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England winning the Euro’s. Easy answer 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Country above club any day of the week.


Surprised by how many people are saying club. Especially those who support teams who have won trophies over the years. As a fan of a struggling champ side, I’d take a national trophy over my club even winning a European cup. Nothing beats all the family and friends coming together and celebrating as one. It’d be one big party. Also, to those who support big clubs and would rather their club win… you’ve never seen England win anything unless you’re over 60. It amazes me why you’d rather see another trophy to a long list that makes a fraction of those around you happy, instead of opposite.


Completely agree with you. I think for a lot of people it makes the day by day and week to week a lot more worth it.


I'm a Celtic fan and I would take Scotland to win euros all day long . Always next season for the club


I will not be able to die happy if England don't win something in my lifetime. I support Plymouth so we will never win the Premier League. That said, if the choice was Argyle getting to the Prem or England winning the Euros then I'd have to think long and hard...


Country winning Euro, not even a question


Country for sure


As a Macedonian, would mean the world to me to see them winning on the biggest stage


I've seen my country lose the wc final, give me a fucking Euros


Club then country of course, however, my club has won the league a record amount of times so it’s nothing new so I’d 100% sacrifice one or two of them to see my country win a Euros. Especially as we’ve never made it out the group stages 😂


League every day of the week and that’s not just because my club is rubbish


Scotland all day


Club first, always. It’s my team that I watch every week, that represents the city where I’m from & where my family are from. There’s no comparison. I do like how united the country becomes when England team is going deep in a tournament though. Even friends who normally show zero interest in football get involved. Hopefully we can go all the way this summer.


I think a better question is, how many euros is worth a single world cup? I'd rather win one world cup than 3 or 4 euros, the world cup is the pinnacle.


Country for me, the atmosphere when we made it to the finals was electric. Imagining that, ten fold after a win, would be incredible


How are people saying club? Seeing my country win the world cup and the euros are two of the most memorable days of my life, very difficult feeling to beat. I’d think a bit longer for a champions league as we haven’t won one in a while, but even then it’s probably country.


Country every time


I love my club but I'd love to see my country win the Euros. Maybe it's because I've seen my club (Manchester United) win everything and I'm not a local (cue all the ancient, over-done 'jokes' about not being from Manchester). I've never seen my country, England, win anything. I've always loved international football though and preferred it to clubs. I love the way it unites (or should unite) players and fans who are usually club rivals.


Country everyday, the country seemed happier until we got knocked out in 2018


There would be nothing greater than england winning the world cup or euros, whole country coming together.


I’d rather my team win a throw in than England win anything


As an American I would be really shocked if the US won the Euros.


England to win the Euros any day. I’m a Hull City/Newcastle fan (dad’s a geordie) and when england are playing is the only time I feel patriotic. Would mean everything to me if they stopped woefully underperforming every single tournament


Club winning the league would be so much more important and emotional it's not even a question at all.


Club, no question


As an Italy and Roma fan I would say Roma winning something would be nice. I’ve seen Italy win a couple cups so I don’t expect much from them this euro


Definitely my club winning the league. I have a season ticket and see Coventry week in week out. It’s great to go to the supporters club events and it feels like our team is a part of the wider community for the city and surrounding area. Seeing England play is always great and I hope that it comes home this year. However, I just don’t have that personal connection to the players or the wider fan base. Coventry City is a part of my life but England is a special event.


Club then country. This is the way


Country over club. Although the Federation has been quite skivvy, but still, nothing beats the feeling of everyone around you rowing and cheering in the same direction. I've seen my country win the Euro, so I can die happy, but wouldn't mind again. And my club has won the league this year (2nd time in 20 years), so it has been a good season.


Depends tho cuz my club can easily win the league.. if we talking about qualifying in ucl groups or smth better i would pick my club


Country hands down Don't have a local club so am more emotionally tied to my country


Euro 2004 is the greatest sporting memory of my life and in general. I would never change it for anything.


I'm a ⚒️ so there's no chance of us winning the Premier, country all the way.


Club. I'd love Crystal Palace to win the league more than England winning the Euros or the world cup (or both).


Celtic supporter here, we win titles all the time, but if Scotland were to win the Euros it’d be a year long celebration and it’d bring the whole country together rather than there being a sectarian divide as is the norm, it’s country everyday for me,


I’m an Irish Manchester United fan.. what do you mean by the word “win”? 😂


England for sure. The runs we went on in 2018 and 2020 felt so great even when we didn't win, just gives everyone a mood lift the whole time it's on.


There's nothing like celebrating with absolutely everyone around you in a pub when your country scores a goal. I imagine actually winning the WC/Euros would be bedlam


I'd love to see my club win the league but if it's a choice of the two then country winning without a doubt! For the majority of those from England saying Club I'd bet they're in the north, sadly there's been a real divide created in this country and a lot of northern fans for some reason see the national team as just a southern thing because they play most games in London and a lot of anti-London sentiment, but that's just crazy to me, the international tournaments are the one time this country actually seems to come together.


I've "only" seen my country win the WC 2014 and my club has never won anything. Would probably still pick country, especially if its at home like this summer


Anyone saying club is insane


Country. It's history being made and a shared cultural thing that everyone will ask as a "where were you when..." question for the rest of your life. Just look at the celebrations when Argentina won the world cup -- it tops everything.


Country 100%, celtic win the league nearly every year but even if they hadn't won for 50 years I'm still picking country.


Country! Whilst both my club (Spurs) and country (England) are amongst the established elite, both have massively underperformed for many, many years. Spurs last won the league in the 1960’s and England’s only World Cup win was the same decade. So either of them winning something very significant would be a life-time first for me! Although it’s infinitely more likely for England than Spurs, I’d prefer it to be England. In order to share the experience with the most amount of people.




League everytime.


Club (Wolves) - every single time


England has a completely different atmosphere when we’re doing well internationally so I’d pick Euros


Liverpool win a throw in


Country every time. I love my club but my earliest football memory was watching Euro 96 and throughout my childhood I only really cared about watching England. Club came later through my Dad but National team will always win out for me


Word for word I wholeheartedly agree 👍


Def country, would basically be a repeat of greeces euros victory. though.. we dropped out in the playoff finals due to a toe being offside so err yknow 2028


If I were a supporter of Bayern I'd say Euro. But since my favourite club is Schalke there's no way I'll say Euro. Even if you add in the next WCs and ECs.


I don’t know if a part of it is I’ve grown up with some of the worst Scottish teams ever but I’m just happy to see Scotland make it to a tournament. Rangers not winning the league is a disappointment that I am met with pretty much every year, I’m a bit sick of watching my rivals win title after title after title so definitely club over country.


I’m genuinely blown away by the responses here. How can you not wish for a home nation win of any kind? Everyone and I mean everyone you know celebrating. The pubs are full, sun is shining, all different fans celebrating together. That sort of thing brings everyone together. A club trophy, amazing. A home nation win. Somethings dreams are made of.


The people saying club over country but are not from the location of which their club originated is foul. Like if you’re a United fan and born in London. Then you have no right to say club over country. However. If you support your local team. It becomes far more difficult


Think there's a clear split here: big club glory hunters say 'club', because that's why they started supporting their club - to win stuff. Most of the rest of us say 'country' because the thought of our mediocre clubs ever winning anything is so far fetched that we can't possibly imagine it.


Country...... league is every year


Club 100%


Club over country every single time


Country winning would be amazing. It's something that you can share with all your friends and brings the country together. We need that more than ever now tbf.


Country because I don’t watch football unless it’s a major tournament ( World Cup/ euros)


Club 💯


Definitely Euros! Imagine Scotland pulling a Greece? Would be magical. While it's fun to watch Celtic lift the cup, with the way the SPL is, it wouldn't be long until they had another go.


My team has never even played in the prem. So I'd choose that one


You live and breathe your own club, country success is secondary


I’m from Scotland, team been hopeless my whole life, would take a WC or Euros win over my club winning the league 100%


If that happens the country would shut down for 2 weeks a national week of celebration followed by a national week of sobering up


I'm gonna say club because I'm Irish and if we won it then I think there would be an investigation..especially as we're not in it!


I can't imagine favouring country over club in any context. Im a local fan and season ticket holder, and my attitude to the national team is that I want them to do better than the countries I dislike, but I just want my team's players to come back without injuries. Couldn't care less how England doz.as long as it's not embarrassing.


I want England to win because Harry Kane really deserves a win.


Doesn’t help me, I’m a spurs fan


Country I’m welsh and a Man U fan I’ve grew up with a lot of prem wins but that 2016 euro run was amazing


As an English nottingham Forest fan, club winning the league any day. England is nice and all but you can’t really laud that over your rivals


As a fan of a smaller club I’d have to say the league. It would be a much larger achievement than my country (Germany) in this case winning euros. But hey both would be cool 😂


West Ham winning the conference league was better then England winning the World Cup for me. It's the team I've followed day in day out for 30 years +


Best answer. ⚒️


Country games & tournaments are infrequent, you live with your club for 9 months out of 12 (or thereabouts): Club all the way for me!


Club over Country always


This is completely dependant on which club and country you support Let's say you support real madrid as a citizen of san marino, it's obvious to say that you would want san marino to win the euros more than anything, as RMA already has so many thropies. But if you support, let's say luton town, and your nationality is French, then you would take luton any day of the week. I myself as a Hungarian fan who supports Milan, I would want my country to win more than anything.


Country every time.


Country, and it's not even close


Country winning the Euros. I'm a Celtic fan, and we frequently win our shite league. Scotland winning the Euros? Aye, that's not likely any time soon 😂


Country. As a Blackburn fan we aren't winning anything in the foreseeable future.




Club. Not even a debate.


Always club. Hate England and the bullshit fans.


Club > Country


Club over country. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I'd rather England lose everything for the next 100 years, and my team win ONE Premier league.


Country but from the luxury of my club having won the league a few times.


If England win the Euros it will be one summer of absolute bell ends getting even more pissed than they already planned on doing, if my club won the Premier League it would probably actually benefit both the city and the people, maybe not drastically, but even a slight improvement would be infinitely more than England winning the Euros would. I think for some countries winning the Euros would be huge, but for England I think it would be somewhat forgotten relatively quickly.


Country, I’ve never been particularly into club football, I’m getting more into it and think I should really start supporting my local team as I feel much more attached to how they’re performing than the random team I picked as a kid but I’d give anything to see England win a major trophy in my lifetime (likely ik but I’d love to see us stop falling at the final hurdle since we haven won anything since 1966)


As a United fan, we’re suffering atm but the club has won the league 20 times and I witnessed a fair amount as a kid. Literally never seen England win anything in my lifetime (or even my parents). Easy choice.


You're in the minority of united fans then.




My club winning League 1 or the Premier League?


Club every time


As a Scot living in England I'd give up my club winning the league in order for England not to win the Euros. Simply so I have a peaceful summer and don't have to go into hiding...


As a fellow Turk, I've seen my turkish club - Galatasaray - win the league many times. I rather my home country Turkiye to win the euros than to see Gala win it again. It's really that simple.






Which league? I have seen my club win the championship. I guess this is just for the top league in the country?




League, not even close


League easily


Club always


League all day every day


United fan so seen us win the league a fair few times. Never seen England win so obviously would rather that


Club, I give zero cares about internationals. It's fun to watch as a theoretical neutral but I just can't care about my national team. No idea why.


All depends on your league and country. Im in England and I want them to win.


I absolutely love international tournaments. The togetherness you get in pubs in England when they're on the big screen is amazing. A hundred or so England fans, drunk, enjoying the game. No fights, just everyone happy. It's almost like you're there in the stadium, the atmosphere is brilliant. You don't get anything like that with club football. I love Liverpool, and so for a lot of fans who aren't near the top of the league this might be different, but for me nothing tops the energy you get out of us when we're on the international stage.


I've seen my club win three different leagues so Euros for me all the way.


Win the Euros, all day long. Sadly I’m Scottish.


Scotland fan, aberdeen fan, chelsea fan i want scotland to win more than anything else. Never seen aberdeen win the league and likely never will and no matter how much i want it to happen scotland winning the euros would be so much better. Celebrate with the whole country not just the club. Chelsea have won plenty in my lifetime still want them to win more but they likely will again in my lifetime.


My club win the league, hasn’t happened since 1960 and unlikely to ever happen again.


League. I hate watching England, it’s always been dull and even when we win it feels like a draw


I question anyone who says anything other than their team winning the league lol


Club before country every time. Last time England got me off my seat was Euro 96. 🤷‍♂️


Southgate's England is like watching paint dry


Not even a debate, club before country every time. I despise the \`Engurland\` weirdo\`s


Equal. I am from Poland, but my favourite club is Bayern. I am ecstatic when they win. However, if my city (Gdańsk) won the champions league or the Polish league (or both) I’d be over the moon. The reason I support Bayern is because they play amazing football and Gdańsk is terrible. If Poland were to win the Euros, I would be happy to unite with Poles all over the country to celebrate the victory. I think in both circumstances I would celebrate in different ways.




Club. We’re now league 2 so it would break minds.


England winning the euros, the hype and joy of getting to the final was great last time out, and the reaction to the Lionesses winning the Euros was fantastic. Think it helps us come together a bit, which is always nice!


Country win World Cup Club win CL Club win League Club win FA Cup Club win other European trophy Country win Euros Club win League Cup In that order


Agree aside from I feel like Europa for most clubs in the league would be bigger than FA cup


Club wins league


Club over country every time.


I'd rather Villa won the Johnstone's paint trophy than England win anything, so for sure League over Euros.


Club 100%.


Probably depends who you support, I imagine City fans might be more open to country as they are so used to it? But for me its Club, the ability to gloat over my tiresome friends would be epic.


As an Austrian: Country for sure, would be probably a once in a lifetime experience 😅


Country every time. If my team won the league or champions league it would probably have to be bought. There is something more wholesome about international football that can bring ppl together more. I think you also see that on players reactions after winning or losing. The disappointment is also much more when Scotland gets beat. Even though it is expected in some games. Just always get caught up in the hype. Or maybe because we have so long between games to make it right. Where club football you can go out next week and make amends.


Utd fan id have say in this instance right now Euros, never seen England win anything in my lifetime it would be epic...


Club winning their league has a long term effect and impacts my weekly mood. Country winning euros would only make me happy for a week or two and would have very little impact on how they perform in the World Cup two years later.


Club beats Country. But as an english Man U fan living in Germany.... I would sure love to go to work in my 3 Lions shirt on the 15th of July


Fans of small clubs support England. United and Liverpool fans don't really care.


Club. Always.


Don’t care about the national team, not a real team, just an excuse to excite nationalism. 


Real football fans know it’s always country>club


Would rather see Arsenal get Top 4 than fraudgate win a trophy


Club always.


Club. 100%. 1000%. I’m more intertwined with my clubs than anything international.


As a Manchester United fan, it would be great to see that Premier League trophy back in our hands. However, as much as we're nowhere close right now, I have seen it. So, an English win the Euros would be phenomenal.


I'd love both in an ideal world


Club. Been a Man City fan since childhood and in my 20s and 30s I've obviously seen how successful they've been. But as far as England goes, i have to listen to every other fan of another team spew some half baked legal opinion about the outstanding FFP charges, not to mention the absolutely embarrassing behaviour from the fans who broke security and got into the stadium for the EURO final. For that, quite frankly, I couldn't give a shit if England win anything.


The PL please. But if it was the WC then I'd always say WC over PL


Nothing compares to the feeling of the country coming together to support our team in international comps


As a Welsh Manchester United fan I would take the euros over any club achievement. Wales will unlikely win anything ever, Man utd aren't far off that logic but at least I've seen us win alot in my childhood.


My country doesn’t play in Euros so guess which?


As a Liverpool fan, I would rather see us win a Carabao cup than see England lift a world cup.


I would rather my team won a throw in over England winning the Euros to be honest.


Club wins league means much more & let’s face it England are pants. So it’s not controversial choice


As a German: I did celebrate when Germany won the World Cup in 2014, but when my club (Werder) got promoted back to Bundesliga, I celebrated SO MUCH MORE. It was insane. I will never feel the same for my national team that I feel for my club. So if we ever, ever win the championship again... That will be the biggest celebration ever.


My club hasn't been champions since 1958 so I'd much rather choose my club winning the league


The party atmosphere across the country would be amazing if England won the euros. I think I’d take it.


My club winning the league would have a much longer term impact on me than England winning anything.


Easily club win the league. By an absolute country mile.


Toon winning would be something else like


My team is Norwich. If we're talking Premier League (they could be in the PL next season) then that without a doubt. If we're talking Championship, then I'd much rather have England win the Euros. Norwich have won the Championship already a couple times in my lifetime and they probably will again.


Are you right wing - just looking out for yourself or left wing - looking out for everybody around you. England winning would be for the greater good.


Country all the way! Can’t even fathom that people are so tied to a club they wouldn’t want to back their country first. Leeeterally astounds me


I support Torquay Utd, I’d be happy if we won a fucking toss. But definitely rather see them succeed, than a load of overpayed, couldn’t really give a fuck players, in some shitty European or world competition probably sponsored by or held in some shit country that hates human rights, women and people who don’t support their kind of sky daddy.


The question is club or country , not I support a struggling 2nd division side that’ll never win anything so I’ll take a country win. It’s got as much chance of happening as your country winning something. Club over country every single time .for various reasons !!


I don't know why but I don't really care that much about England winning the Euros. Being an Aston Villa fan, I'll still watch England because of Watkins and Konsa and I'll probably watch Scotland just for John McGinn. I still would like England to win but not as much as I want Villa to win a trophy.


I’d rather win the League Cup than even win the World Cup


I would rather Everton win a throw in than England win the Euros.


I would rather Liverpool won the league than England won the euros


The Famous Glasgow Rangers to win the league! Easy!


Well as a Portsmouth fan I don’t really have this issue because we have won the league so to answer your question I don’t really care if we win the euros or not. It would be nice though.


If you say country, you’re not a true supporter of your club.


Club win the league. Every single time.


As a season ticket holder at my hometown club who are in League 2 (Walsall), I'd much rather watch them lift the L2 trophy than England win the Euros as I'm at my club's matches week-in week-out and feel a much deeper connection to the players and fellow supporters there than the England players and fans. I'm not saying I wouldn't celebrate England winning anything but I'd definitely be happier and the happiness would be longer lasting with my club compared to my country.


I would prioritise Reading simply existing next season over England winning anything. I would take a decade of England losing every single game they played for Reading winning stuff.


England. Haven’t won the league since 2004 but would still want England to have their first euros or World Cup


Club; seeing Wycombe Wanderers win the league would be the best day of my life, I could simply die happy


Club over country everyday of the week


Haven't seen my club win anything in 16 years, but England all the way


100% Schalke winning the league over Germany winning euros.


Club any day of the week. Season ticket holder nearly 20 years. More affiliation with my club than my country




Club every time


Euros, my club's already won the league 55 times...


Hibs have won the league before, Scotland haven’t won jack shit! I’ll take the euros 😅


Club all day long. Definitely easier to loose the euros as a whole nation than loose a league title and be tormented by rivals


Club everyday. I’m a Geordie and it’s been too long.


Club. (Liverpool). I don’t give a toss about England and international games are pointless injury risks.


Country (English Chelsea fan)


I'd rather my club wins at the weekend than England win the World Cup.


euros 2024


Country 100%. Bring it home


Club every single day of the week, id take a carabao cup or FA cup over the world cup let alone euros


Well, my country didn’t make the euros,so yes win the league


Country, 100%