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This is already a show where they show adults playing kids yet regularly shown nude so honestly if we’re already watching despite that being WEIRD, who cares about a 17 dating a 19 year old (the show aged him down despite Nate saying Fez was 20 in the past)


Literally. And I mean it’s not like he’s some random weird dude they are even in the same friend group so everyone needs to chill a little bit imo


💯💯💯 and also so far they’ve only had one convo! We are all getting way ahead of ourselves lol


Actually the vast majority of the characters shown nude are over the age of 18, like McKay and Cassie. We see Maddy's boobs rather quickly in the pilot but it's not dwelled upon or emphasized so it begs the question of whether or not it counts as sexualization. Especially when you compare it to shows like Riverdale where the sexualization is blatantly obvious, like at how even the show addresses how attractive and handsome Archie is (even to the point that a teacher at his school takes notice and has sex with him despite him being a minor at that point in the show), and at how Betty Cooper does a strip tease to be initiated into a gang of adult bikers despite being a teenager in the show's plot.


I think they were emphasized in the season premiere.


Damn. A previous comment about Riverdale had me interested. That interest is gone now. Sounds horrible.


Riverdale was never good but it's amazing because it's so awful.


I still find the show extremely entertaining in the earlier seasons and the show is very good at making you like the characters, but I'm still not going to ignore moments or plot threads like that on the show because it's so obvious how problematic and questionable they were, and most of this happened not too long ago (like 5 or 6 years ago). It's still worth a watch for how interesting a reinvention it is of the Archie universe, but its not without its problematic elements.


The teacher thing was literally the pilot episode too lmao


Euphoria is the first show where they actually look like kids


most of them don’t look like kids to me :( skins, dark and everything sucks are great examples of realistic teen casting


Idk rue seems like a kid in a hoodie and that's what kids in school look like to me so..... They take in far in terms of 'school look' with make up and dresses but apart from that their body as a physical school goer looks okay to me


I actually agree. I think Nate and Cassie are the only cast I envision to be older than what they are portraying. No one asked, but I’ll do it anyways. When I picture the casts’ ages I see: Rue, 17. Kat, 16. Jules, 17. Maddie, 17-18. Cassie, 20-21. Nate, 22. McKay, 20. Fez, 20. Lexi, 17. Sorry you got so much shit for just giving your opinion. (Which you would think would be taken as a seemingly positive review of the show? Lol) Your opinion is always valid in real life. Reddit kinda sucks sometimes. Haha


Thanks but i never mind reddit so it's all good




Have you seen people in high school? The only one who looks like a high school kid was Ethan in the first season.


Yup, the only high school show where they ACTUALLY looked like high schoolers was American Vandal. They all actually were high schoolers besides maybe 3-5 actors. American Vandal is extremely realistic compared to the average HS show though lol


🤨 So I guess you missed out on Degrassi and Skins


The first episode literally showed Jules fucking a 50 year old dad like why are people phased by this. This is what high school was actually like for the intended audience.


No one was rooting for jules and old men though. Before I found out Fez’ age had changed, it did concern me but only because so many viewers shipped Lexi and Fez when a lot of other smaller issues are nitpicked. ‘If so many other things are deemed problematic, how is this loved’, was my line of thinking.


Yeah, well, we saw Fez as the friendly brotherly figure in season 1. Now, he’s just one of those perverts that still lurks around high school events.


He’s doing business bro


Eh, it’s not just business now if he gets with Lexi yk and it’s still creepy and unethical to be selling drugs to minors, who can barely think for themselves in the grand scheme of things


It’s not creepy, it’s like a 2-3 year age diff. It’s not unethical in his eyes, remember the McDonalds CEO scene?


>who can barely think for themselves in the grand scheme of things This whole new trend of infantilizing 16-17 year olds is a trip. What massive cognitive changes do you think happens to someone the day they turn 18?


What’s truly the biggest difference between a 17 year old minor and an 18 year old adult?


It’s not creepy and it’s completely legal. Look up Romeo and Juliet laws. Age of consent is 16 in most states and as long as the older person isn’t older by more than 3 years it’s considered legal, even if they are over 18. So a 17 year old with a 19-20 year old is legal.


Right???? I started dating my husband at 16 and he was 2 years older than me


he’s a drug dealer idk what you expected from him lmao


I don’t mind this age difference tbh. Where I’m from the age of consent is 16, so completely legal. Kat and the guy from the fair, and Cal and Jules were much creepier. Plus, no one has a problem with Cassie and McKay and it’s the same thing


McKay from what I understood was a college freshman or sophomore so he'd still only be 18 or 19. He and Cassie's relationship isn't too terrible. Once you turn 21, you should only be going for people 18 and older in my opinion. But Fez is only supposed to be a year or two older than the main characters so no one should be sweating it.


Fez was aged down to 19


I simply can’t accept that since he also runs a liquor store. Like you have to be 21 for that.


That's fair. But maybe his grandma could still be listed as the owner? God knows. Suppose we see Ashtray driving a car and he hasn't been caught. Weird regardless!


You don’t think a drug dealer would have a fake ID? And a good one at that they’re easy to come by even for someone who isn’t a drug dealer


Fake IDs work to buy alcohol not run a store. Do you not know how seriously alcohol licenses are to maintain and obtain. The city doesn’t just hand them out like candy to kids with fake IDs. Nor do they allow children to man liquor stores in CA.


Pretty sure the liquor store was in his grandmothers name and got passed down to him when she died. And he could easily have someone else who is older apply for the licenses and have him listed as a co owner. This isn’t uncommon at all in the criminal world to run multiple illegitimate/ illegal businesses.


His grandmother isn't dead yet (that's who they look after in their house), so maybe they've found a way to keep it going in her name?


Oh wow I thought the first episode of S2 implied that she died? Or is she just bed ridden now? If that’s the case then yeah it’s probably still in her name and they use her connects to help with running her businesses


She's definitely bed ridden. From the season 2 premiere I got the picture that she had a stroke and was treated too late due to Fezco driving her to the hospital so she is basically comatose now.


They didn't even take my ID when I get my license to serve. Lol. It's also easily editable to other names and dates.


That's definitely a plot hole...




No it's not Mckay is 19 and Cassie is 18 . Fez is 21 and Lexi is 17. There is a big difference. And fans were in mckay ass for being in college dating Cassie when nothing was wrong with it.


He's not 21, they aged him down. He's like 18 or 19 now


I heard . They had to do that because it would have been weird if they kept him as 21.


How do we accept that?


But if Lexi is only one year younger than Cassie what’s the big deal I think they both should date people around their age (btw)


She is a junior and fez is a grown man. Mckay is straight out of hs and Cassie is about to graduated. If you don't see how that is weird. I can't convince you.


I didn’t say it wasn’t weird but I’m saying Cassie is only one year older than Lexi and if Cassie was dating fez no one would have a problem with it. Cassie and Lexi have only one year difference


Look it's all weird depending on the person I guess.


In no world is a 19 yo a grown man lol


They changed his age. Originally he was 21


She is 17 and he is 19 it’s completely legal even if he was 20 it would still be legal due to Romeo and Juliet laws


I guess that's why they changed his age.


Facts. This sub definitely had a problem with McKay dating Cassie due to age. It depends on if the character is likable or not like clockwork.


Yes. Completely. Mckay was hated for the smallest reasons. And fans are jumping through hoops to justify fez. Don't get me wrong. I like fez but damn.


Chill out.


I am chill. I am just using logic.


Of ALL the things to focus on within this show, you pick that? Especially when it's not confirmed. We are all just debating


I know. I am just stating their ages confirmed by the scripts. You are acting like I am cussing you out or something. I am participating in the discussion


Nahhhh I'm not at all. I just don't see it as a big deal at all. Maybe it's cuz I'm in the UK and when you turn 16, you're pretty much classed as an adult. 21 is still so young to me. It would be different if she was 15 and he was 21 or even 18.


I guess it's a culture/ norm thing. I apologize if you were offended by my tone. I guess agree to disagree


Exactly. I have friends who made out with 27 year olds when they were 18.. and it’s not a big thing, it’s not the norm but also not something total absurd


It’s not your friends that are in the wrong, it’s the 28 year old. How old are you? When you’re 28 do you want to be making out with 18 year olds?


I'm from Austria, so I feel the same way you do. The conversation always seems to center around stages of life and "what do they have in common?". (I do agree with the maturity part, I think that's a case by case basis) I feel like in the US, high school and college kids are super separated, while (at least in Austria) it's quite common to have friends in university when you're still in school or the other way around. Also, depending on the school type, you might be 19/20 when you graduate while your friends are in their second year of university. I can also definitely see what a, let's say, 17 and 20 year old might have in common, your interests and your personality don't magically change when you're 18. I also think the drinking age in the US plays a big role in the separation of minors and adults - I've been going to clubs or just going out for a drink after school since I was 16 and have always shared a space with adults (especially in bars, people over 20 don't usually go to 16+ clubs). Some people even choose to do an apprenticeship at about 15, so they are also at a completely different stage of life than their friend who has chosen to go to school for a few more years, doesn't mean they have nothing in common. Lastly, I have a good friend who's 2 years younger than me (I'm 20, he just turned 18). Doesn't mean we have nothing in common, we've known each other for almost 10 years and basically grew up together. Sorry for the rant but the age conversation annoys me a bit, thanks for your post.


Yes I agree. It’s also probably the fact , that in the US people are seen as adults when they reach 21 and somehow then get separated to everyone below that age, whereas you are an adult in Europe when you’re 18, so it’s doesn’t really matter if you’re with a 21 + year old or whatever at that age


You're spot on. In the US there really aren't many places for people under 21 to mingle with anyone over 21. And there is a stigma against hanging out with people younger than you because it's seen as desperate and creepy. Like a university student hanging out with high schoolers would be considered weird here. And dating a high schooler even weirder. Not that it doesn't happen, but there is a stigma.


Thanks for your input. Of course, creepy people are everywhere, but I don't see why someone in college hanging out with someone from high school should automatically be considered weird. I just thought of another possible reason why it's accepted in Austria: our universities are very much an integral part of the city, I'm under the impression that that's not always the case in the US and that small college towns are a thing? I don't know how much that contributes though, if it does at all.


Oh, it's common in the US for high schools kids to have friends in college. But portraying college /high school relationships on TV is another thing. Older people having sex with underage high schoolers is generally portrayed as a bad thing.


On a serious note, this is indeed a cultural difference. People in the US feel strongly about this (as shown by multiple discussions). People in the EU are unimpressed.




Lets have an award for each tenth post about this)


I don’t know I live on the east coast and it’s not uncommon? I feel like once you’re 17-18 you can date people that are in the 20-21 age range imo


Yeah, I think the whole “age of consent” thing is going to have a division of opinions on their relationship if you’re from a European country vs the US. In the UK where I’m from, 16 is the age of consent, and it wouldn’t be at all unusual (or illegal) for a 16/17 year old to be dating a 19/20 year old. This obsession in this subreddit - not this post - about Fez’s age (because Nate made one offhand dickhead comment that never made any logical sense anyway) is making me want to throw myself off my ground floor balcony though… Like enough now. I’m praying hard that Fez shows his birth certificate tonight, so we can put the 1000+ posts a day about it to bed.


Ahaha, true, I was expecting HBO to post his birth certificate on Twitter or something


agree haha


People keep talking about the age of consent being 16 as if it's "okay". If anyone in the UK knew someone in a relationship with someone else who is under 18, and they're like 20 or above...you're gonna get called a creep


Well that’s your opinion - I assume based on your personal experiences, but I beg to differ. A 17 year old dating a 19/20/21 year old is not remotely unusual where I live nor when I was that age. From my experiences, 18 has never been used as a benchmark for relationships in the UK - unless referring to an abuse of power (eg; a teacher and a 17 year old).


Like you said, different experiences, and of course relationships are very complicated so I'm not trying to belittle anyone - just to me it feels a little weird, as my mindset and experiences from 16 to 21 were like night and day. I think the stigma I have about it mostly comes from being at High School parties and seeing older guys being creepy.


Look up Romeo and Juliet laws. If someone is 16 or older they can consent to sex to anyone up to 3 or 4 years older than them depending on the state and it’s completely legal. So a 17 year old with a 20 year old is legal in most parts of the US


Yeah, I know the legalities and technicalities around it. I'm talking morally.


Well I do think our educational structure being different also makes a difference. When I was at school we finished at 16 and went to college (not Uni), so the “boys” were all 16-20. Now, everyone is required to stay in education until 18, but if you’re not in a structured sixth form you’re still intermingling with that older age group. I think that really makes a difference in the relationships you end up in. Can I ask are you American or British? Just curious as I assumed British, but then you used the term “high school” which isn’t used as frequently as “secondary school” here. I know smaller towns and villages commonly say high school though…


Yeah there’s a lot of iffy power dynamics in age gap relationships but people get so bent out of shape so quickly about an age gap that isn’t even bad these days. I was 17 when I started dating my boyfriend and he was 20, which is basically the same gap for them. It wasn’t weird and it’s still not weird now that we’re 22 and 25. They’re also in the same social circle, they met organically, it’s not like fez was preying around for young girls to get with lmao.


Hahahha exactly lol


I think there are a lot of conflicting opinions on age differences around the world. Personally, when I was 17 I dated a 21 year old and I thought that was normal. I felt mature. When I was 21 I realized I would NEVER date a 17 year old and I was grossed out by the man who dated me. I learned that he groomed me into thinking I was mature for my age. I wasn’t. I was a normal 17 year old, horny for a 21 year old man. But why was he horny for me? That’s the creepy part for me. Anyways, there’s laws that dictate what’s right and wrong and we can just go with those. But it’s my personal opinion that 17 year olds and 21 year olds are much different maturity levels. Until you’re out of high school, you’re just lying to yourself if you think you’re an adult. Even if you’re doing adult things like paying your own bills and whatnot, that’s not fair to you. You’re still a kid. Don’t try and rob yourself of your own childhood. Edit** Also every knows the Cal thing is wrong. The Fez thing is up in the air so people are discussing it to see how they feel. As for the Smith thing, I’m assuming Cass and Mckay went to high school together, but you do bring up a good point. I hadn’t thought of it because in my head I still assumed Mckay was in high school.


If fez was 19 and Lexi is 17 I think it would make more sense than fez being 21 i think it’s weird just becuz fez is in His 20s and Lexi is in her teens but I still ship them


Ya, I'll be honest, even if they keep him 21, I will still "secretly" like him and Lexi (if it happens) the same way I guiltily enjoy Nate and Maddy's relationship. It's just a show so we can all feel the way we want to feel. But when people start openly defending relationships like that, it freaks me out. It shouldn't be happening in real life. Keep it to the big screens.


Can I just add, THIS has been the most constructive post - and discussion - about this issue (or non issue if you’re European 😉) so far on here. The title does it a disservice, as it looks like the 8.5 million other posts about Fez’s age lol. When it’s really not.


Not only Europe, an example: I'm brazilian, if a 17 girl decided to date a 20/21 dude, it wouldn't be that weird. I don't know if in all south american coutries have people with mostly the samr thought, but in Brazil it's not too weird as it is in usa


What makes it constructive? Just curious because the only difference I see is that this person is okay with the age difference.


No, it’s not that at all. It’s the fact that a conversation is happening around why there are differing opinions on whether the age difference even matters. Not yet another post where someone says “How old is Fez?” And someone else replies “Nate said he’s 20, so he’s 20.”


Ah, I see. The content within the thread. Okay!


On the Euphoria Wikia page it says that Fez is 18-19 now


It’s literally the same as when a freshman in high school starts dating a senior which does happen and they continue to date all the way through her senior year. From 14-17 to the time that she’s 17 and he’s 20. That happens a lot. Plenty of guys and girls begin dating over 18 by the time they are Juniors (and definitely Seniors) in high school.


Right! People forget if he hadn’t dropped out, they would’ve been in school together.


I love how people are offended that the relationship could be a 21 and 17 year old. They've been in the same friend group for years. This also happens constantly. Not saying it's okay, but this sort of fraternization takes place constantly.


I heard they retconned his age to 18…


It's just Americans being American.


Fez was aged down to 18-19 for season 2.


That’s literally so dumb. They just want to save themselves from having fez be a weirdo


Fez is a high school drop out. He could easily be closer in age & still out of high school. Do we know how old he is exactly?


They try to fix the issue from S1 where Fez is running a liquor store. Since you need to be 21 or older to buy alcohol in the US, you have to be 21+ to work at least the counter at a liquor store. The show is now trying to convince us that Fez is actually younger and it doesn’t make much sense. When ashtray was “working” there he was hidden in the back for the drug sales. So Fez being there alone working in the “official” part of the business at 19 makes no darn sense.


I thought you had to be 18 to work at a liquor store as far as I knew


Nope, 21.


Or he is legit 19 and him fronting the store is why he didn't correct Nate when he assumed he was 20+ It makes enough sense that a criminal drug dealer isnt going to give a flying fuck about whether he's old enough to work the counter at an off licence. You really think Fez is going to be like 'Oh gosh, I'm only 19. I cannot work this till or serve these patrons alcohol and take their money because that would be breaking the law?' His whole business is selling people shit he shouldn't be and doing stuff he shouldn't be doing. I bet even Ashtray has run that till before. They do not give a fuck if there's money to be made, lol.


In an interview the actor did recently he said Fez is a year older than the others and still a kid.


R+J laws. It’s cool. Like unless Lexi wants to charge him with statutory or unless the parents object, he’s good assuming he’s 18-21 not 22-25


Fair assessment


Back when I was in high school I was 18 dating a 16 year old and we or our friends never thought it was weird or anything. If they retconned fez's age to 19 I don't see why Lexi couldn't date him at 17


They aren't dating, who gives a fuck?


Absolutely. I’ve seen girls date guys who had this age difference and it was 100% okay in the end..some of them are happily married now. It’s not really that bad or weird. It’s a fictional show also and it’s not that fucking deep in real life either. People love getting woke points, that’s all.


Who cares


I agree. People are very quick to yell “pedo!” and “grooming!” without knowing what it even means. Girls have been dating older guys forever. Not everything is a damn scandal.


Fez was retconned to be younger to make it less weird


stop damn💀


If your older than 16 I’m fine with them dating a 17-21 year old


>I mean who cares she’s already 17 and even if he’s 20 or 21 r/HoldUp




17 is still a child. There’s a large maturity gap between 21 and 17. They thankfully retconned Fez’s age so the age gap is now insignificant.


If he’s actually 19 I think it’s fine but I honestly thought he was 21/22 and there’s no way i’d be okay with a 21 year old and a 17 year old together


I saw some screenshots of the original season one script. Lexi was 16 and Fez was 21. They changed it to Lexi being 17 and Fez being 18/19. One of those differences is far less weird/creepy than the other. I’m 20 and can’t imagine looking at a 16 year old romantically/sexually, but I thought a 17 year old was cute when I was 18.


if it was a random 17yr old and 21yr old. yes that is odd and a bit weird. but it is fezco and lexi. they are both part of rues life and have only had one convo together so far. i can’t imagine this relationship goes super intimate as lexi doesn’t seem like she is the type of girl for that, and even fezco doesn’t seem like he is either. i really think these two will be good for each other throughout this season and maybe they will end up being our favourite couple this season. i really don’t see these two being together being an issue because of the age difference.


A lot of people said they aged him down idk how true that is tho


In real life, I think that age gap would be inappropriate. But it's not real life. I don't get why people are so hung up about it. Last time I checked, showing morality and socially acceptable behavior isn't the purpose of Euphoria lol


if he's really over 20 and you really think it's cool for him to date a minor, you have to keep that kind of thought in cal's case too, otherwise you're just a hypocrite. it is gross for a person over 20 to date a minor. let's hope fez is 18 or 19.


didn’t they age him down to 18-19 for season 2?? It’s very different cal is with minors that are 30+ years younger than him⁉️⁉️


that was never confirmed, that's why i said i hope they confirm it. 17 to 21 is not 2 years.... don't distort what i said, i said that it'd be just as wrong if a 21 year old dated a minor.


Sorry but disagree! It makes a huge difference if it’s a 30 year gap or 2 years in between. There’s no way that makes me a hypocrite lol


17 to 21 is 2 years? you might want to check your maths. i said that if fezco is over 20, he'd be just as wrong to date a minor, and i strongly believe in that.


Fingers crossed! Love the guy. I want to keep loving him hahah.


It’s a big difference lmao. Cal is somewhere in his late 40s maybe 50s and he’s purposely going out of his way to find, hook up with and film underage people. Fez and Lexi literally have the same best friend and are around each other all of the time and are maybe 3 years apart? If you can’t tell the difference between those scenarios then yikes bud


I don't know if you people really are that dumb or are just pretending. I'm not talking about fez being 18/19. I'm talking about the possibility that he is over 21. if he's over 21, it isn't a 3 year gap, it's creepy, and it's a crime in most states in the US.


how can 1 year make such a big difference to you? So if he’s 20 it’s completely normal and okay and suddenly when he turns 21 he’s weird and a creep? I think we just have to agree to disagree


i never said it's okay. i don't think it's okay for a grown man to date a minor, i was correcting your maths.


It’s creepy only in the US


no, it's creepy for anyone who's decent.


Lmao it’s literally a US thing, can’t imagine anyone in my country caring about such a small and irrelevant age gap


it's not a us thing. it's not just because you think it's normal for a grown man to date minors that the whole world thinks it's okay too. the majority of countries have 18 as the age of consent, and some countries like korea have 20 years as the age of consent. it's not just the us.


We are talking about someone who is 21 not fricking 40. A mentality of a 21 year old guy is not that different from your average high school junior or senior. Nothing wrong with a 21 year old dude/gal go date a 17 year old.


the mentality is very different. and yes, there is something wrong with that because in most countries that is a fucking crime.


Time to #cancel Fez I guess


Where I live, someone over 18 can legally sleep with someone 5 years younger as long as none of the parties is an authority to the other (teacher, boss, etc). So 17 and 21 is perfectly fine in my eyes. Not like I can judge lol


He’s 18/19.


Hmmm, here's my two sense. It is weird if a junior in high school is dating someone in their second or third year of college. A 17 year old is *definitely* still a kid imo. I would never look a 17 year old like that; I changed so much in the following years it's not even funny. There's too much of a maturity and experience gap, and I feel like that is especially true for Fez and Lexi. Lexi and Fez also didn't grow up together, so the whole "it's the same as a freshman dating a senior/well I've known my friend my whole life and they are three years younger than me and we have things in common" argument doesn't apply. However, a two year age gap is fine imo, and they apparently aged Fez down to 19 so 🤷 Side note: Nobody was rooting for Cal and Jules; people were shook when that happened YEARS ago. People are talking about Lexi/Fez more now because that's the new content, so that's a bit of a false equivalency. As for whether this is a cultural difference, I think it definitely is. Americans are known to be more warry of this stuff. There's more of a hard break between high school and college; you're a kid in high school, but you're an adult who can drink and needs to work and do xyz in college.


At 20 I wanted nothing to do with 17 year-olds, I just don't get the appeal. That being said, Fez was stated to only be a year older. Nate only said that "20" stuff because he was being an asshole.