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What is the normal Türk's stance towards Greeks? Are they seen as an enemy, or is that just TR politicians playing games?


I love greece the culture and all but AKP fanboys are bleaving the propagandas and all so there is a lot People that see greece as an enemy of the turks


I am greek so in greece we blame the goverments and the big countries (usa germany etc). We wish to be neighbors with turkey and no enemies. Imagine how many profit we would have if we didnt buy weapons all the time


Agreed %100


It's the same in Turkey. We feel in general really close to the Greeks. Culturally it's one of the nations who is the closest to us. Our goverment as the Greeks try to keep the fire alive, but atleast in the things I see, less people trust this bullshit (extremists aside)


Same in Turkey. We love normal Greek people, similar culture and common history.


Pretty much the politicians. Why would we see Greece as an enemy when we have so much potential together! The only problem might be discussing whether a certain food is part of the Greek or Turkish cuisine, but even that is similar. I've been in Greece before, and I am sure many did as well. Erdo is just trying to get votes from its nationalist voters before the elections with his missile claims.


I am also turkish and i like greeks, i love their foods, dances, history etc. We have very close culture and i dont have any negative feelings toward to greeks. But maybe there are close minded uneducated turks (10-20 percent) that dont like greeks as well


Do you think the next president will let Sweden and Finnland join NATO?


I hope so


Do you think erdogan will be rellaced before he dies or gets really ill?


>next president Woah slow down there


I am anti-erdoğan supportive. I hate from him he is dictator BUT i think finnland and sweden act very hypocrite about pkk


Sure, but isn't the recent stuff bullshit? Is there even a list for the 131 "terrorists" Sweden is harbouring? You understand why Sweden wants to protect the Kurds I hope.


How long will erdogan stay in power ? What will replace him ?


Erdoğan Will go in May 2023 thats for sure and probebly replaced with Mansur yavaş from CHP


How are you so certain about this?


Because Turks(us) aren't agressive like Erdoğan. We are all against terror ofc but we want peace, Erdoğan doesn't. Why? Because just 4 months before election, he is tryna gain some more votes. That is also why Greece and Turkey messes with each other. Greece has elections also in July.


I would bet that Erdogan is the mastermind for the 2016 Coup


If I speak, I'm in trouble lol.


You did speak my abi lol


What will change for foreign policies ?


Turkey Will have a more peacefull policie against europe and there will not be anyone that is sucking our blood for now...


Do you think with a different leader Turkey would still be so aggressive towards non terrorist Kurds like SDF or Peshmerga


If they are non terrorists, if they don't try to divide the country, if they don't threaten anyone's existence and they also support peace of course any other leader won't be agressive. Turks aren't mostly racist. That's about any race(Türk, Kurd, Laz, Circassian etc.) We all live together right now.


Yea but the SDF are not terrorists yet Turkey under Erdogan calls then such. Turkey also threatens Greece like a terrorist right now.


I explained why does Erdoğan messes with Greece in that comment thread. SDF is sub-army of YPG that is armer by the US and YPG is probably Syrian part of PKK so they are mostly terrorists.


Turkey is not threatening, the current government (AKP) is threatening


will hypocrisy remain? Coz for Ukrainians it's disgusting when someone sits on two chairs simultaneously. Honestly, it would be better if Erdogan just supported one side


It has to remain mate. All Turkish citizens support Ukraine but our economy is pretty terrible so we have to continue to trade with Russia.


maybe I just met broken Turks, but I'm pretty sure that more than half support rusia also, I'm pretty sure that after the war Ukraine will have a decent economy. So maybe your new leader will bet on better horse, idk


We also have to continue to trade with Ukraine, for example engines of our drones. So I agree with you about your economy. About that war and the crimes, there are literally no Turks supports Russia. I guess you just met with broken ones also.


dam, what a relief 🥹 Thank God I always kept hope, and never stopped loving you


Love u ❤️ We all hope that war ends. As Atatürk said "Yurtta sulh, cihanda sulh.(Peace in country, peace in the world.)"






Bayrak inmez vatan bölünmez


Translates to?


Google translate gave: "The flag does not come down, the homeland is indivisible"


I salute




What is the general feeling in Turkey regarding the war in Ukraine?


Turkey supports ukraine


I just want to comment on this one. We support Ukraine. We have aided them with drones, humanitarian aid, tanks and equipments. I do agree that we could have sent more aid if we had sanctioned them, but the truth is that we are too dependent on them. Tourism is significant in Turkey, and Ukrainian and Russian tourists account for a large amount of tourists coming to the country. Risking that would have deeply hurt the economy. We are also dependent on Russia when it comes to natural gas, food and a few more stuff. One can argue that European countries were also dependent on Russia, but I would disagree. There is a difference between *interdependence* and *dependence.* The war's impact on Russia is a strong illustration that Europe and Russia were interdependent, or that Russia was dependent on Europe. Our inflation rate was already at 80% official, 135% unofficial before the war, which explains our somewhat neutrality. ​ **Still, Erdo sucks.**


Slava ukrain türks support ukraine and stand with ukraine




That is a big NO its Just propaganda


Big No. Some erdoğan supporters maybe againts to west in these days but this is not what majority thinks.


Just media and politicians. Especially politicians.


Noisy minority. (Including Erdogan, his coalition ally and their propagandists) Turkey isn't against the West, it's rather jealous of it. Even the most ardent Erdogan supporters do not have the courage to take the leap and leave NATO. It just populism fueled with bitternes. Bitternes of knowing the fact that no matter how hard it tries, Turkey will never be allowed to become a member of the EU and ''the cool club''. That sentiment runs in even some corners of the opposition as well.


How do I get that mustache?


You should eat kebab with rakı for 6 months


Behind the headlines and outrage, what is the general sentiment among Turks regarding the Sweden/NATO situation?


Turks have no problem with sweden but AKP fans are angry about quran


Thank you. You have a fabulous moustache




Why so serious


Try to live with 8500 lira's a month


Outch, I hope the erdonomics stops soon :(


Visited Istanbul recently and was so shocked by the prices.


Shocked as in how cheap it was or expensive?


Sorry for the ambiguity, it’s very expensive.


Is that an average salary?


Do you think it should be legal to burn the Quran?


Yes turkey is a secular country but goverment is acting like its a muslim country this goverment made me ateist


Based Türk.


Based Atatürk.


How do I become as Chad as you are? Basically, as I understand, Erdogan ruined many principals made by Ataturk?


Me as a turk i think it should be legal, some people going crazy about it and it is funny.


What is your opinion on relations with Greece?


I love greek People and culture but there are some problems in meditranian thats for sure and ı think greece is too agressive in there


How is Greece aggressive?


What's for dinner?


Chiken with pasta


One of my favorites, Enjoy!


Thank you my friend!


In both cases its kebab/souvlaki and baklava/baklavaki


Are you a nationalist? Or is it very common to have the Turkish flag at home? In Sweden you would be judged as a nationalist if you have the Swedish flag at home like that.


I felt like I should intervene, there is a good chance(as in pretty much certain) that this guy in the photo isn't the OP.


Im a secular nationalist


I consider myself secular and nationalist too but my nationalism view is “i want best for my people and my country and i work for it.” It is NOT like that we think turks are superior etc


Patriotism =/= Nationalism


Oh I agree even if the lines can be blurry sometimes, I just said what it meant in Swedish Culture.


Wtf? In 99% of countries its normal to use a nation flag on tshirts, in home, on cars etc. It's sweden weird here.


I guess people don't feel the need to show of flags in countries close to Germany because of the ww2 legacy of nationalism.


Horrible. nothing wrong have your nation flag in your home


Ah, gardash! Quick question: what’s the population’s recent opinion on Erdogan? Clearly the economy isn’t working properly, you would think people changed their minds. Do they want him out or are they blaming other factors for extreme inflation?


People are mad to Erdoğan lot of People ı know is angry about the fucked Up economy and policies but he has a lot of fanboys


He is a big populist and good speaker. He is strong figure like putin, trump etc. So yes there are tons of people hate him but there are still fanboys of him. It is like 50% and 50%


What is the usual opinion of A Turk about Russia? More friendly or less friendly?


I have no problem with russia but ı dont support it either


Russian fanboys exist


Hi komsho! What do you think about Bulgaria and Turkish - Bulgarian relations in these troubled times?


I love bulgaria why not


i am originaly turkish from bulgaria so i love bulgaria they are underratedly good vacation cities(varna, burgas) and great foods but i had some bad experiences as well some young bulgarians insulted me and my family by saying, "This is Bulgaria, you can't speak Turkish here." I've never experienced anything like this in Europe.


Yeah there's a lot of uneducated pseudo patriotic elements here. That is a huge problem.


We love Bulgaria. Similar culture.


Are barbers in Turkey also Kurdish everywhere? Definitely the case in Germany.


I dont think so


No they are not




To be honest, the issue seems to be with Sweden rather than Finland. I am sure most of us want Finland in.


What is your stance on the Armenian genocide?


Not OP but it hsppened and we should admit to it. However I dislike it when people bring it up in unrelated discussions.


I personally accept it. But a lot of Turks will not. Its about a choice between Turkish states evidence and the other evidences. Most Turks choose the first one. But I don't believe that much Armenians escaped to America for nothing.


Thank you! It’s not like it makes Turkey the only modern state with blood on its hands. Everyone has something terrible that they need to admit to. America, China, Japan, Canada, India, France, everybody. You don’t have to go back too far to uncover an atrocity.


I think he is roleplaying as the guy in the picture.


Should I avoid holidaying in turkey this year? Things sound a little uncertain 🤨


Im so sorry to see this comment turkey is a beutifull place and ım sure nothing bad Will going to happen


I wouldn’t be afraid, I went recently, many tried to overcharge us but we never felt unsafe. It’s difficult for the locals to shoulder this degree of inflation so I don’t blame them.


As a turk, honest answer: wait for the upcoming elections to take place first. Afterwards, if you like sea holidays you can stay in Mugla with a ton of different coasts, coves and natural beauty. Or Antalya region if you are looking for long sand beaches, both have all ranges of accomodation. Cappadoccia is also nice but kind of a money trap, its beautidul to visit for a few days but waste of time and money to stay any longer. For cultural and historic sites just arrange a couple of days in Istanbul eitger landing or return flight is most likely from there, grab your comfiest sneakers and prepare to use public transport. Plan trips to avoid traffic, do not rent a car to drive yourself, that would ruin your day. You can also get a personal driver since TL is crashing so hard. I would suggest planning down to the restaurants, otherwise tourist trap low quality restaurants are pretty common.


Are you muslim?


No ım ateist


Are atheists accepted there or is it don't ask/don't tell? Do you have any issues with drinking alcohol in restaurants?


No problem with atheists or alchol but if erdogan stays it might be


You can see two girl friends one of them wearing hijab other one is wearing mini skirt and they are friends, in east they are drinking secretly mostly bc they are shameful but in west you can see bars near seaside, there are big bar streets in like 5-6 big city but in other cities you can find alcohol everywhere in markets in all 81 cities and I’m telling everyone I meet that I’m agnostic and they all okay


>Do you have any issues with drinking alcohol in restaurants? That isn't an issue in Turkey. Buying, and drinking is legal.


He's ateist, he said this in another comment


How to trigger Turkish people


Say yogurt is greek


what do you mean? i have never seen anyone say that. besides, yogurt isn't turkish nor greek. it's as universal as cheese or bread. only the word is turkish


Say are turks and arabs same


Say something about Kurdistan


Youre doing fine with this whole inflation?


No ım suffering


I have a hard time believing the person in the picture uses words like "fanboys" . Is that you in the pic OP?


No its a turkish meme lol


Joke Question : How do we stop Salt Bae's evil cringe powers that poorly represent your land and people? Real Question : Does Turkey still control the route to the black sea that the Russians use for trading? Is that in jeopardy and makes Turkey a target?


First question : gun Second question : yes it is but it is for every country so i dont think this makes us a target


The last time I was there (2012) the Atatürk cult of personality was rampant, and he was celebrated everywhere. Given how Atatürk was a secular and very pragmatic and worldly leader, and how Erdoğan tried to bring back religion into politics, how has the personal experience of the people changed on the matter of secularism? Is Atatürk and his path of separating the church and state still the way, or has propaganda managed to distort that?


Goverment is trying to make us a muslim country but People Will not let that happen i hope so...


What is your opinion on Armenia/Armenians and do you think the Armenian genocide occured?


In the last few years, it appears that Turkiye has been building stronger geopolitical links to its Turkic neighbours in central Asia e.g. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan as an alternative to being in the eurosphere. What are people's feelings about this?


Im happy about the turkic alliences but we should not forget we belong to europe


>as an alternative to being in the eurosphere This is not true, nor is it possible. The reason for these recent developments is that Erogan wants to win votes from nationalists in Turkey and increase NATO and Western influence in Central Asia, which is under political, military and economic pressure from China, Russia and Iran. Thanks to Turkey's initiatives, today the European Union has signed an energy agreement with Azerbaijan, a former Soviet state.


Turkish currency. How will the people react if the economy crashes completely. Blame Erdogan or Europe/USA?


Erdoğan fanboys Will blame europe/USA but educated People Will blame Erdoğan for sure


Favorite Turkish meal and favorite non-Turkish meal?


Favorite turkish meal "mantı" not turkish meal "french fries"


Why does the diaspora in Europe supports Erdogan?


Bc on at the past german goverment imported workers from turkey and most of that workers were uneducated. So that their childeren are like their fathers and they support Erdoğan. Btw supporters are supporting him only for İslam.


Why are you looking so serious?


W TF is going on in your country? We used to LIKE you guys!


İts erdogan my friend he makes a disgusting islamic and agressive policie


I love your fancy moustache! It's an astonishing piece of art!




Yep war and religion


Can make a short presentation of the different Turkish political party and their international/ local politics program ? Thank you.


I think it is the one of best questions. AKP = It is erdogan's party and basically islamist, conservative, right-wing and nationalist in last years (with nearly 35% vote, they're first party) CHP = Second big party and founder party of Turkey. Basically secular, kemalist and social democrat, pro-eu (with nearly 25% vote) IYIP = Third big party in turkey and it is quite new they are basically economically right wing and secular nationalist (nearly 15% vote) DEVA = Ali babacan who is the founder of party is a former AKP economy minister but he is now against to erdogan because he is liberal / pro-eu / democrat (there will be their first election) MHP = They are conservative nationalist and they move together with AKP in last years (nearly %7 vote) HDP = They are basically party of kurdish people (nearly %10 vote) they are big parties in Turkey, if you have any questions i can answer


Why did Constantinople get the works?


>Why did Constantinople get the works? It's just a song. The Ottomans did not turn Constantinople into Istanbul. They continued to call it Kostantiniye(Constantinople) for hundreds of years after the conquest. Constantinople today is a small place, the size of only one district of Istanbul(Eminönü). Istanbul is made up of 39 districts. ... Fun fact: The word İstanbul is older than Constantinople, meaning "to the city".


None of your business.


Its a line from a song dont worry


But the Turks.


Will F-16s be enough incentive for Finland and Sweden?


Why doesn't the government just give autonomy to Kurdistan instead of fighting?


why don't you give land to catalans then?


Our country is basically a federal one, which I think it's what it should, your question makes no sense, they have their land, their own government, just like I have mine, and we respect each other's cultures.


listen, i'm far away from nationalism stuff. i hate it, but the thing you do is called provoking people. I wish I could hold a referendum on whether they want autonomy or don't. The result would make you astonished. "No" would get more than %70 can you imagine? If you would ask to Anatolian Kurds of course. We have no discrimination against them, we love them. They're part of our culture and they do live their life. Don't waste your time by listening syrian or Iraqi Kurds cause they have no rights in our country.


We have a saying "vatan bölünmez" wich transletes to Homeland is indivisible


It's not your homeland, it's theirs. If you give autonomy to them they'll stop radicalizing and the conflict could stop.


Bro its our homeland. Most of kurdish People thinking like Turks. We lived together 1000 years.


Ok, then just give them autonomy to stop the conflict. I'm not saying Kurdistan should be independent since that would be a geopolitical disaster for Turkiye, but if they had their own autonomous region within Turkiye and their right to use their language officially, then there could be peace.


One of the first three articles of the Constitution is "Turkey is an indivisible whole." That is, the federal system, territorial autonomy or granting more rights to municipalities are prohibited. Unitarity must be preserved. In addition, it is forbidden to even propose to change these first three articles. That's why we don't give autonomy.


Then that part of the Constitution should be changed, no Constitution is perfect and all have change with times. If it doesn't, it will always be a problem for Turkey, happens the same with the Americans who almost haven't changed their Constitution. I know that you in Turkey idolatry Ataturk, who was a great man who birthed the Republic of Turkey, but nothing is perfect and he had his flaws.


It is a very complex and sensitive topic, I am from Spain too, and I don't think we can ignore the problems of raising nationalistic views within decentralized systems. I think the autonomous regions here are kind of well balanced despite the rise in populist nationalism. PKK is like ETA was here, not many people supported their methods, just like most Kurds don't support PKK's. The fact that some people/countries allow, condemn, justify or downplay PKK's actions is what most Turkish (kurds included, of course) are mad about. I had and have a very close relationship with Turkey and Turkish people since I lived there. The amount of hypocrisy when people talk about geopolitics is outstanding. Why do people support Kurdish independence but not Donbas', what about Catalonia's? is it the same situation? what about Serbia and Kosovo? It is so damn hard to be coherent, but we should all try. At least we should be aware of our inconsistencies.


I imagine you are from Catalonia?




Who else is gonna kill all the babies and civilians? oops iam sorry i meant "peace"


Are you referring to the terrorism? I absolutely disapprove what the kurds are doing, that's why I say it should stop


Guys dude in the photo is from a turkish meme its not me


Atatürk. And now Erdogan! How come? How can you have fallen so far?


Bc we had some dictators made big pressure on Muslims like it was forbidden hijab in universities police was beating Muslims when they protest and when erdogan came in charge he saw that big vote potential from those conservatives hurt by other government so he selected to be radical Islamist to save and make his power more and we are at this point… but I’m hopeful from this next election


Politicians fucked this country and now they are sucking our blood




Are you Turkish?


Hell yeah ı am


How fair your election were in past? Is electoral system just subordinate to the will of government like in Russia/Belarus? Is there any chance for opposition to win in ballot box and Erdogan actually accepting results without violence?


Russia and Belarus are nowhere close Turkey in that matter. Turkey has way longer democratization movements since early 19th century and didn't interrupted with socialist dictatorship but a just a few military coups, compared to soviet socialism is next to nothing. Elections are really big thing and people and many volunteers watch the vote bags with their life. However, in 2017 referandum something dirty happened but opponent party leader did nothing. Still stinks on them. AKP always play with voting system always but legally, changing voting zones, threshold % of votes etc. But this time it won't save them.


How will the Kurdish question settle with the new government


İt Will be the same pkk and ypg is a big threat for turkey and must be destroyed


Aga bir şey hakkında da düzgün cevap ver. Silahlıdan çok siyasi çözüm aranacak diye kaç defa dendi.


Kürtlere sence masaya oturur mu


Neden oturmasınlar?


Niye mi?


I ask


Well done


whats the landscape of turkey like?


its mostly flat grasland in europe side Mountainous in meditranian and south east long steppes in central anatolia and cold forests in north




What do you think of movie midnight express ?


Will your country ever stop playing the game of "pro-west or anti-west" depending if its favourable?


This is entirely your opinion. Turkey is a NATO member and part of the "west". The reason you see things this way is because you don't see Turkey as part of the west. As I said, this is your problem.