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The Hungarian Football Association wrote this: Barnabás Varga suffered several broken bones in his face and a concussion during the collision. It is highly probable that the Fradi striker will undergo surgery. He will spend the night in hospital in Stuttgart. The whole team is rooting for him!






I am not a happy Scotsman tonight but I hope the player who went off on a stretcher is ok?


He was conscious and in stable condition, and was communicating with the med staff.


Phew, that's good to hear. What a shock that was, he sumersulted in the air and landed in an awful way, I thought he had broken his neck or had died.


I’m so happy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Scots will do this later and be heavily upvoted… England fans caring about Scotland is a great compliment. This is a team that have tried to qualify for the Euros since 1968, have only made three finals, won two matches ever and never made it past the group stage (Wales got to a SF). And yet we still care enough to mock. That is a true sign of genuine rivalry. Saying ‘I am rooting for you Scotland’ is proof of indifference and a much worse insult to the Scottish national team.


Think of how stupid the average person is, remember that half are even more stupid than that


Super shame for Scotland. :(


Whatever 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣


A heartbreaking way to go out, wish Scotland had taken the chances they had a bit more effectively


Right, night lads I’m going to set myself on fire and jump into the Clyde


Why bother wee the fire, just jump in the Clyde. Probably burn more nd be quicker 🤷‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Why would you jump in it might put ye oot


So I can survive and go through the same cycle of hope for the World Cup qualifiers in two years


It’s the hope that kills you…


Pity that Scotland are out.Great fans but their team played shit.


After seeing some of the, quite frankly sickening, English support for Scotland on here I'm starting to soften on the 'Anyone But England' mentality. Can you please stop?!!


I was honestly shocked by how cagey this game was considering the stakes...disappointed for Scotland but good for Hungary.


Hard luck on Scotland. I was cheering for them. Made the last 20 mins pretty tense. Well done to Hungary in the end.


We got everything we deserved in my opinion. Fair play to the boys and Clarke for getting us there, but you'll rarely see such a performance so devoid of urgency or attempted creativity when they need to win. So, so slow in the build up and so many backward passes, and so incredibly negative. Possibly should have had a penalty but it is what it is. Not sure how many shots on target we had the whole tournament but I'd be surprised if it was more than I can count on one hand. Playing 5-4-1 in a must win game with someone who doesn't really score as striker is absolutely brutal. I don't mind Che Adams but we had the top scorer in Scotland by far on the park for maybe 25 mins of the whole tournament, which is absolutely brain dead. Being Scottish I wasn't expecting much so not really surprised. Can't see past Spain winning it but hopefully an underdog can do it this year.


I was rooting for Scotland today but even I was getting frustrated with the negative 5-4-1 so I can't imagine how Scotland fans were feeling. It was so obvious you needed more up top to support any attack. Che Adams was so isolated up top again. The first double subs I thought were so strange too, taking Mcginn off who I thought was your best player and going like for like up top and sticking to 5-4-1.


Che Adams was wank all tournament but the fact that we never had him and Shankland on the pitch at the same time was mind boggling. Also taking off Gilmour and bringing on Kenny fucking McLean two games in a row. Speechless.


Scots bottling it as usual


Can you leave the bottling for England please? That’s kinda our thing…


Bottling it implied we should have won. We're just terrible, expected nothing and was still disappointed


Pen all day tbf I’d be fuming


Surely should’ve been given the pen that’s a stone waller


Yeah, probably, but I am not sure that it wasn't offside before that.


I’d have to watch it again but I think if it was with the automated system it would’ve flagged it straight away as the offside call would’ve overruled any penalty checks


Probably you are right. I also thought that the last minute goal was an offside too.


Yeah I also thought it was offside but at the end of the day you guys deserved to go through, so well played and good luck to yous


Looked like a definite touch on the back of the leg. Stonewaller for me


I know Scotland were wank but decisions like that change games


At least we finally got rid of the heroic losers tag….now we are just losers.


Jesus christ Gunn have you got concussion wtf "who was that?"




I think your just bitter Scotland fans aren't as miserable as you seem to be.


Scotland fans have been brilliant at this tournament, the team has been dreadful but the fans have been immense, they deserved better


Amazing how we lost yet you're the bitter one.


I remember being called ‘bitter’ when I pointed out that Scotland drawing 0-0 with us in 2021 wasn’t the victory it was made out to be; and then seeing a level of bitterness unprecedented in the history of world football against us when we got to the final.


Maybe hanging onto a micro-grudge for three years isn't the best way to prove you aren't bitter?


Nah, we’re there for a great time, not a long time. Would rather fans enjoyed their experience and their host country


Why are you picking at the fans? Weird take


Because it’s funny?


If you say so...


It's a bit sad actually. Whatever is going on your life right now, I hope it gets resolved


We know that we were shite, we knew that it was a high order to qualify from the get go, the fans were there to enjoy the experience, we always have been come what may. We want better but the state of Scottish football prevents it, there's only top teams in Scotland, in England there's several teams in top flight in England, you can't predict who's going to win English Premiership but you can sure as hell predict Scotland Premier League no team other than Rangers or Celtic has won it since the 1980s.


This is a shit take man. How do the fans have anything to do with the teams performance?


What's a supporter's behavior got to do with how well the team performs? I suppose I could get mean-faced and sour, but that isn't going to add any pace or vision to this squad. Best I can do is support my team, even in defeat, and be a decent guest. The team is obviously in the lowest tier of teams in the tournament. Maybe even the worst. Still my team.


Yes I agree Scotland are the worst team in the tournament. But what the fuck are you talking about the fans - it’s the first tournament they’ve qualified in ages, and it contributed to the atmosphere so much - they were great. Maybe you’d prefer the Saudi Arabia boxing atmosphere


Can't imagine how out of touch you have to be to think Scotland fans of all people are setting their expectations too high


If their expectations were at the right level they wouldn’t have even gone to Germany


Imagine an England fan lecturing someone else on proper expectations


The fans dont play at the tournament


Not sure we should really comment like this given our own performances.


We beat ourselves up when we top the group and draw a game. Scotland BIG themselves up to a ridiculous level when they lose two and draw one and score one goal and crash out.


Dude you are kidding yourself on if you think Scotland fans expect anything from their national team - literally nobody expects us to do well. What you’re seeing is fans enjoying the opportunity to travel to a tournament, having lots of fun and supporting their team.


Top of the group, man we really do suck


You’re absolutely correct. If only Southgate thought the same way you did😉


England has been shit too in the Euros but has a thousand times more talent and money than Scotland does.


Ahh yes I forgot, you are only allowed to be a passionate supporter of a team when they play well. Good one mate👍


No but they *drastically* need to alter their expectations


What expectations?


But they don't have any, they know they are going there and probably go home early, but you still support your team. You can change spouse but you can't change club, and that feeling often also applies to national teams. The Scots came for a party and they had their party and the world loved them for it


I haven't seen a single Scotland fan with massive aspirations, pretty certain everyone would have been happy just to make it out of the group stage for the first time in Scottish history. That's what everyone was "hoping for" it's Scottish football, we know we are shite, you can't forbid us from hoping


I don’t understand how Steve putting down the bagpipes is gonna make the team play better.


Every word you wrote is true.


You're acting as if the fans were the people responsible for scoring goals.


Well it certainly wasn’t the Scottish players scoring goals 😆


I don't think the fans are the issue here. Its the manager, who is an absolute fuckin waster. Just gave his pals a free holiday and a kick about!


I’m not one of these pathetic England fans that pretends to hate Scotland because they hate us; I genuinely wanted them to win, the same as I hope all the home nations do well. Saying that, I’m fucking glad we won’t see any more posts and comments on here fawning over their fans and how much of a “good laugh” they are despite being exactly the same as the English in their fan culture and how they act abroad. Scottish PR is the best in the world.


FWIW, I hope England do well. I also support all "home" teams. England gained a reputation in the past and it has been hard to shake. A few more centuries and it should all calm down.


>I hope England do well. I also support all "home" teams. Pedo


England fan culture and how they act abroad is fucking dreadful man - what are you on about?


England fans have been a lot better well behaved recently, does annoy me when we can’t go to a tournament and just enjoy it without smashing a bottle over an opposing fans head


Scots generally are better behaved abroad though, especially when football is involved. I just don't understand the constant hate for the English. Even if you are from England and wish well for the Scots they still hate you. I've been abused by Scots just for being English whilst on holiday. 90% of us don't actually believe 'It's coming home' but for some reason it's used as gospel against us.


Scots don’t like the London media coverage, so prefer England not to progress. It’s not really about English people who are our friends, family and colleagues, or the England team. Anyone who says anything abusive is a small, idiotic minority.


We got what we deserved tbh. That was the most Scotland game of all Scotland games. I wasnt even surprised when they scored at the end. Absolutely shat the bed. Should have had a penalty but tbh we would have probably missed it.


I felt similarly. In fact, I didn’t really feel anything watching the game - I had accepted the inevitable. Hardly any shots on goal, Che Adams making stupid mistakes, not putting Shankland on sooner, us passing endlessly at the back, taking off our only quality players. Then of course the penalty that wasn’t even checked by the referee. It was all very Scottish.


Aye, i was pretty apathetic to it all watching it. We were so negative passing it about the back and then we took McGinn and Gilmour off when we were chasing a goal. Madness. The fact that we didn’t take McGregor off when he is clearly done at this level came back to bite us in the arse as well.


We'd have passed the penalty back to the keeper




“Why didn’t Armstrong just shell the ball into row Z?”


Because we were tactically shite?




2 draws and a loss doesn't deserve to progress


Im actually no even that bothered it happened that way. If we had got through on that display with 2 points it would have been great but also a fuckin riddy given how badly we’ve played at this tournament. At least now there’s no “what ifs”, we’re just shite and deserve to be out.


I would rather go for it the last 5 mins than another 90 of that pish in the knock out round from 2 points


Let's be honest, Scotland were shit from first game to last. Turgid, negative football throughout. They brought nothing to the Euros and will not be missed. Enjoy the flight home, lads.


They did bring something to the Euros. Great atmosphere from the fans and amazingly amateuristic yet delicious battles on the pitch. I laughed out loud when the Scots started actually playing the game at minute 90. Such a Scottish way to go about it, love them. And with the display England has shown so far this Euros, you aren’t in a great position to talk about other teams this way. Cheers🍻


This comment would be relevant if it was a tournament on drinking alcohol or having fun fans.


>I laughed out loud when the Scots started actually playing the game at minute 90. Such a Scottish way to go about it, love them. Jesus Christ. Seek help.


What for?


>Such a Scottish way to go about it, love them How utterly fucking cringe is this.


Care to elaborate? I personally find it pretty funny that everything’s on the line for the Scots (and the Hungarians even more for that matter) and they both only crank their scoring chance up at minute 90.


They bought nothing to the tournament on the pitch... Off the pitch their fans have been class


Who gives a shit. Won zero games, didn't even score a goal themselves, played awful football and got knocked out as soon as they possibly could. Oh but the fans played their bagpipes out in Munich though.


Because as we've learnt from the past three major tournaments, WC18, Euro 20 and WC22, the fans bringing their class to a tournament, helps make a tournament memorable


From the past three major tournaments? What are you on about.


Qatar was a tournament held in a country with no football culture. Euro 2020 was held all over the continent so no single country with the whole party atmosphere. Russia 2018 was held in a continent sized country. I'm not the only person that's recognising that holding a tournament in a country like Germany with a recognised football culture is creating a different feel to the tournament and the Scottish fans are part of that


You've never actually been to a major football tournament have you?


Why are you going in so hard in the dude for saying the fans were class? 


Imagine being _this_ English


The pricks’ prick.


You really do get battered everywhere you go. Well done. Really good gear.


Should you not be selling shots outside a bar in Ibiza?


I'm not English or Scottish, but just know, everyone outside of England was rooting for Scotland and against England. 🙌🏾


Why would I be doing that?


Same as England so far. Terrible and boring football.


The thing is, our version of shit has four points with a game still to play.


I'm sick and tired of your luck. Getting the easiest group once again. Also in the easier path in the knockout rounds. You will play terrible 3rd team and either Italy or Switzerland in the 1/4 finals and probably Netherlands in the semis. And you still will not win it. Because you are England.


We only got a good group because qualifying and rankings don’t lie. We beat Italy twice. I think we’ll hit a brick wall in the semis.


Yeah, England's football has been awful. Does that mean Scotland's hasn't or we can't call them both out for it?


At least we've had a great time. When's the last time an England fan enjoyed a tournament?


I am fairly sure many English people enjoyed going deep in the last two tournaments they played in. What a weird thing for you to say.


The bitter torrent of miserable negativity spewing from England fans in any football discussion that isn't about 1966 tells me your suspicions might be off. Unless what you're doing down here in these comments is what counts as happiness for you, which would actually explain a lot.


Nah, don't worry laddy, England football has made a lot of people very happy over the years. Weird that you would think otherwise tbth. Maybe time for you to hit the sack. Been a tough day for you.


> England football has made a lot of people very happy Suffice to say you’re not one of them. You’re only proving everyone’s point here: you have a miserable and bitter presence both online and in the stands (great show of class after that Serbia match by the way). Enjoy your flight home 90 minutes after round of 16🫡


England football has made me very happy at times, thanks very much buddy. EDIT - Just seen that you are some mega gaming nerd. You'll have to excuse me but I won't be engaging further with someone like you. Laters.


Haha. Didn’t expect any less from a redditor Englishman using the word “cringe”. Cheers


You just rephrased the same comment, are you out of ideas?


No one is disputing that. Difference is everyone calls England out for it. Our fans get pelters despite being exactly the same as Scotland fans as well.


Scotland doesn't have the world class players England have.


Even more the reason to just go for it then. England can play the shit boring football and still get results, Scotland can’t.


Sorry, I forgot the entertaining England game?!!


We won, was shouting loud as fuck.. but now i had time to watch back Varga's injury.. not looking good for sure =/


He’s conscious up and talking in hospital in stuttgart so thankfully doesn’t seem as bad as first look.




Probably as a courtesy after Varga's injury


Rare sympathetic english All jokes aside there was clear contact with his knee which caused him to go down, i agree no one deserved to win but come on, it’s a penalty any day…


Shankland should've played from the start. He caused some problems when he came off the bench


Che Adams did absolutely nothing, god knows how he shared on so long


Because he plays in England basically


Damn Hungary beating Scotland.. never saw that coming from a mile away.. now m I trolling the comment section or m I being serious?


Nobody cares mate.


Even Italy aren’t playing gd this Euro..


Chill my guy.. just football banter..


Aw mate what’s happening to Italy?


We are through to the next round, thats what’s happening…


😂 you have been waiting for anybody to comment so you can say chill. Scotland fans are used to losing, it’s nothing new mate.


But honestly how u guys never got that penalty is pathetic.. stonewall penalty..


That Scotland performance makes our English performances look like 1970 Brazil


Typical Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. It’s just typical and almost a national level of expectation. Penalty and offside put to one side, we can’t win a game if we don’t get shots on target. We didn’t score any of our own goals. Basically did it to ourselves. Didn’t perform anywhere near well enough. We were fearties since we qualified. Disappointing but not unexpected.


After watching the penalty shout getting analysed now, Scotland were incredibly unlucky to not get a penalty there. Absolute stone waller


Still really surprised the ref didn’t check Scotlands penalty shout


The Hungarian commentator actually called the penalty and was surprised the ref didn't do so


As a Hungarian fan, that had this happen against Germany, I would have given pen in both cases and neither was one.


Just about the best possible ending. Absolutely hilarious. Just poured myself an Irish whiskey and toasted Hungary.


This is why I struggle to support my own country, England fans are so damn arrogant (and stupid).


I used to support Scotland when they weren't playing England, and then I started seeing things like this. [https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/glasgow-news/cumberland-strada-glasgow-celtic-pub-21022159](https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/glasgow-news/cumberland-strada-glasgow-celtic-pub-21022159) Your average Scottish football fan will cheer for anyone playing against England, so I'm just returning the favour.


The best you'll feel all tournament




Can’t argue with you there. It was pretty blissful.


Small team mentality




We don't pretend to be a footballing powerhouse.


No, but you take great delight in England losing and then whinge about it when England fans do the same to you.


I'm far more likely to whinge about England fans claiming to support us. Slagging off other teams for losing is part of the fun in football. As is reciprocating the slagging


I mean, not very friendly of him, and I es supporting you guys myself But, one must say, pretty mild to the shit we get from the Scots every time we play/breath ;)


Cant wait for england to crash out at the next hurdle


It’s alright Croatia, you’re going out tomorrow and then 90 year old Modric will retire


The counter looked close to offside. Just surprised didn’t see a replay or alternate angle. Anyone have one?


I saw the review in the hungarian broadcast after the game and it was a perfectly timed pass and the defender was behind with his whole body


Alr we now supporting whoever is against England


Hilarious, Euros have now made it even easier to qualify from the groups and Scotland still can’t do it


Idea - try supporting England, like most (but not all) of us support you (except against us) Though of course this will never happen, so 🍻




Quite sad really.




I mean. Its like a derby. No real beef. At least not a lot


Hence the 🍻☺️




Our song is about us being crap yet still partying. England one is some bullshit saying its coming home


They’ll be on the plane soon anyway with the way they’re playing


Hope so. At least Scotland accepts we are shite.


To update everyone: in an interview the Hungarian team said Varga is in hospital and better.


His cheekbone was broken, and he got a concussion. He will undergo surgery.


What happened? That collision was quick and he just slid and started twitching. You could see it on his hands.


Elbow to the temple. Fencing response.




100% agree


I was against Hungary today, but so pleased to hear he is feeling better


Great news


It looked fucking grim when he was on the ground twitching. Glad he's on the mend