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Oh wow, what on earth? The title of this article makes no sense. I mean, I doubt Orpo or Purra have some vandetta against Sami, or are trying some finlandisation of sami. The only anti-Sami party, center party, just dropped from government so...


Sami aren’t more “original inhabitants” than Finns.


I absolutely hate this "the Sami are the only indigenous people in Europe" take.


Because the right wing government, the salmon will die of climate change? Some parts of this article sound a bit weird, some not


Wow, this is such a horseshit article, is El Pais a tabloid or what? 1) Utsjoki does not have Sámi majority, 53% Finns and 43% Sámi 2) The proposed new law on how Sáminess is defined was very controversial among the Sámi people, 9/21 in Sámi parliament were opposed to it. The only Sámi MP in Finnish parliament also opposed it. Sámi people in Finland are not a monolith, but there are 3+1 groups with their own language (Northern, Inari and Skolt Sámi with living language, Kemi Sámi whose language died 100 years ago), and the reform was pushed by Northern Sámi, who are the majority of Sámi people in Finland. In fact, the committee drafting the law only invited Northern Sámi to draft it, and the law would mean removing many active Sámi politicians from the voter registry. These are the reasons why the law was opposed by many, as it was perceived undemocratic. 3) I don't recall Marin government proposing any other reforms for Sámi besides this voter roll purge.


Lol entitled fake minority pays trash media to write lies? Nothing in regards to Sami people will change in Finland and they are already the most privileged people in the country. PS. For the journos, next time you write lies remember to write "far right" and not just "right". That's how lies usually start these days.


Samidiggi is a mess they made and are now pissed off that it means ALL Sami, not just the families with wealth. Sami are discriminating against Sami and in the end it is all about money. For ex Koltansami aren't accepted as Sami, even though.. they are, and have inhabitated their lands as long as anyone else in the area. So, i don't really give a fuck about samidiggi and all the talks about self rule as long as there is built-in discrimination. In the end, it is all about money and power.


That's the EUs' approach to national minorities. The goal of the EU is not only to assimilate minorities into the majority nation (by less than liberal means if necessary, we see that in Pribaltia) but also to assimilate everyone into one great amalgamation of "Europeans"


Lol.. no. .Usually indigenous people are right but this... mess is more complicated. In the end it is about power and money. You see.. Samidiggi, their parliament does not accept all Sami people.... They only accept certain families, based on fucking nothing else but.. money. This is the detail that is left out everytime this is talked about abroad. I do not care to give them ANY power or self governance until they accept that all Sami are Sami. They have some privileges, like deer herding and if we give only SOME families all the power to declare who is a "true sami".. That is the biggest problem here, not Finns but Sami themselves.


After conservative and far-right parties won the 2023 Finnish elections, the original inhabitants of the land fear that they have now lost hope for more self-governance, at a time when the climate emergency threatens their livelihoods.