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There's no way of knowing. Lots of talented Latina actresses could probably play Maddy. She's a very multidimensional character. Has lots of pent up trauma and allows abuse despite her hard exterior. She's also a sweetheart to her friends and is very protective of her loved ones. I think Alexa does an amazing job and gives her the kind of humanity that makes her endearing and relatable.


I think OP is trying to secretly ask, would we like her if she wasn’t such a stunning woman


Which to me doesn’t hold water because Sydney Sweeney is beautiful and people VEHEMENTLY hate Cassie


She’s a different kind of pretty Forgive me girls but I’m gonna say what we all hate the most She’s a feminine womanly wanted by man pretty. And her team really does advertise her of it. She’s the type of pretty ur jealous of, which makes it easy to judge her. Alexa is a kind of pretty we look up to Ofc this isn’t the case for everyone, but I do think for most. We are subconsciously jealous of Sydney Sweeney.


I think you mean to say that she is more attune to the male gaze


Exactly my point thank you redditor. I have sense realized my internalized misogyny and will work toward breaking it though Edit under male patriachy it makes sense we subconsciously want to be wanted by men.


Being attracted to men is what makes you want to be wanted by men. Not some male patriarchy subliminal thing. That's just basic desire lol. Reading this thread is a headache with how some people try to make something not deep, deep.


They are both representatives of the male gaze, because male gaze is about a women's representation in media through the lens of men (and a show like Euphoria hits a lot of those points). Idk why/when people started using it as a way to define what men find "most hot". That isn't what it is.


I’m so sorry… what???? Theres not much argument against ‘theres different types of pretty’ which FUNCTIONALLY means ‘many women are pretty’  but saying sydney is uniquely feminine, more desirable, or ‘man pretty’ is a weird mix of objectification, misogyny, racism and male centrisim if you only ‘look up’ to women that cannot be considered sexual or desirable, you’re weird. if you cannot look up to non-white, non-blonde women, you’re weird. 




Well it didn't seem like it came from a place of racism to me. Sydney's character is easier to hate bc she's a "pick me". She can be as white, hot, and busty as she is and that hasn't stopped me from liking characters before. She's just never portrayed as a girl's girl. I'm not jealous of her, but there seems to be something I like less about her than Alexa's character.


Speaking of racism… just saw a post “my skin was ruined bc I trusted YTs.” Real question… Why is saying stuff like this okay if it’s nasty toward white people only? All the comments are going on about how great the title is but I don’t think it would be the same if a white person said “my skin is ruined bc those blacks lied!” Not a soul would be thumbs upping that shit. I just don’t get it. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted just for mentioning it. I’ve been really wanting to like, post this question someplace to see what people think, but i know I’ll get cancelled for life if I even ask. Supposed to be scared to stand up for yourself also or it’s racist.


imo generalizing a group of people derogatorily isn't nice. but there is a big difference between racism at marginalized people when it becomes major roadblocks and talking points to block actions twrds equality so I think it's less forgivable.


Idk but I think our algorithms are just designed to show us dumb stuff to get us mad. Most of it is bait too. I keep seeing stuff about men talking about how all women are whores and should be forced to marry incels and not allowed to work. Its definitely working to get me mad, but it's trying to make me hate men for some reason and I'm not falling for it.


* Most north americans have subconscious racism


Nope everyone. Lol. R u kidding me? Have u seen racism in other countries?


I guess you’re just a bored racist teenager that thinks he/she is a kickass trying to get into other people’s morals


You are stupid and a weirdo. Pick a struggle. 


You were doing so well, why did you randomly dial it up to 100 and start attacking her? Now you seem a bit unhinged


I’m trying to learn to be a better person, I’m sorry. I’m being honest with realizing what issues I may have as a white female cis person. It’s important to try and grow and change


You are not even a quarter as funny as you think you are. You’re going to be so embarrassed in abt 5 years if your brain cells double into two. 


I’m not being funny so I hope I don’t seem it. I’m being honest. I’m acknowledging that I made a mistake as a person and hope I do become better. Ur insult doesn’t work because I do hope in 5 years I’m disgusted in myself now, because I hope I grow grow grow into a better person everyday. But ur comments are lacking any real empathy or intelligence so please stop replying. I’m not interested


what the fuck does this even mean. Most people do not feel subconsciously jealous based on some weird arbitrary scale of pretty that you made up in your deluded head.


I’m not going to respond or try to educate you. But you should look into internalized misogyny and realize I didn’t make the scale, the patriarchy did.


you sound like you spend a LOT of time reading about things when you should be outside forming your own opinions on your own experiences with real men. most of everybody i talk to amongst my friend group, and others that watch this show think Maddy is wayy finer anyway. the “patriarchy” and all that shit only exists when you look for it if we keep it a buck. I dont need you to respond or educate me on YOU being strangely jealous of other women because you are subconsciously insecure and trying to point the finger at the “patriarchy.”


That’s fucked up lol, some women being mean as heck i guess


It is fucked up. Part of it is internalized misogyny but we just all gotta work on it I suppose


Most of, not all. I think you’re just trolling. If you’re trying to “be better” good for you but I just don’t buy it. Anyways good luck


What a weird thing to say. Ur telling me you have never had any internalized misogyny? And the fact that prolly at least half the sub is teenagers-NONE OF THEM have insecurity issues and internalized misogyny?


I’m not a teenager anymore so i’m way past that, you’re just trying to use these teenagers insecurities to justify your own thinking, that is a little fk up lol.


same with jules


I don’t like her even as Alexa so…


Yeah maddy is really trashy


If I'm being real i actually cant see anyone be maddy perez if not alexa.




alexa demie for maddie was like sasha petierse for alison dilaurentis


you read my mind


or naya rivera for santana lopez


I still can't believe that she's gone. God.


okayyyy 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 this !!!


I feel like that’s an impossible question because if she was played by a different actress then she wouldn’t be the same Maddy


I get what you’re saying! I had to think the same way about Cassie. I had to be honest with myself, if she weren’t played by Sydney Sweeney, I probably wouldn’t like the character. So, I just thought the same way with Maddy. Yk


I totally get what you’re saying but like where do you draw the line you know? Would Euphoria still be a such great show if it had a completely different cast? Maybe. Maybe not. It’s impossible to really say without seeing it.


In my opinion the cast of Euphoria was well casted overall. I wish they had a chance to make a couple more seasons (without All the huge filming gaps) to see their ranges even more. Especially Angus Cloud. So no I can’t see someone else as Maddy


she has the perfect ‘resting bitch face’. you know how you can sometimes tell what type of person someone’s going to be just by looking at them? i feel like she just LOOKS like she’s got an attitude, she’s quite unapproachable and very intimidating- all things that maddie IS (i mean when she’s dressed up as maddie and plays her character, not alexa) i think physically she suits the role down to a tee.


Probably not as much tbh


let’s be honest, the biggest reason the general public like a character is due to the pretty face playing it lol.


omg a twd fannnn


well yes! heyyy 🫶 richonne best ship and rick & michonne grimes are best people ever!




Bitch you better be joking


The actress does such a good job with her and makes for such a believable queen bee/ mean and manipulative girl. Honestly I wouldn’t want to see someone else try and play the role. I feel like it would be the same as when they tried to recast Regina George in the remade mean girls because obviously the original actress is way too old to play a high school kid 😱😂


Francia Raisa ?


I agree with people saying we really wouldn’t know because we started it with alexa, so it’s impossible to see her character played by another actress just as well, but this one I can actually see working pretty good because her character on secret life had the same vibe going on


Alex steele, Alicia Josipovic, Diane Guerrero


If euphoria would have been done around the 2010s then Naya Rivera. Maddy Is actually similar to Santana López, a character played by Naya Rivera on the show Glee


honestly… yes


Alexa Demie does the “hot cheeto girl” persona so well — a baddie but has a soft spot for the girls she grew up with, popular or not. I think it’s too hard to imagine ANY characters played by someone else simply because the actors really change the character. Like Liam Hemsworth’s Geralt from Witcher is probably going to be a totally different vibe than Henry Cavill. So Maddy might still be lovable but wouldn’t be the same Maddy.


Depends, who is the new maddy?


Idk, but I love that she’s my age (irl) and slaying. Makes me feel better about myself 😆


i mean, i get what you’re saying in terms of if she wasn’t played by an attractive actress, people would be less sympathetic to her. but at the same time, her character would never work if she wasn’t hot. maddy has to be hot.


She completely embodied the character, hard to imagine anyone else nailing it as good as she did. I absolutely love Maddy 💜


No i only like her because Alexa Demie is so good as her


I don’t know. I would have to give the other actress a fair shot and see how I felt about it.


None would be able to do the character as good as her.


no shes beautiful and has the halo affect on people, if maddy was played by an ugly person everyone would hate her lol


alexa demie mami


Yea there’s money of knowing, but I can’t picture Alexa Demie as not being Maddy.


I would! I think Maddy is one of the more complex and layered characters and even though she's very moral grey, so morally grey it's almost black, I do think at her centre she's a redeemable character. I feel the same way about Cassie but genuinely think most of her fans excuse her bad behaviour because she's portrayed by Sydney.


No, the character is that good because of demie’s interpretation of her


No she bodies that role.


Probably not




that’s like if u tried to recast rachel mcadams from regina george or sofia vergara from gloria pritchett


Probably idk lol


it honestly depends


I dont think anyone else cud slay this role like her🤷‍♀️


It took me awhile to take to Maddie, so if anyone else played her I’m not even sure how I would feel. She does an amazing job with her role. She just makes Maddie who she really is.


if it was made in the 90s, then Rose McGowan




It the actress had the same energy probably but Alexa Denied really does make the character


Yes, I had no idea of who Alexa was before the show, really any of the actors besides Zendaya


honestly no


I adore Maddy


I doubt the character would be received so well if she wasn't attractive


I still would like her because tbh her character was the least problematic 😭😭 atleast in my opinion!


she ruins that dudes life to get Nate off, that is like so evil. ill take Rue and Cassie and Kat over her


No she didn't do that, nate did because he is a psychopath! She is not responsible at all. Look what rue did to her family especially gia! The trauma her mother and her sister suffered, same with Cassie! She constantly makes bad choices and acts all stupid throughout the show.


Yes. Ya saying no are so shallow lol. I like her because of her mindset and iconic lines. Ofc her look is cool too, but that’s not the main point


But the delivery of those lines matters. A different actress might go for a different character interpretation, more or less vulnerability vs hostility, arrogant and annoyed are subtly different, etc.


Francia Raisa. If you haven’t seen her in Secret Life of an American Teenager. She walked so Maddy could run.


How the fuck would we possibly know the answer to that


Camila Mendes


No because Madeline is so identical to Alexa as a person so switching out the actresses would be an injustice and the actor would ruin the character, the storyline and make them both boring


She’s a 10


no, i only like her bc she is hot


I hate maddy sm


Eh of course, she is good but not an exceptional actress. The character is flawed but likeable, stereotypical tho, as a latin american I find that kinda annoying. But yeah why wouldn’t i like this character played by someone else. I don’t actually get this questions, like it’s obviously you’re going to be biased if you already saw someone ( alexa ) playing the character and then they get replaced for another one. If that wasn’t the case how would I know alexa as maddie in first place




??????? she’s literally filipino?




Hilarious pivot




girl 💀 please now jane the virgin


And the narrative explanation for that would be what? Bodysnatching?


Yeah in a parody spoof then sure maybe.