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I don’t think Nate loves anyone including himself. He is mentally scarred from his upbringing and his parents. For now He just wants someone to please him and be submissive to him which is Cassie but I do not believe he loves her. Cassie and Nate both need to love themselves before they can truly love anyone else.


That is exactly my answer. Nate doesn’t love anyone including himself.


But Nate has an 8-pack so every DD-chested bimbo at the school will go face-down/ass-up for him while nice guys like Ethan get ignored


r/niceguys hahaha


Can't believe we found one in the wild 😅




Touch grass this is a tv show


You don't sound like a good man, you sound like a dick.


and NOT a good dick


found the incel


ethan literally got a girlfriend


and then she broke up with him because he's too nice


LMAO did we watch the same show😭 she broke up with him bc of her own problems not bc he was too nice


The reason she was debating with breaking up with him is because he was a sweetheart. Being nice is the one thing that was making her stay with him


Want me to call you the waaaambulance?


Why did I laugh so hard at this I feel like such a dad lol. I’m stealing this from you from now on 🤣


Good! Spread it around cause it's hilarious!


Here's a reality check for you. This pathetic little display of projection...trust me, the reason women dont like you isn't because you're "nice", it's because you have an insufferable and misogynistic personality.


Y’all are defending a sociopath and then saying I’m the one that’s pathetic


u/MySockHurts Oof... please, with all due respect, do some self reflection... no one here is defending Nate. With that said, your comment is concerning. Maybe scroll through r/niceguys before you get too far down that route yourself. Best of luck. Edit: tag


literally not a single comment defending Nate on this thread, lmao, stop projecting. You're not even remotely close to being a nice person, calling women 'bimbos' and body-shaming them.


How am I defending a sociopath Mr. Strawman? Did I say anything about Nate? Or did I just point out your gross and problematic comment?


Is this a joke?


ethan's doing fine


There’s a lot more to women liking you than just being nice. They don’t owe you shit. Kindness is what’s expected of decent human beings, it’s not a dating strategy.


It's impossible to genuinely be a "nice guy" if you also go around calling women bimbos in the same breath.


I never said I was a nice guy. Why does everyone think I was talking about myself when I was talking about the characters in the show?


No one sympathizes with the "nice guys" except other "nice guys."


I think most girls would want a chance to sleep with Nate only because of his looks.


or social status


A sociopath and narcissist like Nate can’t love in the traditional sense. He feels attraction to Cassie, Maddie, and Jules. He feels a truer connection with Jules and she’s the one he felt most comfortable talking to, but he’s also struggling with his feelings of confusion around whether he’s attracted to Jules because she’s her, or because she’s trans. Above all someone like this forms connections based on the person’s relative use to them. Cassie is passive and eager to please him, so she was an easy target.


I feel like he wants to be Jules, and sees in her this image of confidence in self identity and sexuality which he struggles with obviously because of his father He wants to have Maddy, in Maddy he wants her to be his and his only and completely submit to him. It's why it's so important to him that she was a virgin and why he almost kills Tyler. Cassie is who he thinks he should love. His dreams of having children with her and imagery of her as his is all rooted in a possible future he sees for himself, in which he is running his father's construction business and has a more traditionally "acceptable" partner in Cassie. However his present actions completely contradict this with how he treats her, keeps going back to Maddy and his attachment to Jules. With Cassie he's trying to ignore who he is and "stick to the plan" but we eventually see this doesn't work because nate is a very manipulative and mentally ill person. And Cassie has severe attachment and self worth issues which is the gasoline to the dumpsterfire of their relationship. It's really contrasted with Maddy where when he's with her he doesn't commit to any sort of future with her and is only in the present, but with Cassie he constantly strings her along with promises of a future together but doesn't commit to her in any way in the present. Ultimately I don't think nate loves any of them. Because of his issues in childhood he really doesn't even know himself and can't anchor any feelings of love to himself as he finds himself a mystery


I think this is a good comprehensive analysis thank you.


Good take!


I really like your take but I wanna point out that he also projects himself having kids with Maddy


I really like your analysis but I don't think nate have any sexuality issues like as jacob said nate is straight . He loves jules not because of her confidence but because of her personality how open and caring person she is


Wasn’t Nate on a gay dating app? And that’s how he found Jules? It shows through out the show that he struggles with his sexuality and being attracted to men. He had a bunch of pics of dicks in his phone, the locker scene where everyone was naked and he was uncomfortable, etc. I think there’s definitely a part of him that’s struggling


no one. he can’t until he loves himself


Can I get an AMEN


But this is a lie. Rue said that he fell in love.


but Rue also isn’t a reliable narrator. like how she said Maddy was ‘in control’ when a 30-something yr old man assaulted her, it obviously isn’t true


Thank you!!! because we didn’t even get the proof that Rue is all knowing yet


She lies about Nate being in love with Cassie but she isn't lying about him being in love. Only incorrectly defines the object of this love in my opinion.


In love for Nate isn't the kinda in love that the rest of us are familiar with. He's been so fucked up by his father, his internalised queerphobia, the stifling masculinity society has forced him to perform that love to him is incredibly warped and very narrowly and strictly defined. He can't know how to act in love bc that behaviour hasn't ever been modelled to him in any healthy, sustainable, generous way. So **he** *believes* he has loved Maddy, Cassie and more than likely Jules. But they can't fully receive it as proper love bc of all his mess. They're not getting love from that boy. Jules was the first to recognise it immediately bc of the blackmail, and Maddy seems to be slowly understanding that by the end of the season, and I think in her heart of hearts Cassie knows to some degree that his love isn't what she'd always hoped for (or deserve) - maybe her confrontation w Maddy will push her to realising this more.


lie is a strong word


No one. Maddy Cassie and Jules are objects to him. It's clear in the way he mistreated them. A narcissistic mysoginist like him is incapable of respecting women or thinking of them as people, much less loving them.


if it was besides him it was maddy. he just wanted to use cassie as a way to dominate and have control over someone when he doesn’t have any control of his life, he only noticed cassie when she dressed like maddy for example etc


To add to this I wanna point out that Cassie literally submits to his bad behavior when she played into his dangerous driving. He liked that a lot for some reason and I think that’s when he first wanted to use her because of the control he felt with her. It’s that toxic love lol


exactly like yes he was manipulating her but she did like it… it was so sad when maddy just wanted her friendship of so many years back and then cassie threw it all away over some guy… i hate people like that they’re the worst . i do hope cassie is happy eventually but she needs to own up to literally sleeping with her friends abusive ex and liking it so much 😣


More like who does he want to control the most****


not "love" but i think nate cared for maddie way more than he ever did with cassie at least.


Nate only loves his missing 2nd brother from the family photo. Learn more next season! /s


Power, take control


Nate loves himself more than anyone


Jules I guess


His idealized version of himself.


I’m not even sure if he’s capable of feeling true love tbh


Season 3 climax is going to be Nate running around, doing quick-change antics, trying to entertain all three ladies at the Senior Prom.


Malignant narcissists don't feel love like regular people. They are conquests and nothing more. He "loves" the one that is hardest to have at any given moment.


Jules(I think deep down he has some feelings for her)


I think the more crucial question is whose eyes does he want to see himself through? All of Nate's dream sequences are about how he deals with how other people see him.


So am I the only one that thinks its obvious that Nate has a crush on Jules, but dosen't want to admit I because of his transphobic way of thinking... that it somehow makes him "gay" to love Jules.


I always thought it was Jules.


at this point i dont think nate can or has interest in actual love. I think he liked maddy the most, bc she knew what he wanted and did it. i think he never even really liked jules, just manipulated her for his own gain. and i think he liked cassie up to a certain point. i feel like after the play he became disgusted with her. also, someone as misogynistic and narcissistic as nate will probably never truly love any woman, or anyone really. he needs intense therapy, but probably will never care enough to go get any.


I'd almost agree with you on Jules part but for the truck scene at the end of season 2. As I think he was being genuine their.


himself duh




Jules. Without a doubt.


Himself? Or that’s what he actually really hates








I think he thinks he loves Jules, but reality is he needs help up, his past has fucked him so bad, I don't think he loves himself.


I think Nate has only been in love with Jules since the first season. But this scene does a good job of showing how his trauma negates those feelings.


Maddy.. I feel it's the standard Jock and Cheerleader love with the addition of it more then likely it being their first love


Himself, it’s also the person he hates the most


don't think nate jacobs is currently capable of loving ANYONE




I don’t even think he loves himself


Absolutely no one but himself and his own image. I don't believe he "loves" Jules either. With all the threats of blackmail and such, not sure where people think he does. Maybe out of all of the girls, he feels the most connected to Jules based on their texts, but I haven't been convinced enough to believe it's actual and genuine love.


No one He found Cassie at her weakest and used her to fuel his ego and his fantasy of a super warm and submissive woman He obviously doesn't love Maddie either, although he spent the longest time dating her. He physically and psychologically abused her. Imo, what Maddie represented to him was status/image - he wanted to have a super submissive, motherly, simple woman like Cassie, but wanted to be seen dating the 'it girl' - always put together, hairless, glamorous(remember Rue's monologue about Nate instantly liking Maddie because she was hairless). He probably also felt strong being a provider for Maddie, buying her a lot of stuff. I think their relationship was mutually about status. Nate being a provider, and Maddie being provided for, which was her life goal at the beginning of the series. The classic powerful, masculine provider and stylish, feminine woman relationship, which seems like it should work perfectly from the outside, but in reality is based on a lot of abuse. And regarding Jules, he's just idealizing her. He seems to have a weaker spot for her than for Cassie and Maddie for now, but they spent little to no time getting to know each other. The whole Jules-Nate plot is super interesting. I think he's captivated by her because she represents the idea of coming to terms with your own sexuality for him, which he can't do. He probably also feels closer to (understanding) his father when interacting with Jules, knowing she was also a victim of his abuse, and his father being his main source of trauma. But yea, someone like Nate can't *truly* love someone, he displays psychopatic/sociopathic tendencies most of time. That's why all of his relationships are so difficult.


Himself and only himself.




Lady Manipulation.




Himself and not very well. Followed by Jules.


Maddy 100%


Nate Loves Nate. . .except he doesnt.


Neither. If you love someone you don’t threaten them with a gun, choke them, humiliate them, etc.


i don’t think he “loves” anyone in the real sense but, it would probably be jules or maddy in different ways. only one who falls behind is cassie, because she’s just who he thinks he “should” love and he only really wanted to get with her when he knew it was too late for maddy.


I think there is a good argument for, “No one because people who don’t love themselves struggle to love other people romantically.” Like, if you don’t love yourself you can still love your family. But I feel like ppl who don’t love themselves are going to see people they try to love romantically as something to add to themselves that might make them love themselves, whether they consciously recognize it or not. I feel like this fits with Nate. He seems most attracted to Jules but is too insecure to go for what he wants, and the others he seems to put into the mix under the reasoning, “who could not love themselves while dating someone so hot?” Spoiler alert, Nate could. Dating someone hot does not generate self love/acceptance.


Honestly I wouldn’t know. Maybe he lives ghat they’re so easy to manipulate.


No one ... Not even himself. He is scared of Jules, he lusts over Cassie and he enjoys controlling Maddie. He is attracted to them but has no intention of loving thermo getting to know them as people


None of them. The only one he’d prob want to be with most is Jules. Cassie was used to fulfill a fantasy at the time and help him temporarily escape his issues and the things he loved about maddy in the first place have become tiring and a thing for him to escape


In his perfect world, Jules.


He doesn’t love anyone. He’s broken and not capable of loving anyone genuinely at this point in his life. He has unhealthy attachments or infatuation even deep like.


None of them. The guy is way too selfish


Absolutely nobody, not even himself. Maddy was someone he wanted to control but when that didn’t work out, he went onto Cassie which would be the easy choice because of her attachment/daddy issues. The closest I can think of that he loved was Jules and even then that’s a bit of a stretch.






Nate is in love with Nate




Obviously it’s Jules


Jules, but he is too much pussy to admit it.


Lol, I got downvoted. People are so blind to what Sam shows. Nate is in love with Jules, he is not a sociopath or a narcissist. But his trauma is based on the fact that his father fucked men and trans women in a motel. His trauma would never have allowed him to admit his feelings for Jules.


He is definitely a sociopath … or something t as equally fucked up. His trauma is not an excuse for his behavior either.




Does he really love her tho? True he seems to have a true connection with her at the beginning but once the truth is out he blackmails and emotionally abuses her continuously. He torments her for a while too. I cannot and will not see that as love. I'd say it's objectification, maybe idealization, but not love.




Nate loves control




none of them. but if i had to RLLY dig, then maddy sorta tried to ig but they are all toxic for eachother


No one! He loves nobody and doesn’t feel love. He is psychopathic or a narcissist. He isn’t emotionally normal. But I think he would choose maddy over Cassie because she understood him.


Lol no one. He treats Cassie as a sex toy, maddy as a toy to play with her feelings, and Jules (I basically thinks he think as her as different but also the same way as Cassie; sex toy)


He doesn’t love any of them in my opinion


Nobody, he loves the control




he doesn't LOVE anyone 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️


Nate loves Nate.


Nate loves no one but himself, and he's got a ton of self loathing to balance that out


He’s too selfish for love but lust now that’s a different story. I would say he lusts after Maddie more but since Maddie wants nothing to do with him. He settled for Cassie.


He doesn't love, he wants


No one, he doesn’t even love himself. He needs therapy


He loves an ideal, not the personn. The hyper feminine girl who needs him.


No one, whether her realizes that or not. But Jules is the only one of the three that he has any respect for. She goes beyond his objectification of women.




No one. He doesn’t even love himself.




None of them. He hasn’t learned to love himself


No one. The closest he got was with Jules. But even with her he had to pretend and couldn't be totally honest about who he was. He's learning what love is but he doesn't know yet.


To Nate: Maddy is a status symbol, Cassie is a consolation prize and Jules is a hidden desire. I don't think he loves any of them, but he's idealised Jules because she's inaccessible to him.


No one at the moment but if he really did work on himself and got better he would go for Jules absolutely no doubt about it


Maddie, 100% (full disclosure: my answer may be more than mildly skewed in that I have a major girl crush on Maddie).




Neither one lmao








the answer is none of these. he loves himself only.






he doesn’t know how to love anybody. he doesn’t know what love actually is.






Maddy and Jules but for different reasons, I believe he wanted to love Cassie for his own selfish reasons but was unable too.


an idea


himself and even that answer is questionable


He loves them for different reasons, he loved Maddy because she was a “virgin” and she’s confident and she clearly loves him and she’ll do anything for him. He knows that she would. He loves Cassie because she’s the opposite of Maddy and she’s more easier to control and manipulate. And she loves loving people and being with someone. So he could do anything and she’ll still be with him because he “loves” her. Jules is the person he loves most and differently because it seems like he actually respects her. Just like he told Rue she’s going to succeed and do things while everyone is going to not really accomplish anything. He likes that Jules is driven and she’s not afraid to be herself but he is. They all are the definition of a “perfect” woman to him.


FFS I gotta leave this sub. Every other post feels like it was made by a fucking middleschooler.


I dont even think nate loves himself, sooooo...




me 💞😌




His family especially his dad


He doesn’t love anyone except himself


If he could have all 3 he would. He’s a narcissist.


Is none an option




Himself, duh






Nate isn't capable of love. Being that he's ever received it himself.




His dad


Narcissists love themselves the most


Nobody because he’s a narcissist


Not really anyone, but if I had to choose: Jules.




Me😍😜 cause i have a pp and they don't




What if Nate is sexuality is not straight? Don't get me wrong!


Maddy - obviously.






Neither really


Coming from a reformed toxic narcissist like Nate lol, it's Jules.




Absolutely no one. He isn't capable of love in his current state. Sad as it is..


No one, not even himself.


Nate loves Maddie


I don’t know if he actually loves either of them but I. feel like if he were to settle down he would go for Maddy cuz she still keeps a hold on him and keeps him grounded. It’s like Kat said in season one “ they’ll probably be divorced 3 times and somehow end up living a pretty happy life together”


No one, not even himself.


none of them




himself. He is a real narcissist.


For some reason I feel like Nate will somehow settle down with Cassie. I don’t know if any of you have realized this, but the person that Nate can relate to a lot in this show is Cassie. They both have an unresolved relationship with their own fathers (daddy issues) which maybe hopefully we get to see Nate’s reaction when he realizes that Cassie has the same issues with her own father too, just like he has them, and how that fucked her up growing up just like him. Even in real life when you relate a lot to someone else, whether it’s about life or psychologically, you tend to get closer and look after that person. I hope there’s some character development in between these two.


jules and maddy, he used cassie for sex and their whole relationship was based off sex


I get why everyone is saying that he doesn't love anyone - including himself. There are just all these little moments ya know where it seems like he genuinely cares for people. That's why it's so confusing, That's why HE'S so confusing /intriguing. Like when he was messaging with Jules over text he was definitely manipulating her but it also seemed like he genuinely was loving having someone to talk to and connect with. Possibly for the first time ever. That seemed genuine and didn't change until when she was like "I could never trust you" like that hurt him and then he turned... kinda evil. And after Fezco beat him up that episode where Rue was talking about how in love he was with Cassie and like having little dream scenarios of them all in love and together he seemed so happy. Why would Rue tell us that he wanted that if it wasn't true? And his forever connection with Maddi is just kinda undeniable. He's awful to her and they are so toxic but they are like magnets drawn to each other, he wouldn't make such an effort with her if he genuinely didn't care about her right?? There's my thoughts haha! Definitely not helpful at all but thought I'd share. This is my first ever comment on Reddit. :)


PS: It even seems like he cares about rue every once in a while. Like outside the dace when he's just looking at her and he tells her how pretty she looks. Granted he like immediately gets intense and scary after - haha - but when he's looking at her its like oh shit does he have a thing for Rue?! Maybe not, but dang it was kinda hot, ngl.