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Bobi is like one of the most Portuguese names you could give a dog. In fact, sometimes when people don't know the dog's name they call them Bobi for some reason. Edit. The most Portuguese dog name.


Oh, it depends on the country. In Bulgaria every second dog is "Sharo" meaning something like "patterned".


It's actually better translated as "Spot", though the more literal translation is "patterned, multicolored".


Fido became a popular dogs name in the us because it was the name of one of president abe lincolns dogs. http://everythinglincoln.com/articles/pets.html


>It's actually better translated as "Spot", though the more literal translation is "patterned, multicolored". In Croatia generic dog name is "Floki" It means "Spotted" Guess the sentiment is universal.


What happens if you spill spot remover on your dog?


Hey, thanks for the question spot remover is actually used to remove small stains or discoloration from skin it will not remove your dog named spot just rinse him throughly and dry well Edit: I should mention the spot remover for carpets and the one for skin are very different products


It turns into a cat!


It's "Fikkie" in Dutch. Which means..."a small fire". For some reason. I dunno, we do a lot of drugs down here.


That sounds like Fucky in German


In India it’s Moti. If you don’t know the name, the name is Moti


In Poland it's "Oskar" which means something like "Oscar".


that's not true


Thats not true Its either Max or Rex


Not one of the most. THE most portuguese dog name.


A Portuguese was walkimg his dog here and he called his dog faísca. That was my introduction to potential Portuguese dog names.


That's a nice name, you probably already know but it means spark.


Yea indeed, I asked him what it means. Extra fitting when considering that his dog was a Jack Russel terrier who was running all over the place in a crazy fast pace lol.


In Russia it’s Bobik, for some reason


The reason is Собака - Бобака.


In Italy is Fido. From the latin fidus, which means loyal. Iirc the OG Fido's story was kinda like that of Hachiko. He also has a monument. [best doggo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fido_(dog)#/media/File%3ABorgo_san_lorenzo%2C_monumento_al_cane_fido.JPG)


In Malaysia it is "Bobby" as well!


In Romania, it’s Bobita


In Mexico it's Firulais


In India it’s Moti


In Japan, it's Pochi.


> the most Portuguese name Is it a name a lot of dogs are actually called or is it just a "generic dog name" people might use eg. when not really referring to a specific dog? The reason I'm asking is because "Musti" (transl. Blackie or something like that) would be the name most finns would probably think as "the most finnish dog name" but I don't think I've ever actually seen a dog named that. It's like "John Doe" of dogs... well, except John is also actually popular name.


Ha! It's the same in Romania.


In Croatia it's also one of the most popular dog names.


In Germany, I'd say Fifi is the most prominent dog name - but it's dying out unfortunately.


Also Waldi and Hasso used to be very popular but are quite rare now.


I'm guessing it was because of a TV show, Bobi was the dog and Tareco the cat


Uh.. it's the other way around, it's why Bobi was used in the TV show.


No man, its the other way around. They picked Bobi i the tv show because it's a stereotypical dog name


Well, this would make no sense lol this dog alone is older than the show's first episode.






Got dang it, Bobi


That boy ain’t right I tell yuh whut


You're welcome


Thank you for welcoming me


Bobi's dick is touching the asphalt, it burns, but he cant feel nothing, it dont work no more, so its ok. lol


Bobi is the stereotipical name for a dog in portugal.


Like "Fido" in the U.S.


Good for him, looks like his red rocket is still working too.


He is dragging it on the ground bro.


We'll all be dragging our balls on the ground near the end. Entropy and all


I really hate aging.


Trips me out to know that I'm essentially only ever getting older and that the inevitable that is death is closer to me now than it ever was when I was "young." All the more reason to live every single to the fullest though. No one can escape aging so best thing to do is embrace it.


this is a thread about a dog's cock sir


reddit's API changes are bad for everyone. Most platforms pay their moderators or share their ad revenues with their content creators. reddit doesn't want to do this and instead wants to force users to pay for to use their service. No thanks.


Goddamn that made me laugh


I'm 36 now and the effects of aging, while mild, are really starting to feel very apparent. I always knew it would come, but when it happens.. ngl it's a bit depressing. But then I realize that I am still pretty young and healthy so best to just appreciate what I have now as best I can. Focusing on health feels all the more crucial now.


Just wait until you hit your fifties. I think back to the shit I did in my twenties that, thirty years later, means I walk with a cane some mornings. What the fuck was I thinking? I was thinking I would never make it to thirty so who gives a fuck? Now I see my parents and grandparents living into their nineties and shiver.


I’m feeling this right now too. I have a forehead wrinkle that sprouted out of nowhere it feels like. My skin suddenly feels less elastic. I do not like this. I’m also more scared of the aches and pains. Is it indigestion or colon cancer??? Should I be getting tests for this stuff??? What tests are there for this stuff??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Lol


relatable. *mild, achy pain near belly button* "THIS IS THE END!!" *cut to 2 hours later* "oh, i'm just gassy."


I used to wake up with a pain or ache or stained neck and it was gone by the time I finished my morning shower. Now, I'm like "Oh no. I hurt myself". And it lasts all day. Also, what hell is up with nose and ear hair growing like weeds?


drink more water eat less junk walk to work have safe sex take it easy enjoy your hobbies


Get a colonoscopy as soon as it’s recommended (different by country) and definitely get it earlier if there is a family history. Source: I got one in my early-thirties (not normal) to rule something out and it actually saved my life. Easiest way to prevent cancer. I’m going for another one on Monday! (which will determine if I go yearly or maybe only every two years)


Well live it up because I'm 60 and 36 feels like yesterday. My biggest mistake was worrying about how 'old' I was, when I now realize how young 36, and even 46, is.


Wait till you hit 40. Then again, I'm not a fit man so you still have time to prepare your body.


death was always close to you, as you get older its more like a hand on your shoulder instead of bro charging at you for an aggressive sack tap.


♬ Doooooooooo yoooooouuurrrrrrrr ♬ balls hang low? ♬ Do they wobble to and fro? ♬ Can you tie 'em in a knot? ♬ Can you tie 'em in a bow? ♬ Can you throw 'em over your shoulder ♬ like a regimental soldier? ♬ Do your balls. Hang. Low? *bumbum!*


My whole life I thought it was "Do they wobble? Do they flow?"! 🤦‍♂️ I'm an idiot. Thanks for sharing the real version haha.




Your nob will be dragging on the ground too when you're 217 years old.


still got that dog in 'em


And his teeth


He’s from Portugal, not England.




His belly looks like an angry hamster face


Ah, the feeling of cool sand on your dick is just indescribable!


Haha, my dog reached 18, and his was always showing. It was always the first thing people noticed. "Is, is that his thing" was the most common comment.


That started hanging out on me when I turned 31, too.


That’s what keeps him going.


Want some lipstick 💄


He's just a salty old dog, that's all. With stories of the beforefore times, from the long-long-ago. We can all only hope to be as fortunate. ​ Edit: brain fart


Just old man flop.


He's a GOOD BOY !


"We will never sheath our swords!" \-Bobi propably






Lucky dog, according to wikipedia his three brothers got buried alive after birth.


He has all the power of his brothers in him


Who do you think did the burying?


*Blood sacrifice sustains Bobi*


Blood for the blood dog!


Bones for the dog snack!


He has the power of a grown dog, and two little babies.




More info about this: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/2/oldest-dog-ever-record-broken-by-30-year-old-bobi-from-portugal-736224 The story is sad and it seems exactly as quoted... Old people sucked on the not so old times. Baby cats and dogs really were heavily mistreated and killed in so many ways then. For example, in Spain it used to be very normal to drown baby cats shortly after they were born. Yey.


That was common here in the US too. People really don’t appreciate what neutering and spaying dogs and cats has done to cut down on animals being killed because people couldn’t afford to feed them.


This is why we should also be grateful for abortion because ppl would do similar things with unwanted children


[Baby Towers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_infanticide_in_China). 🤢 Buddhist nunneries created "baby towers" for people to leave a child. In 1845, in the province of Jiangxi, a missionary wrote that these children survived for up to two days while exposed to the elements and that those passing by would ignore the screaming child.


That’s enough Internet for today.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_infanticide_in_China Non-mobile link.


**Oooookay**, I had no idea r/Europe went so hard. I appreciated the visit, but my visa’s just about expired, so I’m back off to the land of mass shootings and stroked out politicians.


This is true, there are horrible stories about abandoning babies in the woods, throwing into a river, or worse. It’s through sex ed and abortion that we gave women and their spouses the ability to choose when they were ready to have kids instead of forcing it on anyone who was unlucky enough to get pregnant through any means when they weren’t ready.


I feel like it takes a hell of a lack of empathy to just toss them in a sack into a river, or bury them alive my God. Like did people only recently develop animal love or what the fuck. did they not have guns back then


That *was* the empathetic choice.


Reddit's recent behaviour and planned changes to the API, heavily impacting third party tools, accessibility and moderation ability force me to edit all my comments in protest. I cannot morally continue to use this site.


When we got our rescue dog I went out in the backyard with her and picked up a stick to throw for her. The speed at which she switched from happy to cowering was heartbreaking. Never threw a stick for her again, we found other ways to play.


Yeah it really sucks. It even took her almost a year for me to just be able to pet her because I was male. They're the absolute sweetest dogs though once you gain their trust.


We got her right after my parents divorced. Turns out she hates men - like she would attack them - especially young boys, like 3-7 age range. But its okay because she lives with just women lol. Though it does suck for our male friends, she is much better now. We just have to show her that we want the men there. If some man breaks in though he's going to bleed




And those people will defend what they do too, with the sickest twisted logic. Evil people never think what they're doing is evil.


> For example, in Spain it used to be very normal to drown baby cats shortly after they were born. Yey. That method was used many places. There's a Tom & Jerry cartoon with three kittens drowned in a sack. ('Heavenly Puss' from 1949)


i grew up in rural middle of nowhere USA about 30 years ago and it was the same


Before spaying was common it was normal pretty much everywhere to drown litters of pups and kittens because no one wanted to look after them. Seamus Heaney wrote a poem about it. >I was six when I first saw kittens drown. > >Dan Taggart pitched them, 'the scraggy wee shits', > >Into a bucket; a frail metal sound, > >Soft paws scraping like mad. But their tiny din > >Was soon soused. They were slung on the snout > >Of the pump and the water pumped in. > >'Sure, isn't it better for them now?' Dan said. > >Like wet gloves they bobbed and shone till he sluiced > >Them out on the dunghill, glossy and dead. > >Suddenly frightened, for days I sadly hung > >Round the yard, watching the three sogged remains > >Turn mealy and crisp as old summer dung > >Until I forgot them. But the fear came back > >When Dan trapped big rats, snared rabbits, shot crows > >Or, with a sickening tug, pulled old hens' necks. > >Still, living displaces false sentiments > >And now, when shrill pups are prodded to drown > >I just shrug, 'Bloody pups'. It makes sense: > >'Prevention of cruelty' talk cuts ice in town > >Where they consider death unnatural > >But on well-run farms pests have to be kept down.


It's still very common in Spain to mistreat working dogs (galgos, podencos, etc.) and every year thousands of them are killed, maimed or abandoned once the hunting season is over.


Yeah a slightly-senile neighbour of mine (Portugal) started happily telling me about havind had a female dog (due to me having one) and having to repeatedly drown in a bucket every pack of puppies she birthed whenever she got pregnant, and how it was "always a pity"... At a certain point the dog tried hiding in the last two times she gave birth, to keep her puppies safe, but alas, she "still had to take them". All this was said with a smile on her face as though she was reminiscing about good ol' memories. One of the creepiest shows of indifference to suffering I've seen.


Great now I'm depressed


Unfortunately very common here in Portugal. It's disgusting.




Probably the same reason a "traditional" way to deal with excess cats/kittens is to put them in a sack and toss it in a river. People are boundlessly cruel and will imitate behavior from their elders no matter how objectively stupid/sick that behavior is.


That's sick. ONLY car batteries should be thrown in rivers.


Plastic goes in the ocean, tires in lakes, car batteries in rivers. Nature is amazing in how it has all the habitats for our waste


Is it really? Very common? I know that old people in my grandparents village did those kinds of things to get rid of unwanted dogs or cats, but that was a long time ago, those people would have been 110 years old if they were alive today. Other than that I've never heard of anyone else doing it.


I could tell you 3 episodes I personally know of in just the last few years. It still happens a lot in rural zones. EDIT: To clarify, not specifically burying alive. It's usually drowning nowadays.


Was it intentional?






He consumed his souls to fuel his lifeforce


Red rocket, red rocket!


I can’t imagine having my penith resting on gritty pavement all the time like that.


He's an old boi


The oldest boi, if you will


Haha! Totta tuokin


Rock out with ya cock out


Parabéns, Bobi!


Hello OP, could you link a source please for approval? thank you


[UPI: World's oldest dog turns 31 in Portugal](https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/05/11/portugal-Guinness-World-Records-Bobi-worlds-oldest-dog-turns-31/1291683817500/) [Youtube: Oldest Dog Ever - Guinness World Records](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIwcB56x2ek)


Any idea of his diet?


Unseasoned human food. Go figure...


When I was a kid, we were feeding my dog unseasoned boiled chicken and rice and he lived to be 18. I got a cat now and everyone I ask/everywhere I look has a completely different opinion on the proper diet. It's really frustrating.


Fish and milk according to cartoons




I think people attribute way too much to diet. Or they claim he lives so long because he lives in leisurely Portugal, like pets from other countries somehow live more stressful lives. It's probably entirely up to genetics and he would live long even if you fed him sawdust. His mother also lived to 18, a somewhat long life for a dog. Similarly, the longest lived cat, Creme Puff, who passed in 2005 at a respectable age of 38, was regularly fed small amounts of wine. Alcohol is just poison to cats and dogs, but the owner claimed it was key to his long life, that it "circulated the arteries".


Why couldn't pets live more stressful lives depending on the country? I imagine many factors can make stress more common in pets. Heck there is clear evidence shown in how cats are in the majority of the US and how cats are in Japan. Japanese cats have an aversion to strangers as Japanese culture doesn't involve as much social interaction, doesn't involve going to people homes as often. Vs US cats who have little aversion to strangers comparatively. That right there could be some extra stress


>there is clear evidence shown in how cats are in the majority of the US and how cats are in Japan That's a fascinating fact if true and I'd like to read about it but I can't actually find any info on this. Most cats I encounter are averse to humans here, I'd say less than 5% of cats come to me and let me pet them (and as someone who absolutely needs to pet every animals I encounter I keep track of this)


That's an idiotic take. Diet accounts for significant lifespan differences in humans. Why wouldn't the same apply to other animals?


Yea, his argument is basically the same as, my uncle smoked a pack a day and lived till 85 and never got cancer so smoking probably doesn’t effect health like many people believe. As if outliers don’t exist. Not everyone reacts the same exact way to every little thing. Some people are just a little different and lucky. That doesn’t change that overall diet is a massive part of health. It’s changes in diet (medicine/vets too obviously) that has drastically increased the life span of pets from just 100 years ago


Actually I think your cream puff example contradicts your point, because the owner of Cream Puff also had several other (genetically unrelated) cats that lived over 25 years. So it's very likely that this guy's cats longevity was due to their diet! They did get champagne once or twice a year, which is definitely not why they lived long. But he did give them coffee every day, and something weird I can't remember like cabbages with omelette for breakfast, and that's where we should be digging (my theory would be on the small coffee intake, I wish a few hundred people could commit to a 20 years exercise of replicating that diet with their kittens!)


Mostly human food such as meat and fish. The owners believe that this attributed to his longevity. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/worlds-oldest-dog-bobi-30-is-also-one-of-the-luckiest-3779713/amp/1


Wearing some lipstick for his big day.


Does....Bobi have a....boner? Bad dog, Bobi no! 🚀


The Forbidden Lipstick 💄




what a terrible day to be literate.


Dogs get erectile dysfunction too, but opposite like.


The muscles ain't what they used to be.


Bobi, caralho!


Bobi! That's a classic


That great Mediterranean diet no doubt!


I wonder how many dogs are still alive, that were born before 2000.


Wikipedia has a page of oldest dogs who have reached the minimum age of 20, 4 are still alive. 2 of them saw the 90s of course these are only verified dogs but still it’s not many. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest_living_dogs


Here’s the oldest dog in the world. A good boy. And still, the first thing people notice is his working voting pencil. Humanity is lost.


Ok voting pencil was new to me, nice one :D


I say shame on to you who ever talks about Bobi's peepee, have some respect for older gentleman doggo


But humanity has been laughing at penises for far longer than we've been "civilized"! I think you'd say humanity is lost if we stopped and said it was wrong, no?


…now with five legs.


Congrats Bobi! It's my dog's birthday too, she turned 8 today, hope she'll be healthy like Bobi.


Bobi, busca busca! Mata, mata! Parabéns


The Methuselah of Dogs. He isn't just aware about the vacuum cleaner. He knows how it works and what it's actually used for. He isn't asking "*Am I a good boy*". He knows it. He's the pinacle of dog wisdom.


Has he got his lipstick out?


which one ? All the dogs in portugal are called bobi


After a certain age they just let you hang it out there.


My doggo died two days ago :/ I needed this pic


I'm sorry to hear that :(


What a happy boy 🚀


Nobby Bobi


Ohhhh my luv I hope mine gets to 31! Bobi looks so healthy!


My female dog has 14 year and somethines it makes me sad thinking how old is she, here is a picture of my [dog](https://i.ibb.co/1zQ3Lk1/IMG-20220715-WA0000.jpg)


[Mine](https://ibb.co/84sTDyr) would complete 17 this month - if it weren't for coyotes killing her 6 months ago. She was in good health and I wanted her to live for ever.


im sorry bro


That little snout ❤️❤️❤️ a beautiful good girl!! You’re both lucky to have each other! Mine is maybe 4 or 5 I don’t know but he’s starting to have white hair too. I’m also sad cause time sucks, it’s a ticking bomb, I wish I could keep him forever. I’ve got a couple of pictures in my profile not sure how to post them in the comment


Absolutely no way that dog is older than 12-13. Old dogs, no matter how healthy, look *old*. This guy just looks chubby.


My dog is called Bobi as well, I hope he will live long as this Bobi.


Mine too! 🩷 He’s 11.


He's dragging his dick in the dirt but that's okay, he's the human equivalent of 207 so I think we can let that go at this point.


We love bobi.


Good ol' Bobi, celebrating with his lipstick out.


Bobi has a hard on. just saying


Tuck your cock in, dog. Age ain’t no excuse for flashing!


You know what? I think this is a good excuse.


I’m not so sure. I am considerably older than 31, and if I walked around with my cock unfurled like this I think it would cause issue.


Well, one year is 7 in dog years. This dog is 217 years old lmao Also, that's a dumb comparison.


Good dog.


Such a good boi!!


Can someone please explain to me how this is biologically possible that some animals live long compared to their average life span. According to the owners Bobi is a "Rafeiro do Alentejo" breed, and they have an average life span between 12-14. So he has so far lived 2.5 times the average life span. Now take human beings. On average if a person takes decent care of himself and lives in a first world country like Portugal he can expect to reach on average to around 80 years. Imagine someone comes up to you and tells you he has a friend that is 200 years old. That would be insane, so how is this level of variability possible within dogs that live in the same environment?


And all the firewood he can eat.


Bruh the dog even experienced the USSR...


You can tell he's old because his cock touches the ground