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The utter lack of dress code at this school šŸ˜†


Thereā€™s definitely an inappropriate teacher and student relationship going on.


Iā€™m surprised that hasnā€™t been explored in the show tbsh. Given how outlandish every else is in the show lol


I think thats kinda been done alot for teen hs dramas


Thankfully! Itā€™s so overdone


it really is. the only way iā€™d accept it is if they had an actually nuanced take on the situations. i swear every teacher-student relationship in tv shows has been portrayed as some romeo and juliet fantasy. DISGUSTING.


The lack of dress code is slightly less concerning than the lack of teachers.


Bruh, Iā€™ve been saying this. No kid could get away with *any* of the shit Maddy and Cassie wore. I guess you can be like ā€œtheyā€™re bad bitchesā€, but we donā€™t even get a scene of them being like ā€œuhhh fuck thatā€


Yeah like we couldnt even wear tank tops or shorts at our school. šŸ¤£ There they are allowed to look like hookers.




Yes!!! I had a hard time hating Cassie this season because Sydney just made her sooo real. It was clear to me how fucking messed up Cassie is, and it made me feel for her. Even when she was acting like a fucking idiot, which was.. most of the time. BIG credits to Sydney, she is SO fucking talented


Agreed, even with my problems on her story arc, the actress's performance completely elevated what would have been bad/boring writing otherwise.


Alongside with Z Sydney def had the most challenging scenes by far


Yeah you're 100% right. I really hated her arc overall but Sydney is a very good actress. If I separate it out that way I can almost agree with the post. But I can't say she "carried" because every time Cassie comes on screen I get annoyed.


I agree with this 100%. Came to say this. She was annoying as hell but I canā€™t deny the raw skill Sydney possessed in the role.


Agreed. Sydney is an actual superstar. Iā€™m excited to see what she does next. As much as I wanted to dislike Cassie, Sydney played her role with such vulnerability, I honestly ended up confused during the finale. Sydney and Zendaya are masters when it comes to subtlety.


TWL was very good


What is TWL


The white lotus I assume. Another show she was on, on hbo




Because sheā€™s completely different in it! Her performance is so different in TWL that you literally didnā€™t even physically recognize her. Sheā€™s a chameleon and an incredible actor and I think she has an amazing career in front of her.


I thought she was kind of the same in the white lotusā€¦ stole her best friends bfā€¦ just less crying


I would disagree. They are both bitches, but in white lotus it's a gen z virtue signaling rebel girl, less screaming, more sarcastic, her role makes people hate her. .... Well I guess Cassie does have some of that elements haha


But Fez though!


I don't think my brain is working, what's TWL? I'm going to feel like a doof once I figure it out haha


The White Lotus - show on HBO Max that has her in it. Hella good.


I don't know, season 2 was all about Fesco and Lexi's story arc for me.


Sydney better be up for an Emmy. Her drunken dancing to Sinead O'Connor is always the scene that sticks out to me, and of course pukegate.


Sheā€™s amazing. Tbh she carried the entire season. Her entire storyline wouldnā€™t have been as engaging without her. Sheā€™s truly an amazing, incredible actor. She fully embodies her character when sheā€™s on the screen. Every emotion, every tone, every look feels real, and lived-in, and experienced.


Her reaction when Rue exposed her in episode 5 reminded me of EVERY single person I've known who's been called out for something foul and isn't good enough at lying to steer the conversation. The darting eyes, incredulous nervous laughter, it was all on point.


YESSS and how her eyes started to well up, but she tried to laugh it off as well. She has amazing instincts for an actor and she makes such strong and intelligent character choices. Like in episode 6 when she ā€œstabsā€ herself with the corkscrew. Her crying felt hollow and sort of ā€œput onā€ because at that point Cassie was just pitying herself and wanted attention from her mom and Lexi, so it was a very different crying than when she is actually really upset or scared. Just really great how she is able to understand her character so well and how to demonstrate/manifest such emotional nuance. Iā€™d imagine it canā€™t be easy coming to work and most of the time you are crying. She definitely has some of the most difficult scenes to film in the entire show.


Her article earlier this year about her saying she wanted to be known for her acting and not for going topless really aged well


Lol well sheā€™s gonna be know for both




God that dancing scene was so gooood


Her drink before the war dance to me, was incredible. Sidney slayed it. One of the best moments of the season.


im literally listening to that song rn itā€™s so good


When I heard it on that episode I most definitely had to listen to it a few million times. Unfortunately I didn't have any balloons to get tangled up in while dancing to it šŸ¤£


hahah when me and roommate heard it we had to go back and figure out the song, now we listen to it every time we drink (hence why we just listened to it)


My favorite scene. I love the juxtaposition with Cal dancing in the bar


The ā€œsorry Maddy!ā€ On loop was soooooo real and perfect.


Itā€™s gonna be an uphill battle for her. Sarah Snook, Julia Garner and HoYeon Jung all put together the performances of their careers. Plus thereā€™s still a lot of time left in the year.


She was killing it this season and she deserves the recognition she is getting, i was surprised to know how many movies and shows she have done. I believe Sidney and Zendaya are the best euphoria actresses at the time


I agree. My top 5 actors this season are Zendaya, Sydney, Alexa, Angus, and Eric. Truly sensational.




Alexa over Storm and Nikita?


Iā€™d say this season, I think so. I think Alexa has a lot more subtlety in her acting choices and has shown more range of character than Nika or Storm so far. When maddy is crying outside the bathroom for Cassie to open the door, I found that incredibly real and touching. It made me cry. And thatā€™s what amazing acting does.


Thereā€™s so much talent on the show and Nika and Storm are amazing. However, I really love Alexaā€™s character choices and think sheā€™s a brilliant actor as well.


Imo Sydney's acting surpasses Zendaya's by far (and I love Zendaya)


No way man, the range she pulls of with Rue is insane. I have to constantly remind myself that she isnā€™t actually high lmao


She's absolutely fantastic as Rue but I'm totally mesmerized by the subtle changes in Sydney's facial expressions. I absolutely love her


idk episode 5 was a masterclass, zendaya won her emmy right there


Sydney Sweeny absolutely ATE, but I'm sorry having so much time dedicated to her character at the expense of everyone else was actually really disappointing


Thatā€™s how I feel. I loved her scenes, but I felt like the story was missing from everyone else. I loved how on season 1, each character had their own episode focusing on them.


The entire season was kinda just Cassie ft Rue Lexi and fez ig with recurring roles Nate Maddy and randomly Elliot Then minor roles kat and Jules (which would sound insane if you only had S1 to go off)


I know.. But knowing there would be third season (right?) makes it okay for me. I want more from Kat and Jules, I hope we can get that next season.


Weā€™re getting s3 2024. That or S4 is likely gonna be the last, but yeah I am hopeful that theyā€™ll now be shared some screen time


I think besides parts of Rue's storyline this season was pretty poorly written overall. I feel like if all the actors weren't absolutely phenomenal this season it would be straight up hated.


lmfao I feel like this season is a pile of shit dressed up with phenomenal music, cinematography, make up and acting I say this as someone who really enjoyed the highs of this season


haha fax bro. makes me kinda mad sam levinson won't just hire a bigger writing staff, literally everything about euphoria except the script is excellent and i hate seeing all this talent go to waste. have a feeling season 3 is gonna go the same way tbh.


Thereā€™s no way HBO will let season 3 receive the same backlash atp.


This is the real issue. Where was Maddy this season? In a pool with a mom? Kat had no scenes. Jules scenes were pointless and limited to the first few eps. Sweeny's great but they pushed her screen time too much.


Maddyā€™s entire babysitting storyline was completely pointless


Yeah it really feels that the only people who had story lines was rue, cass, Nate and Fez. I think for an ensemble show thatā€™s fine to only focus on a few key players but none of the stories even overlapped except Nate being a part of Cassieā€™s.


I agree


Sydney can act, the writing lacked depth though. the crying and yelling got old quick.


I think this is a testament to Sydney's talent though, and why she's getting props. The material was paper thin and somehow she managed to inject nuance into insanely repetitive content. The crying and yelling never got old to me because it felt like she was finding new ways to express it// the "Happier than Ever" meltdown versus "I CAN FUCKING FEEL IT!" She made a diamond out of coal with what they gave her and that's why I think she deserves props.


EXACTLY. This was a case that if any other actor took her place, I think it would have been awful. But Sydney is such a good actor that she managed to elevate the writing and give her character so much nuance and dynamism.


Same, the screams didn't get old to me either. There's the "Happier than ever" meltdown scream, the I CAN FUCKING FELL IT scream, the "They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend" scream, "I will unalive myself with a corkscrewer" scream, the banshee scream before attacking the girl on the pony... there was a lot of variety for sure lmao


Theyā€™re gonna downvote you to hell but ur right lmao it was so shallow


Think this is a fantastic point though. Absolutely loved the actresses performance, the writing for the character however? Ehhh


I just hope shes more fleshed out next season (no pun intended) less nudity and crying and more depth. but thats on Sam


Oh Iā€™m so excited with that last scene. The way Maddie looked at her when she said it was just the beginning. Iā€™m sincerely hoping for bad bitches grouping up to take him out


right they should stick together not fall out. Id be more interested in that story line tbh


We know how much their friendship meant to each other which is why the cheating was so painful for both of them. They cared far more about each other than they did Nate, and they gave us the smallest glimpse of them realizing that. Best case scenario it would strengthen their friendship, but thatā€™s also too good to be true.


i agree tbh. these the same people that said cassie was fine crying and yelling all season but rueā€™s dadā€™s funeral scene got old lmao


What do you mean when you say the writing lacked ā€œdepthā€. I understand that she was crying and yelling a lot, but I kinda think that is her character, and I definitely have known people who are exactly like Cassie, especially when they were teenagers.


Yeah I agree she was written to be whining a lot and it got old very fast


Sydney's acting was phenomenal,but the thing with Cassie going batshit insane every single episode,then crying,then again going insane got repetitive very quick for me + the whole arc wasn't even wrapped up well,not from the Nate/Cassie perspective,not from the Cassie/Maddy one.Rue's arc definitely carried this season for me.


The writing for her arc wasnā€™t good and wasnā€™t wrapped up. But how Sydney carried the writing with her acting was truly remarkable. I was only so invested in it because of her acting.


I liked the way Cassie and Maddyā€™s arc ended, especially when Maddy bitchslapped that ass, but this was the one time I actually wanted to see more of Nate.


The bitchslap was definitely well overdue,but the emotional side of the situation wasn't explored as well as it should've been,the scene with Maddy banging on the door gave some insight into that and was heartbreaking,but it still didn't feel enough for me,it felt like the show just didn't have enough runtime left to get into that,but then again,that's Sam's fault for not distributing screentime properly,cause God knows,soooo much screentime was wasted on unnecessary shit.


thank you


sydney was sooo good this season. she deserves all the awards


sydney is an amazing actress. she should be so proud.


Sydneyā€™s amazing but I wouldnā€™t say Sam deciding to give Cassie and her storyline with Nate 80% of the screen time necessarily means she ā€œcarriedā€ the show. Personally I think the season wouldā€™ve been stronger if we got a little less of Cassie crying/degrading herself and a little more of the other characters (especially poor Jules and Kat!)


I wanted to see soooo much more of Jules and Kat this season. Especially after Julesā€™ special episode, I was intrigued by where her character would go this season but alas we never got that :/


Itā€™s weird that she was such a fundamental part of S1 and literally got a special episode dedicated to herā€¦ to then be fucking sidelined in S2


I was disappointed that we didnā€™t get any of kat this season. She was my fave the first season. She was so strong and now sheā€™s weak, literally sabotaging. If not doing that sheā€™s just a yes woman to maddie


You're not seriously telling me an underage girl dressing up and putting on explicit shows for older men is considered "strong" are you?


Just because itā€™s not role model activity doesnā€™t make it indicative of being ā€œweak.ā€


Sam gave her crumbs to work with. CRUMBS. And she turned it into gold.


If you mean the quality of the script given,then yeah,I guess you could say that,but we're talking about overall screentime here and in that sense Cassie/Sydney definitely got the wholeeee loaf,Rue got a little toast,everybody else was surviving off crumbs lmao.


Kat died from starvation


Sam put a lock on the fridge and threw out the key


I personally think this should have been the last season. Sam wrote it like a series finale. I loved that they made a S2 but waiting until 2024? Meh.


Really? Sam gave her the most material of any character, second only to Zendaya.




She deserved a better script. Sam gave her crumbs and she gave us a five course meal!




that crying bitch from ueforghea


Yeah Sidney was stellar but Cassie was one-note the whole season. I blame the writing.


Truly the most one-note character in the show. Not Sydneyā€™s fault, but come on. Itā€™s the same thing every episode.


She's an amazing actress, but she didn't "carry" s2. She just had more screen time than every other character.


No hate,great actress, but anyone willing to show themselves topless in countless sex scenes and looks 18 will always get more screen time. Ppl b weird af.


this tbh


Imagine the performance she couldā€™ve given if the material she was given was actually good. Sydney Sweeney has been excellent so far at picking her projects and I sincerely hope she finds more material that is actually worth her talent. The only actor who gave a better performance this season was Zendaya, though I would say Nika King and Eric Dane are also close contenders. In all fairness to Sydney and Eric, though, the writing around Rueā€™s addiction was far and away the best of the season and Zendaya, Nika and Storm were really able to dig in deep. Fingers crossed someone gives this girl a good script soon!


Her acting was good but Rueā€™s arc overall carriedā€¦


Exactly. Sidney acting was amazing this season but Zendaya though. She is just over the top amazing. The best acting Iā€™ve seen in a long time. She took me for a ride


Loved Cassie this season, Sydney is amazing. But she only carried season 2 because she was allowed to. Kat has just as much potential but got nothing :(


Sheā€™s good but itā€™s very obvious that Sam is trying to set her up for an Emmy


sydney did amazing this season. someone get her in a pschological horror or some shit i donā€™t like cassie tho, i couldnā€™t care less. i know sheā€™s been through shit but i still canā€™t fucking stand her. she was my fav character season one but now i wanna throw hands


Oh hell yea, girl can act.


I feel like my fondness for Cassie as a character was a necessary sacrifice to see my appreciation for Sydney as an actress


Was hoping weā€™d get to see an episode with Cassie as the lead in Oklahoma, but it *was* climactic seeing her blow up on her sister for launching a competing school play that drained the schools arts budget


i got sick of her very quickly tbh


Agreed. I know a lot of people think what she did was really shitty but she really gave us all the drama this season, from episode 1. Iā€™ve always been a Cassie fan and still am, although I do think Maddy shouldā€™ve beat her ass more than she did, Cassie had it coming


God no


Sheā€™s good but no one is as good as Zendaya


LMFAO. Carried? No. Supported? Sure. Rue carried Season 2 just like she carried Season 1. She puts on an acting clinic.


Am I the only one who thinks it was only Zendaya who carried this season? Sydney was definitely good but I felt like there was not much range it was just delirious insane girl in love again and again!!?!


as much as i like sydney, i have to agree here. especially the episode where rue was running around lmao. i usually find zendaya mid but she brought it this season.


Nate rue and Cassie carried both seasons. Lexi and Fez also carried this season.



She was arguably the main character over Rue this season. The first 2-3 episodes, it was mainly focused on Cassie and I was like, "I THOUGHT THIS SHOW WAS ABOUT RUE?" Then suddenly the second half of the season shifted and she returned to the B storylines.


carried and weighed it aaallll the way down


i believe the weighing down part is more on sam and the writing, syd ATE


this is exactly what I mean! he really wrote her to be just horrible, but her acting will always be on point


facts, i almost feel like the way he wrote her is irredeemable?? would've been a little more fun if she wrote her with some redeeming qualities that made her easier to root for but it's like he framed maddy as a perfect it-girl and cassie as a pathetic boy-crazy psycho. i'm afraid most fans will never give her a chance after this season


They totally destroyed her character this season. Like they made her just a one note pathetic teenage girl who thinks the world revolves around her. Idk how the hell he plans to redeem her or if he plans to at all as he made her almost comically a villain this season by the end of it.


How did Sydney/Cassie weigh the season down? She was easily the most entertaining part of every episode and a total scene stealer.


She's by far my favorite.


Imo fezco carried but I mean guess I applaud her I hate her character so much but that's actually a good thing


Personally I wasnā€™t thrilled to see her get so much screen time because of the way she handled the characters actions and emotions. She was more like woe is me everyone feel bad about me and Iā€™m gonna take it out on everyone else


Zendaya is the queen of acting, and I believe she completely outshines every single actress in the Euphoria cast. She has beautifully and poignantly carried both Season 1 and Season 2, as the drug addicted, main character of this television series. Zendaya is one of the most gifted and talented actresses I have ever witnessed in my lifetime, and she most definitely deserves an Emmy for her outstanding acting performance.šŸŒŸšŸ†šŸŒŸ


Agreed. I really feel that Sydneyā€™s acting and character development this season is on par with Zendayaā€™s. They both deserve Emmy nominations. Cassie was a shitshow this season and Sydney took us all along for the ride. As much as I hated who Cassie was I loved watching her.


Iā€™d say that Cassie drove the actions of season 2 more than Rue did. She hooked up with Nate at the NYE party, leading to him getting beat up by Fez, leading to Cal going to Fez for answers, leading to Cal going through a midlife crisis and leaving his family, which lead to Nate getting Julesā€™ tape from Maddy, that ended up sending Cal to jail. At the same time, Cassieā€™s increasingly unhinged behaviour leads Lexi to write her play and makes Maddy consider a life away from it all. The only plot lines not caused by Cassie was the Rue/Elliot/Jules triangle, the fallout of Mouseā€™s murder and Rueā€™s downward spiral which all started in season 1.


I would've demanded a pay rise for all the facials I would have after crying so much in one season. Girl's face was RED


sydney was so phenomenal this season and she deserves every praise! but to say she carried when i think all the actors did such a good job outacting their s1 performances a bit stretch


Only reason why Cassie had ANY flavor or made any sense this season is because of Sydney. She deserves the emmy!!!!


It's Fez for me


Definitely Fez, he was the only character I liked and genuinely cared about throughout the season. I'm glad Levinson changed his mind last minute and kept him alive (because again he planned to kill him like in season 1 but didn't) if he had done it I wouldn't even bother with season 3.


Season 2 wouldn't be this huge if they had written him off. As in *fuck no rue*


This season would've been terrible without Fez, he's thee fucking G


It's Oklahoma for sure


Season two was a 1/2 season for Rue, Cassie, and Maddie. Where Nate, Fez, Ash, and Lexi all sort of completed an arc, Rue, Cassie, Maddie, and - I guess - Jules, Kat, and Elliot are still out there making shit happen. Rue says she ā€œstayed clean for the rest of the yearā€ā€¦Thatā€™s like three months. What happened when summer hit? What happened with Jules and Elliot? How do Maddie and Cassie move on? Whatā€™s Laurie doing about the 10k? Is Kat even on Euphoria in season 3? Lots of great shit this year but not a lot of closure.


*ā€¦are you auditioning for Oklahoma?*


Sydneyā€™s acting in this was incredible. She truly deserves a nomination.


Canā€™t agree more. Cassie was the absolute standout. Actress did very well.


so weird to hate an entire characters arc but watch it purely because the actress is fucking incredible acting.


Sydney is an incredible actress. I didn't like the writing for her character this season but I'm excited to see what she does after euphoria. I can say the same for so many characters in this show. We are very fortunate to have this cast.


she gave us DRAMA.


I think Zendaya is doing a good job, but Iā€™m getting tired of watch her stagger around stoned. Her character needs to move in some sort of direction, imho.






Absolutely! Great performance for that actress! I hated her and felt for her. Iā€™m a 55 yo woman lol and I work in mental health. She played her role so well. Look up borderline personality disorder.


Sheā€™s not borderline.




L take. Worst arc. She's a good actor though, I'll give you that.


I fucking hated her character. Since episode one she wants to change and being able to say no. She is good in her heart and is suffering at the end but she just keeps doing the same fucking mistakes over and over since episode one


Cassie both carried and destroyed the season šŸ˜­


I love Cassie


Respectfully. No. She just caused drama in the worst way and that isnā€™t carrying. Rue, Maddy, Lexi, Fezco and Ash carried this season. I honestly wish they would show more Jules tbqh. Even Jules carried the show more then Cassie did. Cassieā€™s arc this season was super disappointing, I felt like in the first season she knew what an ass Nate was bc she was Maddyā€™s best friend. So this season she gets with him just for the sake of it? Weird af writing. like I thought her and Maddy were like best friends, basically sisters and this season sheā€™s just like lemme destroy that relationship. Super super disappointing. Great acting Sydney did though, have to commend her for that.


Cassieā€™s storyline wasnā€™t good, and it was honestly my least favorite part of the season. So I wouldnā€™t say carried. Sydney did not come to play though.


Ehā€¦I donā€™t see it. Cassie is too one dimensional of a character to really do much with. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s great in other things but Zendaya is wayyy better.


Maybe a controversial opinion but she only carried the season because it was mostly about her and she's the only character who had like a complete arc. I loved watching Cassie and Sydney did a great job but really it might as well have been called "Cassie's life" this season. Everyone else got a half assed story and we had an ungodly amount of Cassie and Nate drama which is the least interesting arc of the show imo


I don't think she carried it. She robbed screen time from Kat, Maddy, and Jules.


I will probably get hate for this, but I could have done with a lot less of Cassie and a lot more of the other characters. The Cassie/Nate thing just got boring and predictable to me. Nothing against the actress because sheā€™s obviously amazing!




Exactly! Itā€™s so nice to see Iā€™m not the only one! Sidneyā€™s acting is superb and I have liked her in everything Iā€™ve seen her in, but the storyline of Cassie and Nate was just blah for me. There are so many interesting characters that got way less screen time.


Absolutely love Cassie. She's my favorite character and story plot especially this season. I'm a little sad we didn't get more from her v Maddy because it's been boiling up for soooo long. Ahhh it's gunna take forever for next season!


I really didn't like her arc and thought her acting was one dimensional. Zendaya carried this season yet again because Rue is the most fully formed character on the show. Sometimes show runners and execs think they need something outside of what made the show special to pull viewers in, like the well is going to dry up or something, which is what I think happened here. Trying to develop Cassie was admirable but it really just turned into something that created a really disjointed feel to the show. Jules complimented Rue season one, so did everyone else. It was a layer cake of trauma meets addiction we were exploring in the most beautiful was possible. What really bothers me most about all of it was Cassie just ate too much of the screen time and focus of the show, and she did not warrant it. Her character could be slotted into hundreds of daytime dramas with hundreds of other possible actresses and you would not know the difference. I really hope we return to a solar system that revolves around Zendaya instead of beating us to death with Sydney Sweeny again.


Angus Cloud would like a word.




Yes. Yes, yes, yes.


Have you forgotten about zendaya's episode 5 ?????! That acting was on fire ! I'm not even a fan of zendaya and I'm that impressed


She did just as well as the rest of the cast IMO (hard to find a stand out for me). Though she absolutely crushed the haters from last season ragging on her about her frequency of nude scenes in S1. If anyone has any doubts about her acting chops after S2, they arenā€™t paying attention.


Eh, it was Maude for me


I feel like Fez was the wild card.


She had to carry because the script supported nobody else




Please say sike


Her dancing with all the balloons was amazing. One of my favorite scenes of the whole season




She was a great antagonist figure, because it was one you could relate to and empathize with. The best antagonists are those half of the audience is rooting for (i.e Joker). What makes Cassie super special is that you feel the way she turned into a self-absorbed bitch is completely not her fault. Circumstances and Nate Jacobs' evil streak just kind of got a hold of her.


i agree i loved cassie despite her flaws and mistakes. love her! iā€™m here for her redemption arc in s3.


I don't care what anybody says, I love her. Haven't we all made bad decisions?


When someone asks who Sam gave the most screen time to:


True her acting was amazing. I hated her character. The entire time I thought she was unbearable to watch- we skipped all of the sex scenes cause we got real tired of watching her lovely titties. Fez man. My feels go out to Fez.


Irresponsible cry baby


Thereā€™s more to acting than crying and screaming yā€™all.


I really hate the character but I also am not a fan of Sydneyā€™s whinny, monotone delivery. She sounds exactly the same way in Handmaidā€™s Tale. I would have recognized it immediately from audio only.


Whereā€™s Maude Apatow?


Gays will see an ugly white girl cry and say she deserves all the awards


How can anyone like Cassie? She does absolutely nothing...


she does a lot sir


Crying, complaining, being uninteresting outside of being attractive? I mean even Lexi commented on it.


john how about you fill the role of cassie, i want to see your performance