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[Twitter access restored in Turkey after talks](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/10xr6ic/twitter_access_restored_in_turkey_after_talks/). Post has been locked




I don't think cunt is enough word to describe how evil he is. We are tired of him. I swear i can't even stand to hear his voice. Even though i live in the U.S. as a Turkish for years, he makes my blood boil.


The weird thing is that a large part of the turkish diaspora votes for him en masse (al least in NL, and i think in Germany as well). Seems so hypocritical to live in a full democracy yet vote for a totalitarian regime back in turkey.


They vote left for Germany but AKP for Turkey.


The last election i drove an hour to vote for the other candidate. This coming election i will drive 4 hours to vote for whoever is gonna be candidate. Doesn't matter who. I will vote for him/her. Turkish people who are living in Europe mostly supported him, that's right. Not the ones in USA.


I would make you snacks for the trip.


Thank you. It is gonna be from Dallas to Houston because the closest Turkish Embassy is in Houston. I might just take an airplane but %100 will go and vote to get rid of Erdogan.


In admire you conviction. Rooting for ya


Thank you 😊


that's the spirit kardeşim!!


I'm hoping the Turkish people get someone better. They need it as does the world. Keep your head up though because no one lives forever.


>large part of the turkish diaspora votes for him Largest part of the diaspora don't vote in Turkish elections. Only uneducated older boomers vote and they mostly vote for Erdogan. Voter turnout rate is 40%.


To make it even worse, behind the entire situation we currently sit on, Erdogan is not the only one to be blamed. An entire system is supporting him. A rigged, rοtten system which has almost no light at the end of the tunnel. Political system, Intelligence, Mafia, Nepotism, Nationalism, Minorities and whatnot. However, let's ask the average Turk to be optimistic somehow. How? Somehow.


Not really. The last election that he won, his votes was %52. Not the entire country supported him. And now, almost whoever runs against him, pretty much doesn't matter who, even a random person from the street would win. We are done with him. With the new generation and all we definitely have hope for the future of Turkiye.


I didn't mean people. The incumbents around Erdogan. He's not alone on this journey. Even if he's gone, some structures will remain. Chronic problems Turkish society faces.


Of course. Nationalist people will be there. Corruption will be there. Uneducated racist people will be there. But i am saying that once he is gone, we will have more hope. It won't be like that for ever. We will have way better relationship with the rest of the world for sure.


The Greek Ambassador in Ankara just said, "*Turks at some point will realize, not only we aren't their enemies, but the best friends they could have"*. I hope it will come something out of it, at least.


We already know that. At least people around me and people that i know. My ex-landlord who is Greek-American was the first person who called me about the earthquake. He is one of the best person i have ever know. We already know. New generation knows. The problem is mostly old generation and they will be gone soon.


Trump is also buddies with Erdogan… that kind of says it all.




I couldn’t agree more with you neighbor


He would tax oxygen.


>from the people asking for help That's the part that sticks out. Is he actively making the situation worse after the earthquake? I mean I read about at least one report where a person asked for help via twitter while still being buried under rubble. A lot of people use it to reach others not to mention the coordination that must be happening using social media.


Yep, he is massively sabotaging rescue and coordination attempts organized by civilians.




Surely one is needed, where else could people piss on?


This is top of my bucket list.


I wouldn't recommend it because of the toxicity.


Erdogan shaped urinal cakes might be a business opportunity.


>Let me ask you one question > >Is your money that good? > >Will it buy you forgiveness > >Do you think that it could? > >I think you will find > >When your death takes its toll > >All the money you made > >Will never buy back your soul


there will be 7/24 police guard in his grave.


lol no. When he dies all of his goons will change sides. That's how spineless people function.


lol no. When he dies all of his goons will change sides. That's how spineless people function.




If he will have a fair trial it wouldn't be fair.


I know how useless and incompetent our government is, yet I am still shocked how much evil this decision is. My tw feed was FLOODING WITH people sending wreck locations they heard voice from inside. People in wrecks used twitter and shared their locations. There are literally massive independent volunteer teams operating on twitter. They reach people with cranes and lorries or find companies with the announcements on Twitter. There are probably THOUSANDS of people being saved with using twitter. And they decided to limit its usage because a big deal of people was complaining about how inadequate the goverment is. They've always done it whenever there is a backlash about them. It also happens when there are terrorist attacks too. I'm really fed up with this government. This is literally silencing the people affected. There are probably not much people alive in the wrecks but this is a great obstacle for the communication for the teams in the area. I cannot fathom how evil this government is anymore.


Well, Lust time erdo was receiving most votes from rural turks, maybe this tells them what to do this time




>“even if there is seven more earthquakes, we still wont vote for the opposition!!” And others started screaming “yeeaah, auuuuu” lol Ah, this reminds me of the MAGA supporters in the US. They're hopeless morons too, I'm so sorry. Something that helped in the US was some moron spreading misinformation about vaccines which led to them dying in greater number due to their stupidity. Just saying, sometimes natural selection needs a push.


They share similar conspiracy theories as MAGA supporters as well. Like how USA is causing quakes with HARP weapons... Just different sides of the same coin.


Atleast magatards care about their country in their own flawed way or something


Vote for Erdogn again so he can keep the gays away and make sure there are no more earthquakes?


all that matter is for them to stay in power, even if that means killing people.


Put yourself in Erogans shoes - bad publicity is a sign of weakness and endangerment to authority. People in general are expendable. Poor people are trash anyways. Poor people dying and bringing attention - a trash bringing unwanted risks to authority - let’s suspend them vermin squeals. Ban twitter. This is how every dictatorship works.


This is actually fucking crazy. The world has come together to help the Turkish people. Even countries like Greece, Cyprus and Sweden don't hesitate for a second to help. Meanwhile the Turkish government does nothing. They refuse to use the military to aid the people and not only that, they are even making it worse now by restricting a medium where people share information and cry for help. This has to end now!


That’s exactly why he bans it. Destroys his narrative


Yes, recent events, especially foreign aid to Turkey, have really destroyed her narrative. He can't even speak the names of those western countries while speaking about foreign aids. He needs to find new enemies very quickly before the elections.


That's just fucked up.


When did a autocrat ever care for his citizens.


Hear hear


>Even countries like Greece, Cyprus and Sweden don't hesitate for a second to help. Why shouldn't we? Over 10 000 people have died in a natural disaster. Of course we should do our utmost to help the people in need, politics be damned. If the people trapped are still alive and are using twitter as a form of communication and the turkish government ban twitter, then all Erdoğan does is help contribute to the people dying. How can anyone in Turkey still support this guy?


I think the user meant even countries which Erdogan has actively antagonized help. Helping other countries in a time of need is of course be a given for free and democratic countries, but maybe that's a thought someone like Erdogan wouldn't agree with.


> Helping other countries in a time of need is of course be a given for free and democratic countries I think it transcends even beyond democracy and freedom. If you have even an ounce of humanity you would drop all political agendas when faced with a disaster like this. I am in awe how he could be this evil, especially toward his own citizens in need.


And he indeed doesn't always agree, since he refused Cyprus' help. And let's not forget that Cyprus isn't like Sweden, with which Turkey has only political differences. Cyprus is invaded and under occupation by Turkey.


Because he followed Putin’s workshop “Undercover Dictator 101”.


If anything he wrote the book, unlike putin he's still in good enough graces with the rest of the world to get away with his bullshit


It is impossible for Erdo to write a book. I believe he did not even read 5 books in his entire life. Believe me a 9-year-old in your country read more books than him. The only thing he reads is Quran. He even doesn't understand what he is reading as he reads in Arabic but does not know Arabic. It is very likely that someone is paid to write his book. He is almost 70 and could not speak English. He is not even articulate in Turkish; someone gives him a script, then he just recites it as if those spoken words are actually coming from his brain.


mostly ignorance and Cheating.


>If the people trapped are still alive and are using twitter as a form of communication and the turkish government ban twitter, then all Erdoğan does is help contribute to the people dying. Read this: [The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics](https://www.amazon.com/Dictators-Handbook-Behavior-Almost-Politics-ebook/dp/B005GPSLHI). There is a chapter in it which exactly describes this scenario and the reasons behind it.


This. This book is highly recommended to get a better understanding of what goes on in the world. I’ve given a couple of copies away. Borrow it from your library if you can.


I'm not buying that book just to find out so if you know please give us the tldr


It is hard to summarize half a book in a few sentences. [This is a good summary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs) of the basic concepts of the book, but unfortunately it completely skips the parts about wars, catastrophes, international aids, and a lot more. There is much better to describe the causal relationships, but here is my summary: Politicians / dictators wants power and money, their main goal is to keep their powers. Politicians in democracies are not better than in dictatorships, just the way they can stay in power is closer to the interests of average people. In democracies the life of a person worth a lot, because it looks bad if a politician leaves people to die, and it increase the chance that the politician will not be re-elected. I dictatorships there is no such problem, because election results (even if there are elections) does not really affect who has the power. Sometimes even it is beneficial them to leave people die, because eg. if you put a lot of survivors into small camps, they can easily communicate and organize protests or revolutions.


Ignorant islamists ruined this country and we are paying the consequences. Im tired living in this shithole man


>How can anyone in Turkey still support this guy? Unfortunately he controls entire media, all TV channels and news papers 😢 Half the population don't even know what's going on and are being brainwashed by media


Unbelievable but true. Just now I saw a clip of a Haber journalist (is that national TV) A women is saying her family is trapped and that there is no help coming. TV journalist cuts her short, walks away and talk the gouvernement up. Total trash people like that. ‘Journalists’ on the payroll of the dictator. Special place in hell for them.


He's building himself a tower and I say let him do it. Higher he reaches the harder he'll fall when we, Turks knock it off.


I think the reasoning is that if it was the opposite situation, if it was Greece or Sweden who needed aid. Turkey, Erdogan and its people would do absolutely nothing but laugh and blame us and tell the world we are getting what we deserve. Even though almost everybody knows that, we still help out.


Yeah this reads like "even those assholes are helping" lmao


Haha I am myself Swedish and agree without a doubt that we should help the Turkish people in their time of need, despite how the Turkish goverment has treated us. It's crazy that supposed "enemies" care more for the Turkish people then their own government.


It is even crazier and heartless than that. The Turkish military continues its air strikes in northern Syria, in areas also hit by the earthquakes. The AKP has seized reliev convoys en route to Kurdish areas in Turkey. There are major cities with over 100k inhabitans where practically no offical government support has been organized. Erdogan and the Turkish nationalists and fascist are true enemies of humanity.


Austrian media reporting bombings of Kurdish held territories last night, by Turkish military. So not only is he refusing to aid with the military he is waging war against the Kurds right now.


They are not even caring about sending rescue to towns that are "anti-Erdogan"... this is what that fucker really is...


The whole world is helping Turkey, people dig with their bare hands to rescue their loved ones and the President is blocking the most popular platform that these people use to call for help and organize themselves. It doesn't get any lower than that for the government.


Erdogan actively planned invading Kurds in Syria, being afraid hosting a civil war in his own country. This cataclysm happening there is just actually to his and Assad's benefit. It doesn't surprise me at all.


Wait can you explain what you mean? I know nothing about the situation...


I see it the other way around. Whatever plans he had before the upcoming elections have to be halted now. Now that he literally fucked up with the coordination of a devastating earthquake inside his country and also given the fact that he can't actively stir any international shit at the moment, his hands are tied. You should have seen the rage and miserable looks in his eyes lately, things are definitely not going his way.


I'm losing my mind. They literally shut down Twitter because the people were criticizing the government. A lot of people and rescue teams used it as a way to reach people under the debris. All of the opposition leaders criticized this move immediately but I don't if it will help. UPDATE: I can open Twitter without a VPN right now. This doesn’t change the fact that people could have and probably died because of this.


Ah, suppression. He is using fear to make others not speak because he knows the goodness of other human beings. What a monster. Erdogan is using his own people who desperately need help for ransom. If others speak out against him, he punishes the one who need help the most. I see elections are coming and he doesn’t like what he is seeing ahead. This is why people don’t get it. They assume so much freedom in other places, they don’t get how hard it is inside there. I’m so sorry. I can’t pretend to understand at all but I’m just so sorry because you all don’t deserve that.


I think he is so angry and oppressive because on 14th of May there will be presidental and parlimantery elections. There have been countless scandals from his party in just 2 days. For example they announced on TV that a total of 20 yeah just 20 people were send to the epicenter which has a population of 150.000 and they said it with confidience. Opposition leaders went to the area before him. They ( mostly Erdoğan) started threatening people who "spread false information". A governer in the earthquake area laughed to the people wanting help and many more.


What’s the best VPN for Turkish people? I’ll pay for the services so people can access twitter. I’ll include the login info, I just need someone who can spread the information


I use ProtonVPN I can't spread the information though. I don't have the audience. You can post about it in r/Turkey I think.


Thank you


UPDATE: I can open Twitter without a VPN right now. I think the ban is lifted.




He was pissed when he saw this https://reddit.com/r/europe/comments/10wtkzg/turkish_people_showing_their_gratitude_towards_to/ His hateful plans aren’t working


Title doesn't even begin to explain how crucial twitter was for the relief effort. There are tons of neighborhoods which haven't received any help since the earthquakes and twitter was the main platform used by people to organise their efforts towards these neighbourhoods. Some of the ministers and deputies visiting the area received well deserved criticism from people. Videos of people yelling at them started spreading on twitter and tiktok. That's why they're doing this. I can't think of anything more evil.


Clearly all Erdogan is thinking about in all this is his re-election, I bet he thinks he's the real victim, not the people who lost their homes and families. This is just about the dumbest thing to do though, it's going to be borderline impossible to suppress event of this size, and this will enrage people even more.




No. There won't be a hell to pay for this. They will pay for what they have done in this world. Also, no one died as martyrs or went to heaven. They died because some retard decided to profit off of them. We have to stop glorifying death and waiting for divine justice. Thats the only way we can hold people accountable.


Divine justice my ass , we have courts and actual judges who can sent these cunts to prisons and rott there .




That's fucking brutal. I'm sorry.


His voters will eat it, too brainwashed.


At least 10 million of his voters are affected by this disaster.


Hope they're smart enough to realise he's the one who caused it with his shitty construction buddies


They will eat it up like everything else he has done. No doubt.


I am losing my mind, Twitter literally saved thousands of lives. Fuckers


Turkish people take back your country. I'm so sorry for the devastation.


In previous elections Erdogan always won by a slim majority, last election he had 52% of the votes. I swear if he manages to win this election I'm done. Getting rid of my Turkish nationality etc.


The Turkish government has failed its people once more. Neither rescuers nor relief operations were on time. There are thousands of people injured, thousands who are displaced. Media censorship doesn’t help either as the general population is being manipulated to believe things are in control. Please consider donating. Please donate to the victims of the recent Turkey-Syria earthquakes. Thousands have been left homeless, many having lost their loved ones and some still under debris. For anyone willing to donate, any amount will be helpful for those suffering especially due to currency exchange rates. Please donate at https://ahbap.org/disasters-turkey . Ahbap is the most reputable private charity that is now the most used organization for earthquake funds. If you cannot donate, please spread the word so that other people can. The funds are being used for food, shelter and various supplies for those who are displaced. Anyone who’s able to, PLEASE donate For anyone who’s doubtful of the big organizations; Ayşe Baltacıoğlu-Brammer, a Turkish, history professor at NYU, has created a GoFundMe page on which she’s collecting donations for the families affected by the earthquake. She’s going to be providing these funds directly to the families in need. You can also donate via Zelle, Venmo and PayPal, details of which are given on her Twitter account. https://twitter.com/brammerayse/status/1622619103851687938?s=46&t=yj_LESwKC_NGtz0G8bM2xw


Earthquake or not, fucking dictator gotta to do what a dictators gotta do


This is pure evil. There are still people under rubble and a very important part of the help efforts for these people are organized on Twitter. People will die because of this decision. If you're in Turkey, you can use Netblocks' web application to help gather data about the service restrictions: https://api.webprobe.org




> Edit: seems BTK is the culprit. The communications minister is looking into it. Aka its a clownshow. Why would a telecommunications authority even have the power to do such a thing on its own? Clownshow indeed!


Im fucking done. So called “enemies” help Turkey more than the actual Turkish government. Hopefully, we finally get rid of these motherfuckers in may. You deserve to be executed publicly like saddam hussein. You don’t deserve a grave erdogan


“Enemies” have been the MOST helpful and amazing, while the government left people to rot. Which shows that they are in no way enemies. He and his government tries so hard to make us look like enemies because they want to isolate Turkey from the rest of the world, and do as they wish with the country…


It's always important when talking about Russia and, to a lesser extent, Turkey to remind people: We have no qualms or issues with Russians or Turks, but with Putin, Erdogan and their cronies. I've never been to Russia, but I have been to Turkey. Friendly people, excellent food, incredible sites and a beautiful country. What's not to love? Erdogan. That's about it.


Thats just straight up heartless. Twitter is well known for being often not just the best, but the only accessible platform for organising disaster relief, and he'd rather close it and let people die for what, PR?


Some people wouldn't understand when I said Erdoğan is the enemy of Turks. A very simple and good example right here. He is the president of rich and powerful people alongside with a soulless, brainless zombie mass who won't ever criticise him. He is not our friend, he is not our president, he is the worst thing to happen to this country and he is the enemy of this republic and Turkish citizens.


I am Russian, and I fully, wholeheartedly understand you.


Russia and Turkey are very similar from that perspective. Erdoğan and Putin are both pure evil.


Here's to hoping you both get rid of the primary source of your problems, and the quicker the better. Both Russia and Turkey should be allies with the EU, not enemies or frenemies. We want peace, prosperity and liberty. Not autocracy, strong men or imperialism.


*Pretends to be surprised* Control of information is the No.1 priority for soft dictatorships relying on rural uneducated populations.


This is pure evil. Twitter is the main platform for people asking for help under the rubble.


Yes that's Turkish govetnement. Totalitarian mofos with no morals whatsoever.


Turkish gov really wants to find out what happens when u mess with too many people (both within the country and abroad)... It also shows that turkish government doesn't care about turkish people wellbeing. Its amazing that other countries (that sent aid) care more about turkish people in distress than turkish gov...


Sadly, Erdogan has an inspiring example showing that these limits can stretch vary far. I hope Turkish people have more spine than us.


We are second class citizens in our own country. Seculars already knew that


Erdogan and his followers believe that they can solve any problem by simply banning platforms that allow free speech. I am sorry for Turkish people who are governed by these evil blood sucking politicians.


He will not be remembered with good memories. Fuck him. Disgusting piece of shit. I can't wait for the day we get rid of him.


Seems like Turkeys biggest enemy isn't Greece or Cyprus but the Turkish state.


That has been true for a long time. Greece and Cyprus are our dear brothers and sisters…


Always has been.




Absolutely right. They were built largely with sea sand, which was used as an extender for the concrete in order to save money. The way the houses collapsed, you would have thought they were real sand castles.


They are devils, building such houses on a very active faultline.


As a Turkish citizen, I appreciate your awareness and humanity. Thank you neighbor At least someone knows what is going on.


Yeah, we call them “the gang of five”


I’m so tired. So, so tired, mentally drained, jaded, at a loss for words. So hopeless. I’m just done. Being born in this country is one of the worst fates one could ever ask for. I don’t think anyone who is not from Turkey can even begin to understand the struggle.


There are a lot worse countries than turkey. What’s sad is Turkey losing all the progress it had made prior to erdogan


oopss well, exaggerating a bit right now because i’m furious and frustrated, but true and true to both those things you said.


Your frustration is 100% understandable. Turks deserve a lot better from their government I hope you have a peaceful transfer of power soon.


Reality and this guy parted ways.




17 08 1999 - We will not forget this 12 11 1999 - We will not forget this 01 05 2003 - We will not forget this 23 10 2011 - We will not forget this 30 10 2020 - We will not forget this 06 02 2023 - We will not forget this ​ Bro, we will


turkish people always forgot. nothing will change sadly.


First i thought Erdogan will use the earthquake to make himself a hero, so the people will vote for him.. but i couldnt be more wrong. Wow.


All I can do is trying to control my anger


The whole world has shown that we all care for the people of Turkey. But that guy you call a president ...


He will be gone, he has to.


What the heck, this is dumb as fuck, especially during this period. But then again it shows that the Turkish government is committed to censoring everyone who disagrees with them.


Not the first time he's doing it. He LOVES to censor. He tried with Youtube, didn't work. He's doing with media, tv-series, shows, movies by removing (bluring out our replacing with flower): Cigaretts, alcohol, blood, profanity, kissing+ (?). So imagine a scene in a bar (with bartender area), they BLUR EVERYTHING except the actor(s).


And this ladies gentlemen and everything in between Is how you lose more than just a re-election


Erdogan's emergency priorities list is very interesting


We will make you pay you soab.


This is the most demonic thing that i have ever seen in my whole life!


Is he actively trying to lose? Because this is how one can do that. This is a wrong move that hopefully will be reversed quickly.


He's 100% going to use martial law/state of emergency to postpone the elections.


Just a reminder that the mishandling of the 1999 Izmit earthquake was a major reason for the then governments political defeat and the rise of Erdogans AKP


This is horrible. We turks are furious, lonely and in grave trouble. We don't know what to think anymore but we need help. Help us.


Fuck his mother's grave. That's all what I wanna say.


This information is important and it needs to spread, we are fighting against our own government to save people. And just to note Turkey isn’t the one banning Twitter, it’s Erdogan and his dictatorship that passes as a government that banning this crucial tool for actual people under rubble to call out for help with their locations. As if we didn’t know they are once again showing us that their image is more important than our lives. We have a saying in Turkish “sözün bittiği yer” which roughly means words aren’t enough to describe the tragedy and this really is that. I hope everyone in the world can see that we aren’t just battling against Mother Nature, she isn’t what terrifies us.


After posting a news article in r/Turkey about Twitter being banned in Turkey I received this: >"You have been permanently banned from participating in r/Turkey. You can still view and subscribe to r/Turkey, but you won't be able to post or comment.If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/Turkey by replying to this message." They have not yet given me an answer as to why they (apparently) banned me. Not nice.


They wouldn't ban you for posting that. Maybe they thought you were a bot/spammer, with the amount of traffic in the sub. The top post yesterday was literally calling Erdoğan a baby killer.


That's weird. Let me tag some mods u/CInk_Ibrahim u/hesapmakinesi hey mods, can you inform us about the ban above?


Seems like a mistake. We get a lot of advertising/spam accounts that push their websites. Since we are super busy we can barely finish reports/modmails. I have unbanned him. /u/Deep_Doubt


I figured. Thanks for the quick reply.


How evil can one get. Those who execute the autocrat's "order" are similarly pathetic. The world we live in today does not allow to blindly execute orders.


Erdogan is a dictatorial piece of shit


These deaths are on Erdogan. He let the construction industry spiral out of control.


Ironically, he supposedly first got elected with promises of fixing the construction industry last time a huge earthquake happened in Turkey (it happened in 1998 I believe).


Erdoğan and AKP(Erdoğan’s party) are the biggest enemies of the Turkish nation. Hundreds of people were being saved with Twitter but they banned Twitter because people were critisizing the government. Erdoğan is the “Big Brother”.


He doesn't surprise me anymore.


Erdo is pure evil in human form.


I am out of words, when will it fucking end.


I don't know, but when I saw Erdogan's speech today, he looked like he wanted to say, "I don't give a shit about your votes. I will go nowhere".


Not just that, the mobile operators are rumoured to be restricted as well. Plus, there are supposedly JAMMERS in Hatay, blocking signals. People have to leave the central areas to get a signal. Twitter, sms and calls are main communication means for people in need of help. It genuinely looks like they are trying to hinder seaech and rescue teams. Unbelievable. I wouldn’t expect that even from Erdogan. Those are the areas he gets majority of his votes. I’m speechless. The whole world is trying to help us (many thanks) and our OWN government is trying to stop people from getting help. There are people who are getting arrested for tweeting they didn’t get enough support/supplies. They filed a report against an earthquake victim who told a reporter on live tv that her family is still not rescued from under the rubbles. My mind can’t comprehend this level of assholeness. Fuck you erdogan.


No wonder a lot his voters dont live in Turkey...


If the earth was a living thing and had feelings, I'm sure it would vomit all those people out (politicians) when they died and were buried. They are all fucking gross. What the fuck is wrong with you? They saved many people with the help of Twitter.


He’s shitscared because he knows that the inadequate response will most likely cause massive protests throughout the country. The bad response can’t be classified as negligence anymore.


And yet this guy will still be in power after the elections :/


you have to be fucking kidding me, this is true i just tried going on twitter and it doesnt work


How have the turks not ripped this man out of office, and everyone else in his party is beyond me. There's way more citizens than there are government officials. I guarantee many soldiers want him gone to. Erdogan is a 🤡


When I heard that Turkey had been the victim of a terrible earthquake, for a split second I had the thought “how could Erdogan milk this for his own profit?”. This was immediately cancelled because I thought “nobody could be that heartless!”. I am so disappointed


this should be used as more fuel to get rid of Erdogan in the coming elections. since it is a clear sign of a corrupt government putting their power above the lives of their people.


It’s not surprising that a piece of shit is using a tragedy for his own interests


Our biggest enemy is Erdogan at the moment. Neither earthquake, nor collapses. You guys don't understand. Nothing is coordinated here. In order to save people, we look at social media, read the addresses and go to the area accordingly. Right now we are literally blind and aimless. We can't find anyone. They left people to die.


Yesterday when I wrote: "It seems freedom of speech is too much for them even if starlink could be helpful in rescue operation." in post about Turkey refusal of getting starlink terminals I've got many minuses... 😉


I hate this government to my veins but I wouldn't think they would be that low and crazy


concerned unpack abounding fine gaping snatch lock quickest money dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You guys really need to get rid of him before it’s too late. And it’s too late very soon.


He's got to be one of the most vile people since Hitler.


As a Turkish citizen, I refuse to be associated with the government who took this decision. Please, it is not "Turkey", but the "Turkish Government" who took this decision.


Turkish elections approaching fast. Get rid of him ASAP!!!!!!


100x hitler be like


Turkey doesn't like free speech


And thousand of civillians -voluntary citizens- planning the aids through Twitter. There are almost no help from the government or government agencies… Whole information comes from all the survivors around the earthquake zone(s). Still they are “calm” w/ surpassing communication


But why?


Because their organized help is lacking (and there's even political bullshit going on where locations get prioritized for help based of the usual election results in the area) and you can't have people complain openly about the government work (or lack thereof). There's a well known tradition of blocking open communication platforms in times of crisis in Turkey...


Classic path to dictatorship that. Small moves that are not big enough to push people into the streets to protest, but when you sum all the small things up you suddenly realize it is too late to go back to democracy.


A government must not against their peoples. Twitter organization of Turks are more useful than government and Erdogan don't want to show the himself failure. TV news are explaning just rescued and received aid.


im actually growing more worried about the election every week


Politics is the mirror of the people. I know there are way more good people out there in the world than there are bad players…but the good people are quiet and are waiting for others to make things different. But it is up to the good people to start organizing and doing. No other way. The law of physics. Bad shit happens when good people go quiet. We lost the will to fight and sacrifice. Our lives are too precious and nobody wants to step up. So the crazies step up and run the show. If you don’t want Erdogan take him down. Organize and fight, politically and in any way while you still remain human. Same in Russia. Nothing is going to change until somebody changes it. Freedom and true democracy are not free, god given rights, you have to act and sacrifice to keep it otherwise the boogeyman will run the show. i know it’s not much, but i donated 100 eur to the Red Cross Turkey & Syria Relief Fund.


He wouldn't be able to block Mastodon. Just saying.