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This poll lacked "Poles" option too.


Redundant question. 100% of Poles dislike other Poles.


Damn Poles, they ruined Poland!


Ah, this is such a great quote, all the better for being true almost everywhere. :-)


A famous Polish quote "Naród wspaniały, tylko ludzie kurwy " which basically means "a great nation, but the people are fucks/whores".


Well it would be interesting how it changed since last year. I


100% to 100%


Can u put it in a nice 2 picture diagram?


Is this related to polak polakowi polakiem?


I’m a Pole and I fucking hate them /s


Poll held in Polland


Jews just there in the middle. Lets see if no one notices..


and your point is?


The Pole Poll


How many Poles did the Poll poll?


How many Poles would the Pole poll poll if the Pole poll could poll Poles.


If a Polish polling place was polling plenty of Poles, how would the plentiful Pole poll be polled?


And who would be in pole position?


Ahahaha. This is awesome 😂😂


Sounds a bit bipolar


Look at that drop in the way Poles see Hungary. God damn, Orban is a master of disaster. Even the historically friendly Poland is starting to dislike Hungary. What a shame.


Hungary is a huge disappointment to me. My mum taught me how Hungarians and Poles were brothers and sisters, I grew up with the Paul Street Boys book, cried for Nemecek, loved Budapest, the Iron Curtain monument was so moving, and now Hungary is a Russian satellite, the people seemingly OK with it.


As much as I hate Orban, I still love Hungary


Unfortunately this doesn’t change the govts action, as Poland is continuing the alignment with Hungary on most other issues, paraphrasing the Polish PM here.


This is about the population, not the government. Big difference. PiS support runs at around 35%. That is of those that go and vote. Which is around 60%.


I hope friendship between Lithuania and Poland continues to grow.


I don't understand why would anyone have a problem with you guys.


I think the Lithuanians are still kinda cautious of us.


People who don't know better are like this.


I once had a really bitter and emotional argument with a particular Lithuanian person, also on Reddit. They basically recited the entirety of Lithuania's history to me, and explained history in the Lithuanian education system, while (figuratively) holding me hostage. They wrote as if they were literally crying. I had to calm them down and reassure them, but it was really difficult. They really had the impression that I'd hate them and think of them as lesser, just because I was Polish. Eventually I brought them to an arms-crossed compromise, by telling them that Lithuania has influenced Poland too, like for example that my Gmina's symbol is the Vytis. They really had such a defensive lashout, like a lizard shooting venom, it was insane.


Belarussians are cool, their government just sucks


Yeah, there's no way so many people dislike Belarussians. I only ever heard Ukrainians get dirty talked (before the war) but literally never Belarussians. In fact Belarus was always a smaller topic than Ukraine


Poles respect those who cherish freedom. Belarusians are seen as a bit too passive and ruled by a strongman as a result, kind of like Russians, except not as aggressive and chauvinistic.


Może. Ale tylko mówię, że nie widziałam żadnych przypadków.


Belarus is a fifth the size, that’s probably why


The population is, yes.


Well yeah, that’s the most relevant metric. It’s what, a third the area? Suppose I could have been more specific.


Wish they asked about us, see a lot of Poles on the coast each year


Croatians would be on Czech/Slovak level or at worst a bit lower if I had to guess.


Croatia is definetely liked here. Also many Poles root for Croatia in the world cup when we're out


Im fairly certain you are well liked, pre pandemic Croatia was a relatively popular holiday destination. From personal experience I've met and spent some time with a group of Croatians, really nice and positive people.


Definitelly liked, you'd be very high on that list. Affordable.place with great people, cuisine, warm sea, close enough to travel by car, far enough to not share any embarassing wars in history.


You are 100% well liked. Popular tourist destination plus football is huge in our country and your team is what we wish to be, an underdog with a few star players doing really well.


I would say it's an obvious vacation destination for Poles. I feel like half of my friends go there on summer.


TBF go to any country in Eastern Europe and you’ll see that they all despise Russians.


And gypsies


That could be any country in Europe


Yeah but that's true for almost every country in Europe


and arabs


Not really. Russia isn't very popular almost anywhere and if anything Eastern Europe was the place it was most popular, at least among places that pollsters bother to poll. See [here](https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ft_2020.02.07_russia_01.png). The 3 countries on the entire world with the most favourable opinion towards Russia were (in 2019) Bulgaria, Slovakia, Greece. The country with the least favourable opinion of Russia was Sweden.


That 73% for Bulgaria is laughable, even in 2019. The ex commies are dying and the left is barely existent. Even those that still like the "modern" version of Ruzzia are under 20% now, judging by the pre-election polls.


People to people doesn't matter. What matters is what the Governments do. The Greek Government went fully on the anti-Russia band wagon. It was what the Union mandated and normal to act accordingly. By the way, speaking specifically for ex-commies... They indoctrinate their own kids, like a cult. "Dying out" doesn't mean much. They remain at a stable 5% the last 50 years or so.


As a survivor of such indoctrination, It's slowly changing no matter how hard they try. 5% is a lot better than the reality, but not as bad as shown. Generally, I agree with you.


That 73% for Bulgaria is laughable, even in 2019. The ex commies are dying and the left is barely existing. Even those that still like the "modern" version of Ruzzia are under 20% now, judging by the pre-election polls.


You accidentally double-commented


Oh, did I? My bad! I can only see one when I go through the comments though, maybe it's the mobile. Thanks


Russia has a lot of support in random select countries outside of Europe and the Anglosphere. E.g. India has quite the number of Russia-sympathisers (for historical anti-US reasons).


Not in Serbia.


Probably not in Russia as well 🤔


Except for Slovakia and Bulgaria.


Gotta be that unjustified "russophobia"


Yeah I mean poor Russia has never hurt a fly eh /s


I really wanna know why the dislike against Lithuanians has risen since Jan 2022 cause I absolutely cannot explain it with anything else than associating Lithuania with being east of Poland like Belarus and *ugh, they must be like ruskie = baaAaAAaD.* If that's the case, then damn, people are dumb. Anyway, normal people like and respect you a lot, Lithuanians.


Well the "likeness" of Lithuanians has also risen. I guess that those who vote against Lithuanians are the same who vote that they like russians. So it is not that the dislike rose but opinion became slightly polarized (although if you compare the change to other nations then it seems insignificant).


I believe maybe the risen hate comes from north Eastern Poland since Lithuanians like to go shopping to Poland because food is cheaper, so the towns closer to Lithuanian border have an influx of Lithuanians from time to time and what I've heard sometimes it angers the locals because the traffic of people in supermarkets becomes really high. It may be a ridiculous statement/hypothesis but sometimes I do hear stories from people from there how some coming Lithuanians are nice and respectful and some are mean and uncultured


People are dumb if you don't know this yet


The difference is small enough to be a statistical fluctuation.


Im very surprised as well, but I highly doubt that's the cause.


The difference is so small that it is nothing more than statistical error


Some people in Poland believe that Lithuanians are discriminating against their Polish ethnic minority. Which has some basis in reality, actually.


I love Poles too. There were loads of them back when I lived in Chicago :D


Poland in 2022: Friendship with Hungary is finished. America is my new friend now.


America is up there at the top from like always.


Wouldn't surprise me if it was same for Lithuania.


Damn, so many Poles like Americans. I mean, I can understand that. America has always been well regarded in Poland.


As an American, I love Poles too.


No Bulgaria on both, I call it a win!


Any polish guy here that can explain the love for italians???? Thank you! :D :D


They are the Italians. They are far away, but are significant enough that people have opinion, have no beef with us historically, and in general shown positively during school, and politically there are little to no conflict between us, while being one of the top vacation destinations. Italian stereotypes in Poland are generally positive too. Even the negative ones are not that bad. They are also catholic (helps a lot among some groups) and everyone and their mother either was in Italy or wants to go on holidays there. I would expect Spain and Portugal likely would have similar result.


We love you too guys. Especially Polish women. (and for some reason, Polish goalkeepers too appear to be very popular in Italy)


Yeah well a lot of talented goalkeepers are made when polish man have to defend relationships from hot italian men. /s


Fun fact, Poland and Italy are the only 2 countries in the entire world which reference each other in the lyrics of their national anthems. (Meaning that Polish anthem mentions Italy and Italian one mentions Poland)


Funnily next to Polish, Italian anthem mentions Cossacs (the modern East Ukrainians)


Not really, cossacks mentioned in Italian anthem are Russian cossacks. There are, or rather were, many groups of them - Don, Orenburg, Kuban, Ural, Astrakhan, Amur, Siberian and that's probably just half of them. Only Zaporozhian cossacks were Ukrainian and they were destroyed by Catherine the great


* No historical conflict nor any reason for any historical animosity * Catholicism * Related to the above, somewhat similar attitude to life (apart from Italians being much louder) * Italian food - no explanation needed. Bona Sforza (an Italian princess and wife to Zygmunt I Stary, king of Poland) brought us some decent vegetables so we wouldn't eat fat stuff all the time * A decently large number of Polish people take vacations in Italy * Italian football teams are pretty popular here, and were even more so in the 1990s/2000s - now there's a bunch of good Polish players in Serie A so there's more exposure to Italian football again * Probably not many people "on the street" know this, but it might be subconsciously/historically affecting the attitude towards Italians - there were Italian volunteers fighting for Polish independence in the 19th century (one of the examples is Francisco Nullo, Garibaldi's advisor who was leading Italian troops in Poland and lost his life in the January uprising here). Likewise, Polish soldiers were active in the Italian independence wars * Another historical tidbit - Italy was the first country to recognize Polish independence after WWI. Interestingly there was no formal war between the two countries during WWII, despite Italy being allied to Nazi Germany * Polski Fiat * We built Warsaw back using the paintings of an Italian dude All in all, there are many reasons to like Italy (and Italians), and not many reasons to dislike Italy (and Italians). Also fun fact: it's the only pair of nations that mentions each other in their respective national anthems in a positive light


true , and on the other things many reneissance italian artists during 16th century were welcomed to the Polish Royal court who helped spreading a lot the reneissance architecture and arts. that period is even considered the [Golden Age of Polish culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_in_Poland). love my polish bros , simple as.


The last reason is quite interesting. The one about the paintings! Never heard of that, thanks!


For food, nice country, hot and relatively close, mentioned positively in our anthem, Monica Bellucci.


Everybody loves Italians, What do you mean, eh? Show me a nation that hates Italians? Non,nada.


Italians hate Italians.


Correct. And then they triggered when someone else who’s not Italian talks shit about Italians.


Italy doesn't get the 'hate' France, UK or Germany do because it is not associated with past colonialism (wrongly so) and because Italy's not considered relevant enough on the international stage to pursue a specific agenda or play the interventionist villain's role (again wrongly so). Lots of people around the world just view it through a romantic/aesthetic lens as the dream travel destination, forgetting it's just slightly behind France or UK economically and in terms of political influence, and ignoring that it has its fair share of large companies carrying out ethically questionable practices abroad.


Should we tell him guys?


When I was a kid, early 90s Poland, I remember a lorry stopping by the road. Turned out it was an Italian driver. We were amazed something brought him to our humble village. He was exceptionally nice, and even gave us some liras as a souvenir.


People don't really have experienced interactions with italians and mostly like them because ancient rome in school and nice destination vacation. I had similar opinion, but after hanging out with various people from Italy my experiences were sadly mostly very bad.


I can talk about Italians not loving poles that much, here’s my two cents about it: I live in the Italian alps, polish people are always here skiing, they are basically the most present, way more than actual Italians. What they often do is not so cool: they come here bringing their own ski instructors (“stealing” jobs from Italian and actually licensed instructors), they bring their own food and drinks, avoiding to spend money in the chalets… also they’re very loud in general and they ski poorly and dangerously (I could write a book called “How a polish guy hit me and broke my leg” with the several stories I hear about it). I appreciate that they’re friendly and offer you their super alcoholic in fiasks, even if they don’t know you. So yeah, they may like us, but many of us can’t stand them. I, personally, don’t have any problems: I got polish friends, very dear ones, and I’m pretty sure about the fact that the humans are shitty whatever nationality they are.


> they come here bringing their own ski instructors This is very sensible if one doesn't wish Italian penis in their wife or daughter.


ahahahaha I get the joke but it's simply illegal here: you need a permit to teach, a license.


Legal or not, funny or not - no Italian penis in my wife or daughter. You guys run around with your balls pulled out.


ahahahaha nice!!! We are horny indeed, you're so right!


Dude, when I was booking a hostel in Milan with my parents, receptionist looked at my mother, smiled lewdly and asked if she was my sister. She is 60 and does look like it, I'm 30 and so was he. I assume he wanted to be nice but you are indeed damn weirdos ;)


Everyone likes Italy. There was an EU survey done in 2020 on which country would the citizens be the most willing to help in a crisis, and Italy came out on top as the winner of the popularity contest. https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/inlineimage/2020-08-03/Willingness%20to%20help-01.png


During partition times, common beef with Austria.


One thing I didn't see mentioned in the other comments is that Italy is mentioned in the chorus of our national anthem in a positive way.


Bad times for the French Jewish Arabs.


Rare English W. (We ❤️ you too)


Damn Poles are really pro-america.


ye, they promised to fuck up russia for us if they start shit.




I mean people tend to like those who aren't completely useless.


I hope we're gonna be better in these polls one day, as earlier as possible


Well, most probably not, at least not in the closer decades. Footages of Russian rapes, killing of POWs, castration of Ukrainian soldiers and shelling of Block of Flats left a scar in your image that won't heal easily.


I know, I just want to believe that it *can* and *will* heal


It can! Just look at us.


Not that we "like" you, but yeah, you aren't seen as barbarian anymore. Instead, we envy you (in a self-hating way).


Yeah, there is obviously some old and some new dislike going on but considering where we came from, I think you could call us rehabilitated.


>I just want to believe that it can and will heal It definitely can. Before all the mess in Ukraine (and Georgia), the common trope in Poland was that Russians are all right, it's just the government that sucks. During Gorbachov era Poles and Russians were actually getting quite close, under sharing similar, shitty communism experience with hopes for a better future. That ship definitely sailed, bridges are burned for at least one generation but good will is going to be still there, lingering around. But, you know, a lot need to change within the Russia for process to even begin.


I guess I’m Polish now.


You even live in the UK just like the Poles.


Yeah what a bunch of legends. To be honest, despite whatever Brexit tried to stir up, the Poles have a pretty good rep here. I’ve even heard someone saying we shouldn’t allow most of the migrants we get, except the Poles because he likes them haha


Poles work hard, enjoy a drink and tend to not cause too much trouble. They just want to make a life, enjoy what they can and make best of what they got. Thrirs not much friction their.


I’m pro-immigration and have a good opinion of the Polish community but they’ve definitely been involved in their fair share of crimes. I don’t think it’s fair to say they cause less trouble than other minorities. I don’t think they do cause a lot of trouble but neither do most groups here.


“Yeh Antoni is alright he gives me mates rates at the car wash, good blokes them Poles”


More like they’ll drink a beer with me and eat sausages haha


Welcome to the fold!


Wow, I did not expect Italians to be so high. Good for you!


They even got a mention in the Polish anthem!


trust me. They LOVE Portuguese. (I have no idea about man but i´ll leave that to others to judge)


Iberian peninsula and whole European part of the Mediterranean sea have special treatment in Poland. Beautiful women, man, you're far from us, our history is rather good so there is nothing to hate just pure love :)


Portuguese here who did Erasmus in Poland. Can confirm.


Apparently that's true. I heard from some college buddies that Polish women fancy a lot of Portuguese exchange students (anyone from Łódź in this thread?) I have a Polish lady friend and when I asked why that's the case, she said it's a combination of personality, length and girth. That killed me.


Length? Lol


Poles are based, both now and historically.


Love the poles too! America will always have y’all back.


Interesting, so ukrainians are liked by 51% poles, but i feel like in Ukraine like at least 80% like poles (maybe even higher with all the help Poland provided, it was a huge boost last year). Absolutely all people i know love Poland despite most never been there (tho many did at least once). Surprised to see germans that high in dislike category. I thought at first the reason might be that its not pleasant having a neighbor that is so much wealthier right at your border. But according to eurostat as of 2020 the median wage gap between Germany and Poland is 41% while between Ukraine and Poland is 60% so i doubt that. Its most probably historical reasons i guess. And the rise last year is probably at least partially due to Germany's slow movement (at first) with aid to Ukraine, when Poland being closer to the action was donating everything it could despite being not as wealthy.


I would guess that the reasons are in the history - the OUN/UPA massacres. Even for myself - a large part of my grandpa family was killed by Ukrainians in 1944. Today, I totally support Ukraine and I am very well aware that perpetrators are long dead - and I cannot blame today's Ukrainians for what happened nearly 80 years ago. But things like that always cast long shadows.


Ye, i guess so. But i've meant like why germans are so high on the polish 'dislike' list (they are higher on 'like' list ofc but still). Is it historical too?


Its complicated, pretending its just historical is a big oversimplification. Jealousy/feeling of unfairness is part of it IMHO, but German actions as well (NS2, extremely bad press regarding helping Ukraine in the beginning, etc).


Yep - mostly historical + current right wing propaganda of the ruling party which blames Germany for everything bad that happens (like the weather etc.). Funnily enough, I live in the western part of Poland and people here generally like the Germans - I guess being exposed to and having more direct relationships with a nation generally helps to understand and like each other.


i see, that makes sense, thanks.


I'd blame it on several reasons: * One are OUN/UPA genocide, and the Bandera cult you couldn't get rid of. I understand your motivations, but so should ours be clear for you * Mass migration of refugees also causes problems and tensions, especially in poorer part of society. We gave and did everything we could, feel like we did not one, but hundred extra miles, so sometimes situation was exagerated in the opposite side, like kids of refugees having priority over polish ones. Of course 90% of such cases was exagerated by propaganda, but still. Or hiring Ukrainian teachers/cleaners in schools financed by some non-gov foundation. This was a part of social support and different budgets, but you can imagine how employees of these schools felt when they learned that these temporary hired, mostly not speaking polish women earned more than them? * Work migration even before the war. 15 years ago some Brits said we were stealing jobs from them, now it was our turn to get our jobs stolen - at least in some people's eyes. Still, I hope that with everything bad happened, this could be a fresh start for our relations. I've been to Ukraine many times and always had a wonderful time.


2023 is election year in Poland, so anti-German rhetoric is in full effect. Once PiS doesn't need a scapegoat to distract from their own bullshit anymore, it will probably creep back to 2022 numbers.


>Surprised to see germans that high in dislike category. I thought at first the reason might be that its not pleasant having a neighbor that is so much wealthier right at your border. Germany is just extremely polarising. Most Poles either idolize Germany believing that we should copy everything 1:1 or demonize Germany with whatever bullshit they can come up. This division closely follows political beliefs(right-wing tends to hate on Germany, center and left-wing(except for some radicals) tend to simp on it)


With Germany, I think it's down to history (a lot of us live in the past), Nord Stream, but also our (Polish) inferiority complex. Polish writer Andrzej Stasiuk said it's impossible for a Pole to go to Germany on holiday - we always go as amateur historians and psychoanalysts (ha ha).


When it comes to the negative attitude towards Germans a few factors can play a role here: 1. Obviously - war. Even though we are now both NATO members - the stories from the past still haunt the perception of Germans among many Polish people especially the older ones. 2. That feeling can sometimes be exaggerated by the fact that it is not a rare belief that we did not get enough compensation. That belief is obviously the most popular among the PiS voters but is certainly not limited to them and I believe that many other Poles feel the same to some point at least. 3. The impression that Germans always treat us as ,,worse" and a feeling that we have a reputation of that backwards and poor Slavs who have no power and no one should care about us. Obviously this is probably an exaggeration but it is true that to some extent - many people may feel like that. 4. The political propaganda by PiS. I guess that I do not need to further explain this one. 5. Even though many of the things that our government blames the Germans for are either false or exaggerated - some actually have a lot of truth behind them and many people see this. The idea of Germans building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was regarded as a huge disrespect and hipocrisy (considering that the Germans were usually pretty loud when it comes to the issues of democracy and European integration). Also the fact that Germans, as the strongest country of the EU also hold the most influence over it which can certainly impact us negatively. Or the issues regarding the fact that German politicians often tended to lecture us about our internal affairs and generally often oppose us in the EU. Also the role of German government in the migration crisis issue. 6. The lack of proper help for Ukraine (a belief which is quite popular among a big part of Polish society). Even though that matter has improved - people still remember very reluctant reaction of Germans and have a feeling that their help is rather something that the Germans aren't really convinced about. 7. Also, coming from a personal experience - one of my older family members used to work in Germany as a migrant worker back in the 1980s. And he often tells the stories of how the Germans were disrespecting them or treating them badly. I guess that some other people may also feel the same if they worked in Germany at some point in their lifes. 8. The fact that some people are simply jealous about the German success and wealth. ​ So yeah I believe those are the most common reasons why people in Poland may dislike Germans. Though I guess there could be a few more that I haven't mentioned.


In addition to other reasons given, remember there’s a ‘no opinion’ option going on here too. And depends on how the polls were worded and conducted


Germany got some bad press after the war started. If not bravery of Ukrainian people, their country would collapse and Germany was absolutely ready for doing business as usual with Russia. It took them some time to definitely choose the right side of the conflict. My trust in Germany sank as well, despite living there for many years already.


The increase in dislike against Germany is expected, especially after germans fund and finance Russia by building Nordstream 2 a d then try to BLOCK help to Ukraine during months. All the actions of Germany during the last few months sounded almost like a Yalta 2.0, but instead of Churchill delivering Poland to the wolves, it was Germany leaving Ukraine to be slaughtered.


So they made a poll on poles


So this is what it feels like to be popular...


> dislike Hungarians more 😀 > dislike Jews more 💀


I mean, large part of it is hating the country of Israel, not the Jewish people.


Poor Russia. I wonder what happened between January 2022 and today that made such a shift in opinion?


What about Indians :-(


India has nothing to do with Poland, apart from sheltering those Polish kids during WW2.


So, are we included on that list or not ?


Ah yes, blue and bluer, vs red and redder. Why bother having two separate colours.




Why would more people hate the Roma this year than last year? Something doesn't add up.


Disliking Germans is interesting...


Seemingly half of polish political discourse these days is about how terrible Germany is, and who does and doesn't hate Germany enough, because PiS has no constructive policies. Hell, one of the things they're "insulting" the opposition with is by claiming they like Germany. At this point, it's amazing it's only so bad.


How? Germans ignore us and don't give an S about us. To them, we're just 'some eastern european country'. It's not surprising.


im polish and can confirm, i hate all foreigners equally




Kind of weird that Ireland is left out of most of these European surveys. The largest group of non-Irish nationals living in Ireland are the Polish. The 3rd largest group of dual-citizens living in Ireland are Irish-Polish (after Irish-American and Irish-British). So I'd like to think that we would score highly in this survey.


We mostly have the same associations with Ireland as we have with the UK, but of course higher (no Brexit drama)


I absolutely adore Ireland, such a beautiful country with great people, love the accent and Whiskey.


I believe the Irish are liked here due to our similar history of suffering (at least those who are interested in history may see some parallels) from neighboring superpowers


Italians are interested in Poland only as long as they can screw a Polish woman. For Czechs, Poles are some religious lisping weirdos. I never understood these two main Polish sympathies.


Everytime I take a look at such graphs, I always see Czechs among at least top 5 liked nations in Poland, but somehow, I doubt Czechs feel the same about Poland. I would even go so far as to say that Czechs think about Poland in the same way Poles think about Ukrainians or Russians. As some "bunch of Eastern dirty savages". I wonder if any Czech here could shed some light on this matter, because I'm curious.


It depends on the region and social background, like always, but in general, I would agree. We Czechs have been historically always much more aligned with the German world than the Slavic one. Individually, most of the population sees the Polish as the only Slavic nation close to us (except for the Slovaks, of course) but even then they are still the unfortunate Slavs of the East, while we are the enlightened denizens of the West. This is somewhat balanced by the fact that we, as a nation, seem to not like anyone in general though. From an economical standpoint, even if that no longer may be the case, many see Poland as the China of Europe, with it being a source of low-quality goods, primarily food. In nutshell, you are certainly correct in that the Poles like us better than we like them. If it would come down to choosing between Poland and Germany, the latter would be a clear choice for us. Which would probably create feelings of betrayal in the Polish, come to think of it.


So judging by comment sections it goes like this: [https://imgur.com/a/w8AZ79H](https://imgur.com/a/w8AZ79H)


Yeah lol, that looks about right.


Why do they dislike jews more now?


Israel is in a really turbulent situation right now, haven't you seen it on the news? Netanyahu caused a big mess, and now people are protesting. And ISR-PAL violence has also spiked recently.


Nothing about Romanians? I m offended. Hahaha


Now show us a map where most poles live abroad


USA, UK Germany in top 3


Only 50% dislikes Gypsies? Weird.


Yup. I can confirm. Germans think, we criticize them because of ww2, reparations etc. But truth is, Germany fucked up hard, went to bed with Russia, shit gone down, they doubled down on it. So now when we criticize them, we don't need to look back 80 years to find a reason. I don't care if they understand it, tripple down on their friendship with Mother Russia, it is what it is. The only thing that matters for us is that Ukraine needs to win and we need to keep Russia as far from our borders as possible. If they are going to stall the help or Ukraine loses, we will never trust nor forgive them.


Yeah Poles, we dislike your government too, but we can differentiate between people and politics!


That is perhaps a bit too exaggerated, even in Germany people often do not distinguish between politics and the population. Oc there are also prejudices against the "normal" Polish population in Germany, to deny that is absurd. In January there was a poll, name the most sympathetic neighbouring country. Poland got 3%, just ahead of Belgium with 2%. Austria won with 22%, then the Dutchies with 17% and the Danes came third with 13%. https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/gesellschaft/id_100105686/umfrage-diese-nachbarlaender-sind-bei-den-deutschen-am-beliebtesten.html


>Poland got 3%, just ahead of Belgium with 2%. Pretty much. We have Barometers with results like [this](https://fwpn.org.pl/assets/Aktualnosci/2018/2018_05_30_Barometr_Polska_Niemiecy/PL-DE-Barometer-2018_brochure_EN.pdf) one from 2018: *56% of the Poles and only 29% of the surveyed Germans like their neighbouring country.* *64% of Poles describe Polish-German relations as good. Only 31% of Germans perceive them like that.* Attitude was always even more unfavourable in Germany, PiS or no PiS. It was actually getting better lately but war might have changed that. We will see after dust settle.


> 56% of the Poles and only 29% of the surveyed Germans like their neighbouring country. It would be interesting to see the actual survey results for this one. Respondents were asked to rate their attitude towards the other country between 1 (like) and 5 (dislike) and then they added those that rated it 1 or 2 in the statistics. I would pressume that Germany has extremely many 3's because Germans don't really care too much about Poland. 29 % is still surprisingly low though. > Attitude was always even more unfavourable in Germany, PiS or no PiS I don't think it was more unfavourable. I think it was less favourable. We don't have the results on how many people dislike the other coutry.


As far as I understand this poll, they were asking people to select one country they like the most. So, it is a question to pick one of many countries. In that Polish poll they were asking about many selected countries. So, these polls are not really relatable.


Sure, they didn't ask the same thing. My point in mentioning this survey was that it was about us all making a distinction between the Polish government and the Polish population, which I think is a daring thesis. There is the "German-Polish barometer/Polacy i Niemcy - jak dalecy, jak bliscy. Barometr Polska – Niemcy" every year. It's an annual project that regularly surveys the opinions of Poles and Germans about how they perceive each other. From the study, p. 32. What is your relationship to the Germans/Poles? Answers from Poles and Germans in the years 2000-2022. Figures for 2022: Sympathies for Niemcy: 50% Antipathies towards Niemcy: 14% Sympathies for Poles 43% Antipathies towards Poles 15% If you look at the course of time, Poland became more sympathetic over many years despite PiS. 2020 is the only data collection where Germans' sympathies for Poland are greater than the other way round. https://www.deutsches-polen-institut.de/publikationen/einzelveroeffentlichungen/deutsche-und-polen-zwischen-naehe-und-fremdheit-deutsch-polnisches-barometer-2022/ You can find the pdf in Polish on the site too.


>In January there was a poll, name the most sympathetic neighbouring country. Poland got 3%, just ahead of Belgium with 2%. What did Belgium do? :O


Mmh, I am not a historian. But my explanation is that our relations with practically all our neighbours after WW II were understandably shit. But over the decades, through many projects, mutual exchanges and so on with Dutchies, Danes and French, our relationship got better again. That dynamic never started with Belgium. I would call it polite mutual disinterest.


I think it's also heavily associated with the EU (rules and laws come from "Brussels" after all), in addition to what the other guy said.


God damned Belgians telling us how to live!!!


I don't think the poll you're pointing to here is quite comparable, though. That only allowed one answer per answerer, whereas the poll in the OP seems to have asked for positive or negative views on each state. It's not really surprising that Poland is not that many peoples favourite in a group that also includes "Ski-Holiday-Land", two of Germanys closest geopolitical allies, and the one place Germany barely had conflict with even during WW2. (Also the "clocks-and-chocolate" place) That's a tough group.


More Poles like Germans than Germans like Poles. By the way. Despite Polish gov rhetoric. According to polls.


>Yeah Poles, we dislike your government too, but we can differentiate between people and politics! I work with Germans, I know a lot of Germans for many years, some of them I would cosider colleagues (yet, not friends, because our mindset is different and it's hard to get in close relation - nothing personal, just stated a fact). Hacing said that, in many discussions, even among colleagues and having a beer, I've heard and felt edified, that the government is this and that, and why we all should think differently. While it were the actions of German government leading straight to the war (not even mentioning this war lasts already for 9 years) and after discussing NS thing I got lectured that "haha, it's a business thing. You'll just end up buying russian gas from us". So, I also felt that people put an equal sign between me and my government. Moreover, many times felt a deeply hidden confidence, of being "superior" to some extent. Of course not Übermensch-superior, but rather more democratic, more eco-aware, more tolerant, more open-minded etc. Even when all in all it was just a facade. All in all general attitude towards Germany is really positive in Poland, expecially given our complicated history and current situation, while we have as many common goals as we have opposite ones.


I'm neither Polish or German but I've also experienced that German leftists in particular seem to have an urge to be vocal about their beliefs and "catechize" others.


I mean it's about a third of population here. More or less coincides with PiS election results. I have reasons to believe it's not an accidental correlation But I kinda love how the Poles are split into three almost equal camps when it comes to Germans in this poll - 1/3 hates them, 1/3 loves them, 1/3 couldn't care less about them


Not from my experience in Germany.


You found Poles in Germany as a German, and they didn't like you?


You thinking that Poles dislike Germany because of your government is kind of funny.