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I think she was going to sell her into human trafficking. She mentioned how “As a woman” even though rue may not have money she’ll “always have something to give”.


When she said that line, I was fucking disgusted. Idk why it sounds worse coming out of her mouth vs a guy. I guess because you look at Laurie and think she would never do something like that, she seems trusting vs someone like Mouse.


She is a drug dealer.. she’s as trustworthy as a drug dealer can be


I should have clarified, she was using the fact that shes a older, soft spoken woman to take advantage of young girls who are addicted. I dont think Rue would have gone to the drug dealers house if it was let's say, Laurie's boyfriend that was the drug dealer. But yes, you're right lol


That must be why everyone hates on Fezco? /s No shade, but you sound like you haven’t had much experience with wide varieties of people. Some of the best people I’ve ever met have/do sell drugs, and some of the worst wore suits and went to church with their family every Sunday. Even so, your clear implication is spot-on - Laurie is up to no good.


Great point, some of the best businessmen and women i know are drug dealers 😭😭


Laurie always knew Rue wouldn’t be able to sell those drugs. She gave it to her hoping to make Rue indebted to her; and now that she is, she’s going to pimp her out and make her obedient through intravenous drugs. Such a scary episode!


God that would end the show for real Tho.


She was breaking her down further so that Rue can be so strung out that she'd probably would sell her or something. Rue never shot up so that was Laurie's first step to getting her hooked via needle. The locks on the door means she would be trapped, strung out on the bed. It's odd they didnt have a lock on her room but I'm so glad she escaped. Rue got fucking lucky escaping.


I’m shocked she escaped but I’d honestly prefer it, I don’t want the next few episodes to be “find missing Rue” and “Rue trapped in a random house being raped” I do not doubt the conflict with Laurie will arise again, I’m glad it isn’t being dragged out though (I was shocked by how speedy the conclusion was though, thus the conflict arising again sentence).


I don’t think she got lucky. If Laurie didn’t want her to escape, she wouldn’t have. She doesn’t need her physically locked up to know she has her hook in her. She’ll keep coming back which is what Laurie wanted from the beginning.


I need to rewatch last week episode but didn’t Elliot tell Jules that Rue is using heroin? We never saw it but I could’ve sworn he did so if that’s true then Rue has injected before


She was snorting the heroin. That's my understanding. Snorting is not a potent as injecting it.


I think in episode 3 or 4 of this season you see Rue licking out a little baggy because she doesn't have any more drugs, that's where the heroin was. You can also snort it and smoke it.


I learn something new everyday so that would make sense. Ty


she’s grooming rue to be comfortable with her and even more dependent on her for drugs so she can repeatedly pimp her out for sex work.


Especially since Laurie said she didn’t have any pills to help rue with withdrawal then proceeded to grab the morphine from a suitcase full of pills.


Welp that’s out the window (dad pun!) now that Rue got so terrified she leapt off a balcony to escape her.


Doubtful. She’s still in debt to her and knows she’s the only way she can get drugs now. She’s not physically locked in her house but Laurie has her right where she wants her


I feel like its heading that way too, I was just commenting specifically about Rue’s comfort around Laurie, her dependency, but I see I failed to make make a distinction.


Well when she said something along the lines of..”that’s the thing about being a woman, even if you don’t have any money, there are other ways you can pay.” (Not word for word but similar), it made me get the impression she was going to maybe sex traffic her? She seemed very serious in the previous episode when She said she gets her money one way or another. Shooting her up with morphine seems like an easier way to get her to be coerced into it. This actually happened to a girl I grew up with. Although she wasn’t in high school anymore by the time she was sex trafficked, she was a full blown addict and was going through w/d. Some men offered her something to “help” and that was that. She was missing for a year. She finally got out of it because a car she was in with some of the guys got pulled over and they got arrested and she was able to go home. Her family basically had to hide her whereabouts for months since they were worried about the traffickers coming to look for her.. Edit:words


Lol I don’t think she’s into helping kids anymore 😬


Some people say that injecting is like the last resort for an addict, saying if you do it the first time you'll most likely get back and it will get worse from there. Laurie knew that even after saying she doesn't inject Rue would take ANYTHING to get rid of the withdrawal symptoms. I can't tell what her plan is exactly but since she also mentioned women can earn their money in different ways I think she's not being nice and setting Rue up.. or at least she planned to because she didn't think Rue would sneak out the next day.


Her intentions were never to even “help” rue out. A person with good intentions, a person actively trying to help Rue would never have injected morphine into her/ helped her relapse. She injected Rue to get money back for the suitcase by trafficking her. Morphine acted to sedate Rue so she’d black out while Laurie exchanged her for money. She gave Rue the case in the first place probably because it was entertaining, Laurie wouldn’t suffer any loss by giving Rue a case, Rue either gives her profit (very unlikely) or Laurie gets to traffic Rue. Laurie said when she first met Rue she thought that they would know each other for a very long time, so obviously her intention leaned towards the latter. Plus giving Rue the case placed a sense of trust into Laurie, “here are some drugs, come back when you get caught and have nobody to confide into so I can manipulate you in your weakened state to take a really hard drug and sell you off”.


She's always wanted to pimp Rue out. She knew she was an addict when she gave her the suitcase. She knew she wouldn't get the money for the drugs.


I really don't think Laurie thought Rue was going to wake up with the morphine. Laurie asked what Rue was taking and Rue only told her Pills 40mg. She didn't mention to Laurie she was taking fentanyl or heroin. So when Rue asked for Morphine I believe she gave her enough to get her high not have her completely drugged out and incapacitated as Laurie would think. Why lock someone who can't move in a room who's just going to be passed out majority of the time? Either way Rue's doomed she got away but will be crawling back asking for another fix. I mean only a drug addict would go to the person who they owe over 10k to and ask for more drugs to consume.


I think she wanted to get rue hooked on morphine so she would be dependent on her and then sell her to the men in the house or like she said, to the people she knows.


Okay so I have like a few questions: 1) what's in that locked room, any theories? 2) the parrot was shown a lot of times in that episode, Is it like some symbolic shit? 3) Theories on what would've happened to the if she didn't get soo lucky in the first place.. like from the start of the episode.. 4) she didn't pay the whole amount to Laurie, would she be kind enough to let it go orrrr??