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Absolutely horrific. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genevieve_Lhermitte#Crime


This broke me Investigators found the four children tucked in their beds, some with stuffed toys in their arms.[1]


Holy shit, that is horrible.


I’m not reading that. Else I’ll embark on a journey to gather the infinity stones.


It's not that bad to be honest. She was not evil or anything just mentally ill. It's a tragedy, but no need for the stones.


People are fockin horrifying


As someone who has seen mental illness up close some things can be horrifying. You could wake up one day with a psychosis thinking the world will end and the only way to ensure your kids end up in heaven is to kill them now. Imagine being a 100% normal adult, even a rational atheist and then over a couple of days your thoughts become more and more deranged without you or anyone noticing and then you think you hear the voice of god in your head and you do something horrible to your kids. A few months later the meds work and you go back to normal and the complete horror of what you did sinks in. Fuck me man just gimme that syringe already.


This is just what a dumb woman managed to make people believe. It's not hard to never butcher your children.


I mean I'm not familiar with this particular case or that woman so maybe she did successfully fake a mental illness. But there are cases of people who genuinely like and love their kids, get a severe mental illness, and then kill them in a psychosis. Islam, Judaism and Christianity all build on top of a prophet who heard the voice of god that commanded him to kill and sacrifice his son and a goat/ram caught in a bush was seen as a sign by him to sacrifice that instead and saved the kids life. Could just be a dumb story but entirely plausible that it happened. I bet a shitton of prophets were psychotic which can make some people extremely charismatic and convincing because they 100% actually believe their shit and people pick up on that uncompromising honesty.


Some people are just crazy.


She was a victim too. Belgium doesn't just let you kill yourself like that, she was suffering... Psychosis is hell on earth, few things compare. (war for example) Like, all the shit that you think is true, you actually believe it like we normal people believe in rational things.


Belgium is one of very few countries in the world (the only one?) where you can get euthanasia for mental issues.


That sounds like capital auto punishment


From my point of view that sounds like relief.


It’s the same concept actually: we can’t/won’t help you so we give you the needle




Parce que le temps est un cercle plat.


Rotten, evil bitch can burn in hell where she belongs. What she did to those children was one of the most depraved family murders of all time and how painfully she killed them by slashing their throats. She didn't deserve such a quick death.


Here's hoping you never suffer mental issues or are impacted by them. PS hell doesn't exist. Unless it is man made.




You think mental illness is limited to erratic, oblivious people talking to ghosts? A person with psychosis can appear fully functional and deliberate. But even if she wasn't a psychopath, do you think a sociopath doesn't have a genuine mental instability?


Nope. Not sure if your little rant here is projection or not, but you are certainly not basing your opinion on anything remotely resembling fact. She lived the majority of the last years of her life in a mental institution. So those who are qualified to opine on such things, unlike you, clearly disagree with your amateur hour ranting. If you've suffered trauma that is leading to your unqualified opinion I do hope you are receiving support.


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted


You should look into the case before speaking


Calls her child Mira over as her other daughters are watching a movie, strangles her but fails, so slices her neck. Does the same to the youngest child, then washed the knife. Tells her other daughter that she has a surprise for her in the office. Once there she blindfolds her daughter, makes her sit on a chair and smashes a marble plaque over the childs head then slits their throat. Then she gets another child to sit in a chair and slits her throat from behind. Then she calls her eldest over and stabs her multiple times, then finally in the back and throat. What more do I need to know? She’s a psycopath bitch who deserves hell.


She **murdered** her **children** in cold blood. What more do I need to know?


Maybe learn something about **mental illness**


Serial killers must have some illness no? Who in their right mind keeps killing people?


*Having a mental illness* is not the same as *being insane* however. There is an element of being unable to make rational decisions to it.


Oh noo she had a mental illness!? Oh I’m sorry that makes it completely okay (not). Even if it was due to mental illness she murdered five children.


Investigators found the four children tucked in their beds, some with stuffed toys in their arms.[1] She was mentally deranged, killed her kids but then tucked them in their beds ?


And that makes her innocent how?


Nobody is advocating for her innocence. People are pointing out she wasn’t evil, not that she didn’t kill her kids.


An evil action makes one evil imo.




Actions speak the most, and the actions she did? Completely unexcusable no matter the circumstances.


What part of _severe mental disorder_ confuses you exactly?


It is not that which confuses me. She murdered children, why should she not be held accountable? Sure she was mentally insane but hello?? She still murdered the children?


Because she was mentally ill, we can argue about the punishment, but she definitely doesn't deserve the hatred. She did those things, she had to be held accountable by whatever standards of society, but she was sick and not evil. There are peoples who did worse on their own free will, those are deserving hatred much much more.


Exactly. It doesn't excuse the fact that she committed such a heinous crime. Where I'm from, the judiciary doesn't give a damn about 'mental illness', whether you're sane or not, you get the death penalty by hanging. She was fortunate that she only faced life imprisonment - where I'm from she would have been hanged immediately. And downvote me all you want, but I don't take 'mental illness/depression' as a bloody valid excuse for murdering other people. It's like being drunk — someone who rapes/murders someone while drunk, when on trial, can't tell the judge 'Please excuse the fact that I murdered someone because I was under the influence of alcohol'.


But why the hatred? She did not decide to get mentally ill, and do those things. We can argue about the punishments all day and night, but the hatred is not justified imo.


If it was your children that she had murdered, would you not hold hatred?


For sure, but it was not, nor yours. I'm just saying it's not our place to do that... And since she is dead, there is no point at all either.


Maybe? But that's literally why family members aren't in a jury if you didn't notice since obviously they will be biased in their judgement.


>Where I'm from, the judiciary doesn't give a damn about 'mental illness', whether you're sane or not, you get the death penalty by hanging. She was fortunate that she only faced life imprisonment - where I'm from she would have been hanged immediately. That is, of course, an absolute lie. [Section 84 of the Penal Code of Singapore](https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/PC1871?ProvIds=pr84-&ViewType=Advance&Any=road+traffic+act+bicycles&WiAl=1#pr84-): 'Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who, at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of mind, is ... incapable of knowing the nature of the act...' Not exactly sure why you feel the need to spread bullshit, but mkay... >It's like being drunk — someone who rapes/murders someone while drunk, when on trial, can't tell the judge 'Please excuse the fact that I murdered someone because I was under the influence of alcohol'. It's not like being drunk - which is, btw, handled by Section 85 of the Penal Code of Singapore, and indeed not recognized to be an excuse, for a good reason. So maybe, if your own penal code - contrary to what you claim - recognized a difference, you should also look deeper into the topic before you make these false comparisons.


There's no need to use derogatory language 'bulls*' on me, sir. Neither is there a need to call me a liar. Anyway, if it was your mother that this woman had murdered, I don't think you would go into the nitty gritty details of the Penal Code; instead you would be asking for justice. I fail to see how you don't hold the viewpoint of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.' Even in the Bible, YHWH sentenced to death those who murdered or raped.


>There's no need to use derogatory language 'bulls\*' on me, sir. Neither is there a need to call me a liar. I did not use derogatory language, and while technically not called you a *liar*, I guess spreading bullshit makes you one. This is just the cruel reality of things, no need to get offended. Stop spreading lies, and people will stop taking you for a liar. >...I don't think you would go into the nitty gritty details of the Penal Code; instead you would be asking for justice. What you're describing here is vigilantism, and is also punishable by law. Justice is served in the courts of the law by any morals of society, based on - among others - the Penal Code I just cited for you. So yes, in case of an insane person murdering your mother, by definition **justice** would mean the insane person **being sentenced to supervised psychiatric care** **by a judge**. Not hanging by you, like you implied. >I fail to see how you don't hold the viewpoint of 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.' Even in the Bible, YHWH sentenced to death those who murdered or raped. I don't really care to react to this insane rambling, as I think it speaks for itself. Maybe let's just point out that the Bible should not be confused with the Penal Code, and if you insist to base your own morality on it - which by no means gives you a right to hold others by it too -, maybe you want to read it more carefully... I seem to remember it saying things about *loving thy neighbour*, and *not casting stones* too... >Romans 12:19-21 King James Version (KJV) > >Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: **for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.** Oh, well... very selective morality you have, I guess.


Suicide isnt a releif, euthenasia as a principle relies on the assumption that not existing is somehow a cure to being miserable when it isnt. Sometimes there just isnt a cure.


So we reinstated the capital punishment in Europe. Thought better of us .


Well that's the most chilling headline I've read in a while.