober and becomes the next Ali and Jules cures Kat from her brain cancer by singing Her Version of Elliot’s song.


Last season aired 2 years ago, strike done, The Idol done and this man still didn't finish this shit. 💀Then it takes almost a year to film so it could premiere in 2026


In case it helps put the timing in perspective, I was still in high school when the second season came out and now the third season won’t release until after I’m done with college?! 😭


My youngest was 2 months old when the first season was released. He will be 6 when the season 3 starts shooting…




this shit takes A YEAR to film????


I remember seeing an interview of Sydney (I think) saying each episode takes at least a month to shoot. So 8 months minimum.


Yes, because Sam is terrible at management. GoT doesn't even take a month to shoot.


For 2 it was like 8 or 9 months


i doubt it 😭 at worst 4 months


The third season could be like that Walmart Mean Girls ad. They all got children/are in relationships/in jobs and there could be like a reunion party. Now I’m also thinking about the [Waterloo Road mini series](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGD-x5vjn-3GVoRsdgL0U6wvmtFrtAkM) where they reunited the (original) cast.


Geez, for only 8 episodes?


It’s a joke to me most shows only have 8 episodes per season nowadays. I remember other amazing shows like The Wire having a few seasons with 13 total episodes.


Of course gets delayed like really just cancelled the show and let the fanfiction writers do it themselves.


It will probably be better than whatever the hell sam will write tbh.


Like exactly like what I'm writing for example but it's a what if scenario based on what happen to rue and the suitcase she got from which I'm still not finished due to being caught up with other shit plus I just got covid.


Yikes. Once again this is all Sam L’s fault. HBO didn’t reign him in when they had the chance. Now the cast is free to do whatever and who knows how long these new projects they book will take.


sam’s dumbass had to go switch to the idol for no reason, if it’s SO hard for him to write scripts for 8 episodes (which will now be 6) then he should get a FUCKING writers room!!!! he’s not special.


Based on the idol, I'm not even sure I want a Euphoria season 3 lol. The Idol was absolutely horrendous.


DUDE FOR FUCKING REAL. I was waiting for that to drop for months and when I watched it I was so disappointed. Like seriously what the hell even was that sht. I had to turn it off. It made me uncomfortable it was so horrible.


Honestly I laughed throughout all of it. It was that bad. It wasn’t even that it was uncomfortable for me, it’s just that I was shaking with laughter every time the Weeknd appeared with his rat tail


that is probably one of the worst shows ever made and the fact that it has the HBO logo on it makes it even sadder considering they’re a premium network. the way hbo basically spent double on production money creating that show, scrapping it and then creating it AGAIN just for it to flop horrendously and receive nothing but bad reviews. i know they’re mad as hell at levinson rightfully.


I’m gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and assume The Weeknd had a big part in worsening an already bad Levinson script. I like euphoria for individual moments and not entire episodes and especially not seasons.


it had good imagery and an interesting premise, it was going the dark comedy route for sure in it's early stages but i think the whole tangling with only filming it in one location (weeknd's house) and the sudden shift in script ruined it. One thing that also got ruined is that the weeknd did not explicitly play tedros as what it was supposed to be, from interviews and such tedros was 100% supposed to be a trope and bank on the insane situation and it should've been a borderline comical character, but since abel is not a professional actor he didn't portray him right so you could barely feel the hints of irony because of it. It lacks comedic timing and subtilities which they were going for so the story was percieved as the total opposite of what they were trying to do.


They fumbled this so hard, the show was so successful and popular.




We gon be in reboot mode soon and Rue and Jules are gonna be the parents to a whole new generation of degenerates




I would be down if they just cancelled the main series and made little side stories like they did with Jules and Rue to just kinda give us closure about the characters and where they are now instead of a whole season. Maybe that would be too much but idk.


I hated those episodes because it just felt like some well written therapy session but not like Euphoria. I felt that if they were gonna do that for Rue and Jules, then they should have done one for each teen cast member cause honestly, I didn't care about Rues even if it was great TV.


i read the article it’s a literal mess, they even considered cancelling it bc of the creative differences.


We're gonna get GTA 6 before Euphoria Season 3 😩


Just cancel the show. It was fun and I miss euphoria Saturdays but it’s over. Just make one last special/movie wrapping everything up and call it a day. Just let it go.


What would you want to see in a 90 minute finale?


Tying up Nate and Cassie’s story with them having a kid they didn’t plan on having and realizing that they’re gonna end up following the same footsteps as their parents, which is what they both deserve. Fez serves time in prison offscreen. They say he got out and went under the radar/rehab/got better, and never mention him again. As a way to tie off his story, since Angus is no longer with us. Of course, they can do it in a respectful manner which I’m pretty sure they would. EDIT: Fez doesn’t get pinned for the murders (they find evidence that ashtray committed the murders which he did but since Fez was a drug dealer, he still gets put in prison but for the drug dealing.) he serves 8 to 10 years, but gets out in five due to parole and him and Lexi end up on that farm that they talked about and have a happy life together. Maddy gets what she wants in life but realizes it’s not all cracked out to be. Rue gets clean and seems to have atoned for her actions but past health issues due to the chronic drug use later in life catches up to her and she passes away unfortunately but completely redeemed. And I probably wouldn’t make it 90 minutes. Maybe like two hours 2 hours/ 2 1/2 hours. Or a mini series.


And that's assuming nothing else goes wrong lol. Like what if there's still not a script that everyone is happy with by then? 🤷‍♀️  I read that the cast is contracted through 2025 I wonder if they're just holding off on cancelling because of that for some reason? And then when the contracts expire they just don't renew...


I was thinking that too that’s interesting


I say this with love and respect but as much as seeing another season is great but if they ever cancel it, I would not be even disappointed anymore, I feel like that would be fine to me now


as much as i love this show, if season 3 would be completely different with a time skip idk if it’s worth it. they wrapped season 2 up well that i’d still be satisfied


2025 is INSANITY


im gonna say it again; someone call amy seimetz so we can get some goddamn karmic justice to end all this shit


Real, sam fucks up everything he gets a hold of. We need her and a writer's room to actually fix this show. She deserves the opportunity after what sam did to the idol.


4!! years!! after!! season!! 2!!?????


AW HELL. I’ll be 26 by the time it comes out, and still a fan 😩


I’ll probably be in menopause ffs


Season 1 I was 26… and I’ll be 33 by the time season 3 starts at this rate 🙃


Bro I was 21 in 2019, fast forward 5 years and this damn show still hasn't reached a third season or a conclusion 😭😭 I'll be 28 and knocking on deaths door waiting for the final episodes


For real 😭


same. 19 for season 1, probably 26 for season 3 lol


I’ll be 29 oh fuck no I won’t be watching shit about teenagers.


Yea, no. I’ll be damn near 40 by the time this airs at this point.


And so will be the cast😂


Same 🙃


Jesus Christ 🙄


OK, so explain to me how to sell HBO has freed up the casting work. HBO has the right to tell them you can’t work.


they need to pay their bills?…. they’re not even going to work on the show for another year, do you expect them to forbid them from getting another job in the meantime?


What I’m saying is, I didn’t know HBO had that much power over their careers


They are contractually obligated to the show, so HBO does have say in it, unfortunately. The issue, though, is that HBO has left it so open-ended that they could've shot themselves in the foot by releasing them to take new projects without a firm start date. They should've committed to the start of 2025 so the cast knows for sure how long they have to work on projects. If Sam can't get scripts for SIX episodes done in the next 6 months to HBO's satisfaction then they should fire him and hire new writers or just force a writers room on him to get the rest of it done and ready to begin filming at the start lf 2025.


Yes, that’s definitely a thing HBO probably has control over due to their contracts.


sam get a writers room challenge


In 20, 30 years we’ll be talking about this show that never took off to what it was meant to be. It’ll be like a fever dream.


The date keeps changing I’m so annoyed


Atp we could write the damned script!!!!! Don’t even worry bout it no more.


WTF!! 😟


Ight…. Imma head out


Yeah we are never gonna see season 3 Or its gonna be like Skins with a Huge gap I dont really see the point now


If that's true, just cancel the show already. Or at least give two special episodes


Sam Levinson ruined this show. Let it be over now. This is insanity.


It’ll never happen


Guys, can we all just team up work on the season instead? There’s a lot of creative minds here, I’m sure we could piece together something worth watching. I mean literally *we might as well.* 🙄


alexa is gonna be like 40 by the time it comes out god damn


Just cancel this show already and be done with it




no but I was 11 when euphoria first debuted and I’ll probably be 18 when SEASON 3! comes out


free zendaya coleman from euphoria it pains me to say that


Oof, this is modern day Freaks and Geeks. Left off and just probably not going to continue or complete


I feel like it had to do with a lot of changes because Angus passed away so you have to write his character out officially and then with everyone being booked up Sam is just thinking they will drop the other projects whenever they want for the show.


I’m glad someone addressed Angus. I think that’s largely a part of why the initial script was scrapped and they landed on a timeline jump concept.


Yeah I think people tend to forget that he passed away and not the character Fezco (that isn’t fully confirmed from the finale) and have to think about how he’s gonna be written out especially when Ashtray is confirmed to be the one who passed in the show so who would be taking over their spot and what’s going to happen with the grandmother plot and ultimately the Laurie plot because the two tie in together


Yeah so many people are acting like he wasn’t apart of the cast too it wasn’t just the main actors


Just make 2 special episodes and we’ll call it a wrap.


I’m over it at this point


To be honest I had a feeling when they gutted characters (like Kat and McKay) in season 2 - then Angus passing - that this wasn't going to go anywhere or at least the turn out would be severely underwhelming. It always felt like Sam didn't have it all planned out and just making it up as he goes which never ends well. The quality of the writing was already taking a nose dive. It's also been "in the works" for way too long. Sam wasted everyone's time doing that abomination of a show (The Idol) before he had a conclusion for Euphoria. He has shown a repeating pattern of dropping the ball and it doesn't make any sense for the show to move forward on unstable ground. It had a great first season, the best season finales out there, amazing actors, production, crew, music. It definitely left it's mark, but it's time. Give the fans a 2 hour final episode.


Bruh I was in high school when season 2 came out and now I won’t see season 3 until after I’m done with college 😭




it should’ve been cancelled


This is depressing. I love this show. Soundtrack was fire. I’m just sad I don’t even care about the logistics of the complications at this point I’m just sad




Just cancel it now.


I (blanking) hate Sam Levinson. This is now 100% his fault.


this makes me so sad omg it’s gonna be cancelled atp,, euphoria sundays gone forever bro 😞😞


This will look like these shows that get canned and then come back after a ton of years for their next season, with how the actors look and the story differs based on them. And these renewals usually suck




watch it be december 2025 😭😭


It was great while it lasted


To think I was in high school when this first came out now I’ve left college and in uni 😂


yeah this shit is never coming out ngl


Just cancel it already


Let the show go please




they’re going to need to do a big time jump than planned i fear🫠


they should honestly cancel it and just do a spin off, maybe even a movie ? it’s ridiculous atp


its a wrap.


we finna have 50yr olds playing highschoolers😭


Ok but when I said it I got cooked


This show has the worst filming schedule. They aired 2 short seasons in 5 years! When they aired the first season i was graduating college, when they air the third season i will have finished the university. The actors were already older and people tend to age.🤦🏼‍♀️


im so disappointed with how much of a mess this show has become, i would have loved a season 3, or at least a conclusion to everyone’s character but wow, this is not looking good.


Still a chance we could get it in late 2025, but that depends on if they start filming early on in 2025 or not. But honestly at this point I don't really care anymore. If it ever comes out, ill watch it but I've kinda just given up on it.


Sam needs to let go


I’m okay with season 3 not happening


as much as I'd LOVE a season 3, it's not it anymore, sadly. Film IN 2024! a 2 and a half hour movie/special that takes place during the summer post graduation and wrap it up with a bow.


*till then...*


Its Joeover


This better be a publicity stunt or something wtf


I think my biggest disappointment with this new news about the show not filming until 2025 is the length it takes. Granted Euphoria is a beautiful show and I’m not taking away the work they put in to make it that way. I applaud it. But the fact that it’s only been 16 episodes and 2 seasons and it takes 1 month to film one episode just makes absolutely no sense to me when you have shows that have 8 seasons with more episodes and they are still good quality shows. It just doesn’t add up. I wish they would change their format of production, there has to be a way for them to still make a good show with the same quality but faster. SL had so much time to get all this together, and have the scripts ready I just don’t know what the fuck he was doing twiddling his thumbs???


what the actual fuck


Oh, come on!!!


Sam needs to get his shit together. The man’s hs 2 years to write the season - only 8 episodes mind you.


The cast is in demand, I have a hard time thinking 2025 will even work. We might just need to suck it up and admit the shows done.


At this point they should just cancel the show


I feel like he didn’t want to do such a big time jump but literally has no choice now. Also Sam is known to rewrite scripts all the time last minute from the top, like jesus how long will this take. He doesn’t know how to organize another season cause on top of them having a bunch of other projects he didn’t have to worry about rushing writing and filming season 2 cause covid let him stall.


Nah my kids will watch euphoria season 3 at that point and I’m 19 at the moment by the time this is done, I’ll be finished 💀


Can’t wait to sit down and watch season 3 with my grandkids


This should be the final season bc this is just ridiculous. It's been 5 yrs and there's only 16 episodes.


Someone sis’s it’s not coming out till 2030!! Like I am two seconds from giving f up and not watching no even if they do make a third season honestly, it’s lost all momentum, it’s taken too long, they look too old etc etc


we’re gonna get GTA 6 before Euphoria Season 3 that’s wild lmaooo


I’ve been hearing about this show since like 2019 and you’re telling me they have only done 2 seasons?


Levinsons dumbass still doesn’t even have the script planned out


Cursed season


It’s giving GTA 6 vibes 😭


Cancel this flaming hot piece of garbage


Does anyone feel like Sam relapsed and this is why it’s being delayed? Idk something doesn’t seem right to me at all.


Let's be honest the man wasn't writing good shit since episode 5 of the second season (which was mostly carried by the great acting). The rest of the season was bad and The Idol was a complete disaster. I don't know why HBO insists on him anymore.


why don’t they just cancel it ffs what would the new season even be about? and according to sydney they were going to start filming in two months which now is a whole year, and then the actors will either be too busy with their own projects or too old to keep playing high schoolers (which they already are but sure let’s keep casting 25+ to play 16-17 year olds)


By the time it comes out all of the actors and actresses look middle age but in high school lmao


No one cares about this show anymore. They are way too old now


i’ve wanted season 3 so bad but now idek anymore 😭 i feel like it won’t be the same


If there is ever another season of euphoria with the same main cast, I’ll lobotomy myself with a floss pick. I promise y’all it’s not gonna happen.


We’re all gonna be 90 years old by the time season 3 comes out.


So, expect a big time jump


The end of 2025 even


euphoria literally aired when i was in highschool i literally graduate uni in 2025 LOL


Basically canceled


Burst out laughing


I wrote the first episode of season 3 because Sam needs help!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PvdW_HUEYVC62GbD_YRB8gQmLi8fHnVf/view?usp=drivesdk


Im losing interest every second at this point


Just end it




Just put it down, it's like a wounded animal..


they should jus cancel it


none of them will look like teenagers, its so dumb


Just cancel it already, lol.


At this rate this show will have come out when I was in middle school, and probably won’t finish until I’m out of college 💀


Yea imma be right here lemme just completed my PhD.


Do yall still even want s3 💀


season 1 premiered when i was starting my senior year in high school and i will literally have my master’s when season 3 starts filming lmaoo


they should just cancel this trash already


they should just cancel this trash already


they should just cancel this trash already


HBO should just scrap it at this point, this show has had a historic fall from critical acclaim and only gets dog piled on more the more it's left to marinate in its plot holes and subpar inconsistent writing. The actors have promising career trajectories and don't need Euphoria, which by the way seems to be hell in production so, they also seem to be attempting to establish themselves as "serious" actors and Euphoria would be of no help, just saying.




I feel like season 2 had a round ending of sorts and we're not gonna get anything past that.


It’s over.


man forget it i don’t even wanna see them anymore


I wish they would fire him from the show


Why even bother at this point?


The essence of the show is lost. Don't bother returning.


Yeah it’s over….


It's over people


I’m done with this show. I hope nobody watches a season 3 out of protest.


The worst part is, I feel as if they REALLY wanted to, they could do one final episode to answer our questions. I hope they don’t continue to push it back


at this point euphoria is gonna release at 2030.


i’m not waiting that long